InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bound To Me ❯ Chapter Ten ( Chapter 10 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The White Stripes - In The Cold, Cold Night:
I saw you standing in the corner / On the edge of a burning light / I saw you standing in the corner / Come to me again, in the cold, cold night / You make me feel a little older, / Like a full grown woman might / But when you're gone I grow colder, / Come to me again in the cold, cold night / I see you walking by my front door / I hear the creaking of the kitchen floor / I don't care what other people say / I'm going to love you, anyway / Come to me again in the cold, cold night / I can't stand it any longer / I need the fuel to make my fire bright / So don't fight it any longer / Come to me again, in the cold, cold night / And I know that you feel it too, / When my skin turns into glue, / You will know that it's warm inside / And you'll come run to me, / In the cold, cold night
Abiona was trying to go to sleep. She tossed and turned over and over again. "Why doesn't Kagome tell Inuyasha about Kikyo? If he knew how evil she really is... Maybe he would realize that he doesn;t love her anymore, and he could be with Kagome." She gave up and decided to go to Miroku's room. She walked in and realized that he was sleeping. She kneeled down beside him. He suddenly sat straight up and yelled at her. "GET AWAY FROM ME!", he said.
"What?", she asked.
He pushed her away. "Get away before you...", he suddenly stopped.
"Miroku?", she askded. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah... I think so.", he said.
"What just happened?", she asked.
"I was dreaming... I'm fine now...", he paused. "Are you okay?", he asked.
Abiona tilted her head and looked at him.
Breathing heavily, grunting and moaning... Sesshomaru tried to resist the attack on his body. He clawed the walls and screamed one last time...
He opened his eyes and looked around. He had a strong urge to leave this place. He wanted to find something..., but WHAT? He looked over and noticed Rin was peeking in on him. He quickly got up and ran after her.
Abiona walked outside and saw Kagome packing her stuff. "Are we finally leaving?", she asked.
"No, I'm just going home for a couple of days.", said Kagome.
Abiona got frustrated. "Shouldn't we be looking for someone who can help me?", she asked. "I mean, if I'm goign to be stuck here, I would at least like to know what it looks like."
"To tell you the truth, I don't think that we will be able to find what we're looking for.", said Kagome. "And the only one who would know anything about it has completely dissapeared."
"So, you've been lying to me this whole time?", asked Abiona.
Kagome stopped what she was doing and looked at Abiona. "I'm sorry...", she said. "Is there anything you need?"
Abiona thought for a moment. "Well, every month my parents send me a money that needs to be picked up. My rent needs to be paid, otherwise I'll have nowhere to go if and when I get back. Could you get me some batteries for my CD player and bring my portable DVD player? I REALLY need to escape for a while..." She stopped and then continued. "Other than that... I would enjoy some junk food..."
Kagome looked confused.
"Don't worry, you can pay for it all with my money... or rather, my parent's money."
"Okay, I'l try to remember.", said Kagome. They both let out a laugh.
"I'm sorry Lord Sesshomaru! I won't do it again!", Rin yelled as Sesshomaru dragged her through the forest.
"I have no time to take care of children. You will be much happier with your own kind.", he said.
"But I thought I could be with you forever!", she yelled.
"You were wrong. I cannot take care of you anymore!", he yelled as they neared a village.
I saw you standing in the corner / On the edge of a burning light / I saw you standing in the corner / Come to me again, in the cold, cold night / You make me feel a little older, / Like a full grown woman might / But when you're gone I grow colder, / Come to me again in the cold, cold night / I see you walking by my front door / I hear the creaking of the kitchen floor / I don't care what other people say / I'm going to love you, anyway / Come to me again in the cold, cold night / I can't stand it any longer / I need the fuel to make my fire bright / So don't fight it any longer / Come to me again, in the cold, cold night / And I know that you feel it too, / When my skin turns into glue, / You will know that it's warm inside / And you'll come run to me, / In the cold, cold night
Abiona was trying to go to sleep. She tossed and turned over and over again. "Why doesn't Kagome tell Inuyasha about Kikyo? If he knew how evil she really is... Maybe he would realize that he doesn;t love her anymore, and he could be with Kagome." She gave up and decided to go to Miroku's room. She walked in and realized that he was sleeping. She kneeled down beside him. He suddenly sat straight up and yelled at her. "GET AWAY FROM ME!", he said.
"What?", she asked.
He pushed her away. "Get away before you...", he suddenly stopped.
"Miroku?", she askded. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah... I think so.", he said.
"What just happened?", she asked.
"I was dreaming... I'm fine now...", he paused. "Are you okay?", he asked.
Abiona tilted her head and looked at him.
Breathing heavily, grunting and moaning... Sesshomaru tried to resist the attack on his body. He clawed the walls and screamed one last time...
He opened his eyes and looked around. He had a strong urge to leave this place. He wanted to find something..., but WHAT? He looked over and noticed Rin was peeking in on him. He quickly got up and ran after her.
Abiona walked outside and saw Kagome packing her stuff. "Are we finally leaving?", she asked.
"No, I'm just going home for a couple of days.", said Kagome.
Abiona got frustrated. "Shouldn't we be looking for someone who can help me?", she asked. "I mean, if I'm goign to be stuck here, I would at least like to know what it looks like."
"To tell you the truth, I don't think that we will be able to find what we're looking for.", said Kagome. "And the only one who would know anything about it has completely dissapeared."
"So, you've been lying to me this whole time?", asked Abiona.
Kagome stopped what she was doing and looked at Abiona. "I'm sorry...", she said. "Is there anything you need?"
Abiona thought for a moment. "Well, every month my parents send me a money that needs to be picked up. My rent needs to be paid, otherwise I'll have nowhere to go if and when I get back. Could you get me some batteries for my CD player and bring my portable DVD player? I REALLY need to escape for a while..." She stopped and then continued. "Other than that... I would enjoy some junk food..."
Kagome looked confused.
"Don't worry, you can pay for it all with my money... or rather, my parent's money."
"Okay, I'l try to remember.", said Kagome. They both let out a laugh.
"I'm sorry Lord Sesshomaru! I won't do it again!", Rin yelled as Sesshomaru dragged her through the forest.
"I have no time to take care of children. You will be much happier with your own kind.", he said.
"But I thought I could be with you forever!", she yelled.
"You were wrong. I cannot take care of you anymore!", he yelled as they neared a village.