InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Boundaries of Trust ❯ The Past and Present ( Chapter 4 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Unwanted. Undesired. Unwelcome. That is what two children, cowering behind a hut, were thought to be. She was only three months when her parents died in this village, and although youkai mature quicker than humans, she was still a child. She was only three months, and she had to protect her two month old sister.
She didn't know why they hated them so much. What had they ever done? They were sure to be good, staying out of their villages if they could help it. They didn't approach their children or steal their food. So why were they currently hunting them down?
They were approaching their hiding place. She had to think quick. She carefully grabbed Rin, and dove into the forest. She made sure not to go in too deeply, for what wild youkai didn't like to have two pups for a snack?
She hid herself and the precious child in the deserted cave-like temple their parents had inhabbited. The villagers would not go near here, for they feared the ghosts and specters that were said to haunt this place. But she wasn't scared. They were friendly, sympathetic even. They hid their scent so that no wandering youkai could smell them, and even showed them the best places to forage. Yes, these faded past beings were her friends, and she trusted them with everything.
He could not believe this. Why did his father insist on dragging him along to his visits to the humans? They were so tedious. The scum themselves smelt like dirt, death, blood, and sweat. Some smelt like their cattle. Yes, he hated being here. He hated it even more so because the hanyou brat had come along. Normally he could sit under a nice tree outside of the village, and relax from the daily tension of being heir. But no, he now had to watch over the hyper-active hanyou, and make sure that no cocky or arrogant human decided to rid the world of one more hanyou.
"Sesshoumaru! Sesshoumaru! Come here! Look at what I found!" The boy in question was jumping up and down, pointing into the forest. Then, suddenly, he jolted into it, laughing. Cursing the stupidity of his half brother, Sesshoumaru followed. He wasn't very interested. It was probably some bug or flower or maybe a wounded animal. Who knew what incited the hanyou's curiousity.
What he wasn't expecting to find was a run down temple inhabited by ghouls.
"Inuyasha, you will stay away from there." He spoke with as much authority as he could muster, but the child was already bounding up the steps and in the door. Suddenly there was silence, followed by, "Sesshoumaru!"
Sighing, he followed his charge into the building, then stopped. What were they doing here, in such a place?
He looked down at the obviously youkai children as they slept, unaware of the intruders. He inspected what he believed to be the older of the two. She had short black hair, which looked slightly worn. Perhaps from someone grabbing it?....
He jerked back when he felt the unreasonable urge to snarl. Why did the thought of someone laying a hand on this girl bring forth such a reaction?
"Sesshoumaru! Inuyasha!"
The two jerked, spinning around to meet the mad eyes of their father.
"Daddy! Look at what we found! Can I keep them?"
InuTaishou looked behind Inuyasha, startled to see a blur disappear behind him. He wasn't stupid. He could smell the girls in the building, knew exactly where they were. Normally he wouldn't bother with other children. Surely their parents could do that. But something was nagging at his reason, and he felt inclined to listen. He slowly approached where the girl was hiding, and spoke in his most gentle voice.
"Hello, child. I am Lord InuTaishou, Lord of the west. Would you please come out here? Who are you, young pup. Where are you're parents?" Slowly, and carefully, the girl came out of her hiding place. He was shocked at how young they were, and at the condition they were in. Slowly, the girl began to speak.
"M-my name is K-kagome, InuTaishou-sama, and this is my little sister Rin. Our p-parents are-are d-d-ea--..." She broke off, tears streaming down her dirty face. He smiled gently, and went to rub his hand over her head. He understood now. This young pup was the soulmate to his son. He saw an opportunity here.
"Well, hello little Kagome. This is my first son Sesshoumaru, and my second son Inuyasha. You seem like a very sweet little girl, but why are you here, in a human village?" Again, he spoke gently, while picking up both girls. He held Kagome in his arms, and Rin slept soundly on his tail.
"Well, our parents were coming here -I don't know why - and they ended up dieing. I didn't know where else to take ourselves, so I stayed. But those villagers, they don't like us. Their always saying mean things, and throwing things. I don't think I like them either." She never noticed that while she talked, InuTaishou had begun to leave the village.
"I see. Would you like to leave this village?" At her nod, he continued. "Would you like to live with me and my sons? I have often wondered what it would be like to have daughters." For the first time, he saw a smile break out over the girl's face, and it looked like it belonged there.
"I would love that! Thankyou InuTaishou-sama!" She hugged him around the neck, then looked back at the two boys. She looked Sesshoumaru in the eyes, and smiled.
And he could feel his heart melt just a little bit.
"Kagome-sama? Kagome-sama? Kagome-sama, are you alright?"
Kagome blinked a few times, before turning towards Shinya, who held a worried look on her face.
"I'm fine Shinya. I was just....thinking. That's all." She smiled slightly when she saw Shinya sigh with relief.
"I'm just making sure, mi'lady. You can never be too carefull." At this, Kagome nodded.
Sighing, she got up from her perch at the window, for once noticing that Sesshoumaru was absent. At her lady's confused face, Shinya spoke.
"He's with his father, mi'lady. They are going over some battle tactics with the others lords. He has asked," which made Kagome smile bcause he never 'asked' anything, "that you be kept inside with a servent at all times. With the other lords and those loyal to them, he does not wish for harm to fal upon you if something were to go wrong." Kagome sighed with a roll of her eyes. Of course.
"Where's Rin, Shinya?" She felt like coloring with her little sister, and talking, and doing eachother's hair. And pretending like she was her old self before 'it' happened.
Shinya looked thoughtful, before speaking again. "I believe she is in the playroom with Shippo-sama." She then proceeded to lead Kagome to the room with the two innocents.
Kagome was amazed. She had never seen so much food in one place before! InuTaishou had brought them to him palace, where he told servents to prepare rooms for the sisters. He told another to help clean up the children and prepare them for dinner. She had woken up Rin and told her what had happened and, as expected, the little girl was estatic. The place was so pretty, and the people were nice!
Kagome had been dressed in a light blue kimono, with lavander swirls weaving throughout the peice. Rin's was similar, the colors simply switched. The girls beamed. They had never been in such beautiful (or comfortable) clothing before. They felt great.
Then the food. Oh, the food! There was chicken, roast, pig, and deer, along with many fruits and vegetables. Their mouths watered. They looked up at InuTaishou with pleading, hopefull eyes. He simply smiled and nodded, allowing the girls to fill up their plates with as much as they could. For two youkai children who had been
starving, they were strangely polite. They did not simply shove it all in their mouth. They took bites out of everything, all the while smiling at eachother and thanking
the Western lord profusely.
She didn't know why they hated them so much. What had they ever done? They were sure to be good, staying out of their villages if they could help it. They didn't approach their children or steal their food. So why were they currently hunting them down?
They were approaching their hiding place. She had to think quick. She carefully grabbed Rin, and dove into the forest. She made sure not to go in too deeply, for what wild youkai didn't like to have two pups for a snack?
She hid herself and the precious child in the deserted cave-like temple their parents had inhabbited. The villagers would not go near here, for they feared the ghosts and specters that were said to haunt this place. But she wasn't scared. They were friendly, sympathetic even. They hid their scent so that no wandering youkai could smell them, and even showed them the best places to forage. Yes, these faded past beings were her friends, and she trusted them with everything.
He could not believe this. Why did his father insist on dragging him along to his visits to the humans? They were so tedious. The scum themselves smelt like dirt, death, blood, and sweat. Some smelt like their cattle. Yes, he hated being here. He hated it even more so because the hanyou brat had come along. Normally he could sit under a nice tree outside of the village, and relax from the daily tension of being heir. But no, he now had to watch over the hyper-active hanyou, and make sure that no cocky or arrogant human decided to rid the world of one more hanyou.
"Sesshoumaru! Sesshoumaru! Come here! Look at what I found!" The boy in question was jumping up and down, pointing into the forest. Then, suddenly, he jolted into it, laughing. Cursing the stupidity of his half brother, Sesshoumaru followed. He wasn't very interested. It was probably some bug or flower or maybe a wounded animal. Who knew what incited the hanyou's curiousity.
What he wasn't expecting to find was a run down temple inhabited by ghouls.
"Inuyasha, you will stay away from there." He spoke with as much authority as he could muster, but the child was already bounding up the steps and in the door. Suddenly there was silence, followed by, "Sesshoumaru!"
Sighing, he followed his charge into the building, then stopped. What were they doing here, in such a place?
He looked down at the obviously youkai children as they slept, unaware of the intruders. He inspected what he believed to be the older of the two. She had short black hair, which looked slightly worn. Perhaps from someone grabbing it?....
He jerked back when he felt the unreasonable urge to snarl. Why did the thought of someone laying a hand on this girl bring forth such a reaction?
"Sesshoumaru! Inuyasha!"
The two jerked, spinning around to meet the mad eyes of their father.
"Daddy! Look at what we found! Can I keep them?"
InuTaishou looked behind Inuyasha, startled to see a blur disappear behind him. He wasn't stupid. He could smell the girls in the building, knew exactly where they were. Normally he wouldn't bother with other children. Surely their parents could do that. But something was nagging at his reason, and he felt inclined to listen. He slowly approached where the girl was hiding, and spoke in his most gentle voice.
"Hello, child. I am Lord InuTaishou, Lord of the west. Would you please come out here? Who are you, young pup. Where are you're parents?" Slowly, and carefully, the girl came out of her hiding place. He was shocked at how young they were, and at the condition they were in. Slowly, the girl began to speak.
"M-my name is K-kagome, InuTaishou-sama, and this is my little sister Rin. Our p-parents are-are d-d-ea--..." She broke off, tears streaming down her dirty face. He smiled gently, and went to rub his hand over her head. He understood now. This young pup was the soulmate to his son. He saw an opportunity here.
"Well, hello little Kagome. This is my first son Sesshoumaru, and my second son Inuyasha. You seem like a very sweet little girl, but why are you here, in a human village?" Again, he spoke gently, while picking up both girls. He held Kagome in his arms, and Rin slept soundly on his tail.
"Well, our parents were coming here -I don't know why - and they ended up dieing. I didn't know where else to take ourselves, so I stayed. But those villagers, they don't like us. Their always saying mean things, and throwing things. I don't think I like them either." She never noticed that while she talked, InuTaishou had begun to leave the village.
"I see. Would you like to leave this village?" At her nod, he continued. "Would you like to live with me and my sons? I have often wondered what it would be like to have daughters." For the first time, he saw a smile break out over the girl's face, and it looked like it belonged there.
"I would love that! Thankyou InuTaishou-sama!" She hugged him around the neck, then looked back at the two boys. She looked Sesshoumaru in the eyes, and smiled.
And he could feel his heart melt just a little bit.
"Kagome-sama? Kagome-sama? Kagome-sama, are you alright?"
Kagome blinked a few times, before turning towards Shinya, who held a worried look on her face.
"I'm fine Shinya. I was just....thinking. That's all." She smiled slightly when she saw Shinya sigh with relief.
"I'm just making sure, mi'lady. You can never be too carefull." At this, Kagome nodded.
Sighing, she got up from her perch at the window, for once noticing that Sesshoumaru was absent. At her lady's confused face, Shinya spoke.
"He's with his father, mi'lady. They are going over some battle tactics with the others lords. He has asked," which made Kagome smile bcause he never 'asked' anything, "that you be kept inside with a servent at all times. With the other lords and those loyal to them, he does not wish for harm to fal upon you if something were to go wrong." Kagome sighed with a roll of her eyes. Of course.
"Where's Rin, Shinya?" She felt like coloring with her little sister, and talking, and doing eachother's hair. And pretending like she was her old self before 'it' happened.
Shinya looked thoughtful, before speaking again. "I believe she is in the playroom with Shippo-sama." She then proceeded to lead Kagome to the room with the two innocents.
Kagome was amazed. She had never seen so much food in one place before! InuTaishou had brought them to him palace, where he told servents to prepare rooms for the sisters. He told another to help clean up the children and prepare them for dinner. She had woken up Rin and told her what had happened and, as expected, the little girl was estatic. The place was so pretty, and the people were nice!
Kagome had been dressed in a light blue kimono, with lavander swirls weaving throughout the peice. Rin's was similar, the colors simply switched. The girls beamed. They had never been in such beautiful (or comfortable) clothing before. They felt great.
Then the food. Oh, the food! There was chicken, roast, pig, and deer, along with many fruits and vegetables. Their mouths watered. They looked up at InuTaishou with pleading, hopefull eyes. He simply smiled and nodded, allowing the girls to fill up their plates with as much as they could. For two youkai children who had been
starving, they were strangely polite. They did not simply shove it all in their mouth. They took bites out of everything, all the while smiling at eachother and thanking
the Western lord profusely.
