InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Brief Moments ❯ Revelations ( Chapter 17 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 17
Inu-dai - It's what Karen calls InuYasha and Sesshoumaru's father. Dai means great, or preceding in Japanese. She is calling him, “The Great Dog.”
Chichi-ue -Sesshoumaru uses this when talking about his father. He actually uses this in the manga and the anime. Chichi means father, while ue refers to higher rank. Kohaku uses Anee-ue (older sister of higher rank) for Sango. It works the same.
Midoriko -The original priestess who fought against the youkai. It was from the combination of her soul and the youkai's soul that formed the Shikon no Tama.
Toukimaru -The husband of Midoriko. I made it up. This one is not canon. Touki means winter season, and maru is a typical ending for a young mans name. It is a guy's name that I took a liking too.
Concubines -What Sesshoumaru says about concubines later in the story is true. It was common for the upper classes to keep concubines. I would go into a lot of the history, but I think that Sess is going to explain it more in the next chapter. If I don't write it into the story, then I'll write a special note on the subject next time.
Yutaka -I named this character after the bass player of the band Buck-Tick. I'm so obsessed!
Now to the story….
Rin had just begun her conversation with Nishi as Sesshoumaru emerged from the forest. He appeared to be carrying a large boar by its hind legs. The animal's head was missing, and its belly had been sliced open at an odd angle. The closer he came, the more disgusting the image became.
Sesshoumaru came to a dead stop directly in front of Rin. Without turning his body to face her, or looking at her at all, he asked, “Will this do?” The words came out of his mouth as if he had been talking to her intimately, yet his face was as blank as ever. His entire stance conveyed an eerie elegance that only he could accomplish with such ease.
Rin leaned away from the animal and nodded, “Arigatou gozaimasu, Sesshoumaru-sama.”
With her appeasement, Sesshoumaru walked up to Inu Yasha and tossed the carcass at his feet. “I've fulfilled my obligation. The rest is for you,” he said and turned away.
“Hey,” Inu Yasha jumped up from his place at Kagome's side. “Where the hell are you going now?”
Without looking back, Sesshoumaru answered, “To rid myself of this filth.”
As always, Jaken jumped up to follow his master, only to be immediately rejected once again.
“Poor Jaken-sama,” Rin said sadly, while Jaken's body fell backwards into the grass.
“There's not a drop of blood on him,” Nishi whispered.
“It's the smell that he's talking about,” Inu Yasha grumbled as he watched Sesshoumaru disappear into the trees.
“Sango-chan!” Kagome gasped as she took off after Sango, who was running towards the nearest line of trees.
“Wha…what the…?” InuYasha asked in confusion as he spun around to face Miroku.
Miroku's back was to InuYasha as he explained, “She suddenly got pale, and…before I know it, she was running.”
“Great,” InuYasha grumbled. “I guess I'll start on this thing.” He unsheathed Tessaiga, and announced, “If I'm gutting the pig, someone else is getting the fire started. And it's not going to be me who cooks the thing.”
“Oh well, I'm sure that Kagome-sama is with Sango by now. I'm sure it is better to let her tend to Sango, anyway,” Miroku sighed. He didn't care what chore he got stuck with, as long as he knew that Sango was being looked after.
InuYasha stuck the end of the Tessaiga into the meat, and then stood to remove his upper garments. Blood and pig's fat were not things he wanted all over his clothes. Despite his annoyance at being left to gut the filthy animal, he tried to take Miroku feel better. “Sango's a strong woman, you know. She probably just caught wind of the smell,” He said as he tossed the clothes aside. “I know I've smelled youkai who've had a better scent. I'll be surprised if I don't puke before I'm finished.”
Miroku smiled and nodded towards InuYasha before saying, “Come on, Shippo, help me look for firewood.”
“Can I come with him?” Nishi spoke up as Shippo hopped to his feet.
“Stay here with me and Rin,” InuYasha ordered. “Things will get done quicker, if he is in a rush to get back to you.”
Nishi watched dejectedly as Shippo was lead away by Miroku. However, Rin didn't let Nishi sit and sulk. Instead, Rin went back to asking questions.
`He would pick something this messy, just because it took so little effort to kill,' Inu Yasha thought as he cut a large piece of the meat away from the body. `Heaven forbid the mighty Sesshoumaru should get dirt under his pretty nails.'
By the time Sango had realized that running wasn't making her feel better, she was in the forest. She had thrown herself against a large rock, just in time to empty the contents of her stomach behind it.
Kagome waited silently as Sango fought to keep her hair away from her face. Without a word, Kagome moved up beside her friend, and took over the job of tending the long black hair.
When there had been nothing left to expel, Sango stood up by leaning on the rock for support. With a shaky voice, she whispered, “I'm sorry, Kagome-chan. I didn't want anyone to see that.”
Kagome placed her hand on Sango's back. She made small circles with the flat of her palm as she said, “I know, but I followed anyway. You don't have to worry about it.”
“Arigatou,” Sango replied. She was still too embarrassed to say much more.
“What's happening Sango-chan? This is only the second time that I've seen you sick like this. Are you ok?”
“I need your help to answer that question.”
Kagome looked at her with a puzzled expression.
“I got sick like this the morning of your wedding. Your mother was the only other person awake, and she found me in the bathroom. I was too embarrassed to talk to her about it. So, she insisted that I bring something back with me. She said that you would be able to help me use it.”
Kagome took a second to wonder what Mama could have sent back. Then suddenly it came together in her mind. “Oh my God…,” she gasped and put her hand over her mouth. “Sango-chan, are you talking about a pregnancy test?”
Sango looked up at Kagome with even greater embarrassment than before, and replied, “I don't know what that thing is called. But…I do think that I'm pregnant. All the signs are there. I need to be sure before I tell Miroku.”
Kagome tossed her arms around her friend, and asked, “Why did you wait so long to tell me?”
Sango returned the hug and responded, “You had so much to deal with. I didn't want to burden you.”
“You should've told me. You're my best friend. Don't ever think that way again,” Kagome insisted. “Where's the test?”
“It's back at the village. We'd have to sneak back to get it.”
“Do you think you can run without getting sick again?”
“I hope so. I think it was the smell of the boar that made me sick.”
“Then let's go. If we are gone too long, they'll come looking for us. If we're lucky, you'll have an answer really soon.”
InuYasha stomped through the forest. He had left Miroku and Shippo to cook the pieces of pork he had cut. A large towel had been draped across his naked left shoulder, and he was holding a bar of soap in his right hand. He was hungry, tired, and thanks to the boar, he stank. He had no choice but to take a bath in the cold river. It was something he was not looking forward too.
`Great, Sesshoumaru had the same damned idea that I had,' he thought as his brother's scent came to him on the breeze. `He would pick this spot. Screw it! I don't feel like walking any farther. He's gonna have to share.'
InuYasha exited the trees to find Sesshoumaru's clothing lying on the side of the river, and his brother standing in waist deep water.
“Why are you here?” Sesshoumaru asked arrogantly, without bothering to turn around.
“Your choice in food stinks,” InuYasha said as he washed his hands in the water.
Sesshoumaru looked back at InuYasha. He had found amusement in the pun, and could not resist the smirk that appeared on his lips.
“Nice to know that Rin's given you a sense of humor,” InuYasha mumbled in amazement.
Sesshoumaru blocked out the words and returned to his task of splashing water onto his body.
InuYasha dried his hands with the towel and threw it over a nearby rock. Successfully removing some of the mess from his hands, he removed his pants without leaving a smell on them. He looked down at the water and said, “Damn, that's going to be cold.” Taking a deep breath and clutching the soap, he rushed into the water and fell backwards.
“Cold, cold, cold, cold, COLD!” InuYasha yelled as he popped up out of the water.
“Stop acting like a child,” Sesshoumaru demanded with a hint of annoyance in his voice.
InuYasha stood up and splashed his way farther into the water, which brought him closer to Sesshoumaru. “Oh forgive me, Oukou-sama,” he said sarcastically. He was going to drop it after the comment, but he couldn't. Losing the sarcastic tone, he followed up with, “I know I'm spoilt by Kagome's world, but you're telling me that you don't think this water's cold?”
“I do not choose to complain about it, as if I were a child.”
“Man, you're a pain,” InuYasha snorted and turned his back to Sesshoumaru.
“Your acting a bit overconfident, aren't you?” Sesshoumaru was showing the first sign of anger since InuYasha had entered the water.
“No!” He snapped as he turned to face Sesshoumaru. “If you think about it, we're both very naked, and standing in very cold water. And…,” InuYasha pointed towards the riverbank. “All our weapons are over there. I don't think we'll be touching each other.”
The logic had left Sesshoumaru stunned and staring at InuYasha.
“Why does everyone give me that look?!”
The last rays of sunlight loomed over restless heads as the group waited for Karen. Dinner had taken much longer to prepare than to eat. For a group mixed with human and youkai, waiting wasn't what anyone wanted.
Inu Yasha finished the last of his dinner and throw the stick towards the fire. “Karen's been gone for hours. I wish she'd come back and get this over with. I'm tired of waiting for her,” Inu Yasha griped as he rested his head on Kagome's lap.
“You'll find that Karen does things according to her own notion of time,” Sesshoumaru commented in a flat voice. He was seated with crossed legs between Rin and Jaken.
“I'm sure she'll be here soon. Just be still and let me read this,” Kagome said putting her hand on Inu Yasha's chest. She was trying to read one of her textbooks as Inu Yasha wiggled around looking for a comfortable position to lie in.
“Hey,” Inu Yasha whispered as he looked up at her. When she ignored him, he pushed his hand in front of the page she was reading. “You and Sango were gone for a long time. What were you doing?”
“You and Sesshoumaru were gone just as long as we were. What were you doing?” She returned, and guided his hand down to rest on his chest.
“We were taking a bath,” he answered, acting slightly annoyed by the dodging of his question.
“Long bath. You honestly tolerated each other for that long?”
“Karen's probably ordered him to play nice. I don't know… Maybe it was Rin. Why won't you answer my question? Is there something wrong with Sango?”
“No, you'll find out soon enough. Now drop it, and let me study.”
InuYasha rolled his eyes and gave in. However, he was not happy. He let out an exasperated sigh to make his agitation known.
Sesshoumaru, who had been forcing himself to concentrate over Inu Yasha's whining, had been examining those around him. As tedious as the idea had seemed at first, it was helping to pass the time. However, the more he observed, the less he understood about how Karen could insist that he be involved with Inu Yasha's life. InuYasha fit in all too well with his odd group of humans and youkai. Sesshoumaru didn't believe that he could fit into this world as his brother did. His brother's world seemed to suffocating to him.
Allowing his attention to shift from InuYasha and Kagome, he turned to observe his next example. Nishi was snuggled against Shippo's arm. She was reading over his shoulder, while he flipped through pages of his kitsune book. This vision had seemed no different from what he had witnessed with InuYasha; the female of the relationship still held the upper hand. Continuing on, he watched Miroku and Sango for a brief moment. Miroku was holding Sango as she rested against his chest. They were busy whispering about some nonsense that Sesshoumaru had no interest in; it was something about how they were touching. At least in this relationship, it appeared that the man knew his proper place as the dominant being. Although, Sesshoumaru could understand this man more than the other two, he still couldn't see himself being lowered to such foolish behaviors.
Out of the corner of his vision, Sesshoumaru noted his tiny group as it compared to what he saw. Jaken, who was seated to his left, was hard at work trying to understand the hypnotic trappings of Shippo's Game Boy. For the most part, it was keeping the youkai quiet. Occasionally, he would stop to curse the machine for its “strange magic.”
Runa had finally returned, but she was happy to remain at a great distance from the group. He could feel her stare like a weight on his back. He didn't need to look directly at her to see that she was lying in a vulgar position. It seemed that she still believed that he would give into her, just as he had so many times in the past.
Laughing silently to himself, he pushed all memory of Runa out of his mind, and turned to look over at Rin. She was lying peacefully on her back, with her knees bent upwards, and her arms extended above her head. Before he could stop himself, he was noticing the curves of her body. Her chest was fuller than he had realized before. Her stomach and hips also had more of a curve to them.
He closed his eyes and forced his mind to think. `How did I not realize this before? How could she have changed without my noticing?' He tried to remember how often she had grown out of the kimonos that he had acquired for her, but it wasn't an easy task. This had only been the third pattern that he had seen her dressed in. He clearly recalled the first kimono that he had seen her in, and the first that he had had made for her. He had always taken her to the same woman for her clothing, because the woman didn't care that she was serving a youkai. She had cared only about the riches that Sesshoumaru had laid in her hands. It had been this woman who had picked the pattern of cloth, and it was she who stored the cloth away for them to use again and again. Each visit had been the same. Each trip had seemed so trivial. There had been nothing to stand out in his mind.
He struggled with the notion of it all. He hated being forced into patterns, because they restricted him. He was the man who hated restriction beyond all things, yet he always found himself confined by his own devices; trapped by his own inability to change. `Did keeping her in this same pattern hide how she was changing? Was I trying to keep her a child forever?' He wondered to himself.
As inconspicuously as he could, Sesshoumaru leaned forward and let his long hair cover the side of his face. Sitting his elbow on his thigh, he rested his chin in his palm. There was just enough of a gap between the hair and his fur to peek out of. It was from behind this barrier of silver and white that he gave in to his desire to look at her. She was content with lying there beside him. He could feel it. The feeling made his chest ache. Suddenly, he was disgusted by the fact that he had used Runa to satisfy his sexual cravings in the past. `I was right to keep her a child. I don't deserve her. Keeping her a child was keeping her safe. I'll only destroy her, if I do what Karen asks.'
“Isn't the sky sad to look at, Sesshoumaru-sama?” Rin asked as she looked at him.
Her question had caught him off guard. As his mind let go of the thought, his eyes met hers. It had only been for a moment, but that one look sent a panic through him that he had never known before. Jerking his head to face forward, he tossed all of his hair around his face. Keeping himself as calm as he could, he answered in a low voice, “I wouldn't know.”
A smirk crept onto Inu Yasha's lips as he laughed to himself, `Busted!'
Regardless of Sesshoumaru's refusal to look at her, Rin watched him as she explained in a dreamy voice, “During the day it looks like ice. It's all white and blue. Just before dark it changes and looks like fire. It has all these pretty shades of purple and red and orange. But then the night comes… and it's all black. There's nothing there anymore. Like the sky is hiding all those pretty colors.”
“The stars are there. It's not completely black,” Miroku commented as he hugged Sango's shoulders a little tighter, which caused her to turn her face into his chest; her embarrassment was getting the better of her.
After thinking about it for a moment, Rin continued, “The stars don't give off enough light to make the sky look alive…they're just there.”
Miroku replied, “That might be so, but a little light is better than no light at all. Perhaps that little bit of light brings more life to the sky than you can see.”
Sesshoumaru was incredibly grateful to feel Karen's youki. “Karen is nearby.”
“I feel her too, but where is she?” Kagome asked, while looking around her.
“I am here,” Karen announced from behind Kagome.
Kagome nearly jumped out of her skin. “How did you…” she began to ask.
“As I have explained previously, I am able to mask my presence,” Karen said in a pleasant voice as she passed Kagome, and walked towards Sesshoumaru.
Karen's voice might not have indicated any change from her usual personality, but Kagome could sense that there was something different. She looked at the faces around her, examining the auras that surrounded them. It appeared that Sesshoumaru was the only other individual who had noted this change about Karen. Not only did it show in his energy, but it also showed in his eyes. If she was reading him correctly, he seemed to be shocked by what he was seeing.
“Sesshoumaru, I must talk to you before I begin my promised explanation. Follow me, please,” she requested gently as she moved past Rin.
Sesshoumaru said nothing as he rose to follow her.
Continuing onward for several yards, Karen had found the spot that suited her for sitting.
Karen was relieved to feel the coolness of the grass against her body. She allowed the energy to rise up into her from the ground as she seated herself. “I have no doubt that you will be on your way by the time the sun rises. When you arrive at the temple, seek out Yutaka-sama. He is my chief priest. He will advise you in my stead.”
“You hadn't meant for your presence to be known to the girl. It tells me that you are weak. Why is this?” He asked as he took a seat next to her.
“Keep your voice low. I might not be able to conceal it for long. It is taking too much to conceal my lack of strength.”
This caused him to raise an eyebrow. “You're showing me your weakness on purpose? You've not done this before. How can you be so confident that I will not use this against you?” He asked coldly.
Karen responded, allowing her fatigue to be carried in her voice, “You may hunger for vengeance, but you are still your father's son. You should be proud that I am showing you such weakness. Others would consider it as a display of respect. Could you simply allow me to give that much to you?”
“Then tell me what did this to you?”
“I broke the rules,” Karen answered in a distant voice. “I changed the flow of time to allow my lover to live…just a little while longer. I had no choice but to use my own power to do this.”
“Your lover? That is where you've been?” He asked accusingly, as though she had been leaving him to wait without good reason.
“The situation is more complicated than you realize. I needed answers to questions. I needed to know what he was willing to sacrifice for his family. I had to know what I was willing to sacrifice for mine.” Karen was ready to cry, but fought back the tears.
“I can't believe what I am seeing. You are not one to give this much without reason. What is your tie to that girl?”
Karen looked into his eyes. She was shocked that he had noticed the importance of Kagome. She was also annoyed at his justified cynicism. “What are you accusing me of?”
“You have a personal interest in the girl. I know you well enough to see that. Do not lie to me.”
Knowing she couldn't tell him the full truth, she offered what she could. He would find out eventually, and she didn't want this to be another reason for him to doubt her character. “I took her grandfather as a lover many, many years ago. He is the man for whom I changed time.” Karen wiped her tears away, and struggled to continue, “I saw his death…I changed how it came for him. I used my power to keep him with me. In the end, I am just as much of a fool as he is. I could not let him go.”
Sesshoumaru knew there was more to the story. Although she has given him a partial truth, it was still truth. Keeping his voice low and neutral, Sesshoumaru asked, “My presence will be enough to refresh you…until you can find a better source?”
“It is too late to seek out another lover. Kagome and InuYasha need their answers. I will have to wait until everyone is safely at rest.”
“Is there anything more that you require of me?”
“I will need to draw power from you, if Kagome loses control of her body to the youki…it should affect you very little. InuYasha knows how to calm her. If I am not here, you will need to take my place as his strength.”
“I will consider this as my duty to my Empress. But know this…I am near my limit.”
“You can only allow so much concern, can you?” She asked and looked at him. Her tears were drying on her cheeks. “Have you ever respected anyone other than your father?”
He stood and extended his hand to her, “I respected Izayoi-sama.” When she had made it to her feet, he looked at her with a touch of sadness in his eyes, and whispered, “and you…once.”
He released her hand and walked away before she could speak. As she matched his quick steps, she asked him at what point he had lost respect for her. However, he refused to answer.
Karen took a seat several feet from Rin, purposely placing Sesshoumaru between the young woman and herself.
“Well, I take it that I should start with the obvious? Who am I? First, I am a Yasha. Yashas are lower order gods who protect the temples in the west. My father is the master of the Yasha, which dwell across the sea. In the Western Lands, I am worshiped for my ties to nature and wealth, which I inherited from him. My mother was a youkai who could not only see the path of time, but she could travel through time. I also inherited these abilities from my mother.”
“You can travel through time like Kagome?” Shippo asked.
“Yes, I can travel back and forth through time. I do this according to my will, not by using an object, as Kagome must. I may also see the future of an individual, if I have a connection to them. This can allow me to change their path in time, if it is necessary for me to do so.”
InuYasha, who was still using Kagome's lap as a pillow, popped up and whirled himself around to look at Karen. “You can change it!”
“What?” Miroku looked over at him.
Overlooking Miroku's question, InuYasha stayed focused on Karen. “You can stop all this by changing time. Naraku doesn't have to exist. Kikyou doesn't have to die.”
Karen watched InuYasha in silence; her face was so blank that it could've been Sesshoumaru looking back at him. As his own words brought more possibilities to his mind, he suddenly became angry. “Damn you! Why didn't you tell me this before?”
Her voice was flat and lacking in emotion as she answered him, “I understand you are desperate, InuYasha. However, you are assuming that I have more power than I actually have. True…being that I am not solely restricted by time, as most beings are, I can manipulate it. Still, there would be a price to be paid for what you ask. The price would not be worth the outcome.”
“What would it cost me to go back, and stop Onigumo from becoming Naraku?”
Without the slightest change of expression or tone, she answered, “Your life.”
“NO!” Kagome cried, and threw her arms around his shoulders. “That's not an option!”
InuYasha swallowed hard as he looked at Karen in shock.
Karen spoke in a soft voice to InuYasha. “Think about how it feels to have those arms around you. Could you go back to a time in which she did not exist? Could you go back to that place, knowing that you would die without seeing her face again? Would that be a price that you would willingly pay to remove Naraku from this world?”
InuYasha wrapped his arms around Kagome and closed his eyes. In a whisper, he answered, “No. I couldn't do that.”
“I am glad to hear that. Please, do not ask me to do something like that again.” Karen was quiet for several moments until she could restore her peaceful exterior.
“With that out of the way, I want to give you a bit of your family history.”
“Isn't that a waste of time?” Sesshoumaru snorted.
“I have a proposition for both of Inu-dai's sons. I want this known before I offer it,” Karen stated in a condescending tone, which served to inform Sesshoumaru that she would not tolerate another interruption from him.
“I see. Please continue,” He returned. His words carried a level tension that told everyone of his disapproval for being scolded.
“Man, they have that down to perfection,” Nishi whispered into Shippo's ear.
Shippo silently nodded with wide eyes.
“I came to this land at the request of the Buddhist priests. The youkai during that time were rampant in the land, and the priests turned to the Yasha for protection of their temples. During one of the many battles between the Yasha and the youkai, I met Sesshoumaru and Inu Yasha's father. Although Inu-dai was a youkai, he did not approve of how the youkai were destroying the land. When it came time to fight, he sided with the Yasha. Over time, several of the lower youkai sought Inu-dai's protection. Of course, with his protection, also came the protection of the Yasha.
“For several years the youkai fought the Yasha for control of the land. This allowed time for a closeness to form between Inu-dai and myself. The notion of a friendship between us was never in question. Despite the fact that we had never considered being lovers, it came as no surprised that both the Yasha and the youkai had called for a bond of marriage. We both realized the benefits to the union, and consented. As a result, the land was at peace for many years. Unfortunately, several of the troubling youkai were not destroyed. They simply moved on to other lands. By the time Sesshoumaru had reached the age to join his father in battle, rumors of youkai uprisings were finding there way back to the Western Lands. We also heard stories of a great Miko with incredible power. It was said that she could purify hundreds of youkai at once.”
“Are you talking about Midoriko-sama?” Sango inquired.
Karen smiled and continued, “The stories of Midoriko's power were unbelievable. I had been left speechless when I received a request for our aid. We left immediately, but we had arrived too late to save her. My heart sank at the news that such a great warrior had fallen to the youkai. Luckily, we were able to save the village…and her family.”
“She had a family,” Sango muttered under her breath. “I didn't know that.”
Karen nodded. “It was her husband, Toukimaru, who took possession of the Shikon no Tama. He had dropped to his knees after Inu-dai placed it in his hands.” Karen stopped and looked at InuYasha. “Your father knew that the jewel could not make him great. He believed that his actions alone could do that. If you wish to be truly powerful, at least, learn that lesson from him.” She then turned to Sesshoumaru and said, “Both of you.”
Sesshoumaru looked at the fire without saying a word.
“The man had very little to offer in gratitude for your father's deeds. Inu-dai, as well as myself, tried to convince the man that payment was not necessary. He simply would not hear it. It was then that he offered his only daughter to Inu-dai. The man was quite certain that the child would grow to become both powerful and beautiful. She could not have seen more than five winters.” Karen fell silent. Her eyes were distant as if she were reliving some event in her mind. In a dreamy voice she said, “She was so young and full of life. I have never known a child as precious as that little girl.”
She smiled and looked down. “We managed to convince Toukimaru to keep the child for us. But only after Inu-dai promised to return regularly to check on her development,” Karen finished with a slight giggle and looked up. “Your father kept that promise. He returned to the village each spring…when duty did not call him to be elsewhere, of course. Eventually, that little girl had become the woman who stole his heart.”
InuYasha shock his head in frustration and snapped, “But he was married to you! I've listened to all of this and not said anything. You are telling me that my father was married to you, and at the same time…he fell in love with another woman?”
“I understand if you are upset. You were not told about your father's life. It was too painful for your mother to discuss.”
“No! When does my mother come into this? How many women did my father sleep with before I was born?”
“InuYasha, you half-wit! Karen is trying to explain to you that Midoriko's child was your mother.” Sesshoumaru took over, unable to hold in his anger of Inu Yasha's lack of understanding. “It is the custom of the ruling class to take concubines as lovers. Chichi-ue had a stable filled with beautiful females. He ignored them all. Izayoi-sama was the only one, other than my mother, who Chichi-ue had ever claimed as a lover. Do not make him out to be a peasant, who practiced sneaking around with common whores.”
“Enough, Sesshoumaru! You have made your point.” Karen ordered.
Everyone looked at InuYasha, but it was Sango who voiced the thoughts that played on everyone's mind. “You're descended from the priestess of the Shikon no Tama!”
“You are tied to the jewel. It was no accident that you fell into the trap of Naraku, or that you met Kagome. You are a part of the cycle that keeps replaying itself. As the battle continues on within the jewel, Midoriko's family continues the battle also. It was your mother's wish that I watch over you after her passing. She wanted you to be happy in this world. She wanted…”
InuYasha cut her off before she could finish. He was looking at the ground and holding Kagome's hand. “I don't want to talk about her anymore. If you have something else to explain…get it over with.”
“But InuYasha, this is about the jewel.” Shippo blurted.
InuYasha leaned forward and sat his arm on is knee, which was bent upwards towards his chest. As he thought about what was being said, he traced his bottom lip with his thumb. “No…,” he mumbled and shook his head. “No it's not. I know where this is going now. It's not about the jewel. We've got that covered. I'll destroy Naraku, and I'll get the jewel back.”
Kagome started to agree with Shippo, but Karen stopped her. “I will respect his wishes, because he is not wrong. It can be discussed at another time. Besides, my dear, wouldn't you like to know how you fit into all of this?”
Kagome looked at her.
“You are his wife. You will be affected by my proposal as well. You must have questions. I believe that you questioned my involvement in your near death experience.”
“What?” InuYasha turned to Kagome.
“When I was dying, I heard a voice in my head. I realized this afternoon that it was her voice.”
“Why were you there? Why didn't you reveal yourself then?” InuYasha ranted.
“I was merely trying to make her give into the instinct of self-preservation. She needed to let her power reach out to yours, in order to save herself. She was not allowing this to be done. I had to force her body to sleep, so that she would stop fighting. If I had taken material form at that time, it would have been devastating. I was doing all that I could to intervene without harming her further.”
“It was your power that saved her?” InuYasha asked.
“No, it was the combination of your power, and hers. I did nothing more than make her sleep.”
“What do I need to know before you go into this proposal thing?” Kagome interjected.
“From this moment on, you must stop doubting what you are, and accept that you are a miko. Your present battle with the youki is not the only danger you face. You will need to be prepared to use your power, before Naraku makes his final move. This I have seen…he will make his move soon. When he does, only you will be able to serve the fatal blow.”
“Her?” InuYasha asked pointing his finger at Kagome and looking at Karen.
“Kagome is the only one who will have the ability to do what must be done. None of you realize the power that she is capable of. There has not been a miko of such power, since Midoriko herself. The sheer fact that Kagome can carry the youki within her body, without being overcome by it, and remaining as pure as she is; proves that she has the power to purify Naraku's evil. However, removing Naraku from this world is not the end of it all. Once the jewel is restored, Kagome will be the only one who can carry the jewel without being destroyed by it. It will be very draining. What I am about to propose might not seem to be worth the danger.”
InuYasha rested his forehead in his hand, and said, “As if guarding the Shikon no Tama isn't enough, you want her to do more?”
“I wish to make you an heir to my lands.”
Sesshoumaru made a small sound and looked at his mother. She was very aware that he was watching her with questioning eyes, but it was his turn to be ignored. “You would be in the line of succession behind Sesshoumaru. I do doubt that you would ever see your rule come about. However, naming you my heir would restore you as an honorable part of this family.”
Runa came forward and made her presence known by yelling, “You can't do that! You can't place a hanyou in line for the ruling power. It will not be accepted.”
“Do not take that tone with me Runa. It is within my power to make this choice, and I have made it; my word is law in my kingdom.”
“Sesshoumaru, are you going to stand for this?” Runa turned to Sesshoumaru to back up her words.
Sesshoumaru growled through his teeth, “Do not use such familiar words with me. I will do as my Empress requests. Continue in this manner and I will punish you, Runa.”
“Remove yourself from my sight.” Karen said sternly.
With flames in her eyes, Runa stomped off into the darkness.
Pushing aside her anger, Karen went on, “I am sure you both understand the danger you would be facing by accepting my offer. Please, understand that you would be under my protection. This would lessen the danger considerably.”
“I don't understand why I'd want to do this. Why would I want to put myself, and Kagome, in more danger?” He ran his hand back into his hair.
“Both Inu-dai and Izayoi wanted you to be recognized with the honor that your bloodline deserves.”
“That kind of honor sounds pretty screwed up to me,” InuYasha laughed and shook his head, “Is that all?”
“There is one more thing, which applies to Kagome, as well as to Rin.”
The comment caught both Sesshoumaru and Rin off guard.
“Unlike InuYasha, whom I have the power to make my heir, neither of you would be accepted as anything other than concubines.”
Sesshoumaru shot up full of indignant pride and started to leave.
“Your Empress commands you to sit, Sesshoumaru!” She threw his words back at him, which sent his body to a screeching halt. “You must hear this, regardless of how it displeases you.”
Swallowing his pride, he returned to his place between his mother and Rin. He was careful to avoid making eye contact with those around him.
“You would not be ordered to take youkai wives. The children you father by your mates would be accepted as heirs. However, you will be expected to act as if you would consider marriage. This would keep many mouths quiet.”
“You're sure that he wouldn't be forced to marry anyone else?” Kagome asked.
“You're really thinking about this?” InuYasha barked at her.
“I don't think you should turn her down. At least…not without thinking about it.”
“Are you finished with me?” Sesshoumaru grumbled as he fought to keep his control.
“You may take your leave.”
Sesshoumaru didn't hesitate to rush off into the solitude of the shadows.
As Jaken jumped up to follow, Karen grabbed him and looked at Rin. “Remember what I told you.”
Rin took the words as her sign to follow Sesshoumaru, and climbed to her feet.
“As for you…stay put.” Karen ordered Jaken, who looked like he wanted to cry.
Family Tree
Karen Yasha - Inu-dai Toukimaru - Midoriko
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Sesshoumaru Izayoi - Inu Dai
Inu Yasha
Karen Yasha - Shinta Higurashi Ran Yasha - Rin's Mom
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Yumeko Higurashi - Takashi Sakurai Rin
Kagome Higurashi Souta Higurashi
