InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Broadway In A Ramen Cup ❯ The Lord of the Dance ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

What's this? ANOTHER comedy by Tsuki and Akina? Oh no!
Summary: When Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru get caught in Kagome's time by her friends, they'll do anything it takes to keep them from discovering who they really are. Even if `anything' requires Sess to sing and Inu to tap-dance! Oh Tsuki, what have you done?
Inuyasha believed that it was simply a stock trip. You know, filling Kagome's yellow bag with ramen noodles and potato chips. It would take two hours at the very most. All in all, it was a very routine sort of thing.
Approaching the old well, Kagome urging him on though he needed no encouragement—Kagome's home had ramen, and where there was ramen, there was Inuyasha—something unusual had happened.
Before Inuyasha knew it, he was on the ground, staring up into the excited face of a small hyperactive child that had partaken of a little too much sugar. Not just any child either, the child that belonged—to his brother. Speaking of, the elder youkai had managed to once again woo Kagome with his chivalrous taking of her yellow bag and gentlemanly commenting on how nice she was looking.
Inuyasha would have growled if two pudgy hands hadn't grabbed the sides of his face and stretched it into a smile. Granted, a very forced smile, but that was what Rin had been going for.
Inuyasha opened his mouth after wriggling free of the child's clutches to call for help.
“Kaagggommeeee!” he whined, running away from his brother's charge. “Help me!”
“Aw, she's so cute. Why don't you play with her? I'll be back in a second anyway.”
“This Sesshoumaru wishes to view the magic of this well. He will accompany the Lady Kagome to her home.”
Inuyasha growled and continued to run in circles around Kagome and his brother. “Only Kagome and I can travel through the well,” he gritted out. “Kagomee! Call her off!”
Inuyasha played his best card. It never failed—the cute/hurt puppy, ears drooping and face pulling into a pout, help-me-or-I'll-cry expression always got Kagome in the end. Sure enough, the miko's smile faltered for a moment.
“Rin, sweetie, come here. I have something for you,” Kagome called. Rin dropped her pursuit of Inuyasha and romped over to Kagome expectantly.
“Hai, Lady Kagome?” Rin chirped.
“It's called `candy'. Would you like some?”
Inuyasha tilted his head as Kagome gave the kid another sugar buzz. Maintaining his confused pose, he was shocked when Kagome turned and patted the top of his head, tweaking one of his ears for good measure.
“If you don't want Sesshoumaru to come with me, Inu, then why don't you come too? You can make sure he doesn't step out of line,” she turned laughing hazel eyes on his half-brother. “Honestly, Sess, you're always such a trouble maker. You should act more like Inuyasha, so well-mannered and behaved. Never hesitating to act a gentleman, always civilized.”
Inuyasha's ears drooped as Kagome rambled on. His brother's grin was akin to that of a well-fed croc, and cool amber eyes met a molten gold glare as he turned to regard the inu-youkai that actually cared for the miko.
“I'll come,” Inuyasha muttered softly. “One thing, you have to leave the kid here.”
Sess nodded. “Rin, await.”
She snapped to attention and sat down where she had been running. Inuyasha watched, intrigued, as she proceeded to imitate a stillness he had seen only in rocks and statues.
Kagome grabbed his arm and hauled him manually into the well. Surrounded by twinkly lights, he glowered at his brother.
“What is this place?” Sesshoumaru asked, sniffing the air. He promptly sneezed.
Kagome giggled and headed for the house, dumping out her yellow bag on the floor and opening cupboards to stockpile their junk food.
“Inuyasha, show your brother around.”
Inuyasha grumbled and led the way to the most intriguing things he could find in the house. Subject A—the full-sized mirror in Kagome's bedroom.
After a moment of staring at himself, Sesshoumaru turned worried eyes to Inuyasha, who was lying on Kagome's bed with his hands behind his head.
“Whelp…do you find my appearance…” Sesshoumaru struggled for words, turning back to the mirror. “…feminine?”
Inuyasha bit his own tongue to keep from opening his mouth. After he was sure that he wouldn't spout off a smart-ass comment, he sat up and smirked at his half-brother.
“What took you so long to realize it, Lord Fluffy-sama?” he smirked.
Sesshoumaru turned with an angry glare. “This Sesshoumaru has not insulted your being all day long, whelp.”
“Neither have I,” Inuyasha sniffed. His eyes widened. “Kagome's making coffee! Yayy!” He proceeded to do a little victory dance around her room, grinning happily. Sweeping Buyo off the ground, he danced in circles with the large cat.
Sesshoumaru watched with a quirked eyebrow, choosing not to comment. Instead he turned back to the mirror and ran his hand through his silver hair. Feminine, indeed.
Inuyasha came to his senses shortly after and grabbed Sesshoumaru's sleeve, tugging him into the bathroom.
“And in here, Kagome has a spring that she controls simply by this metal knob. Wanna see?”
Sesshoumaru didn't grace Inuyasha with a reply. He instead stared at the knob until Inuyasha turned it.
Sure enough, hot steaming water poured out of the wall a moment later, filling an artificial spring. Sesshoumaru watched in fascination.
Neither brother heard the sound of a door opening and closing downstairs. Nor did they hear four sets of feet on the steps towards them. It was only when Inuyasha heard giggling that he realized what was happening.
Kagome's friends had dropped in for a visit. Her extraordinary lying abilities had failed to keep them out of her house. Thus, they were romping up the stairs and towards the bathroom to most likely do hair and makeup and try to get Kagome to go someplace with that Hoko-male. Inuyasha's ears drooped as he realized that he and Sesshoumaru could get stuck in the bathroom or Kagome's room for hours. Ignoring the twinge of anger he felt towards Hobo, he turned off the water and braced himself for the giggling companions of his miko.
Sesshoumaru, unaware of what was going on since he had never even been in this place before and certainly never heard about Eri, Ayme, and Yumi, stuck his hand in the water and swirled it around.
“Inuyasha,” he began. “How is this water so—”
“OOOOOOHHHHHHH!” three female voices chorused from the door. Inuyasha could have smacked his head against the wall a few times. Kneeing his brother lightly, he indicated the trio with a nod of his head.
“These are Kagome's friends,” he said in explanation.
“Ooh! You must be Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru! Tell us, what's it like in Belgium!? Do you sing very well? Well of course they do, that's why they're touring! It must be so fun to meet so many people. Do you speak another language in Belgium? Do you wear spandex when you dance?!”
Their voices hadblended together once again. Inuyasha saw all three as annoyances, and simply folded his arms over his chest.
“Kagome, inform this Sesshoumaru how it is possible for the water in your spring to be so warm and clear, yet have no heating source?”
Kagome pushed her way into the bathroom, realizing how crowded it was as she did so. “Um, right. Later, Sesshoumaru.”
“What does he mean, clear? Don't you have bathtubs in Belgium? Don't you have water heaters in Belgium?”
“This Sesshoumaru knows not of what you speak,”
“But answer me first, do you wear spandex when you dance?!”
Kagome threw her hands in the air. “Out! All of you! We'll continue this downstairs!”
They all shuffled downstairs into her living room. Inuyasha was hoping that he could make an unnoticed dash for the well, but Kagome glared at him until he sat on the couch. One very confused and unaware Sesshoumaru sat down next to his brother, flicking his tail out of the way.
The girls squealed and ran over to fight for the singular spot next to him. Inuyasha tried to make another dash for the door, which caused Kagome to plant herself firmly on his lap—not something she did normally. Inuyasha was shocked enough to sit still, watching as Eri shoved the other two off the couch and batted her eyes at Sess.
“This Sesshoumaru finds humans distasteful,” he remarked, leaning away from her.
“By that he means people with lesser talent!” Kagome exclaimed before her friends could ask. “They have odd verbal customs, nevermind what they say!” she squeaked.
“Sing for us then!” Ayme prompted, staring at the brothers expectantly.
Inuyasha looked at Sesshoumaru.
“I don't sing,” he said flatly.
“This Sesshoumaru has not much of a voice,”
“Stop being modest!” the three childed. “C'mon, you've sung for Kagome before!”
“You could dance if you wanted,” Kagome muttered, smirking. Inuyasha resisted dumping her on the floor.
“I don't sing,” Inuyasha repeated seriously. When all three girls' faces fell, he sighed. He couldn't stand upsetting women, no matter how irritating they were. Inuyasha was shocked at what left his mouth next. “But…I'll dance.”
Kagome turned around to gape at him.
“My brother will sing,” Inuyasha continued.
Sesshoumaru's eyes narrowed. “I will only sing if I receive a cup of this…ramen in return.”
Their eyes met. Inuyasha was reluctant to agree, but Kagome couldn't have been happier.
“You can have it all, Sesshoumaru!” she promised. Inuyasha began to pout again, when one of the girls gasped.
“Kagome! That one has…has ears!”
“They're a birth defect!” Kagome exclaimed, jumping up. “Don't offend him, he's very sensitive! If you do, he won't dance for weeks!”
The girls gasped and huddled close to one another before bowing in apology to the confused hanyou. “Defect?” he repeated to Kagome. She elbowed him.
“Play along, baka,” she muttered. “You've made him very angry, guys! I'm not sure if he'll even do a little jig for us!”
Inuyasha smirked. Kagome was trying to get him out of having to dance for her friends, he realized. She thought that he didn't know how. Well, little did she know, that prior to his fling with Kikyo and the Shikon Jewel, Inuyasha had been the master dancer of the fuedal forests! He had been a dancing KING! No one would challenge his title as Lord of the Dance, not even squirrels or peacocks! Inuyasha was the dancing fool of the FOREST!
He struck a regal pose, looking down his nose at the three girls. In truth, he was trying to imitate his brother to the best of his ablilites. “Apology accepted,” he said cooly. “This Inuyasha shall do as you have requested.”
Kagome's jaw hit the floor. She thought that he had knocked his brain loose. One too many sits! Inuyasha had just agreed…to dance…for her friends!
“And on top of that, this Inuyasha and his brother Sesshoumaru shall be coming to your…school! School, to awe you all with our amazing powers of dance and song!”
If Kagome's jaw could have gotten lower, it would have. Not only had Inuyasha recalled how to say `school' properly—proving that he was still coherent on some subliminal level—but he had also agreed to dance and sing for the student body. She nervously licked her dry lips, trying to think of what could have caused this sudden decision. “Inuyasha…you didn't…get into the liquer cabinet, did you?”
“What are you talking about, wench?” he snapped.
Nope, still my Inuyasha. What the hell is he thinking?
The brothers walked into her dining room. Inuyasha cleared off the table without saying a word to Sesshoumaru. Standing on the furnature, he indicated for Sesshoumaru to sing.
“This Sesshoumaru shall sing a song taught to him by his travelling companion, Rin.”
Kagome's blood ran cold. Sesshoumaru was going to sing a children's song. And he was probably going to sing it off key. She could only hope that it had died out within the past five hundred years.
He opened his mouth as Inuyasha stuck a pose. Kagome almost passed out from sheer shock, her half-demon best friend clearly in a tap-dancing stance. It would be too much if he actually began to dance. She would die, sink through the floor, pass out…maybe even melt into the walls. Yes, she thought that if she were to ever develop a mutant tendancy for melting through walls, now would be the time.
Inuyasha grinned a scarily cheerful smile as Sess began to sing. “Hey `Gome, why don't you get us some coffee?”
She just stared, since he began to dance to his brother's song. Kagome blinked as she recognized the tune, then groaned.
Hey, let's go
Hey, let's go
I'm happy as can be
Let's go walkin', you and me
Ready, set
Come on, let's go
Over the hill
Across the field
Through the tunnel we'll go
We'll run across the bridge
And down the bumpy gravel road
Right beneath the spider's web
Ready, set Let's Go
Hey, let's go
Hey, let's go
I'm happy as can be
Let's go walkin', you and me
Ready, set
Come on, let's go
The foxes and
The badgers, too
All come out to play
They all want to explore
The deep and wonderful woods all day
Look at all my many friends
Ready, set Let's Go
Look at all my many friends
Ready, set Let's Go
Inuyasha began to tapdance back and forth across her dining room table, shuffling his feet in time with the irritating melody and grinning cheerily while moving his arms. It was as if he had been trained as a professional tap-dancer. The smile never faltered, never left his face. It was…eerie. Kagome was enraptured, the melody tugging at her memory and the sight of Inuyasha tap-dancing on her table leaving her chewing on her bottom lip to keep from laughing at him.
After Inuyasha had wooed the girls with his tap-dancing skills of GOD, he had calmly walked into the kitchen and waited for Kagome to pour him some coffee. She knew that this would be worse than giving candy to Rin, that it would be like giving pre-schoolers endless ammounts of helium balloons and sugar at the same time. Yet she couldn't stop herself, couldn't stop grinning at him. He had danced for her friends. He had saved her from another web of lies. Inuyasha had managed to inadvertently save her once again.
Kagome found this romantic and fufilling up until she realized that while she had been lost in thought, the coffee cup had spilled over and was currently burning her hand.
“Oi! Wench, don't you even know how to pour coffee without hurting yourself?!”
Yes, that irritating sentiment had erased any thoughts of romance from her mind. Hell, why had she even bothered putting the words `Romance' and `Inuyasha' in a sentence together in the first place?
“This Sesshoumaru will find some water and bandages, Lady Kagome,” he said, walking into the kitchen as well.
“No, I'm okay. Sorry,” Kagome said sheepishly, running water in the sink and sticking her hand into it. “Cream and sugar?”
Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha stared at her.
Kagome realized after a moment that they didn't know what she meant.
“Don't you have coffee in Belgium?” Yumi asked, walking into the kitchen and catching their identical confused expressions. “Aw…Kagome, can I pet his ears? Just once? Pleease? I'll never ask you for anything ever again.”
Inuyasha scooted ever so slightly behind Sesshoumaru.
“This Sesshoumaru shall sing for you once again. This will cause you to be silent, girl.”
“No, no! That's okay! Listen, I'm sorry guys, but Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru have to get to rehersal! Time's a-wastin'! I'll see you later at school, okay?!” Kagome's smile was forced, her hand throbbing in obvious pain.
Her friends pushed out the door, Kagome's smile dropped and she pratically ran back into the kitchen. Throwing her arms around Inuyasha, she planted a big wet kiss on the side of his face.
“Oh my god, I didn't know you could dance!” she exclaimed.
Inuyasha blinked once or twice and gave her his confused-puppy expression. “But Kagome,” he said, brows furrowing in concern. “Didn't you ever wonder why I was a Lord if my brother has all the lands?”
Kagome tilted her head. “Huh?”
“Kagome, didn't you know that I was the Lord of the Dance?”
She sputtered for a moment before turning around and grabbing the coffee pot. “Let's see. If he doesn't respond to cheerful statements with a growl or a threat, there mustbe something wrong with him. If he doesn't repond to the pain of the coffee pot, I'll just sit him until his back breaks. That should wake up my Inuyasha.”
Sesshoumaru watched in amusement as his half-brother and his wench bickered. He blew on his cup of ramen noodles, wishing for them to be cool enough to eat. His brother resembled nothingother than a mummy currently, his wench having dumped the pot of coffee over his head. Inuyasha was wrapped in bandages from the tips of his ears to his shoulders. Glaring at Kagome, they continued to bicker over something stupid.
Sesshoumaru listened in mild fascination as his brother agrued that women were meant to be stupid, and that it wasn't fair for her to take his ramen out of her backpack to make room for her text books—whatever those were.
The Great Lord of the Western Lands did not know or really even care. He was absently humming his song, thinking about his day. Rin would be waiting when he returned, he could tell her tales of his adventures in Kagome's time, of her perfect mirrors and magical hot springs.
When the bickering stopped, he glanced up to see one very bewildered hanyou and a fiercely blushing miko.
“Guess I don't have to tell you to kiss and make up then, children,” he muttered. They turned to face him, and he could see that they had both blushed up to the roots of their hair. Sesshoumaru did not care however, for he was far more fascinated with the instant noodles in the styrafoam cup before him. He vowed that he would conquer the ramen and its powers—
--powers that he would then take as his own!
aww…Akina and I came up with the idea for this little scene while we were walking around the zoo. We also thought of another fic, but Tsuki shall wait for her taco to write that one. It seems to be a long-term sorta thing.
We apologize to all for our slow updates. As you can tell, Tsuki has just passed the 25-chapter point on Meeting Place, of which she is quite proud. We've just returned from camp, and the two-in-the-morning-writing-binge will be long in coming. Oh no, what will you do when school begins again?!
1/30/05--Tsuki has edited the monstrosity that is this chapter, feel free to stop cringing from the misspellings and lack of lyrics. She should have added in the author notes that the Sess bit with the ramen was completely ripped off the two-shot, 'To Partake', listed under her favorites.
…reviews will fund our binge. Don't worry about feeding the psychos and their comedy addiction—just review and make us happy! …or Tsuki will write and not update. (evil face)