InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Brotherly Contention ❯ Revelations ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author: CCD


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Date last revised: August 10, 2003

Date Story Published: March 11, 2003

Brotherly Contention

Chapter 2: Revelations

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Sesshoumaru opened his eyes. He was in a hut of some sort. Seals were on the door. They were there to keep him in. He sat up and looked down. His wounds had been bandaged. HE saw his kimono was on the floor next to him. Sesshoumaru picked it up. It was shredded & bloody. As he looked over his wounds, the door of the hut opened. Standing in the doorway was an old woman in priestess clothing & behind her stood his half-brother Inu-Yasha.

"Well, well, well look who decided to wake up," Inu-Yasha said.

"What I do is none of your concern," Sesshoumaru replied as he tried to stand up.

"I wouldn't do that, Sesshoumaru. Ye are too weak. There was a great amount of poison in yer blood. Ye are in no condition to move, let alone leave this place," the old woman said.

"Who are you, hag & how did I get here," Sesshoumaru asked.

"I am the Priestess Kaede. As far as how ye got here, I understand that young Kagome found ye on the banks of a river when she went to bathe. She called the others forth & they agreed to help ye. Ye were brought back to this village where Kagome & I treated yer wounds."

"Hn, I don't need your help. Demons should not receive help from humans."

"There is nothing wrong with receiving aid, Sesshoumaru. Ye will not be capable of doing a lot of things for a while. The poison has had a great effect on yer body. Ye will need to rely on Inu-Yasha's strength for a while."

"I refuse to rely on a half-breed"

"You think I want to help you. If Kagome didn't make me fall on my face every time I argue with her, I would leave you in the wild to die," Inu-Yasha yelled.

"I have a feeling that this will only a greater hardship between you two. Inu-Yasha I need to speak with ye," Kaede said as she walked towards the door.

"What is it," Inu-Yasha said once they were outside.

"Inu-Yasha, are you sure that ye wish to go through with this?"

"Feh, it's not like I have a choice."

"I know ye won't stay here long. Ye will want to go back & look for more shards of the Shikon Jewel. Ye will have to take Sesshoumaru with ye. He will not want to stay here & he will try & find a way to leave. He is not strong. The poison has affected him more than he realizes. He will not be able to defend himself, nor hunt for food, or take care of the two that are normally with him. He will also have problems with walking for a while."

"So what you're saying is that he can't do anything for himself."

"For the time being, yes; he will eventually be able to care for himself, but not for some time. His is yer half-brother, Inu-Yasha, & although it may kill you both to do so, you must care for him. Kagome, Miroku, Sango, & Shippo will agree with me on this as well."

Inu-Yasha nodded. Kaede & Inu-Yasha both decided to return to the village & discuss things with the others.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~

Sesshoumaru laid back down. He was dizzy & weak from trying to stand. He had heard the entire conversation between the hag & his half-brother. He didn't want to rely on his brother's strength.

I will get better & then I will leave him & his pathetic human friends.

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"Your highness, there is no sign of Sesshoumaru."

The clan leader turned towards her first in command.

"What do you mean no sign of him?"

"The scouts returned just a few minutes ago. They said that they searched all night. Sesshoumaru's body was never found."

"Then he's alive."

"Either alive, or the river carried him farther than the clan could look. Sesshoumaru may have been killed by the currents."

"I think he's still alive. I want him dead. His father killed both of my parents. I want to kill the only son of the great Inutaiyoukai."

(This is where this gets interesting.)

"Your highness, the Inutaiyoukai had two sons."


"Sesshoumaru was born from his first wife who died. The Inutaiyoukai then disgraced himself by marring a human woman. Together they had a son. His name was Inu-Yasha and last I heard; he had been pinned to a tree 50-years ago by the Priestess Kikyo. I have heard rumors thought that a woman from another land who is said to be the reincarnation of Kikyo freed him from his eternal sleep."

"I want this Inu-Yasha dead. I want all who belong to the Inutaiyoukai's family to die & suffer as I suffered. I will have my revenge at last."

With that the leader began to laugh as she made plans to find Inu-Yasha & Sesshoumaru so that she could destroy them.

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