InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Burn Scars ❯ To Cry ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

All hail my mighty ability to update.
Burn Scars
Chapter 2: To Cry
Kagome's life had been normal until one day she'd been pulled down a well by a centipede and became a cornerstone of a love triangle between a half-demon and a dead priestess she as the reincarnation of. Even then life had slipped back into normalcy (fall down a well, fight some monsters, get captured, almost die, return home, study for exams, blow off Hojo, go back.)
And now her house was burned to the ground, her family was missing, and she had dog-demon looking over her shoulder.
Kagome had stopped crying by the time they reached the fire trucks. She had made sure Inuyasha kept his sword in its sheath, as most people did not consider carrying a sword a normal or non-lethal thing to do.
A yellow-suited man noticed them and walked up to them, holding out his arms as if expecting them to charge.
“You can't get through here,” he said gruffly.
“This is my house,” Kagome said weakly, “I want to know what happened.”
The man let his arms fall, giving Inuyasha a questionable look. “Who is that?”
“Where is my family?” she stated, not really ready to tell a story about a magic well and the sacred jewel shards.
“Right,” he said, “You're brother's been asking for you. Kagome, right?”
“Souta's okay then,” she breathed a sigh of relief, “What about mom and grandpa?”
“We better get you to your brother,” the man said.
It had taken the police a lot of convincing to let Inuyasha ride with her (too much time for her, since they refused to tell her what happened to her family until she was with her brother.) In the end they let him come, mostly because he refused to go anywhere without her, and she could've really used someone right then and there.
Souta was sitting on a bench and looking ready to cry. He ran to her and she caught him in a hug.
“They wouldn't tell me anything,” he said, “And I don't think they would've believed me if I told them where you were.”
“It's okay,” she said, “They didn't tell me anything either. Inuyasha's here too.”
Her brother sniffled.
“We might as well tell you this,” a man wearing a police uniform said, “There's really no easy way to say this, but your parents are… dead.”
Kagome blinked. “W-what?” she whimpered.
“We can't quite determine the cause of the fire that destroyed your house, but we did find two corpses inside. We assumed them to be your mother and grandfather.”
Kagome went numb. Thoughts of denial streamed through her head.
`This… This isn't happening. I'm dreaming or something. There's nothing wrong. I'll wake up, and none of this would've happened.'
She was completely out of it. She could feel her brother break down in her arms; someone shouted, but she couldn't hear what they were saying; so much noise just completely drowned out by one simple fact:
They were dead.
No more stories from grandpa. No more encouragement from her mom. What had she missed while in the other side of the well? Had grandpa found a new trinket? Maybe mom had done something new.
And now she would never know.
The world came rushing back with a loud boom. Her brother was hugging her tightly. Inuyasha bent down next to her, placing a hand on her shoulder.
And she began to cry. She buried face in her brother's hair and sobbed. She was around death nearly every day, but this, no this was something different. This was her life, not some village that doesn't even exist anymore. This was her family. And now it was dwindling. Disappearing before her eyes. And she didn't even have anything to blame it on. She couldn't seek out some demon for revenge; she couldn't even find some stupid criminal. It was started by some stupid accident, like her mom leaving the stove on by accident.
And all she could do was sit there and cry.
Author(ess) Notes:
'K, shorter chapter than expected.
Sadness! Yes, her family is really gone, but that's not all I have in store for her. Trauma, drama, and a bit of romance to come!!
Thanks for reviewing, those who did so!! Now, do it again.