InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Calming Violence, forever mine [sesshoumaru] Part 2 of Calming Violence ❯ Hate, sickness and pain ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Sesshoumaru POV (still)

You ran up the stairs, servants and slaves alike rushing out of your way, Silva, Tokimune, Stephen and Sorekaze a few steps behind as you spilled into the room. Rin's nanny Marai looked stricken, you could hear Rin's soft, cry as she repeated over and over "Mommy, wake up, please, mommy," from the end of the bed, you could see her just. A fall of golden hair across the white fluffy carpet, walking over slightly rushed you looked down, she looked so small, fragile as she lay. It looked as if she'd slipped of the bed, falling to the floor unconscious, "Devani?" you asked your voice was hoarse and strained, falling to your knees, you touched her face gently as if you expected her to pull away which you did. She was cold, so cold, her normally pale golden skin looked a sickly white, big, dark rings under her eyes, "Oh god what have I done," you whispered as Rin looked at you, anger, pure hate filling her eyes, soon after replaced by an irreplaceable sadness. "She's dead isn't she?" she asked quietly as Silva came up behind her, "No Rin, Sesshoumaru is going to save, she's not dead, come on," she said softly trying to lift the small child. Rin just shock her head small hands clinging to Devani's kimono sleave, "NO I WONT LEAVE HER!! Mommy talk to me!!" she screamed. Standing you walked up, Silva moving aside, "Rin, Rin please, let Devani go," you said you could taste her fear, pain like a fine wine gliding down your tongue. "NO, YOU WOULDN'T LET ME BE WITH MOMMY, YOU WEREN'T WITH MOMMY, MOMMY DIED COZ YOU STOPED CAREING!!!" she screamed as you put you hands on her small shoulders. As soon as you touched her she turned small hand beating at your chest, tears running down her face, "Rin, Rin listen to me," you said with a little force, she looked up at you her small hands resting on your chest, the look on her face hurt, she hated you, if Devani died she'd always hate you. "When Devani wakes up and if well enough you can come and see her, you can spend as much time as you want with her, but PLEASE let me save her, Rin I need you to go with Marai and Silva, okay, do this for me, do this for Devani," you whispered staring into her eyes letting her see how much it hurt you, pained you that Devani was in this state, that you were so sorry, so very sorry that you let her slip away like this. Devani wasn't just yours, not any more, she was Lady of the Western Lands, Rin adopted mother, Leader of your army, Mother of your people and Love of the land. She had never been just yours and that had angered you, but it was who, what she was. "Okay Lord Sesshoumaru, please help her," she whispered as Silva held out her hand to her, taking it she left with the two older human women.
Two days later
You lay in your bed beside Devani, she hadn't moved her chest rising and falling with every breath was all she did, pulling her closer you rest you head against hers. {I'm so sorry Devani please forgive me, come back to me, I promise to be better,} you thought as a single tear slide down your face falling on her warm skin. You hadn't move from your spot beside her, a desk now beside your bed, papers there for you to do. Your warmth, your life keeping her warm and alive or so it seemed. After a moment there was a light knock on the door, "Enter," you sounded distant, off in another world. "Milord, how is she faring today?" Silva asked as she and Sorekaze came in, you noticed that now every time some one come to you they come in pairs never alone. "She's a little warmer but she's still a sleep," you say looking up at them, smiling gentle Sorekaze said, "She's a beauty sire, please keep her with us." Nodding you say "I'm doing what I can, I think we just need to get her warm, she's still freezing to touch," pulling her closer so her head fell limply into the crook of your neck. "I'll draw a hot bath, maybe if you hold her in there for a while she'll heat up, Sorekaze have some fresh heat bags brought in and have someone light the fire in here," Silva said nodding Sorekaze walked away as she fled to the bathroom. "Please wake up my love, don't leave me," you whispered kissing her lightly, her lips not moving under your touch. Sighing you scooped her up, you'd changed her into one of her night dresses, it was a soft distant green, and it brought out the green in her eyes and made them stand out even more. Standing you walked to the bathroom as Silva turned the taps off, "Here you go milord, I'll be back later to check on her," she said bowing before she left closing the door. Stripping off you remove her dress, climbing into the deep hot water, it was so hot your pale flesh turned a soft pink, lowering her into the water you sat behind her cuddling her to you. Fear so deep it eat at you came in a cold rush. What if she died what if you couldn't save her? Would you be able top go on with out her there? Even alive and hating you was better than dead. After about an hour you whispered "Come back to me Devani, where ever you've gone come back to me my love," softly in her ear. She made a small sound almost a groan, rolling over in her sleep cuddling up closer to you, her arms encircling your neck and shoulders. "Devani" you breathed, relief in a sudden rush leaving you bone less.
Devani POV

"Mom?" you asked walking down the long hall in the great palace, you heard another scream, "HELLO?" you called coming to a set of doors. Opening the doors you saw the most horrific sight ever, your family, on both sides dead, you father and grandfather the only to still fighting. "Dad what…what happened?" you asked your voice and face sliding back into its emotionless mask, you had perfected this living in a constant war, your mother's and father's people were to never met, never work side by side, but your parents did, they feel in love, had you and you were the reason your two people kept fighting. "Devani, run, leave!!" your father yelled dodging one of your grandfathers attacks, "What WHY?!" you yelled stricken. "Devani please go to earth be Saf- he was cut of latterly as your grandfathers sword cut through his head, taking his head from the upper jaw. "DAD!!" you cried running towards him as your grandfather turned to you an evil glint in his eye, "Now you- suddenly you couldn't hear his voice you could see his mouth moving as he advanced on you but another voice cut into you mind. It was filled with pain, regret, sorrow and love, it whispered in your ear like a sad song "Come back to me Devani, where ever you've gone come back to me, my love.” You saw Sesshoumaru's face as you rode him, the look of please heightening his beauty as sweat, sweet and tangy ran down his face, "Devani," he whispered but it was closer to your ear than his mouth was,. You could feel his breath on your face, but could only see him below you as he came taking you, bringing you, making you boneless, formless, wind and rain, life and death all and nothing. You fell forward finding yourself in the dinning hall Sesshoumaru yelling at one of the servants, angrily, "Sesshoumaru stop it!! Sesshoumaru enough!!" you yelled as he turned to you his eye tinted red. He was so angry, so very angry, but it was blind anger, blind hatred and that made it more dangerous than him being angry with just one person. "YOU DON'T TELL ME WHEN IT'S ENOUGH!!" his fist came towards you, fast, you could have dodge but held your place, if he could kill others, take others lives you as his mate would allow him to harm you, to take so of that pain. When he hit you, you felt a solid sadness, that he could harm you meant that he could do it again and feel nothing. You hit the floor, you heard Rin cry your name; felt the stillness of the room as all fell silent. Licking your lip as you stood not even looking at Sesshoumaru you straightened you kimono leaving, blood sliding down your face, hot tears burned your eyes. As you left the room you felt his hand cover your eyes "Walk forward," he whispered breathing down your neck, giggling you walked until he stoped you. "Okay open your eyes," he said his voice held an innocent tone, you couldn't name it but it was the piece of himself he keep, innocent, carefree and away from his colder, Lord self. Opening your eyes you saw a beautiful garden, it was filled with life, birds and butterflies, spinning around you noticed that your room looked out across the wonderful garden. "Oh Sesshoumaru It's beautiful!!" you gushed smiling up at him, smirking he ran up, his hands grabbing you by the thighs lifting you high, pulling a surprised 'yip' from you as you put your hands on his shoulders for balance. Laughing you looked down at him, his eyes were warm, full of soft wonder "Not as beautiful as you," he said smiling, not smirking but smiling, it gave you a glimpse of what he would have looked like when he was much, much younger, before, hundreds of years before you were born. "Sesshoumaru- you started but he whispered "Kiss me," smiling you did, hard and messy, full of tongue and lips and teeth. “Devani come back to me, please wake up," his voice came even as you kissed him, pulling away you looked around, Sesshoumaru, the Sesshoumaru in your arms faded, smiling in soft wonder, you were left cold, alone and in the dark.
~~End Dream.~~

You felt Sesshoumaru's strong arms around you, water lapping at your bare body, opening your eyes, every thing seemed unfocused. Fuzzy, "Devani?" he asked whispering, groaning you closed your eyes burying your face back into his shoulder, trying to remember what had happened, why you were in the bath. The last thing you remembered was singing, Rin and Marai coming in them darkness, dreams. "Sesshoumaru what happened?" you asked voice same, you felt him smile, pulling you away enough to face him, he looked at your face, searched your eyes. "Your awake," he sounded so happy, blinking you tilt you head to one side, your hair wet enough that it stayed were it was, slicked back away from your face "When did I go to sleep?" you asked making him laugh. It surprised you, the last time you talked with him he was furious, now he was relieved, happy. Smiling at you he brushed his lips against yours, too soft to be called a kiss. Lean back you look at him, making him laugh again "The look on your face, so suspicious," he beamed at you, hugging you tightly. Ran your hand through his hair you looked at him "Well wouldn't you be if I went from really happy to so angry I killed a whole bunch of people to happy again?" you asked moving so you straddled his waist. You could feel him, hard, full and ready, the feel of him so close, so ready made you close your eyes, made you shudder against him. When you open your eyes you looked at him, he looked lost, "What's wrong?" you whispered leaning your head against his, he wasn't as hard now. "I'm sorry," he whispered looking into your eyes, he was so lost, so sad, so worried you wouldn't forgive him, what he didn't now was that just seeing him happy, seeing him smile made you forgive him. "Please Devani, Please forgive me, I know I've been an ass, please tell me you for- you cut off his begging with a kiss "Your forgiven, all you had to do was ask," you whispered pulling back.