InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Can't Stay Away ❯ Chapter 22 - Completing ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N 1: Hello! Here's a new chapter for the weekend. It's mostly fluff and there's a lemon, so you know the drill. Also, thanks for everyone for your support. The story now has over 10k views! Special shout-out to MeTheAnimeLover7: your last review got me all emotional! Thanks! It's for people like you that I try my best.

Chapter 22 – Completing

Inuyasha and Kagome stood in shock as they saw Kikyo and Yura sitting at a table at their favorite restaurant. Inuyasha quickly let go of the shock and decided to take matters into his hands, even though he was desperate to know why the two of them were having dinner together.

"Good evening, ladies. I believe you two met Kagome already." He kissed Kagome on the cheek, his hand still on the small of her back and smiled at the women, who had already lost the arrogant expression on their faces and were now staring at the couple in disbelief.

"Good evening Yura, Kikyo", Kagome said smiling.
"G-good evening", Kikyo said, stuttering.
"So, it looks like you two are back together. Now I know why you called me and asked me to not bother you again, Inuyasha", Yura said, composing herself and winking at Inuyasha.
"Yes, Yura, that was part of the reason. The other is I just don't want to see you again. Now, if you'll two excuse us, we have a table ready", he said, not looking distressed at all, turning and leading Kagome to their table.

His easy-going attitude made Yura and Kikyo's blood boil.

"What does he think he's doing? Did he find out Kagome didn't give that interview?", Kikyo said, keeping her voice down.
"I don't know. But don't worry, at least he doesn't know it was our doing, other wise he would've screamed at us, at least", Yura said.
"So what do we do now? We can't let them get away with it. They need to know they can't treat us like that! SHE needs to know she can't just steal our man and get away with it!", Kikyo said, a little louder.
"Keep it down, Kikyo. We just need to regroup and think of something else. Although, I have to say, I'm not really that interested anymore. Of course I was upset when he turned me down, but you're the one who was his girlfriend and I really don't think he would come back to me if he and Kagome broke up againÉ he would probably go to you", Yura said, with a slight look of disgust. "But I can help you if you need me to. I can't stand that bitch."
Kikyo grinned. "Good. I'll make the plans and let you know."

"What the HELL was that?!", Kagome said, slightly leaning on the table.
"I have no idea. But it doesn't look good. I had a feeling Kikyo was behind the whole interview thing, but now it looks like she had help", Inuyasha said.
"Well, did you sleep with Yura during your relationship with Kikyo?", Kagome asked, trying not to look upset. "Because why would she have an interest in doing it with Kikyo if you weren't sleeping with her before it happened?"
He took her hand and looked her in the eye. "No. She was always someone who wasÉ in between relationships. But I'm guessing she might have got in Kikyo's team after that. Maybe they got together after Yura saw I wasn't going to sleep with her after you."
Kagome smiled lightly. "Maybe."
"That still doesn't explain how they got all that information. But I'm sure my people will find something out. I have a meeting with them tomorrow, to look at what they found so far."
"Good. I want this to be done with. I want to move on."
Inuyasha's heart leaped. "I'm so glad to hear that. I want to move on too and I think we will do so in the near future. Those two have gone way too far."
"We will", Kagome said with a smile.

Dinner was pleasant for the couple, even after their unpleasant encounter. Inuyasha decided to tell Kagome about the trip to Bali later, thinking it would be better to do so in private. They headed to his house and went straight to his bedroom, to "watch a movie and cuddle", as Inuyasha put it. He was secretly hoping for more, but didn't want to push her. He also thought it would be a good time to ask her to go on the trip with him.

"Kagome, I have something to ask you. Now, don't think I'm pushing you or anything. If you want to say no, say it, I won't insist. You have every right to say so and I'll understand", he said as he laid on the bed, turning the TV on.
"Ok, shoot", she said, laying next to him.
He took her hands, while sitting up and facing her. "I want us to go to Bali, for a week."
Kagome looked surprised. "Bali?"
"Yes. I thought we could get away for a while and relax, enjoy ourselves. I think we deserve it, don't you think?"
"IÉ okay, let's go", she said, smiling.
"Really? Are you sure?", Inuyasha said with wide eyes.
"Yes! I think it will be good for us and I'm excited, really. I've never been there."
Inuyasha jumped on her. "I'm so happy. YOU make me so happy. I know I don't deserve you and I probably never will, but I'll try, everyday, to make you as happy as you make me. It's the least I can do."
"InuyashaÉ you make me happy too. I know we've had problemsÉ but I know we can work through them, together."
"That's all I need to hear, Kagome. My Kagome", he said smiling.

He kissed her softly and caressed her face, pressing his body lightly on hers. She kissed him back, running her hands through his hair. He moved one hand to her breast and the other to her stomach. He soon had enough of the excess fabric and got up and straddled her, removing his shirt. He then unbuttoned her blouse, exposing her bra-clad chest, marveling at the sight. He gave her a smirk and she blushed. She knew how much he loved her breasts. But she was also happy to admire his muscular chest. She put her hands behind his neck and brought him for another soaring kiss.
He groaned at her response and his hand made its way back to his favorite part of her body. Kagome was getting impatient, wanting more. She grabbed his penis and started massaging it. He let go of her mouth and panted, resting his forehead on hers. He got up and took off his pants and boxers, before hastily unzipping her pants and taking off her panties. He stood next to her laying body, admiring. She got a little self-conscious and put her arms around her torso, covering a bit. He took her hands and put them on her sides.

"Don't be shy. You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Your bodyÉ", he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Makes me almost go crazy. Sometimes, when I'm with you, I'm afraid of letting my demon take over me. Don't hide yourself. You are mine, all mine, there's no need to be shy around me."

Kagome smiled and he got on top of her again. He took his time kissing her neck, going down to her breasts, licking and sucking them lightly, feeling extreme desire just by hearing her loud moans. He went lower and kissed the insides of her thighs, softly and slowly. Her anticipation was building as he made his way to her center.

"I can't get enough of your scent', he said while giving her pussy one lick. "And your taste", he said, licking it again. He started licking and sucking hard. She was moaning and touching her breasts, making him even more aroused, just by seeing her do that. He pushed a finger inside her, making her gasp and scream his name. He felt so good about himself. He was finally with the woman he loved, giving her the pleasure he had always wanted to give her.

She soon reached her climax and he was glad to finally be able to enter her. He wanted to make sure she had an orgasm first. He wanted to give her everything he could.
When he was about to position himself on her entrance, she pushed him on the bed, beside her, and took his cock, while lowering her body so that her head was leveled with it. Inuyasha opened his mouth in surprise, once he realized what she was about to do.
Kagome was nervous, since she had never given someone a blowjob. She was scared to disappoint him or do something that felt bad. She was still determined to pleasure him orally and decided to be straightforward.

"Tell me if I do something wrong", she said, not looking at him.
"Oh, I don't think you will."

She started licking it slowly, paying attention to his reaction. He groaned and stared at the ceiling, not believing how much pleasure he was feeling from something he had already experienced before, many times. She took almost all of him, minding her teeth, gasping a little when the tip reached her throat.

He gave her a small laugh and ran his fingers through her hair. "Easy, love. Take it slow."
"I still can't believe how big you are", she said, grinning, before putting all she could in her mouth.
"Shit. KagomeÉ"

She knew, from the way he said her name, that she was doing something right.
When he felt he was about to lose control, he decided to stop her.

"Kagome, I'm almost coming. Let me come inside you."
"From what I hear, hanyous have high stamina. Can't you come twice?", she said, smirking and filling her mouth with his cock again.
"FuckÉ" He nearly lost it when he saw her head bobbing up and down.

She started sucking harder and faster, while massaging his balls. At first, she wanted to do it for him, because she knew how much pleasure this brought to a man. But she realized it only made her want him more. He came quickly, screaming her name. She almost gagged with the amount of sperm he released, but swallowed it all, sucking him dry. He looked down at her and both his human and his youkai part were proud to see she did so.

"KagomeÉ you drive me crazy."

He pushed her to him and laid her on the bed. He kissed her and was delighted to taste him in her mouth. He started sucking her neck and, once again, massaging her breasts. He got hard soon after and, without warning, entered her fully.
She gasped and screamed his name. She was slick, so he knew he hadn't hurt her.

"I love how wet you always get for me."

He started moving slowly and it was completely different from their first time, when they had almost rough, needy, desperate sex. Their need for each other, back then, was uncontrollable. Now, he wanted to take his time, enjoy her, memorize every single aspect of her body and her reactions.

He looked at her eyes and saw love, passion. She saw the same emotions in his eyes and took his face with her hands.

"InuyashaÉ I love you."
He smiled. "I love you too, Kagome."

He built his rhythm and pounded on her a little harder, the sound of flesh hitting against flesh making them even more aroused. She pushed her hips to make him enter her as deeply as possible. He groaned and his demon wanted to roar.

Dominate her. Take her. Mark her. She's yours.

What did it for him were his ears. As soon as she grabbed them and started rubbing, he lost it.

"God, KagomeÉ"

He let himself go and felt her walls tighten against his cock. They climaxed together and he released his seed inside of her.

Panting, they laid next to each other, holding hands. They soon fell asleep, naked, spooning and smiling. Life was complete again.

A/N 2: RIP Harper Lee :(