InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Captive ❯ Chapter 13

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Thirteen
*Sango's POV*
I sat at the dinner table by myself. "What is wrong with him," I muttered. "All this time he's been all over me, and now all of a sudden it's like he can't stand the sight of me." I sighed and leaned back in my chair. What to do, what to do? I wondered. I was fresh out of ideas at the moment. All there was to do was to finish eating, go to bed and hope that and something came to me in the night. Preferably Miroku, but a new idea would be nice too.
I finally finished eating then made my way slowly upstairs where I got undressed and climbed into my wonderfully soft bed and waited for sleep to come. Unfortunately sleep seemed to be running a little late tonight. I tried everything; counting sheep, staring at the patterns on the back of my eyelids, I even tried daydreaming myself to sleep. But nothing worked. So I decided if I had to be awake, then Miroku would be awake also. So I made my way down the stairs not even trying to be quiet. In fact I did my best to make sure the stairs squeaked as loudly as possible. But when I got to his room the bastard was still sound asleep.
"Miroku," I shook him gently. "Miroku, wake up."
"Sango," he muttered rolling over. "Did you have another nightmare?"
"No I--"
"It's okay, you can sleep with me. He tugged me down onto the bed, pulled the covers up over me, slipped an arm around my waist and went back to sleep. If he had ever really woken up. What else could I do? I snuggled up to him and went to sleep.
The next morning I awoke to find Miroku propped up against his pillow staring down at me. "You know Sango, I could get used to waking up with you in my arms," he said smiling. "I'm sorry you had another nightmare, do you want to talk about it?"
"No, I--"
"It'll help," he interrupted before I could answer. "I could go make you some breakfast and we can eat in bed while we talk."
"Sango, why do you keep pushing me away like this? I'm trying to get to know you better but--" When he said that I just lost my temper.
"Pushing you away?" I asked incredulous. "What the hell is wrong with you? I've been throwing myself at you since we came back from Inuyasha's. You're the one pushing me away. And I'm tired of it. I don't want to be with you anyway. I can't believe I fell for the kind of guy whose feelings change so quickly." I jumped out of the bed and stormed out of the room.
*Miroku's POV*
Throwing herself at me? I thought. That explains a lot. Wait did she say she'd fallen for me? I groaned and flopped back on the bed. Why must the gods be so cruel? The one time I try to be a gentleman, I get so caught up concentrating on being chivalrous and I completely miss the signs of a woman asking for my good lovin??? I can't believe it.
"Sango, wait!" I jumped off the bed and ran to my doorway. But Sango had already left the house. "Great," I muttered dejectedly. "I may have just lost my only chance with the most beautiful, smart, sexy, interesting woman I've met in years." What can I do to get back in her good graces? Slowly an idea began to form smiling I went off to put it in action.
A short chapter I know plz don't kill me for it. More as soon as possible.