InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Centennial Hunger ❯ Kuku Clocks & Trinkets ( Chapter 14 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 14
Kuku Clocks &Trinkets
(So sorry for the delay. Seizures and a job change have been a real bitch, but everything is getting better by the day. The next chapter is practically finished as it was originally a part of this one. Thank Kiten for going over the chapter for me and pointing out a couple of areas that needed clarification. And, thank AmberRose for giving it a once over and assuring me that it was ready for posting.)
The headache of the century waited in the wings while Sesshoumaru pursed his lips. It was obvious by Inuyasha's frozen face that there would be issues concerning the annoying priestess. In order to show a united front, he decided to get his ultimate glare of reproach out of the way. Narrowing his eyes and loading his pupils with acid darts, he turned his Glare-of-Death on Inuyasha. Unfortunately for Inuyasha, when it became clear that he wasn't appreciating Sesshoumaru's efforts at a reprimand, Sesshoumaru decided to change tactics and bitch-slapped his brother into the present.
“What the fuck was that for!?” Inuyasha shouted. He felt as though someone had just kicked his lounging ass out of a tree, much like the first Attack-of-the-Furballs.
“Choose your path with your comrades before I do it for you,” Sesshoumaru stated with steel in his voice. If nothing else, the anticipation of eating priestess-on-a skewer shining in his eyes should have put Inuyasha's brain in gear. After all, Inuyasha was well aware of his exact methods of dealing with annoying pests. And what methods he could use!
`I could twist that little bitch's neck until her head pops off.
`Sliced-and-diced priestess-meat-pie
`Hm, I must be hungry.'
Sesshoumaru's eyes drifted over to Inuyasha's latest kill. His mouth watered and he had to swallow in order to avoid the drooling-dog stereotype. He might be a dog, but he never drooled, except during the teething of his Centennial. Of course, there were the exciting episodes during which he highly enjoyed melting annoyances with his awesome acidic slime. 'Maybe drooling isn't so bad after all'. All of this brought to mind his planned punishment of Inuyasha for tying him and leaving him for the rat impersonator's munch-lunch. His strategizing had been going quite well until he had been so wonderfully and rudely interrupted by The Really Big Buck with the Really Big Bones. Now that he recalled the incident, he realized that he had yet to come up with a suitable punishment for his mate. Perhaps it was time for that ass-kicking with which he had sworn to bless Inuyasha's cute little buns. Even while his mind drifted to licking and soothing Inuyasha's soon to be stinging, pink behind, his eyes were glazing over in lust for the hunk of meat that lay a few feet away.
“Don't you even start, Sesshoumaru,” floated across his drifting, dysfunctional sound radar.
The next thing Sesshoumaru knew, he was sprawled out on the ground, rubbing his aching jaw. Now, they were even. Although, he was pretty sure that he had been socked in the jaw, not bitch-slapped.
“You are not going to go all beasty and try to eat my friends. Do you hear me?” Inuyasha shouted at the pink-eyed, drool monster of little wolves' nightmares.
In Sesshoumaru's growing universe of dog-eat-buck, Inuyasha's words were sounding more and more garbled by the moment and, the only thing beginning to register was that his mate was standing between him and a perfectly filling meal. The energy expended in their most recent activity had left his belly hollow and the survival instincts of a growing dog were drawing out his instincts.
“Inuyasha! Inuyasha where are you?” bellowed over the trees.
“Snap out of it! They're almost here! Dammit! Why couldn't you have gotten this out of the way before now? You just have to be the most difficult asshole. Is it because of your damn birthday? What!? I have a damn birthday every fucking month! Gods-be-damned!” Inuyasha practically screamed.
Frustration flushed his face and steamed out his ears. He needed Sesshoumaru to be lucid. There was no telling what reaction he would receive out of his little group of bizarre, maladjusted refugees. That damn, sexy, red-eyed creature before him would be of no use whatsoever. How could he count on protection from a bestial, albeit bipedal, dog? Who else could go up against a flaming miko? Only a sane Sesshoumaru and that just wasn't going to happen. He'd be lucky if the dog didn't use them for chew toys, or dinner.
While scanning for some form of protection, maybe a bed of leaves to cushion the blow of Kagome's sit commands, he noticed that when he had knocked Sesshoumaru to the ground, the beautiful, midnight blue robe had flown open, exposing Sesshoumaru to the whole wide world of peeping lechers.
“Fuck,” Inuyasha swore as his eyes swept the area for the leather covering. “I wouldn't put it past even Miroku to jump you.”
Spying the protective item he was searching for, he quickly retrieved it and struggled with the soon-to-be brain-damaged dog. Sesshoumaru had already sat up and was rubbing his jaw when his mate began struggling to dress him. His mate had hit him and he had done nothing to deserve it. All he wanted was a little food. It was sitting there, already dead and doing nothing. Really. It wasn't as though it was going to jump up and attack him. Why couldn't he have a few strips? He stared at his mate. Well, just because the wonderful smelling creature didn't want him to eat didn't mean that he had to wait. He wasn't some mangy cat that would cower in a corner. He was a ferocious dog and damn proud of it.
Sesshoumaru curled his lips back and snarled. There. That should show his displeasure and get him what he wanted. Garbled noises reached his ears. The creature sounded annoyed. Sesshoumaru huffed. He didn't care. He was hungry. Food, food, food, food, food! Ah! Where was his bone!? While the creature fooled around with his robes, his keen eyes scanned the area. There! If only he could get within a couple of feet of the carcass, he'd have his weapon! Yes!
Inuyasha could see the gleam in Sesshoumaru's gradually reddening eyes. This was so not good. Definitely not a good sign, not at all.
“I don't think so! I'm not gonna be unconscious when they get here! Got it? No bone and no sparklies!”
`Not a dog, but he might as well be,' Inuyasha sighed. “Look, can't you at least stay half-way decently sane for awhile?”
`Like that's gonna work!'
From the sound of Kagome's voice—something so loud that it traveled at the speed of light—he'd say they had at least five minutes.
“What do you want? What will bring your stuck-up, arrogant ass back to me!?” Inuyasha practically yelled while he took Sesshoumaru's head in his hands and shook it. All he received for his troubles was Sesshoumaru pulling out of his grasp, a snarl, then a blur of blue and silver. By the time he turned, Sesshoumaru was bearing down on him with the bone.
“Gah!” Inuyasha exclaimed as his raised arm took the blow.
No sooner had he thwarted Sesshoumaru's attempt to produce a myriad of sparklies than Sesshoumaru had spun around on his heel, marched back to their kill, and started peeling off strips of meat.
`Just a warning, huh? That was almost...sweet.'
Since traveling in Sesshoumaru's presence, Inuyasha's concept of violence and affection had been unequivocally warped to new, unexplored depths of murkiness.
`Maybe if I let him eat, he'll recover more quickly,' Inuyasha correctly mused. “Okay, what do I do now?”
As he thought about the upcoming events, visions of his friends' wrath, accompanied by the taste of worms, dirt, and a few sweet smelling flowers thrown in the mix—if he was lucky—assaulted his brain. Then his original plan of lying his ass off popped into his guilty conscience. However, he had an excuse.
“That's right! I've been good! Yeah, helping Sesshoumaru and all that. But...what if they don't go away and stick around instead, then they might find out that...Oh gods,” Inuyasha moaned.
He could only keep his secret for so long. Delay would be impossible. Inuyasha groaned and dropped his head into his hands. “I'm going to die. I'm a dead half-breed, buried alive by Kagome, with a concussion inflicted by Sango, and purified with Miroku's sutra's. Yep, crispy purified, beat-to-a-pulp, dead half-breed, growing a garden out of my nose.”
The knot of dread in his stomach was not in the least bit helped by the slurping sounds being generated by his famished brother. While attempting to ignore his Sesshoumaru's pig-out session, Inuyasha looked down and realized that he was naked to the waist.
`This really doesn't help.' He was going to die, and dogs definitely did not have nine lives. `I must have at least four. Sesshoumaru might know, but...'
Inuyasha watched the sky, waiting for the inevitable. No, he wasn't waiting for it to fall or turn purple.
“Inuyasha!” That's what he was waiting for.
Whoosh, whoosh. The firecat's paws, of course, as she swooped down and settled a few paws away and looked warily at the taiyoukai, who had turned his narrowed eyes to her. She wasn't stupid, unlike at least one of the other riders. She simply gave him a bored expression, letting him know that she had no intentions of encroaching upon his territory.
“We were so worried about you! Where have you been!?” the potential priestess-on-a-skewer nearly cried when she slipped from the back of Kilala and dropped her bow and arrows.
As the worried teenager ran up to Inuyasha and began searching for injuries, he held his breath and stood stiff with his ears pinned down. It was only a matter of time before he imitated a fisherman's hook, worms and all. He could handle being sat, but add a boomerang and sutra's to the mix and he was pretty sure he wouldn't survive. On top of that, deep in his burning brain, he knew that a certain taiyoukai wouldn't approve and, his friends would soon find out that the sky just might be purple after all.
Meanwhile, a safe distance away, two ghostly figures, and one quite alive, perched on a tree limb to observe the impending showdown.
“Well, Sessmom, do you think our boys can keep it together?” Izayoi asked the living, breathing beauty, and first bitch of the dog general.
“What did you call me?” the striking woman, who happened to greatly resemble Sesshoumaru, asked her companion.
Izayoi sighed. “My lover likes to keep his secrets. He tells me nothing. Most likely, he enjoys seeing himself as tall, white, handsome, mysterious...”
“That's quite enough. His head is big enough as it is,” Sessmom snorted after noticing the growing grin on her late mate. She would never deny his overwhelming attractiveness, but he had a habit of thinking himself irresistible.
Sessmom turned to the dog general in question and whapped him on the nose with her fan then turned back to Izayoi. “I'll respect the wishes of the dead. After all,” she said, sliding her eyes back to the handsome father of her son, “I wouldn't want to be haunted by the same idiot that enjoys toying with our child. Can you believe that he made me do his dirty work? I had to send my own son to hell and break his poor heart,” she complained then tipped her nose and stared at the panoramic view that promised to be shortly blown to bits...or melted, if her son would just snap out of his birthday madness.
The great dog general rubbed his abused nose and frowned at the females. This was exactly why he kept them apart.
`They always gang up against me like a band of wolves. It not my fault that the Fates had decided to play their twisted games with my family.' A man, er, dog youkai, had to do what a dog youkai had to do. Right now, that was keeping his mouth shut in order to give the nagging females less ammunition. His eyes narrowed as the sneaking suspicion that his two women were two of the Fates in disguise crossed his death-addled brain. The males of his family were cursed to play the games designed by the Fates. He had yet to find the bitches, but he would and, when he did, well, `They don't stand a chance in hell!'
Back in the sandbox, one annoyed priestess was interrogating the poor half-breed.
“Who's that woman?” Kagome asked, nodding her head in the direction of the crouched being that was hidden behind shimmering, silver hair. The `woman' that Kagome was referring to slowly turned her head and glared potential miko-meat-pie eyes at her.
“What have you been doing?” she asked with that dangerous, low tone while evil, glowing embers sparked in her swirling chocolate eyes.
“Um, Kagome?” Inuyasha heard from the demon slayer.
He looked up from Kagome to see Sango worriedly staring beyond him. That's when he felt the warm and thrumming energy prickling over his skin. Inuyasha nearly smacked himself for being so distracted that he hadn't immediately gone on the defensive for his friends. Kagome could be so clueless, always putting herself in harm's way. The girl didn't have enough sense to stay out of trouble.
`She has rocks for brains,' Inuyasha mused, wondering just how closely she was related to the clay Kikyou. At least, she didn't have a habit of getting thrown off of cliffs. Well, not on a regular basis.
“Inuyasha? Um, I think you'd better move. That actually looks like Sesshoumaru behind you,” she whispered as she backed away, her eyes wide with apprehension.
“Well, duh!” Inuyasha retorted.
Inuyasha could see her reaching for her absent bow. It was too far away, lying on the ground, and she should have known better anyway. Breath breezed over the top of his head as he heard a snarl. Amazingly enough, Kagome did something quite intelligent and continued backing away, obviously heading for her weapon.
“Inuyasha,” she re-iterated in a near whisper. “Sesshoumaru is right behind you and he looks really mad.”
“It's okay,” he tried to reassure her. “He ain't gonna hurt me, but you need to be careful. Don't go doin' anything stupid.”
Kagome's eyes narrowed and her aura of anger flared to life. Insinuating that she was stupid was really, really…stupid. Her indignant aura was met by another violent snarl. Immediately, Inuyasha had a thought that might just save his ass, and hers. If there was one thing he knew, Kagome was a sucker for the injured.
“Look, Kagome,” he said, keeping his voice low and calm. “Sesshoumaru is in a lot of pain right now and doesn't know what he's doing. You know how you're not supposed to get close to injured dogs? Just stay back.”
Kagome's ire immediately deflated at the thought that Sesshoumaru was in pain. In many instances, she did have a kind heart. Still, she was worried about Inuyasha's safety.
“What about you though? Won't he hurt you, too?” she whispered as she continued her slow journey back toward the fire cat.
“Um, well. I've been taking care of him, so he sorta doesn't mind me very much. Heheh,” Inuyasha nervously chuckled.
“How could he not mind? He hates you,” she asked low and even.
Kagome finally backed into the fire cat and looked to her companions. Sango had her boomerang at her side, ready to lop off Sesshoumaru's head while the monk was smirking at the two youkai. Shippou, the spoiled, copper-colored, fuzz ball, sat nervously on the monk's shoulder, his tail fluffed into spikes, his emerald eyes wide, and his little body trembling in fear of the red-eyed bogyman.
Kagome's voice broke the silence yet again. “What's that on your neck?” she asked, referring to the sparkling band around his neck.
“Uh, it was a gift from Sesshoumaru,” Inuyasha replied, still avoiding the issue at hand.
Miroku snorted and his eyes gleamed with perverted knowledge as he perused the couple. He had learned much from the raccoon youkai, Hachi. They hadn't been friends for so long without having some things in common. The raccoon was just as perverted as he himself.
Inuyasha felt a possessive arm wrap around his chest. `Not good! Not good!' his mind screamed. The arms pulled him back and pinned him against a snarling Sesshoumaru, who proceeded to bend his head down and lick Inuyasha's neck.
Inuyasha froze, his eyes wide with fear. `Sooo not good…'
Kagome's eyes had narrowed to slits. The uncomfortable moment didn't last long, however. Sesshoumaru's hackles bristled and he jumped up, up, up, and away, taking Inuyasha with him. In a protective move, once he landed, he shoved Inuyasha behind him.
“Hahahaha. Inuyasha, what a pleasant surprise,” Naraku chuckled with ominous glee from his translucent, pink bubble of a barrier that floated over the river.
`What is it with these guys and pink power,' Inuyasha dumbly thought to himself, forgetting all about the previous threat.
“You!” Kagome shouted and turned toward their arch nemesis.
Naraku stood tall and unaccountably proud as his new attire billowed around him. He still was not pleased that the colors of the cloth matched the monk's. `But his is not near as good of quality as mine.' Not only was his attire much more flashy, but he had added a few bony spikes here and there. They stuck out of his shoulders and around the back of his neck, creating a collar that rose up behind and around his head. He was certain that this gave the impression of having a strong and beautiful halo of evil. His face, still that of the Prince of the Hitomi clan, was much too soft and needed a dark boost. His wrists, as well as his ankles, were cuffed with the same curved bones. Though he may have thought himself to be beautiful, he looked more like a prime bird about to be stuck over a spit for a holiday feast. The multi-breed truly had no concept of fashion.
Inuyasha's head snapped around from behind Sesshoumaru just in time to see his friend let loose a purifying arrow. The only effect it had was to bounce off of the pink bubble.
“You took away my Kukuku clock! You'll pay for that!” Another arrow lit the sky as Naraku casually stroked one of those...ugh, red-eyed, demon-possessed, ugly-assed, rat impersonating squirrels.
“Hohoho, now. Did you really think that one of those puny arrows could break my barrier?” the vain villain laughed.
“Cut the crap. You are not Santa Claus!” Kagome yelled while shooting off another arrow.
Naraku frowned at the strange comparison. `Santa Claws? Who cares! I have bony spikes!'
Not for long, if Sesshoumaru had anything to say about it. His gums were itching again and those bones looked pretty damn good.
Inuyasha stepped from behind Sesshoumaru and drew his sword while sighing in relief at his reprieve from Kagome's questioning. Never once had it crossed his mind that he would one day experience relief at the sight of Naraku.
The priestess couldn't help but be mesmerized by the sight of Inuyasha in all his bare-chested glory. Why hadn't she notice it before? Her eyes roamed his torso, the well-defined abs, the pert nipples, his cute belly-button, his…
A growl could be heard coming from behind the puppy-eared hunk. No one eye-balled Sesshoumaru's little, red creature like that!
“Kagome!” Inuyasha shouted and her eyes snapped back to their enemy. She screeched in surprised fear as a tentacle shot toward her.
Thankfully, the monk had extremely accurate aim when it came to sutras and quickly managed to purify to dust the creepy, crawly spear. His aim had always been excellent. He'd had plenty of practice using Sango's ass as his target. Practice makes perfect. The poor monk had always been so misunderstood.
Meanwhile, Sango-the-Slayer, took to the skies on her gorgeous fire cat, who snorted in disdain at Naraku's attempt at superior beauty. He was such a dork. She was, after all, above and beyond the fairest of them all, what with her silky, smooth, sleek fur, lining her muscled body. Her fangs were much larger than any of the others could claim. Even with his silver tongue, the monk's song of seduction could never compare to her purrs. Though the slayer fell short as well, Kilala would never deign to voice such an opinion. She cherished the loyalty of her partner and would never risk its loss. The fact that she couldn't talk was neither here nor there.
While the slayer attempted to cut through the barrier with her boomerang, Hiraikotsu, the monk threw sutras in an effort to burn away the evil, pink energy. As with all of their previous attempts, the weapons bounced right off the bubble. Kagome randomly wondered if the barrier tasted anything like the pink bubblegum of her future home. There had to be some way to get through it. Maybe some fingernail polish remover. If they were anything alike, she might have something in her backpack to dissolve it. It was a thought.
All of this distraction gave Inuyasha time to marvel at a new sword transformation that magically appeared with along with a strange warmth and glow from the trinkets containing Sesshoumaru's hair and teeth. Glowing, green snot dripped to the ground where it burned sizzling holes into the dirt and sand. Abruptly, the blade changed its mind on its attack mode and glowed purple with a pattern of circles. A stripe in the shapes of white fangs cut through the center.
'What does this attack do?' he thought to himself, not in the least expecting an answer. A thrill of tickling electricity went up his arm and, much to his shock, Inuyasha suddenly heard a deep chuckle.
"Ah, my boy. So kind of you to ask."
"What the fuck!" Inuyasha exclaimed at the disembodied voice in his head. He almost dropped the damn thing. Sure, he knew it could translate barks, but talking all on its own?
"Always so dramatic," Sessmom muttered to her mate.
"That's half the fun!" he replied.
"Whatever you say, Dear," she huffed.
'Damn women. Can't do anything right as far they're concerned,' he mentally scowled.
While the elders engaged in their banter, Inuyasha stood with his mouth open, thoroughly stunned.
"Now, let's have a little fun, my boy. That collar the priestess has on you gave me a few ideas. With this attack, you can plow your enemy into the ground, and you get to pick the subjugation spell!" the sword crowed.
Inuyasha smirked at his luck and lifted his sword, deaf to the annoyed growling behind him. Sesshoumaru was still a bit pissed at the female who dared to drool over his mate. He may have been at his most instinctual level, but he knew competition when he saw it.
“Watch this, mate! Time for revenge!” Inuyasha excitedly exclaimed before chuckling—and completely forgetting that he wanted no one to know about his current status with Sesshoumaru. A boy with a new toy is almost always careless.
With a shout, he let loose his new attack. “Roll over, slug sucker!”
A stream of hot, purple light shot toward Naraku. Instead of piercing the bubble, it enveloped it. When Inuyasha's blade came down, the bubblegum barrier spun and was yanked into the river. A wave of water rushed to shore and drenched the bystanders as the pink blob sank into its watery grave.
“Heheh. Wonder how long that's going to last.”
While Inuyasha's friends rushed toward him to examine his amazing new attack, Naraku stared out of his barrier and growled at the various and sundry creatures that had come to investigate this new form of wildlife. A couple of rat impersonators, trapped in a bubble of air beneath tortoise shell helmets, frantically kicked their scrawny legs while they circled the translucent submarine. Naraku could have sworn their beady, red eyes were laughing at him. When his bubble slowly began to rise from the riverbed, water-logged rats surrounded him in a circle that looked suspiciously like a dancing grape vine.
`You will pay,' Naraku thought at the little beasts. As though they had heard, dozens of little pink tongues stuck out from under their buck teeth and blew raspberries at their sadistic master. `They didn't! They couldn't have!'
Naraku fumed as he rose to the surface. The drowned rats were left behind when he finally broke the surface. Much to his annoyance, there was an awed audience, waiting with weapons drawn. `Hmph! They didn't expect me to survive!'.
“Hah! You'll have to do better than that to get rid of me!” he cackled before turning a glare at the two, beefcake, lover boys. “Have you told Kikyou's annoying copy of your mating, my lovely Inuyasha?”
Inuyasha's jaw dropped. Had the asshole been watching them? 'The world is full of perverts!' It wasn't any of Naraku's business who he fucked. Well, considering Naraku's dramatic tactics and manipulation, the bastard would think he had a right.
“M...mating?” Kagome stuttered, the words finally having sunk into her brain.
“I swear, Kagome! It was an accident! I didn't know what was happening!” Inuyasha shouted, frantically waving his arms, his sword randomly swinging through the air, purple streams swinging like a jump rope. Kagome even managed to get in a few skips while dodging them.
Without warning, Naraku once again found himself beneath the water with an audience of maniacal dancing squirrels. 'He wasn't even attacking! That damn sword has a mind of its own. Maybe Kikyou was right and the Fates truly are against me. No matter, I shall defeat those bitches!'
Yet another misguided soul believing that it could defeat the very Fates themselves.
Inuyasha noticed Naraku's bubble plopping back down into the water and his eyes widened in disbelief. 'I could have hit Kagome or any of the others!'
His thoughts were confirmed when Kilila hissed and spat at him. However, his attention was quickly diverted when the sounds of screeching pierced his ears and twisted his already knotted gut.
“You had sex and it was an accident!? If you mated you had sex, right?”
“I swear, it was an accident!”
Flames burst from Kagome's aura. However, what was really scary was the promise of retribution in her eyes. It was like one of her little brother's horror movies. In slow motion, her mouth opened, her lungs drew breath, and her hair lifted in a swirl of air of her own making. Of course, Miroku had to notice that she was wearing pink lace panties. Words, seemingly from the depths of hell, crawled out of her mouth.
“In...u...yash...a,” she growled as an unnatural wind further lifted her obscenely short skirt.
At this point, Inuyasha began babbling. “He was hurt, and you would have been mad if I left him injured, and it was my human night, and he did things, and one thing led to another, and I really couldn't help it,” he whined. “You wouldn't have wanted me to leave him unable to protect himself! Don't deny it, Kagome. You can't!”
“You! You... Siiiiiiiiiiit, booooyyyyy!” The scream reverberated off the mountains and nearly burst the eardrums of any and every sundry creature with sensitive hearing, Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru being two of them. “Sit, boy! That is no excuse! You three timing jerk! Sit, sit, sit, SIT!”
Inuyasha squeezed his eyes shut and waited for the ground to hit his face, only it didn't. Instead, he heard a trickling noise that sounded as though he were pissing himself, except that the warmth was in bands around his neck, wrists, and ankles. There was no way he could have been that scared. There was also a tickle against his abdomen that made him wonder if he wasn't drooling. He risked opening an eye and looking down. What he saw made his heart leap into his throat. On the ground lay the subjugation beads. The necklace had crumbled from his neck. There hadn't been a show of power, no snapping and popping, no explosions or blinding light, just the little tinkling of beads as they dropped to the ground.
Inuyasha knew exactly what had happened and who was responsible for it. Forgetting that he had an audience, he turned around and leapt at Sesshoumaru. The kiss he laid on his mate was searing and passionate. He devoured those lips and that mouth.
'No more fertilizing flower gardens! No more eating worms! I'm free! Free! Free!'
Of course, Sesshoumaru happily returned the fervor of his little red creature, especially now that someone else's ugly charm had been removed from his mate's neck. Up to this point, he'd been fairly silent and patient with the screeching female. He'd needed the time to plot the demise of the annoying, soon-to-be mass of gurgling goo. Of course, he'd forgotten that he'd lost most of his powers. But that didn't matter one bit. All those thoughts had flown out the window when his mate had attacked him in such a delicious manner.
Immediately, Inuyasha found himself on the ground with his Sesshoumaru above him, a goofy grin on the taiyoukai's face. Blushing and burning with embarrassment when he finally remembered the presence of his friends, Inuyasha tilted his head back to see them.
Kagome's jaw had dropped, Miroku was leering while covering Shippou's eyes, and Sango was blushing, but oddly enough, completely enraptured. Hentai at heart, she was.
“Um, he's kinda accident prone right now,” Inuyasha managed to choke out, trying to hide the fact that his lover wanted more than just a kiss.
Thank You to all those who read, review, and rate.
I lurve you all. ^_^
Thanks for the review. Sorry it took so long to update and that you won't find out what happens to Kagome in the next chapter. Don't worry. I won't be mean to her. That's not my thing. I hope you liked this chapter. ^_^
Izzi! Thanks for reviewing and for the awesome scores. Wow! I hope you like this chapter as well. Sorry it took so long. You won't wait so long for the next chapter. Eh, I'm not a Kagome basher, but she will move out of the picture. ^_^
Thanks so much for reviewing and for the great scores. I don't want a bunch of angst between Kagome and Inuyasha ruining the fun of the fic, so I'm not going to focus on it all that much. Heh, I like making fun of fandom mythology, hence, the marking scene. Glad you liked it and I hope you liked this one. ^_^
Hey, Girl! So glad to see you around. Thanks for reviewing. Glad you enjoyed Sess winding up Inu. I kind of think he enjoys it more than he would admit. LOL I'm going to have to see if I reviewed your last chapter of Uke. Things have been kind of crazy in my life lately.
Hope you liked this chapter. I see you've been updating other stories. Of course, you know that my only interest is Uke. I'm a bit narrow like that. Heheh. I promise to expand my horizons!
Hope you liked this chapter. I see you've been updating other stories. Of course, you know that my only interest is Uke. I'm a bit narrow like that. Heheh. I promise to expand my horizons!
Thanks so much for reviewing and I'm glad you really liked the chapter. Sorry I didn't directly answer your question about Miroku. I forgots. Nevertheless, there is the mention of Miroku getting info from Hachi. Do you remember the anime episode where Hachi impersonated Miroku? I'm sorta going off of that. I hope you liked the chapter. ^_^ Email me sometime, stranger. I miss you, but don't like to bother you because of all the little curtain climbers you need to keep track of. ^_^
Thanks for reviewing. I'm glad you're enjoying the fic and hope you liked this chapter. Don't worry. Sess won't have to put up with Kagome for long. ^_^
Hi Nikkie! Thanks for sticking with me, reviewing, and scoring. Every time I see your name, I feel like I'm coming across a long-time friend. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Hope to `B cyn U' this time around. ^_^
Thanks so much for the awesome scores and reviews. I hope you found this chapter to be fun. Sorry it took so long, but next chapter is almost completely written, so I've got a head start. Cross your fingers that I'll have it out within the month. ^_^
Thanks for the review and awesome score. The seizures have gotten worse, but I've started on supplements that I've successfully treated them in the past. I'm almost off all of the seizure meds, but I'm rarely dizzy anymore and can drive and work an eight hour day again. It was the meds screwing me up. Thanks for your concern and support. I hope your med cocktail is working for you. Hope this chapter gives you smiles. The next chapter is almost complete! ^_^
Azalea J.
Hi, Pretty Flower! ^_^ Thanks for sticking with me and reviewing. You seemed to really like the last couple of chapters. I hope this one doesn't disappoint. The next one is almost finished and my life is getting back to normal, so you shouldn't have to wait long. ^_^
Lady! I knows you! Thanks for reviewing and for the great score! Being without a beta is scary business. Loved the randomness in your review. Next time, get half drunk first. Drunken reviews are great fun to read as well. ^_^ I hope you liked this chapter and, if it seems short, it's because the rest is in the next chapter, which is almost complete. ^_^ Take care!
Gen! Ohayo! Thanks for reviewing and scoring. Damn, it's near impossible to get perfect scores from you. Of course, it's impossible to be perfect. I'm really pleased with how well you think I'm doing. I'm looking for a downgrade in my scores on this one. It just feels weird because I had to work so long and hard on it. And, I think my funny bone took a vacation. Sigh. Covering my eyes in dread. Next chapter is almost done. At least, I can be relieved about that! ^_^ I'll see you over on lj!
Hi! Thanks for the review and great score. Glad you liked the chapter and that it was up to par. Sorry this one took so long to get this up. I'm kind of worried that its sub-standard (seizures suck hairy balls!), but I hope you enjoy it anyway. A third of it ended up in the next chapter and that one will be easy to finish up. ^_^
Trigger Happy Bitch
“Oi, bitch!” LOL Thanks for the review and awesome scores. You give great review. They are always so much fun to read. Sess's beasty side isn't much different than Inuyasha. No worries. You'll get to see Sess attempt to revert to his old guarded behavior… eventually. Sesshoumaru will always win the pretty boy contest! Hands down! Sorry that there weren't any nosebleeds in this chapter. You needed time to recuperate. ^_^ Next chapter is almost done! Hope you liked this one. ^_^
Quiet Storm
“Woof.” LOL Thanks for the fun review and awesome scores! I'm glad you've enjoyed it so much and hope that this one is up to par. It doesn't feel like it. Guess I'll find out in the next round of reviews. *ducks keyboards of doom* The next chapter is almost finished! Yay! ^_^ How have you been, girl?
Inuyasha and all associated characters are owned by Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I make no profit from this story, nor do I intend to. My only goal is to occupy my demented mind with delusions of actually owning a life-sized, anatomically correct Sesshoumaru.