InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Change of Plans ❯ Surprise ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Change of Plans

Chapter 1: Surprise

"Inuyasha are you okay? You look really tense tonight." asked Kagome. She and Inuyasha were having an eerily silent dinner. Earlier Kagome sensed his discomfort and had quit her chattering, but the awkward silence was getting to be too much. "Come on you know you can tell me anything."

"No Ki-Kagome. I am fine."

"Inuyasha I know something is wrong. I am not stupid. And besides, what did you almost call me?" Kagome was slightly alarmed. That slip sounded mysteriously like someone's name she knew and disliked.

`Oh Kami' thought Inuyasha. `This is it. I have got to tell her' "Um, Kagome" Inuyasha started. "There is something we really need to talk about. It is really important.'

Kagome's blood froze in her veins. By the tone of his voice and the look on his face, she knew this was not good. `Oh no. Is he breaking up with me?'

"Kagome you know I care about you and I would never want to hurt you. I am telling you this because you need to know." Inuyasha paused. `Please don't let this be the end.' He prayed to any spirit who was listening.

`Oh my god' Kagome breathed as her eyes widened. "What is it Inuyasha??"

Inuyasha fidgeted. "I bumped into Kikyo the other day ands we started talking……." Kagome cut him off.

"My cousin Kikyo?" She ranted, not letting Inuyasha get a word in. "Wait, the other say, as in Thursday?" Inuyasha dumbly nodded. And with that nod he sealed his fate.

Kagome's face paled as the implications set in. "It was you." She whispered. "It was you who kissed her."

"Kagome…" Inuyasha started.

"No! It was you!! No wonder she was so smug. I should have known after she visited me for the first time in a year to tell me how she kissed some guy. I should have known. How could you!!!!!!!" Kagome got up shakily. "Oh god. I have to go. Oh my god. I can't believe this." The room started to spin.

"Kagome it didn't mean anything." Inuyasha said.

That snapped Kagome out of her stupor. "It didn't mean anything!" Her voice rose causing others to start watching the exchange. "You kiss my cousin and it doesn't mean anything??! That means a lot to me! You know how I feel about her!" She turned to leave.

Inuyasha grabbed her arm. "Kagome please don't leave me." He pleaded.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't walk out of here right now."

All the women in hearing range collectively held their breaths. She was giving him another chance? "If my boyfriend kissed my cousin behind my back, the door would be hitting his ass on his way out." One woman at a nearby table told her friend.

Inuyasha sat back down and released her arm. "Keh, I don't have to beg you to stay. If you want to leave, leave." All the women gasped at his answer. Most of the men glared. Some smiled at glee at the thought of the beautiful Kagome being single. (A/n you now there are some out there).

Kagome just sadly smiled, looked down at her feet for a moment, then straight into his eyes. Inuyasha's heart ripped out of his chest when he saw her eyes shined with unshed tears. "Wrong answer." She whispered. And with that she turned and walked away.