InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Change of Plans ❯ Visits, confrontations, and running away ( Chapter 2 )
Change of Plans
Chapter 2: Visits, confrontations, and running away
She had almost made it to the entrance when the impact of what had just happened hit Inuyasha. "Kagome." He breathed. "Kagome come back!" He started to move towards her, unaware that every eye in the restaurant was on him. He almost had her, when suddenly he was thrown to the ground.
"Nani?!?!" He looked up. There in front of him was a row of men, blocking him form Kagome. "Move the fuck out of my way!" he snarled. He got up again to find that all the men held him in a death grip. "Let me go!!!"
Kagome looked back when she heard him shout. She was surprised to see every man in the restaurant holding him back. One caught her eye. "Go," he said, "We've got him."
She nodded gratefully. "Thank you."
She turned and ran out. She hailed a cab and jumped in. Inuyasha strained to hear what she told the driver. "Just get me out of here."
With that she drove off and he was unceremoniously dropped to the ground. She was gone. It couldn't be true. It was just a horrible dream and he was gonna wake up soon. But he knew. She was gone.
He slowly got up and trudged back to his table, avoiding all the death glares being sent to him. He flagged down the waiter. He planned on getting the check, but changed his mind and bought a bottle of wine instead. He decided to drink himself to oblivion.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~ </ p>
"Ma'am are we actually going to go somewhere?" The cab driver asked Kagome.
Kagome thought for a moment. She gave directions to a secluded spot out of the city. Somewhere she and Sango go to get away. Perfect.
After about 20 minutes they stopped and Kagome paid the cab and slowly walked into the park. She closed her eyes, and let the peace and quiet fill her. She sighed in contentment. `Maybe everything will be okay.' She thought to herself.
"Hello Kagome." Kagome froze at that voice.
Maybe not.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~ </ p>
Sesshoumaru knocked on the door of his brother's apartment. `Why am I moving here? I hate Inuyasha.' He asked himself for the thousandth time. `Because it is close to work and being around Inuyasha means seeing Kagome……………..' his subconscious taunted. `Shut up' he snarled. He growled inwardly as the door opened.
"Sesshoumaru? What are you doing here?" Miroku asked, looking pointedly at the bags on the floor.
Sesshoumaru hid all of his emotions and replied, "I was wondering if I could use that extra room of yours for awhile."
"Why?" Miroku asked flabbergasted (A/n I love that word!!!!)
"Reasons of my own, Houshi." He replied calmly.
"Fine, whatever. Come in. Inuyasha isn't here right now. He is out with Kagome." Miroku glanced at Sesshoumaru. He always thought that Sesshoumaru had feelings for Kagome. Of course he valued his life so he never voiced those opinions to anyone.
Nothing flickered across Sesshoumaru's face, but inside he was arguing with himself. `You know you hate to hear that' `Shut up. She is his girlfriend, of course they go out at night.' `You hate that the one thing you want, your brother has' Sesshoumaru snarled and blocked the voice as powerfully as he could. He didn't care about that lowly girl. She meant nothing to him. `Whatever' shouted a muffled voice. Miroku snapped Sesshoumaru from his thoughts.
"This is your room. Make yourself comfortable. I am going to bed."
Sesshoumaru slowly started to unpack, his thoughts still on a certain girl………….
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~ </ p>
"Kikyo what are you doing here? Haven't you done enough?" Kagome asked angrily.
"Oh no. I had to see your reaction. I am surprised you didn't see me at the restaurant. That outbreak was priceless. I especially liked when the guys stopped Inuyasha. I am grateful though. I hadn't thought he would go after you, considering he doesn't love you at all." She trailed off meaningfully. "Anyway thank you for leaving in the first place. Now he is all mine."
"Keep him I don't want him. Kagome said halfheartedly. She knew she didn't mean it. `He didn't love me?' she thought sorrowfully.
"Oh I don't need your permission. How does it feel, cousin, to have me win again. I always, win. I always get what I want. Don't ever forget it."
"Shut up!" Kagome screamed.
"You know, he told me after we kissed that he never loved you. He only told you that to get to you to sleep with him. Well I am very pleased you kept the whole virginity goody two shoe thing. That will make it all the better when you find out we slept together. I will make sure to tell you how much you missed."
Kagome swayed when the implications of what Kikyo said hit her. She raised her eyes to Kikyo's. Then she turned and ran. She ran until she couldn't run again. She found herself back in New York City. She hailed a cab. She thought quickly. He had it. "Can you take me to Pennsylvania right now?" she yelled frantically.
"Pennsylvania?! It is the middle of the night woman!"
"I don't care!" She jumped into the cab. "Just go." She gave the driver directions and they sped off into the night.