InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Change of Plans ❯ An informing phone call ( Chapter 4 )
Change of Plans
Disclaimer: Nope don't own him. But I don't want Inuyasha. He would probably kill me in my sleep. I want the god. Sesshoumaru. Hahaha
Chapter 4: An Informing phone call
"Kagome?!" Rin asked curiously when she saw Kagome on her doorstep at dawn. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah everything's……..fine." Kagome said. "Can I stay with you for a little while?" Kagome held her breath. `Please say yes, I don't know where else to go.'
"Of course!" You know I love you! It has been so lonely here." Rin hugged Kagome excitedly, then gazed past her, looking for something. "What about your baggage? Did you leave them in the cab?"
"Oh," said Kagome sheepishly. "Um I have none."
"Um lets go inside. I will explain everything." With that Kagome dragged cousin into the house and slammed the door.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~ </ p>
"What did I do to Kagome? Wait, what do you mean? Where is she?" Inuyasha asked frantically.
Sango's anger seemed to lend her strength beyond that of Inuyasha's. She shoved him through the doorway and into the wall. She got right in his face as she shouted. "Kagome did not come home after your date last night. I woke up to a message telling me she left town because she needed to get away from you!!!!!!! I am going to ask you one more time. What. Did. You. Do. To. Kagome."
"I……….what………….oh " he said as the events of last night rushed back to him. The real events. "Did she say….Do you….uhh what do you know?"
"Absolutely nothing." Sango sighed in a frustrated tone. She slump down on the couch. "Please tell me what happened." She eyed him warily. "All of it."
Inuyasha sat on the couch next to Sango. Miroku and Sesshoumaru each found a seat to listen.
"A couple day ago, I saw her cousin, Kikyo, at the mall. We started talking. She was really sweet. I don't know what Kagome's problem with her is." (N. here: he is so freaking dense)
"Kikyo?! Sweet?! Are you psycho? Kikyo is the most cold sadistic bitch I have ever met!" Sango retorted.
"Don't talk about Kikyo that way!" Inuyasha shouted.
Sango blanched. Miroku looked stunned.
"What the hell did you do brother?" Sesshoumaru asked coldly.
"Well, uh, we went to lunch together. It was great. Then we went to her apartment, and……."
"You went. To her. Apartment!!!!!!!!" Sango shouted. Sesshoumaru growled loudly.
"Yeah but we didn't do anything! We just kissed!" He looked over to Miroku and smiled. "She is a great kisser."
Sango paled. Sesshoumaru growled even louder and looked as if he was going to pounce on Inuyasha. Miroku just shook his head. "Inuyasha, you kissed her while you were still with Kagome? That's not cool. I mean, anytime else, but not with Kagome. You were just an asshole."
"How could you do that to Kagome? She loved you! Please tell me Kikyo wasn't the one to tell her. You told her right?" Sango begged frantically. She couldn't believe this.
"Yeah, last night." Inuyasha related the episode in the restaurant. Sango was beyond furious by the end of it.
"You told her if she wanted to leave, leave? Are you insane! She gave you another chance! You could have told her you loved her or apologized. God Inuyasha, Kikyo! She hates Kikyo. Kikyo hates her! What were you thinking?"
"I wasn't!" Inuyasha exploded. "Where did she go? I need to talk to her!"
"I don't know where she went." Sango said. Just then, Sango's cell rang. Inuyasha reached it first. He glanced at the number. "It is Souta's number! She ran to Souta's!" Inuyasha looked proud of himself.
"Just answer it!" Miroku shouted as Sango lunged for her phone.
"Kagome!" Inuyasha yelled as he answered.
"No Inuyasha. This is Souta." Souta replied calmly. "I have instructions not to speak to you. Please put Sango on."
"What! Are you joking! Let me talk to Kagome now!" Inuyasha yelled into the phone.
"She's not here Inuyasha and I can't tell you where she went. No I can only talk to Sango. Put her on the phone now Inuyasha."
"Did Kagome tell you to say this? Why can't I know where she is? I am her boyfriend." Sango rolled her eyes. Inuyasha was such an idiot. She started to slowly move towards her phone. Obviously Inuyasha wasn't going to give her the phone, so she was stealth and strategy.
"No, Inuyasha I believe you stopped being her boyfriend when you kissed Kikyo. Now…" He was cut off by a yelp. Sango had leapt onto Inuyasha and grabbed the phone. She jumped down, but not without a very hard yank on his hair. "Humph, you deserved that asshole."
"Souta, Souta this is Sango. Please tell something form Kagome for me." Inuyasha debated attacking Sango back, but decided to lay low if there was information involved. He would get Sango back later.
"Hey Sango. Kag says sorry about the whole message thing. She couldn't face you last night, because you would have stopped her from leaving. She was pretty upset. You know what happened, right?"
"Yeah." Sango sent an evil glare over to an impatient Inuyasha.
"Just so you know, it wasn't just Inuyasha that drove her to run. She could have dealt with that. Something else happened last night." Souta finished uncertainly. Kagome hadn't told him to tell Sango that, but her friends needed to know why she left.
"What?!" Sango cried frantically. "Oh my god! What happened to her? She is okay. Right? RIGHT!!" Sesshoumaru and Miroku whirled to face Sango. Even Inuyasha's ears perked at this.
"After Kagome left the restaurant, se went to your secret spot. Sango, Kikyo was there, waiting. Kag wouldn't tell me what she said, but it hurt her pretty bad."
"Oh god. She was there? That did it. I bet I know what that was about. Everything is a competition to that bitch. She was there to say she won. I don't know what else she said that hurt Kag, but that insensitive prick was there to gloat. Whatever. Once Kag get herself back together, she will get hers. I hope I am there when it happens. Anyway, anything else?"
"Yeah for one, she wants you to pack her a suitcase of clothes, and another bag of stuff she would need. She said you would know what to pack. I will pick them and her cars keys up tomorrow. I am going to bring them to her. K?" Souta paused, trying to think of what else Kagome said.
"Okay, I will have them ready tomorrow morning." Sango knew exactly what to pack.
"One more thing. She will call your cell in two days at 5:00. You are not to be anywhere near Inuyasha. She only wants to talk to you alone." Souta took a deep breath and thought for a second. "Okay, that's it."
"Alright, thanks Souta. Talk to you later." Sango hung up the phone and put her head in her hands. "God a confrontation with Kikyo?' Sango thought.
"Well what did he say? Where did that wench run off to?" Inuyasha asked impatiently.
Sango turned back to him. Her anger flared once more.
"Inuyasha don't you dare call her a wench! Do you have any idea what happened to her last night, even after she left you?" Sango shouted, getting closer to Inuyasha with each word. Inuyasha backed up against the wall in fear.
"Um, n-no, I don't. I assumed last night she went home, but after this morning I thought that is when she ran."
"She had a confrontation with Kikyo last night." Sango whispered, her heart breaking for her best friend.
"What?!?!" Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru, and Miroku shouted in unison.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~ </ p>
"There sweetie here' some homemade oden. Your favorite!" Rin said cheerfully. She needed to get Kagome out of this depressed slump.
Kagome just picked at it. After about 10 minutes of complete silence, she pushed her food away and dropped her head down onto the table. She sighed.
"Do you really think Inuyasha said all that to Kikyo? That he didn't love me and was just using for…..for…… grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!! This is so frustrating!!! I don't know what to think anymore!" Kagome got up to leave the room. Rin grabbed her arm and turned her back.
"I don't know what you should think. I don't know whether or not he said what he said. But I wouldn't put it past him. Kagome let him go. He was an asshole that never saw what he had." Rin looked at Kagome with eyes full of compassion and love. "I want to see the old Kagome again, please?"
Kagome had a ghost of a smile, then sobered again. "But Rin, this was going to be it. We were planning on maybe getting married and making this forever."
"Well sweetie, it looks like there has been a change of plans."
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~ </ p>
Hey everyone!!!!!!!!! Niamha here. Anyway I wasn't sure whether I really like that conversation between Souta and Sango. I need your opinion!!! Should I rewrite it or not? Well okay, you know this is more like a love drama thing, you know who is she gonna end up with. *A warning* there will be some major Kikyo bashing and Kagome will be little ooc because I am not gonna let her sit back and watch. There are gonna be a couple more chapters when the group is split, but Kagome does come back to reality. I was also looking for opinions: Naraku. Where should I add him in? Send me any suggestions or comment or questions. I will answer them immediately. Swear. PLEASE don't be afraid to email me about anything. Alrigthty, here is the preview to the next chapter:
Chapter 5: Decisions
The doorbell rang. Inuyasha moved to get it. `Who could it be? I don't want to see anyone right now.' He opened the door.
"Hey Inuyasha. How are you sexy?"