InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Change of Plans ❯ Business Trips ( Chapter 6 )
Change of Plans
Disclaimer: Yeah I owned Sesshoumaru last night. But he left this morning, so I don't think I own him anymore. *sigh* maybe he will come back. Just kidding. I don't own him. Sure wouldn't mind tho.
Chapter 6: Business Trips
Sango waited with Miroku and Sesshoumaru until two in the morning. She knew she had to pack Kagome's stuff, but she wanted to Inuyasha came back. After two, though, she knew he wouldn't. She turned to Miroku. She couldn't believe what Inuyasha was doing. She gave in to her tears and fell into Miroku's arms, sobbing wildly.
"How could he do this to Kagome? With Kikyo! Kagome was everything any guy could want and he walks out of here with Kikyo!" Sango could not help cringing at the thought of telling Kagome this.
"I don't know what he was thinking. It is quite apparent, though, that he is not returning tonight. Maybe you should stay here tonight." Miroku suggested.
"No, I need to pack her stuff. It is not like I am going to be able to sleep, so a project would be nice. I would also really like to be alone." Sango didn't want to be here when Inuyasha came home. Kagome would need her soon, and it would be really hard to comfort her if she was in jail being charged with murder.
Miroku was about to protest her driving home alone, when Sesshoumaru cut in on her behalf. "No, I agree with Sango. She should go to her own place. However, I would like to help you pack Kagome's things. I know that I don't want to be here when Inuyasha comes back." Sesshoumaru didn't just want to pack clothes. He wanted more information. He was concerned about Kagome. He gave a meaningful look over to Sango, hoping she would get the idea.
Sango was about to protest when she saw the look in his eyes. There was anger, sadness, and concern? For who? Kagome? She sighed. She really wanted to do this alone, but the idea of an empty apartment still unnerved her. "Fine, whatever. You can sleep in Kagome's room."
Sesshoumaru let out a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding. "Thank you. Let me grab a change clothes and such for work tomorrow." He left the room.
Miroku turned to Sango. "I don't know if I like the thought of you and him alone." He put his arm around Sango's waist possessively. Sango tensed at first, waiting for the grope, but soon relaxed in his arms.
"Don't worry about it. I think this is about Kagome." Sango said with a shrug.
"You know what I think? I think he has a thing for Kagome." Miroku said carefully.
Sango nodded in agreement. "I think he has had it forever. She should have hooked up with him. He would have treated her better. I think we should set them up." Sango said with a smile.
Miroku nodded gleefully when Sesshoumaru walked into the room. Sesshoumaru arched an eyebrow at this, but stayed silent. "Ready when you are."
"I am ready. Let's go. You can follow me in your car to our place."
They entered Sango's place and made their way to Kagome's room. Right before they went in, Sango whirled to face Sesshoumaru. "What is this really about. I know you didn't just come here to pack."
Sesshoumaru sighed. If he was going to do this, it might as well be now. "I am……worried about Kagome. Are you sure she is okay? I know she is really strong, but those were two hard blows in one night."
Sango jumped inside. She knew it! He did care about her! "Souta insisted she was fine. You know Kagome. She will bounce back. She just needs to figure out exactly where she is right now." Sango glanced at Sesshoumaru out of the corner of her eyes.
He nodded silently. "I wouldn't mind hearing those words from her own lips, though."
Sango knew she couldn't beat around the bush with Sesshoumaru. She decided to take a leap of faith. She just hoped she didn't fall too hard.
"You like her don't you?" Sango asked as she started to get some of Kagome's clothes. She watched as Sesshoumaru froze as he was getting her suitcase down. She hit the spot one that one and she knew it.
Meanwhile, Sesshoumaru's mind was racing for an answer. His subconscious was laughing hysterically and it didn't help.
"N-no I don't. Where could you possibly get that idea?" Sesshoumaru said coldly, or as coldly as he could muster.
Sango allowed herself a small smile. Now it was her turn. "She loves you so much. I thought at first that it was like a brotherly love, but I don't think so. We always joked that she picked the wrong brother. If she had met you first, I doubt she would have gave Inuyasha a second glance." She stopped there. That was enough for the night.
She watched him with amusement. The zipper on Kagome's suitcase had gotten stuck and Sesshoumaru was lightly pulling on it, his mind obviously somewhere else. Sango sighed. He wouldn't be much help tonight. She removed his hand from the zipper and with a quick tug, released the zipper and started putting clothes in it.
Sesshoumaru smiled sheepishly. ` "We always joked about how she chose the wrong brother………..If she had met you first, she wouldn't have given Inuyasha a second glance." Could she have feelings for me?' Every time Kagome had smiled at him or hugged him or even talked to him came flooding back with a vengeance. He could feel a blush rising on his cheeks. Sango shoved a bag in his hands. "Go put her brush and other cosmetic necessities in that, please." `Did he have feelings for her?' he heard his subconscious snort. `If you didn't why are you blushing so bad?' He decided to ignore all this and focus on the task at hand. `Okay, cosmetic necessities………What the hell are cosmetic necessities?!'
Two hours later, they finished packing. Actually Sango finished packing and Sesshoumaru sat there, unmoving, thinking about what Sango had said. "Alright all done!" Sango said collapsing on the couch beside Sesshoumaru. "Okay you can sleep in Kag's room. She has an alarm if you need it. Don't wake me up tomorrow. Night!" Sango said as she went into her room and shut the door. Sesshoumaru trudged wearily into Kagome's room. He sat the alarm and lay in her bed.
The alarm went off at 6:30. Sesshoumaru had not slept a wink. He had tossed and turned endlessly, trying to get comfortable enough to fall asleep, but the thought of being not only in Kagome's room, but in her bed plagued him all night. He sighed and got ready for work.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~ </ p>
Kagome woke up the next morning feeling bright and refreshed. How could anyone be upset on such a beautiful day? She went downstairs to greet her cousin.
"Good morning Rin!" Kagome said with a smile.
"Well good morning yourself." Rin said, surprised. "I am glad to see that pretty smile this morning. When is Souta coming?"
"Well, he was going to pick up the stuff from my place then come straight here in my car. He is going to stay for dinner, then find some way to get home." Kagome stood there thoughtfully. "I wonder, ho is he going to get home?"
"Oh well. I am sure he will figure it out. I have to go to work. Do you mind going to the supermarket for me once Souta brings you car? I left a list and money. Thanks sweetie!" Rin shouted as she walked out the door.
Kagome shook her head as she smiled. When she heard Rin's car leave the driveway, she raced to Rin's closet. `Running clothes. Come on!' She thought to herself. "Ahhh yes!" she said when she found shoes just about her size. She soon found a decent shirt and shorts. She left a note for Souta just in case, and left the house. She picked a direction and just started to run. She began to think about everything. She tried to think about Inuyasha and how to solve this problem of theirs, but another face kept popping into her mind. `Why am I thinking about him? He is Inuyasha's brother! He probably couldn't care less about me. And I don't care about him that way.' She suddenly stopped running. `Oh my god, I do!' She slowly started running again. She couldn't help thinking that there was something. There had been times when she had wished she had chosen the other brother. Inuyasha always had a rude side and could never let go of his pride, even for her. That had hurt. Sesshoumaru was always caring, in his own way. Her knees always felt weak when he looked at her. There was something in his eyes, some emotion she couldn't figure out. Could he care about her? She could feel a blush rising as she thought about all the times they had hugged each other.
She glanced at her watch. It had been 45 minutes. Time to turn around. She started running again. Maybe she should call Sango tonight, instead of waiting for tomorrow. She really wanted to talk to her best friend, and needed help with these new feelings. `Oh boy, what am I getting myself into?' Should she act upon these feelings? She didn't know what to do. `Screw my pride,' she thought to herself. `I will call her tonight after Souta leaves.
She got back at the same time Souta pulled up in her car. "YaY!!!! My car!!! And clothes!!" She ran over to give her brother a big hug. "Thank you so much!!! Here come in." She brought her brother in than ran her stuff up to her room. "Make yourself comfortable. I am going to take a shower, and then I have to run to the store to pick up stuff for dinner. Just stay around here k?"
Souta just shrugged and turned on the TV. Good enough for him. Kagome took a quick shower. She threw open her suitcase and squealed gleefully at her clothes. She put on some shorts and a pastel pink tank top that said "hands off" across her chest. She grabbed her keys then ran out to the car with the list and the money throwing a "see you later" over her shoulder at Souta.
When she got to the store, she glanced at the list. `Okay, this is easy enough'. As she roamed the store she felt like she was being watched. She couldn't get rid of the feeling and started looking around for the culprit. When she couldn't find anyone, she shrugged it off. Soon she was down to the last item. She reached up to get it, when she found she wasn't tall enough. "Need some help?" came a voice behind her. She turned around. There behind her stood a guy who would have been one of the hottest guys around, were it not for the look of complete arrogance that surrounded him. HE was tall, with long dark hair tied back in a high ponytail. He was very fit, looking kind of like a runner.
Kagome replied. "Uhh yeah. I need that……" Before she knew it the guy had put his hands around her waist and easily lifted her up. She grabbed what she needed. He put her down slowly, but didn't let her go. "Alright I got it thank you. You can let go now." He slowly slid his hands from her waist, aiming downward towards her but. This would have earned Miroku a slap, but she had no idea what to do with this guy. He leaned in to her face and whispered seductively, "The name's Kouga. What is yours beautiful?"
"Um, well my name is Kagome, and I have to go. See you later Kouga." She tried to rush out when she found herself restrained. "Wait, you wanna go out sometime? If you give me your number I can contact you and, you know, we can go dancing or something."
"Not right now, but I will take you up on that offer later. Bye." As she all but ran to the register, she heard him call out to her "I work here, so I can see you here. I can't wait Kagome!!!!!!"
When she finally reached her cousin's house, she breathed a sigh of relief. She had almost expected the Kouga guy to follow her home. She shook her head as she opened the door, not noticing Rin's car in the driveway.
"Alright I am back!!" She shouted to her brother.
"Good! Took you long enough. My lunch break ends in like 20 minutes. Hurry up with those groceries, I wanna eat something!" Rin shouted back.
"Rin!" Kagome said. "What are you doing back?"
"I am here on my lunch break. It is not often when both of you are here at the same time."
Kagome started talking to Rin as she made lunch. "You won't believe what happened to me at the store earlier." With that she relayed the Kouga incident to her cousin. When she finished she noticed Rin looking at her weirdly. "What?"
Rin sighed. "Are you telling me that you guys don't hit on you all the time in New York?"
"Well, I am always with Inuyasha. He kind of scares any guy away. You know? Why?" Kagome looked at Rin.
"I thought you noticed, that's all. Even when we were at the movie rental place last night guys did double takes when you walked by. It should not be hard at all for you to get another guy." Rin replied.
Kagome sighed, her thoughts filled with the thought of a different guy. `I don't want any other guy. All I seem to want is him.'
After Rin left, Kagome went to unpack her stuff. She couldn't wait until Souta left so she could call Sango. She only hoped Inuyasha wasn't with her at the time.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~ </ p>
Sango was watching TV in her and Kagome's apartment when the phone rang. "Hello?"
"Hey Sango its Miroku. You want to come over tonight for some dinner? We can order Chinese, or something."
"Is Inuyasha back yet?" Sango wasn't sure what answer she wanted. She really didn't like being alone, and she wanted to go over there. But if Inuyasha was there she didn't think she could control herself. But if he wasn't………….
Miroku seemed hesitant in replying. "He came home for a little while earlier. Umm, but her left again. With her." He spat out the word her.
Sango paused. He really was doing it then. "Well, I guess. I am kind of hungry."
Miroku smiled to himself. `Good' he thought. "Okay I will order it as soon as you come over. Come by whenever."
"I am coming over now." She glanced at her watch. It was 10 till 8. She walked out to her car. She couldn't help but think how much she missed her best friend.
When she got to Miroku's, she was greeted with a big hug. "What was that for?" she asked curiously.
"Just to make sure you are still mine, even after you spent the night near Sesshoumaru."
"Oh god, whatever. Don't worry about it." She then smiled gleefully when she thought about what was said. "Come on I will tell you everything that happened."
When she finished, Miroku got up. "That is great. Anyway, I have to go pickup the food. See you in a little. "
She sat back to watch TV and wait for the food. She heard Sesshoumaru come in and she smiled. "Hello Sesshoumaru."
"Um, hello Sango, here for dinner?"
"Yep." She heard him go into his room when her cell phone rang. She didn't recognize the number and contemplated not answering it. `Whatever' she thought.
"Hello?" She asked.
"Sango? It's Kagome."
"Kagome?! Oh my gosh it is you! How are you sweetie I miss you!" Sesshoumaru stiffened when he heard Sango. It was Kagome! For some reason his heart jumped. He tried to listen while changing.
"I am fine. Is Inuyasha there?" Kagome said unsurely. She didn't want to talk to him.
"N-no, he is not." Sango heard Kagome sigh with relief. She dreaded having to tell her what happened. "Why are you calling? I thought you weren't going to call until tomorrow?'
"I really wanted to talk to you. I have an……issue I wanted to talk to you about."
"Ohh what?" Sango asked fearfully.
"I keep thinking about a guy. I don't know. Never mind." She couldn't tell anyone she had feelings for her ex-boyfriend's brother!
"A guy?! Who?" Sango asked. `A guy' Sesshoumaru thought, his heart sinking.
"Umm yeah, Sesshoumaru." Kagome said hesitantly.
Sango squealed. "Oh are you serious! Guess what? He is staying at Inuyasha's! He moved in the night you left." She couldn't believe this. She was thinking about Sesshoumaru!
Sesshoumaru froze. Was she thinking about him? Oh wow. What is going on here? He struggled hard to listen.
"Yeah. Sango, I think I have feelings for him." Kagome couldn't believe she was talking about this.
Sango smiled innocently. "Like what kind of feelings."
Sesshoumaru's heart jumped into his heart. Feelings?!
"Um you know feelings."
"No I don't. Like do you care about him, you know more than a friend?'
"YES!" Kagome said exasperatedly. She knew Sango was doing this to her on purpose.
Sesshoumaru wished he heard the answer to that question. He wanted to know how she felt. He kept listening, but Sango deftly changed the subject.
"We can talk about this later. There is a leak in the roof."
Kagome nodded knowingly. That was her and Sango's way of saying someone is listening. She started talking of other things.
Sango interrupted her. "Kagome there is something very important I need to tell you. Nothing hurts me more then to say this. I love you Kag. OK?"
Kagome's heart fell. This sounded all too familiar. "What is it?"
Sango took a deep breath. "Yesterday Kikyo came by the apartment looking for Inuyasha." She heard Kagome draw her breath.
Sesshoumaru came out of his room then. He knew the coast was clear. But he heard what Sango had said and knew that this was it. He put a hand on Sango's shoulder. He only wished that Kagome could hear this in person. He also wished he was the one to comfort her.
Sango continued, her courage lifted by Sesshoumaru's presence. She needed to hear this. They couldn't hide it form her. "Kagome, Inuyasha left with Kikyo. He didn't come back all night. He came back for a couple hours today then left again with her."
Kagome was silent. She hadn't even been gone 24 hours, and he left with her. Kikyo was right. He hadn't loved her. "Oh." Sango's eyes filled with tears. "I mean I had made my decision. I wasn't going to get back with him. But, wow. Sango he never loved me did he? If he did, he couldn't have done that. Right?"
Sango didn't know what to say. "I don't know. I am sure he loved you. I don't think he knows what he did, or is doing."
There was silence. Sesshoumaru took the phone from Sango. He couldn't handle it anymore. "Kagome?"
"Kagome he was an idiot." Nobody noticed that the idiot had walked in. " He had no idea what he had. Forget about him. There are…….other guys. You can easily find someone else that could treat you better." `Like me' he couldn't help but think. "Are you okay?" he asked, concern genuinely shown from his voice.
"Yeah. I just… need to go. Tell Sango bye and I will talk to her tomorrow. And Sesshoumaru?"
"Thank you. The number to this place probably shows up on Sango's phone. Don't be afraid to call it. Just make sure Inuyasha doesn't get it."
Sesshoumaru smiled. "Of course. Bye."
He hung up and handed the phone to Sango after getting a glance at the number. He ingrained into his memory.
"Was that Kagome?" Sango and Sesshoumaru whirled to face Inuyasha. No one had heard him walk in.
"Yes it was. Problem?" Sango said, her eyes narrowing. "Why are you back so soon? I figured you would spend another night with your slut."
Inuyasha didn't answer. She had called and he wasn't here. Sesshoumaru had comforted her. He hadn't. `Does it matter?' a voice asked. `You made your decision. You chose Kikyo. You are the reason she needed comfort.'
"I am going back out." was all he said before he left.
"Stupid asshole." Sango muttered under her breath, along with a few other curses.
Miroku walked in. "Who's hungry?!" He said cheerfully, oblivious to everything that had just happened.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~1 week later*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Kagome sat at the table one afternoon. She was feeling better. Sango helped a lot. So had Sesshoumaru. He had only called once, but it was enough to make her smile. She heard Rin come in.
"Hey what is new cousin?" Kagome asked Rin.
"I have got some stiff coming out to look over the company tomorrow. I usually don't mind, but it isn't the normal guy. He is coming in tonight and visiting the company tomorrow morning. My boss wants me to make him feel more comfortable, so he will be coming for dinner tomorrow. Is that okay?"
"Yeah sure of course. I will make my famous oden." She flashed a smile.
"Alright. How about we order out tonight?"
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~ </ p>
Miroku heard Sesshoumaru came in from work. "What's wrong?" Miroku asked when he heard Sesshoumaru slam down his briefcase. He had never seen Sesshoumaru so frustrated.
"I have to leave on a business trip tonight to look over some company. I won't be back until Friday night."
"Oh, a business trip? Any where interesting?"
"No. Some company out in the country in Pennsylvania."
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~ </ p>
Niamha here!
Alright. And so the story starts. Sorry that took a couple days, but it is extra long. I am running Freshmen Orientation at my school, so I haven't had a lot of time. But here you go. I really hope you like it. Anyway here is the preview for the next chapter:
Chapter 7: The damsel in distress is found
Rin noticed a note on the fridge; she glanced at it and threw it on the table. "Sorry, my cousin is at the store picking up something. She will be back soon."
Sesshoumaru shrugged. "Don't worry about it." He picked up the note, as Rin bustled around checking on things. His eyes widened as he read it.
I realized I forgot something for dinner. I will be right back k?
Everything clicked into place. The car, the music, the food, all of it.
He had found her.