InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Change of Plans ❯ Breaking up can be a bitch ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Change of Plans

Disclaimer: *sigh* still waiting……

Authors note: PLEASE READ *sigh* I actually have an excuse this time. But I sure wish that the reason for this delay was laziness. I received my first flame. Now I don't mind flames, but this was four paragraphs slicing my fic into pieces. It made me cry. So I didn't write for like a week because I was afraid of being burned to a crisp again. Then I got a really great review a couple days ago and wrote again. So I wanna say a few things. To all the people who enjoy this fic, I love you all so much. Also, to the anonymous flamer who prolly spent ten minutes writing that flame and couldn't show their face: if you are reading this go away. Personally I find it pretty ironic that they read all the way to chapter 10 before flaming me. Whatever. Of course, the flame has been deleted because of excessive cruelty and damage to a fragile mind who happened to be PMSing at the time and VERY emotional. Haha sry. Anyway on to the story!!!!!!

Chapter 11: Breaking up can be a bitch

Kagome slowly woke up. That had been one of the best sleeps in her life. She turned into Sesshoumaru's chest.

"Hey you" Sesshoumaru said quietly, pulling her closer.

"Hey" Kagome whispered. "Can I stay in here all day?"

"Sure, as long as you don't get food in my bed." Sesshoumaru joked. Kagome giggled.

"Done" Sesshoumaru moved to get up. "No! Where are you going? Stay here! You are really warm." Sesshoumaru sighed, but obliged. "You are going to stay with me all day." She snuggled into him.

"I guess" Sesshoumaru said smiling. But it seemed Miroku had other plans.

"Wake up you two! Breakfast for the sleepy heads!" He walked into the room. Kagome was pulling the cover over their heads and laughing.

Inuyasha was in the kitchen drinking coffee as Miroku made his entrance. He was relieved because it was getting late and neither had left the room.

He heard Kagome laugh. Miroku's next statement caused him to run to the room.

"Well what did I interrupt? Should I come back later? Much apologies." By then both Inuyasha and Sango were looking in the room. It looked like both Sesshoumaru and Kagome were under the comforter. Miroku was smiling and random giggles and whispering could be heard from the couple's direction. Then, suddenly, Kagome shrieked. "NO!" Before the others knew what was going on, the two were rolling back and forth on the bed, fierce laughter coming from Kagome. Sesshoumaru was ticking her, oblivious to the crowd. By the end of it, Kagome's upper half of her body was out of the blankets, Sesshoumaru's head on her stomach. The blankets were so tightly wrapped around the two that it would be awhile before either would be able to get out. Kagome sighed happily, her raven hair strewn everywhere, as she ran her fingers through Sesshoumaru's hair. "That was mean."

Sesshoumaru kissed her stomach. "Sorry"

"I forgive you." Kagome said sweetly.

"Well that was quite the show." Miroku said. He was almost hit by a pillow. "Jeez, Kag, you really need to improve your aim."

"Whatever" Kagome said. The next five minutes were spent trying to untangle each other. They finally succeeded when Kagome fell off the bed, brining Sesshoumaru down with her. Kagome landed on top of Sesshoumaru.

"We can leave if………" he broke off when Sesshoumaru caught Kagome in a heated kiss. They rolled over so Sesshoumaru was on top. Kagome put her legs around his waist and pulled her head up to deepen the kiss. "God get a room" Sango laughed, but the two on the floor ignored their audience, too caught up in the heat of the moment to care. Sango walked out of the room, and Miroku pulled an unresponding Inuyasha after her. "That's the second time we have had to do that." Miroku said. "Whoever knew that Kagome was that passionate?" Sango nodded in agreement.

"She is definitely not the innocent Kagome who left."

Inuyasha sat there silently. "Something wrong Inuyasha?" Sango asked sarcastically.

Inuyasha glared at her. "Shut up Sango. This is all your fault, you know that?"

"My fault, Inuyasha? I believe it was you who drove her away. This never would have happened if you hadn't kissed Kikyo. You did this Inuyasha. You didn't know what you had and you gave it up. Bet you know what you had now, huh?" Sango huffed. He was such an idiot.

"Keh" Inuyasha stared gloomily into his coffee. He knew she was right. He was going to win her back, though. Kagome loved him once, and she would love him again. (Niamha: *sigh* Inuyasha you are such an idiot.) He would have felt more confident had the picture of Sesshoumaru and Kagome passionately kissing on the floor not been running through his head.

Miroku cut into his thoughts. "It has been almost five minutes since we left them alone. I wonder what they could be doing."

As if on cue, the two came out of the room. "Get your mind out of the gutter, Miroku" Kagome said, but she was smiling.

"Yeah, well, my mind may be in the gutter, but you two weren't quite the innocent couple on the floor either."

"Miroku, you probably loved it." Kagome muttered. "Breakfast?" she asked brightly, ignoring the mock look of shock from Miroku.

Sango snorted. "Lunch" She handed Kagome a sandwich.

"Same thing" Kagome shrugged while she ate. Soon Sesshoumaru joined her. After she finished, she turned to Sango. "I really want to go home to take a shower and change. You coming?"

"Of course! You have a lot to explain." Sango said sternly.

"Am I coming too?" Sesshoumaru asked innocently.

"No" Kagome and Sango said together. They smiled and added "Girl time"

Kagome gave Sesshoumaru a kiss on the cheek. "Don't worry, sweetie. I haven't seen Sango forever. I have been with you for like four days."

"Four days!" Inuyasha cut in. "Four days and you never told us where she was! We were worried for Gods sake!"

"Oh Inuyasha, you were worried? Wow, how touching." Kagome said her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Well, then, I am glad you could run to Kikyo's arms for comfort." Sango laughed and Sesshoumaru smirked. Miroku wisely decided to stay neutral.

"Of course I was fucking worried Kagome! You just left! Disappeared like that! Nothing to tell me, you just disappeared." He was so furious. He told himself that this was not the way to win her back, but his temper got the best of him. Kagome's temper rose with his.

"Well I am SO sorry you were worried, Inuyasha, but if you think that will change my opinion of you, then you are sorely wrong. You killed me when you told me you kissed my cousin. I thought that when I finally graduated high school and left her, that our horrible guy triangles were over. But no! The man I had loved most in the world betrayed me! With her! You brought back every memory of those horrible high school years and every guy I lost to her. You are a different person to me now, Inuyasha." The room was silent when she finished. Sango broke the silence.

"Come on, Kag. Lets go home."

Kagome nodded but stayed quiet. She meant to say so much. She gave Sesshoumaru a kiss on the cheek and left. After the door closed, Inuyasha turned on Sesshoumaru.

"How long have you loved her?" Inuyasha demanded.

"What?" Sesshoumaru asked incredulously. After that argument, Inuyasha asks him that?

"How long have you loved Kagome? You have been together for only four days and you two are like an old couple that has been together for years!"

"Does it matter? Dos it change anything? I do not have to answer to you. What goes on between me and Kagome is none of your business. Besides, you are the one who made this relationship possible." His brother was such an idiot.

"Yes it matters! You are my brother and you are going out with MY ex-girlfriend!"

Sesshoumaru shook his head. "Inuyasha you kissed her cousin. The fact that I am your brother should mean absolutely nothing."

"Whatever" Inuyasha got up and grabbed his jacket. "Just watch. I am going to win her back." He stormed out of the apartment.

"Are you worried?" Miroku asked Sesshoumaru.

Sesshoumaru didn't hesitate. "No. We love each other a lot. I am not worried at all. Besides, my brother is such an idiot he will probably screw it up himself."

Miroku smirked. "You are right about that."

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~

When Kagome and Sango entered their apartment, Sango grabbed Kagome.

"You are not taking a shower until you tell me exactly what happened between you and Sesshoumaru."

Kagome sighed deeply but complied. She knew that Sango wouldn't let her leave. So she told her story.

By the end of it, Sango smiled excitedly. "Wow! That was so romantic! You are so lucky!"

Kagome laughed. "I know. I am so afraid that I will wake up and this will all be some wonderful dream and I'll still be with Inuyasha waiting fro love to knock on my door."

"So you didn't love Inuyasha?" Sango asked.

Kagome thought for a second. "No" Kagome said simply. "I thought I did, but what I share with Sesshoumaru is completely different. I am so sure about this, Sango. This is for real."

"Wow" Sango said again. "I hope I find a love like that one day." Sango looked off into the sunset dreamily. (Okay more like the ceiling, remember a. they are inside and b. they just had lunch…………….)

"You have it. It just needs its hands to itself." The two shard a long, happy laugh. They were reunited once again.

"Well if I am free from interrogation, I am taking a shower." Kagome said, walking to her room.

"Yeah, I agree." Sango walked to her own shower.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~~* ~*~*~*

Inuyasha sat in his car outside the house for ten minutes. He knew what he had to do but was afraid to do it.

He slowly got out of the car and made his way up the path to the front of the house. He hesitantly knocked on the door. He told himself over and over again that this had to be done. That didn't make it any easier though.

The door opened and Inuyasha's breath caught in his throat. It was time.

"Kikyo, can I talk to you?"

"Of course Inuyasha. Come in." Kikyo pulled him in and closed the door. She then wrapped her arms around Inuyasha's neck and leaned in to kiss him…………

(A/N: I could NEVER write an Inuyasha kissing scene. Sorry but on with the story.)

"No Kikyo we need to talk." Inuyasha took her arms from his neck. This was going to be bad.

"What do we need to talk about?" Kikyo asked with a dangerous gleam in her eyes.

"Um, well, Kikyo….." Inuyasha stuttered. She kind of scared him. (wimp)

"Spit. It. Out." Kikyo snarled. He wouldn't dare do it, would he?"

"Kikyo this needs to end." He started talking really fast, trying to get it all out at once. "I can't see you anymore. I love Kagome. I want her back. I made a mistake going out with you and I need to fix that." He took a deep breath. `Please don't be furious.'

"WHAT! You are breaking up with me because you want HER back! Are you joking?"

Inuyasha winced. Wow she was mad. "Um, yes, no, yes?" he stuttered.

"You just want her back because your brother has her. Come on Inuyasha, I gave you everything you ever wanted. I am so much better than she is."

"No! No, you are not better! And I don't just want her because of Sesshoumaru! I love her!" Inuyasha wasn't backing out of this. He wanted Kagome back.

"Whatever, Inuyasha. If you really loved her, why did you kiss me? Why did you date me? Can you answer that Inuyasha?"

Inuyasha was speechless. He couldn't answer that. So he did what he always did.


Kikyo just laughed sarcastically. " `Keh' Inuyasha? That's all you can say? Well whatever. Leave then. When you figure out what a loser she is, you'll be back. And I will be waiting."

"Kikyo…." Inuyasha started.

"No" She said firmly. "I know that you will be back. Now leave my house."

Inuyasha trudged out. `Well at least it is done.' He thought to himself.

Kikyo sat on the couch. `Well that puts a whole new twist to things.' She sat for a minute, then smiled. She picked up the phone and dialed an old number.

"Hey sweetie! It's Kikyo. You wan to help me with something?"

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~

Niamha here!

Sry that was short. It was more a setting up chapter, if you know what I mean. Whatever. Anyway love you all SO much!! See you next chapter!