InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Change of Plans ❯ Planning and a Kissless Date ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Change of Plans

Disclaimer: No comment………………………̷ 0;

Hey! Quote of the Chapter! "I'll bite your legs off!" - Black Knight from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail"

Chapter 12: Planning and a Kissless Date

An hour later Kagome stepped out of her room looking stunning in warm-ups, a tank top, and a towel wrapped around her hair. Sango sat on the couch, flipping through the TV, fully clothed and pampered. "Thought you might have drowned." Sango said off-handedly.

Kagome just shrugged and smiled. "Lost track of time." She said simply. She started rummaging through the refrigerator. "I'm starved."

Sango snorted. "You ate two hours ago. How could you be starved?" She sighed as she got no answer. The phone rang. Kagome, obviously busy, Ignored in, and Sango sighed again as she got off the couch.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Can I talk to Kagome?"

"Sesshoumaru you saw her two hours ago. What can you possibly need to say?" That got Kagome's attention. She raced over to Sango and grabbed the phone, sending Sango a glare.

"Sess? I'm here! Ignore my pest of a friend."

Sesshoumaru smiled on the other end. "Sess?"

"Yeah. I should have a nickname for you. Either that or Spooky because your hair reminds me of my old cat Spooky. Soft and cuddly" Kagome smothered a giggle, wishing she could see through the telephone line to see Sesshoumaru's reaction.

"Sess is fine." Sesshoumaru said quickly. Girlfriend or not, no one calls him "Spooky"

"Hmmmmm….. Yeah well I guess Sess is fine for now. I will think of a new one!" Kagome laughed as Sesshoumaru mentally groaned. `Remember you love her. You love her!' Kagome cut into his thoughts. "So, why did you call?"

"Can't I call my girlfriend just to say hi?" Sesshoumaru said innocently.

"Of course! That is so sweet!" He smiled as he heard a muffled "What?" from Sango. He smiled even wider at Sango's response. "Oh that's so romantic! Inuyasha never did that, did he Kag?"

"Nope, he didn't." Kagome responded gleefully, glad that, for once, she picked a great guy. "Well mister I-just-wanted-to-say-hi, how bout some dinner at, say, seven?"

"Well, I believe that's fine. Let me check my schedule."

Kagome's shocked laughter bounced across the room. "Did Sesshoumaru just make a joke? That better be a joke, because if it wasn't I'm hanging up right now."

Sesshoumaru laughed. "Why, would it be bad if it wasn't a joke?" He seriously did not know these things, so he decided he might as well learn. (A/N *sigh* beneath the sexiness, you must remember he is still a guy)

"Because your girlfriend ALWAYS comes first!" Kagome huffed, only semi-serious.

"Well then, I guess I made a joke because you do always come first."

"Oh my gosh!" Sango squealed on the phone. She had picked up the phone in her room and listened in. "You two are too cute! Sesshoumaru do you have any friends?"

"Sango!" Kagome yelled.

"Shut up Kag. You would have done the same." Kagome just smiled at this. She probably would have.

"Actually, I do have the perfect friend for you. But if I tell you, will you hang up?"


"Well, his name is Miroku." Kagome burst into laughter as Sesshoumaru continued. "His one flaw is that he gropes every person with legs and a skirt." Kagome laughed harder and Sango slammed down the phone.

"Oh, Sess, sweetie, that was great."

Sesshoumaru smiled again. Miroku, who was sitting on the couch throughout all this, marveled. In one five-minute conversation with Kagome, Sesshoumaru had smiled and laughed more than Miroku had seen in the ten years that he had known him. In that moment he decided that no matter what Inuyasha planned, he wouldn't have anything to do with it. He wouldn't ruin another guy's happiness so that idiot would get a second chance that he didn't deserve.

"So, I'll pick you up at seven, Kag."

"I can't wait sweetie!" Kagome said sweetly.

"Love you." Sesshoumaru hung up and turned to go to his room.

"You sure are a fool for that girl." Miroku said off-handedly. "You act like someone who is completely and totally in love." He paused for an answer.

"I do not think that it is any of your business." Sesshoumaru said coldly, but now the coldness wasn't quite as chilly.

Miroku nodded to himself. "I was wondering where the real Sesshoumaru was." Sesshoumaru just smirked and left the room. As Miroku went back to his swimsuit issue of Sports Illustrated, he realized that although the walls around Sesshoumaru's heart were high, it looked like Kagome had jumped over them easily.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~

Sango smiled as she heard Kagome singing to the radio. She got up to remind Kagome what time it was, then on second thought sat back down. She knew that Kagome was nowhere near being ready and that Sesshoumaru had dinner reservations. She was gonna get her revenge. Although how, she wasn't quite sure.

She smiled again as the clock hit seven. Kagome started a new song.

Days swiftly come and go

I'm dreaming of her

She is seeing other guys

Emotions they stir

Sesshoumaru knocked on the door. He could hear the music from the hall. Sango opened the door with a smile. "The rock star is getting ready." Sesshoumaru understood what she meant when he heard Kagome's voice

Did you think that I would cry

On the phone?

Do you know what it feels like

Being alone?

I'll find someone new.

Swing Swing Swing from the tangles of

My heart is crushed by a former love

Can you help me find a way

To carry on again

Kagome pranced into the room still in the warm-ups and tank top. Her hair was done, though. She was still singing to All-American Rejects. She had grabbed a water bottle and was going back to her room before she noticed the two highly amused people watching her.

Sesshoumaru smiled at her shocked face. "I take It you aren't ready yet?" Sango was practically rolling on the floor laughing at the expression on Kagome's face.

"When did you get here?"

"Um, I would say around the chorus." Sesshoumaru said with a smile. Kagome looked pretty when she was blushing.

"Well, um, I'll just…… right back." She raced out of the room and slammed the door. Sango was still laughing gaily. "That was great! The look on her face was beyond perfect. Who knew she would come dancing out here!" With that said, Sango was lost again. Sesshoumaru quirked a smile.

"It was pretty funny."

Kagome stood in her room with an evil smile. Well, so they were gonna laugh at her, huh? She would get revenge.

First was Sesshoumaru. He didn't really do anything, but it would be fun to torment him. Her smile widened even more when she remembered the extremely sexy outfit she had bought before the breakup, Kirara and Sango had made her get it.

She put it on and looked in the mirror. She was wearing a short black mini skirt that hugged her hips perfectly. The top was a white strapless that tied in the back. She let her wavy hair flow naturally and put on a touch of makeup to accent her already beautiful features. With a last smile in the mirror, she made her entrance.

Sesshoumaru turned around when he heard the door open. His mouth dropped at the sight in front of him. Kagome stood there looking….stunning. "You look amazing, sweetie." He said breathlessly.

"Well thank you Sess." Sesshoumaru moved in to kiss her……..

She pushed him away and said thoughtfully. "You know, I am not really in a place right now where I fell like kissing you." Sango snorted, but hid her laughter as Kagome walked past him to get her purse. When she turned back to Sesshoumaru, she bit back a laugh at the look on his face. He looked like a guy whose world just ended. "Ready honey?" she said sweetly. Sesshoumaru nodded dumbly and followed her out of the apartment. They stayed silent all the way to the car, when Kagome finally broke down and laughed.

"I don't see what is so funny." Sesshoumaru said, pouting.

"Oh, sweetie! Don't be mad! I was just getting revenge on you!" Kagome grabbed his sleeve and pulled him towards her. "Please don't be mad. Please, Please Sess please!" She put on a cute puppy face. Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes, but smiled.

"Of course I forgive you. Now can I have a kiss?"

"Nope! You are gonna have a kissless date tonight!" Kagome laughed again as she got in the car.


~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~

After the breakup, Inuyasha drove around for a little while, trying to think up an effective plan for winning back Kagome. Unfortunately, all he could think of was taking her to lunch. (*sigh*) So he decided that, after he filled up on gas, he would just go home and create the perfect lunch date for Kagome.

Inuyasha entered the apartment just as an alarm went off. Miroku raced into the living room and turned on his favorite show…………Baywatch. (Friends anyone? ^_^) Inuyasha sighed then realized that someone was missing. "Where's Sesshoumaru?"

"Date with Kagome" Miroku said offhandedly, his eyes never leaving the TV screen. Inuyasha pouted for a moment, then perked up when he realized that after the perfect date he was going to plan, he would never have to hear that again. He smiled to himself as he walked into his room to commence planning.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~

Kagome and Sesshoumaru left the restaurant and just began walking the streets of New York. Sesshoumaru had to admit that although a kissless date was extremely difficult with Kagome looking like that, the night was perfect just because they were together.

Okay, there was one imperfection: he wasn't the only one impressed by Kagome's beauty. The admirable looks and whistles Kagome was getting were starting to irk Sesshoumaru. He tightened his grip around her possessively, that and his glare telling people that she belonged to him. Unfortunately, the men's gazes were too focused on Kagome to even notice- or care.

"Sweetie, you are suffocating me." Kagome said.

Sesshoumaru loosened his grip slightly, but the glare never wavered.

"Sesshoumaru is there something wrong?"

"No" he growled out. Was she completely oblivious?

She was. They were silent for a couple more minutes before she finally understood. A group of hormonal teenage males walked by and she was the recipient of quite a few catcalls and whistles. She blushed. "Is that it Sesshoumaru? Are you jealous?"

"I am not jealous." Sesshoumaru said gruffly.

Kagome smiled knowingly. "Well, if you aren't jealous then there is no problem." To make her point even clearer, she winked at the next guy who whistled. Sesshoumaru fidgeted, yet refused to cave. Kagome sighed in frustration. She wanted him to be open about everything. Hiding how they felt is what destroyed Inuyasha and her in the end. She decided that she would say something, since Sesshoumaru wasn't going to. "You know what Sesshoumaru? It is perfectly okay to be jealous. I have been jealous myself of girls ogling at you. But I am not going to deny that. We need to be able to talk. If you are uncomfortable, tell me."

Sesshoumaru thought for a moment and subconsciously decided not to be like Inuyasha. "Okay you want to talk? Alright, I am very uncomfortable."

Kagome smiled in triumph and realized that she had punished him enough. She turned to him and pulled him to her. "That's better." She whispered seductively. Sesshoumaru smiled before claiming her lips hungrily. The two stood entwined in the middle of New York City ignoring everything around them. After they broke apart, Sesshoumaru pulled her as close as physically possible and just held her. "Don't you ever punish me like that again."

Kagome sighed happily. "Hmmm, keep kissing me like that and you will never go on a kissless date again."

Sesshoumaru laughed. "You like that? Well I can do it again you know…….." Kagome just smiled as he leaned down, and they shared one last passionate moment, before continuing down the street. They walked, completely interlocked with one another. Older couples smiled at the two, who were obviously in love, and remembered their first love. Mothers smiled indulgently and children waved. The two kept walking though, just basking in the other's presence. Oblivious to those around them, only living in their own world, a world where love never dies, and hearts never break. A world that others only dream of seeing.

After an hour of just walking in peace, the two reached Sesshoumaru's car and drove to Kagome's apartment. Outside the door, Kagome turned to Sesshoumaru and dazzled him with her beautiful smile. "That was fun." She said softly.

Sesshoumaru nodded. "Even though it was mostly kissless." He smiled at her then gave her a chaste kiss. "I'll call you tomorrow?" She nodded and opened her door quietly.

"Goodnight." She said gently and closed the door. Sesshoumaru stood there for a moment.

"Goodnight Kagome." He turned and went home.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~

Inuyasha woke up the next morning felling refreshed and excited. He planned it out perfectly. A romantic lunch and a walk in the park. Nothing could screw this up. Even his brother's smile when he came home from his date last night could ruin it. He couldn't wait to call Kagome.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*

Niamha here! Wow, I am such a bitch I am so sorry. It has been nearly a month. I will never do that again. I swear. Anyway, hope you like it. I myself am not too sure about it, but if you like it, that's all that matters. Oh, and the song has nothing to do with anything. I was just listening to it and wrote it down. Wellz here is the preview for the next chapter!

Wooing The Ex: Part one:

Sesshoumaru left his meeting and decided to surprise Kagome and pick her up for some lunch. He reached her apartment and couldn't wait to see her face when Sango opened the door.

"Oh! Sesshoumaru…." Sango said nervously, looking anywhere but him. "Um…..Kagome isn't here right now." She fidgeted uncomfortably.

Sesshoumaru looked at her strangely. `What is she worried about?' he thought to himself. "Well, where is she? I can wait."

Sango almost shook. How could she tell him? `The truth might work.' She sighed deeply then finally looked at him. "She is out to lunch with Inuyasha."

Sesshoumaru looked dumbstruck. "With Inuyasha!!"

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~

Okay one more authors note. Don't get scared. I was thinking about letting you guys read this and leave you in suspense in future chapters with who she will end up with, but that is cruel. So all I am going to say is, Don't worry.

I would also like to thank all of you who supported me in my time of flame. You guys made me smile and now the flame seems humorous. So thank you SOOO much.

Okay one more thing. I realize that I should respond to my wonderful reviewers, but I tend to not do that in my chapters. I would rather do it individually. So if you want to be responded to, give me your email address and I swear you will be answered.

Alright, that was three last authors' notes. Sry. Bai!!!