InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Change of Plans ❯ Wooing the Ex ( Chapter 13 )
Change of Plans
Disclaimer: I am supposed to receive Sesshoumaru via air mail, but he hasn't come yet……
Author's Note: I haven't forgotten about you guys I swear. I just wanted to have this chapter tweaked perfectly so that I still come out of it alive. I couldn't believe the amount of death threats I got from the preview alone. So after the chapter everyone PLEASE read the author's note at the end. IMPORTANT MESSAGE!
Quote of the Chapter! "What was Monica's nickname when she was a field hockey goalie?" "Big fat goalie!" -Friends
Chapter 13: Wooing the Ex (Breathe people)
Inuyasha nervously dialed Kagome's phone number. It was very convenient that Sesshoumaru was working. He could not have done this when Sesshoumaru might have been there. It was also convenient that Kagome would be the only one home. Sango wouldn't be there to tell her not to go. (A/N if you all are wondering why Kagome doesn't seem to have a job, she is a kindergarten teacher and school doesn't start for her for another week).
"Hello?" Kagome's sweet voice came through.
"Uh…. Kagome?" Inuyasha said dumbly.
"Yeah, it's me. Um I have something I want to ask you real quick."
"What is it?" Kagome asked suspiciously.
"I was wondering if you wanted to go out to lunch with me today."
"With you?" Kagome asked.
"Yeah." Inuyasha said nervously.
"Just the two of us?"
"Alone?" Kagome asked disbelievingly.
"Yes." Inuyasha was really nervous now. He hadn't expected this type of reaction.
"You expect me to go out with you after what you did." She said it more as a statement rather than a question, so he didn't answer.
"Kagome I was an idiot. Now can we just go to lunch and talk? We need to get over this problem. We share the same friends and you are dating my brother. We can't be avoiding each other." He rolled his eyes. Inuyasha couldn't believe what he had just said. Whatever, as long if it got Kagome to go out with him.
"Well, you have a point…………." Kagome just wasn't sure about this. Something didn't seem right.
"Yes I do. Now come on Kagome." Kagome sighed audibly and Inuyasha knew he had her.
"Alright alright I will come." Kagome had a sinking feeling that this was a huge mistake, but she knew she would never get away from this.
"I will pick you up at 11:30. See you then."
Kagome hung up the phone and felt the need to talk to someone desperately. Her first choices, Sesshoumaru and Sango, were bad choices. Sango would flip and Sesshoumaru, well Kagome wasn't sure what Sesshoumaru would do, but it made her feel guilty just thinking about it. She sighed again. Miroku was hopeless because he would call Sango right after they hung up. She could call Kirara, a friend of her and Sango's from college, but she would start talking about a girl's night out, and although the thought of going dancing was intriguing, that is not what she wanted to talk about right now. Maybe she should just call Inuyasha to cancel. `No' she thought to herself. `I need to get past this. This relationship needs a formal ending, and I can't be avoiding Inuyasha.' She glanced at the clock. 10:00. Well, might as well start getting ready now. Kagome sighed a third time for effect and got into the shower.
Sango entered the apartment at about 11:15 to find Kagome nervously pacing the apartment, fully dressed and made up.
"What are you doing?" Sango asked.
Kagome whirled to face Sango, stunned to find her home. "What are you doing home so early?"
"Lunch." Sango said slowly. "What is wrong?"
Kagome bit her lip. "I agreed to a very stupid thing." Sango started getting frightened when Kagome refused to meet her eyes.
"I said that I would go to lunch with Inuyasha."
"WHAT?!?!?!" Kagome cringed at the tone of Sango's voice. "Are you stupid? Why the hell would you do that?"
"I don't know!" Kagome said, holding her head in her hands, wanting to cry. She hadn't expected it to be this bad with Sango. "He called and asked and said some bullshit about needing to be more comfortable around each other, and I knew it was wrong, but for some reason I said yes!" She leaned up against the wall and slid down it.
Sango sighed deeply. "I'm sorry for reacting like I did." She sat down beside Kagome and hugged her. "Maybe you can cancel?"
"The bastard will probably be here in like five minutes and there is no way I can do it with him standing in front of me. No, I am going to end this now forever. But what is Sesshoumaru going to say?" Kagome turned her eyes to Sango fearfully. "He hates Inuyasha. Do you think he will be mad at me?"
Sango opened her mouth to say something positive to Kagome, when she knew that that was not what she really needed right now. "He will be upset, but if he loves you, everything will be okay. He could never hate you, honey." Kagome nodded and got up, checking the mirror and getting rid of any signs of previous distress. Sango sighed. "Good luck."
Kagome nodded again. When the door bell rang a couple minutes later, she was actually ready for this. She smiled at Sango broadly. "Don't worry. This will be fine." Sango nodded, working hard to hide her rising trepidation at this. God help her if Sesshoumaru came by when Kagome wasn't here. Kagome, oblivious to her friend's discomfort, opened the door. Inuyasha stood there, smiling, with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. Kagome faltered in that moment then bore herself up again. She took the flowers and handed them to Sango, hoping that she would get the mental message to burn them. Inuyasha looked past her to Sango. Sango gathered her bearings long enough to send a meaningful glare his way. Kagome, sensing the tension, spoke up.
"Okay Inuyasha, lets go." Inuyasha smiled and took her arm, but Kagome maneuvered out of it and turned to Sango on last time. "I will see you in a little."
"Yeah, see you soon." She glared once more at Inuyasha. "I'll be waiting." Kagome laughed despite Inuyasha's obvious agitation and Sango felt a little better about the whole thing. She closed the door as the two walked away. Sango stared at the flowers in her hand. She smiled evilly as she thought to herself, `There was an odd look in her eyes when she gave them to me. I am sure that she would not mind me destroying them.' She looked around for ideas when yet another thought came upon her. Had anyone been in the room with her, they would have feared for their lives at the evil grin on Sango's face. `Inuyasha is not known for being smooth at the relationship stuff. Kagome may want to destroy these on her own.' With deliberate care, she placed the flowers on the kitchen table. It was always good to have some inanimate object to take your anger out on…………
Kagome drank her ice tea, wishing it was a shot glass full of vodka. Better yet a bat. Anything to get her away from Inuyasha, whether physically or mentally. What had ever possessed her to do this? She couldn't remember why she agreed to go to lunch with him. Maybe Zeus would call down a lightening bolt and strike Inuyasha senseless long enough for her to make a getaway.
Inuyasha would not stop talking. He reminded her of this one guy on this show, who told his girlfriend that the reason he slept with another girl was that they were on a break. Inuyasha was basically saying in so many words that he couldn't understand why Kagome would not want to be with him. Kagome mentally rolled her eyes and wished one more time that she was completely wasted.
All she heard was blah blah blah. If he stopped for a second, she would tell him that she was no longer mad at him. How could she be? Without this breakup, she would never have gotten Sesshoumaru. She smiled as she thought of Sesshoumaru, finally finding some topic that helped her completely block out Inuyasha. God, how she loved Sesshoumaru.
Inuyasha saw Kagome smile, and thought that what he was saying was winning her over. So he kept talking.
He didn't realize that he had completely lost her. She was off in la-la land thinking about Sesshoumaru. But he was not the brightest crayon in the box anyway, so it was understandable.
Thirty minutes later, Kagome fell back to earth when Inuyasha stood up and grabbed her hand. She quickly took it out of his grasp. "I'm sorry, did you say something?" she asked sweetly.
"I asked if you would like to take a walk in the park with me before going back to your place."
Kagome mentally screamed. Was this lunch from hell ever going to end?!?!?!?!
"You know what, Inuyasha?" Kagome started sweetly. "I am just not really in the park-walking mood right now. Maybe another time." She got up from the table smoothly.
Inuyasha faltered for a moment. No park? "Well, what do you want to do?"
"Go home." Kagome said simply, walking towards that front. Inuyasha ran after her.
"You mean, this is it?"
"Yeah, I'm kinda tired and I have things I need to do today."
"Um, okay."
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~
Sesshoumaru left his meeting and decided to surprise Kagome and pick her up for some lunch. He reached her apartment and couldn't wait to see her face when Sango opened the door.
"Oh! Sesshoumaru…." Sango said nervously, looking anywhere but him. "Um…..Kagome isn't here right now." She fidgeted uncomfortably.
Sesshoumaru looked at her strangely. `What is she worried about?' he thought to himself. "Well, where is she? I can wait."
Sango almost shook. How could she tell him? `The truth might work.' She sighed deeply then finally looked at him. "She is out to lunch with Inuyasha."
Sesshoumaru looked dumbstruck. "With Inuyasha!! What is she doing with him?"
Sango shook her head. "Come in and I will explain."
Sesshoumaru practically stormed into the room, barely containing his anger. He turned as the door shut. "Now explain."
Sango rolled her eyes. "Take a breather, Sesshoumaru. He called this morning and pulled a guilt trip on Kagome. So she agreed. But it will be fine. Why don't you sit down and wait with me. Want something to drink?"
Sesshoumaru sat down without thinking about it, his mind on Kagome. He looked towards Sango to refuse that drink, when his eyes fell upon the flowers on the table. "What are those?"
Sango turned. "What?" Her eyes followed where Sesshoumaru was looking and noticed the flowers. "Oh, those? They are from Inuyasha. She practically threw them at me. I am saving those for when she gets home. I can't wait to see what she does with them." She smiled, but Sesshoumaru didn't share the humor. Why did he care so much? No one had gotten under his skin like Kagome had, and part of him hated it. Why should he care that she was out to lunch with Inuyasha?
Because he loved her. That simple. He had never loved anyone, and it was killing him wondering what she was doing right now. He wanted her home, now. He wanted to put his arms around her and hold her close, to kiss her, to show her how much he loved her, and how much better than Inuyasha he was. Most of all he wanted her to be his completely, heart, body and soul.
He wanted her home now.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~
Kagome and Inuyasha had finally reached her apartment. Halleluiah! She was ready to kill Inuyasha. On the ride home, he had tried to grab her hand three times.
"Well that was fun." Kagome said, trying her hardest to hide the sarcasm, although she didn't think she did very well. Whatever.
"Yeah it was." Inuyasha put on what he thought was a sexy smile. Kagome knew that smile all too well, and had to bite back the laugh that threatened to break through. She lost. Kagome peals of laugh bounced off the wall as Inuyasha looked at her curiously.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~
Sesshoumaru and Sango's heads shot up as the familiar laughter floated into the room. They looked at each other before both leaping to the door and putting their ears against it to hear whatever they could. Sesshoumaru couldn't believe what he was doing, but knew Kagome was worth making himself look like an idiot. Besides, they had been sitting in an uncomfortable silence for nearly thirty minutes waiting for the pair to return, Sesshoumaru getting edgier by the minute. They heard Kagome's voice come through the door crystal clear.
"Okay Inuyasha, let's get one thing straight."
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~
Kagome picked herself off the ground as her laughter faded away. When Inuyasha's offered hand came into her view, she got very serious, very fast.
"Okay Inuyasha, let's get one thing straight."
"No. Shut up for five seconds and let me talk. You have been blabbing nonstop all morning and I am sick of it. So listen. You cheated on me. No matter what your excuse is, that is what happened. I don't know what hints I have ever given you that makes you think I am going to forgive you and fall madly in love with you again, but they are wrong. I love your brother. End of story."
"But Kagome, you can't possibly love that guy." Inuyasha started, putting his hands on her arms.
Kagome threw them off of her violently. "Why not Inuyasha? Why can't I `possibly love that guy?' At least he loves me. HE would never kiss my cousin. He is sweet and perfect! I LOVE HIM. And if you love me as much as you claim, you will accept that and walk away."
"Kagome, he doesn't love you! He is just using you to get at me!" Inuyasha shouted. (In the apartment, Sango held Sesshoumaru from bursting out the door)
Kagome walked up to him and slapped him as hard as she could. "Inuyasha, I want you to leave. You can make a choice. Be my friend or my enemy. There is no in-between." There was silence. (In the apartment, Sango, sensing the argument was at an end, pulled Sesshoumaru away from the door.)
Kagome turned away from Inuyasha and entered her apartment. When she closed the door behind her, she slumped to the ground. That was harder than it had seemed. No matter what Inuyasha had done, there was still a *tiny* part of her that still loved him, hence the lunch date. Slapping him had been hard, but it was necessary. There was no other way to get it across his head. She put her head in her hands, oblivious to her audience. Another part of her was still beyond annoyed by that date, and wanted to get rid of this restlessness.
Sesshoumaru watched the woman he loved, and all anger at her flew out the window. He walked up to her slowly and kneeled down in front of her, pulling her close. She started, then realized whose arms she was in.
"Sesshoumaru" she breathed. `Oh god.' She thought. `Please don't be upset.'
"Shhh, sweetheart, it's okay. I understand." She put her arms around him and pulled him closer to her. They sat that way for a moment before Sesshoumaru spoke up.
"I do love you. With all my heart, I do."
"I know." Kagome hugged him once more, then untangled herself from his arms, a brilliant idea coming to mind. She looked up at Sango, a smile coming to her lips.
"Sango, still got those flowers?"
Sango's smile matched Kagome's. "Of course. Want them?"
"Definitely." Sango handed her the bouquet, and Kagome walked to the kitchen counter, a curious Sesshoumaru on her heels. She opened the silverware drawer and took out a large butcher knife. As she set up her work station, she said, thoughtfully, "Rin does love to make Potpourri."
She laid the flowers down carefully, and then let loose. Little pieces of roses floated to the ground. She let out all her pent up frustration on the flowers. "Here is your walk in the park, Inuyasha." She pounded harder, little comments coming out as Sesshoumaru and Sango watched in amusement. "Confused, were you? I'll show you confused."
After about five minutes, she stopped, exhausted, and their kitchen was a mess. Red rose pieces were everywhere. Sango laughed. "Rose pieces. How romantic."
Sesshoumaru walked over to Kagome and took the knife out of her hand, turning her towards him and pulling her closer. "Romantic. Definitely." His lips crashed down to hers, and Kagome's world suddenly consisted of one thing: the feeling of his lips against hers. She opened her mouth eagerly, and thrust his tongue into her mouth.
Sango smiled and quietly left the apartment. She decided to visit a Miroku. He would want all the details.
When air became a dire necessity, Kagome broke the kiss and smiled beautifully up at Sesshoumaru. "Don't you need to be at work?"
He smiled back. "No, they don't need me that bad." That said, he claimed her lips again.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~
FIN! Well the chapter that is. LET IT BE KNOWN! This fan fiction is completely Sesshoumaru/ Kagome. There is going to be drama in the future chapters, but this will be happy in the end. I already know how it is going to end ^_~. Thanks to Nevheera the next chapter will be light and fluffy. After that, there are only four-five chapters left (just deciding how to split it up) it is planned, just needs to be written.
Another thing. I have had requests for a lemon. I don't know……. So it is up to you! It would, if at all, be in the next chapter. Two things: the lemon would only be posted at Second, lemons are not my forte. I would need a volunteer. If no one wants to write one, there will *probably* be no lemon. (If enough people want one, but no one wants to write it, I may just write it myself) okay here is the preview and review responses!
Chapter 14: Can you feel the love tonight?
Sesshoumaru had made his decision……………………. "Kagome, I never want this to end."………………………… .. "Hello, can I speak to the manager, I want to buy a ……."
P.S. Next chapter extra long and really exciting!!!!
Ioke: So sorry sweetie! You have been so faithful and I abandoned you! Hope this meets your expectations! Next time this happens, just keeps emailing me to bug me. I find it motivating!
Nevheera: Thank you! I am so flattered! Feel free to critiques me whenever! I agree on the fluff idea. Next chapter will be filled with fluffy-goodness. SWEAR!
RED WOLF: I'm here. SORRY!
Ryguy5387: Well, I am glad you liked it. I said don't worry because this is a Sess/Kag fic, and no amount of lunches with Inuyasha will change that.
Liltoast: Thank you! That is so sweet! I am really glad you like it!
Moonlight Shadow Princess: Thank you so much. I will keep updating, no matter how long it takes. This story will be finished.
Deity of Death1: Don't worry. This is Sess/Kag. Inuyasha screwed up MAJORLY.
Orchidaceae: Just thought this story needed some spice ^_^
Saria4: Well, you are just gonna have to read and find out
Ash-chan: Don't worry. That thought never once entered my mind.
Schichini Kiwi Kasa: I agree. There is no other couple in the anime world as cute as them.
Tomoe15: I am so sorry. I am such an evil author! I am going to be better, promise.
Inu/Kag lover: Sorry sweetie. I don't like him in this fic. He has been officially voted off the island. (*Niamha shakes her head* that was so lame)
bOa_bOa679: Thank you for being understanding! I love you! My life is insane, but I am gonna try harder to find time for this.
RED DAY: NO! NEVER! I am an ardent Sess/Kag lover. But *points to genre* this is a drama/romance fic. That was needed drama.
Fire Kitsune Goddess: I know
The Death Goddess: Don't worry. The ballets are in and this fic is Sess/Kag all the way
Devil_Angel: Inuyasha is a dumbass. Argo: this fic is Sess/Kag
Fluffy's Mate: That was my final thought. Inuyasha definitely screwed up, and he doesn't deserve her.
Kitsunefirelover: Mush apologies, but that won't happen. I am planning a Inu/Kag fic in the future. I'll email you when that appears.
Mistress Fluffy: I am so sorry. That was horrible *Bows to Mistress Fluffy* Please forgive me!
InuGirll3: Thank you! That makes me feel so much better!
Aira ^o^: Yeah, I failed you. This chapter took far too long. I didn't prioritize right, but that will be fixed. Promise!