InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Change of Power Version 2 ❯ Why are you doing this to me? ( Chapter 2 )
Disclaimer: Me no own
6. ai = love
7. anata = you
8. baka = idiot/fool
9. koinu = puppy
10. youkai = demon
11. Hana = flower
12. okami = wolf
Change of Power Version 2
Chapter Two: Why are you doing this to me?
"Why?" she said barely about a whisper
"I didn't know it was on you." he said looking away
"Take it off Inuyasha." said Kagome as she whiped the blood off of her face
"No." he replied while looking out of the window
"Why not!?!" snapped Kagome
"I want you to feel what I went through, now go to bed." said Inuyasha
"Would you do this to her!?!" Kagome yelled
"No, because SHE never abused her powers!" yelled Inuyasha
"I used my powers to save your life several times!" yelled Kagome
"I can take care of myself!" yelled Inuyasha " And stop yelling at me...OSUWARI! Now go to sleep."
"You have become like the one person you hate the most." said Kagome while whiping blood off of her face
"And who is that wench?" asked Inuyasha
"Sesshoumaru." said Kagome as she ran over to Miroku and Sango's room
"Feh." said Inuyasha as he looked back out the window with anger in his eyes
The next morning everyone headed out on their journey to MuranoKaze. Inuyasha was pouting because Kagome was riding on Kirara's back and wouldn't talke to him, but he never let the others know. They stopped for lunch a few hours later but as they were getting ready to leave they all noticed Inuyasha's mood getting even worse. They weren't surprised when a few seconds later Kouga showed up.
"Hello Kagome, I hope mutt-face is treating you well." said Kouga as he made his way to Kagome
"As well as you'd treat Naraku." Kagome muttered under her breath. "Hi Kouga, yes he's treating me fine." Kagome said with a fake cheery smile
"Kagome, may we talke alone?" asked Kouga while glaring at Inuyasha
"Sorry Kouga I can't LORD Inuyasha commands it. So I guess I'll see you later if LORD Inuyasha allows it." said Kagome before kissing Kouga on the lips to make Inuyasha mad
"OSUWARI!" yelled Inuyasha "No woman of mine will kiss another man!"
"I'm not YOUR woman and at the rate your going your lucky if I stay your friend, you heartless beast!" yelled Kagome before getting on Kirara and flying towards the village of MuranoKaze
"Kagome!" yelled Inuyasha as he ran after her "Get back here!"
"Inuyasha wait up!" yelled Sango and Miroku in unison but Inuyasha just ran faster
"Kouga why do you still play with their minds when you don't ai Kagome but ai Ayame. Kouga anata baka! Leave the koinu and Kagome to me." said the youkai as she came out from the shadows
"What do you want now, Hana?" asked Kouga
"Have you not heard the prophecy Kouga prince of the Okami tribe?" asked Hana
"Yes I know the prophecy Hana." said Kouga
"Well it turns out that she is the chosen one." said Hana while she twirled some of her golden hair
A young girl is huddeled in a corner as a whip makes contact with her back. 'Why....why are you doing this to me.......