InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Change of Power Version 2 ❯ The Beast Within ( Chapter 3 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Change of Power Version 2
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha
Chapter 3: The Beast Within
“Kirara if you care for that wench then stop!!!!” yelled Inuyasha as he chased after Kagome
Kirara landed next to Inuyasha despite Kagome's protests. Kagome immeadiatly got off and started running towards the village knowing it was useless. Inuyasha ran after her and caught her around the waist.
“Let me go Inuyasha!” yelled Kagome as she tried to get away from him
“No way onna!” growled Inuyasha in her ear
“I'll purify you if you don't let me go!” threatened Kagome
“Do you think I'm scared of a pathetic human like you!” yelled Inuyasha
“LET GO!!!!” Kagome yelled as she purfied Inuyasha and the rosary broke
Inuyasha flew back and hit a tree knocking him out as the rosary beads fell to the ground at Kagome's feet. When the pink light vanished Kagome gasped as she saw the human teenager. Kagome ran to him her eyes held the fear and regret of what she had done. Sango and Miroku ran over to her and looked worriedly at Inuyasha.
“I…I didn't…I never…” Kagome stuttered as tears ran down her cheeks
“We know Kagome, we know.” said Sango as she put her hand on Kagome's shoulder
“Let's get him on Kirara and into the village.” said Miroku as Kirara transformed back into her larger form
When they got to the village a villager came to them screaming about a demon asking if Miroku could purify him. Sango went off asfter the demon deciding that Miroku and Kagome should find a place for Inuyasha to rest. They walked for a little longer until they came to a palace and a villager stopped them. She was old in her years and seemed to recognize Inuyasha. She smiled as she looked at his sleeping face.
“You know him?” asked Miroku
“Yes, son of Izayoi. I helped raise him while his mother was alive. I guess you could say that Izayoi and I were the only ones in his life that loved him. His father did of course but Inuyasha never knew his father. Soon after his mother died his grandfather threw him out, the poor pup. Come into the palace, if the master doesn't like it then he can answer to me.” said the old woman
“Who are you?” asked Kagome
“My name is Kiratorea, but you may call me Kira. I'm Inuyasha's aunt.” said Kira
“Thank you for helping him.” said Kagome
“I love my nephew despite his blood, I know his heart, he isn't like other demons.” Said Kira as she led the way into the palace
“Miroku, Kagome!” yelled Sango as she ran to catch up to them
“Sango what's wrong?” asked Miroku as he showed his concern
“Hentai!!!” yelled Sango as she hit him on the head with her boomerang “Anyway, Kagome we have a problem.”
“What?” Kagome asked as she helped Sango put Miroku on Kirara as well
“The demon is after Inuyasha and well…he threatens to kill his cousin if he doesn't come out to face him. The problem is well….” Sango said before pointing to Inuyasha
“Oh.” Kagome said as she looked down sadly
“Here are your rooms, if you need anything aske the servants and they will bring it to you. Oh and tell me when my nephew wakes up.” said Kira with a sad look in her eyes
“Aikizu is your daughter isn't she?” asked Kagome
“Yes” Kira replied before she left
“Ok, how are we going to do this?” asked Kagome as she looked at the unconsious teenagers
“Let's get Miroku first.” said Sango as she started picking Miroku's upper half up
“I didn't mean to hurt him. He just wouldn't let got and I was still mad about him sitting me all the time.” said Kagome “I warned him.”
“We know that you would never do anything to hurt him.” Sango said
“The question is does hi know that?” Kagom asked as they layed Miroku out on a bed
“Deep down in his heart he does, I think he's just upset over coming back to this village and hearing that his cousin was captured by a demon.” Said Sango
“Yeah, I guess your right.” said Kagome as they picked Inuyasha up and put him on a bed in Kagome's room
“Well, I'll see you in the morning, I need to get as much sleep as I can before that pervert wakes up.” said Sango as she went to her room with Kirara
“Goodnight Sango.” Kagome said as she wiped Inuyasha's forehead with a wet cloth. “What have I done?” she whispered before she collapsed on top of him crying
“ugnh.” Moaned Inuyasha as he started to wake up
“Your…your awake.” Kagome said in between sobs
“Oi! Wench why are you crying?” asked the irritated human Inuyasha
“I'm…I'm…oh Inuyasha I'm so…sorry.” Kagome said as she looked down while sobs escaped
“Keh, I'm the one who should be apologizing after what I did to you, I only got what I deserved.” He said looking away
“I was going to say that I deserved what you did to me.” said Kagome as she continued to sob
“Keh, I went overboard with it…I'm sorry…just don't cry.” Said Inuyasha
“How are you feeling?” she asked
“How do I feel every new moon wench?” he countered which only caused more tears
“I…I'm going for a walk.” Kagome said as she ran out
“Oi! Get back here wench!” yelled Inuyasha as he ran after her leaving tetsusiaga behind
Kagome ran through the castle till she hit an old man who had been walking to his bed chaimbers.
“How dare you run into me you wretched woman.” The man said as he hit her across the face (AN: Kagome can't get a break can she?)
“Touch her again and you'll answer to me.” Growled out Inuyasha as he caught Kagome
“I have not the time for this, guards kill these imputent servents at once and give the shikon shards to me.” said the man
“Leave Inuyasha alone father.” Said Kira
“Inuyasha!!” yelled the man
“Yes, your grandson Inuyasha is staying with us.” replied Kira cooly
“I will not have a halfling in my house!” yelled the man before he went into his bed chaimbers slamming the door
“I need air.” Kagome said as she made her way out of the palace while clutching her cheek
“Oi! Onna now hwere are you going?” asked Inuyasha as he ran after her
Kagome ran as far as her legs would take her, she just wanted to be away from everyone at the moment. She ran towards the sound of water knowing that the cold water would help her now swelling cheek. When she got to the spring of cold water she knealt by it scooping water into her hands and splashed it on her cheek. Little did she know was that she was being watched by a pair of glowing green eyes. The demon came out of the bushes and slowly crept up behind her. The demon growled low and snarled revealing its sharp fangs and a forked tounge. It's slender body was covered in green scales that sparkled in the moonlight. It was right behind Kagome when she noticed it's reflection in the water and turned around. As soon as she turned aroudn the demon grabbed her by the neck and slammed her into a tree, while flexing it's other clawed hand at Kagome's neck
“Are you the miko named Kagome?” asked the demon
“I…I…” Kagome tried to say as her breath was leaving her while she gasped for more
“Let her go!!!!!” came Inuyasha's yell as he stood with an angry glower on his now hanyou face
“Ssssso the puppy hassss come to play. Do you care for thissss girl Inuyassssha?” asked the demon
“Let her got you filthy snake!” yelled Inuyasha as he reached for tetsusiaga but found nothing “Damn it.” He growled
“Hass the puppy losssst hissss toy ssssword? Well if you don't care for her then you won't care if I go ahead and kill her.” Said the snake youkai
The youkai then began to squeeze her hand choking Kagome. Kagome began caughing trying to get some air into her lungs. Inuyasha started growling as he watched Kagome being hurt and trying to figure out what to do.
`Mate hurt……Mate pain……kill……make mate safe.' came a voice in the back of Inuyasha's mind as his eyes started glowing red
“Oh, isssss the puppy angry with me? I'm sssssory I thought you didn't care about her. But then again what can your pathetic hanyou clawsssss do to a full blood like me.” said the snake youkai
The youkai continued to choke Kagome untill finnally she went limp in her grasp. Seeing this sent Inuyasha's youkai blood over the edge. With a loud growl he transformed into a full demon and swiftly took a swing at the youkai just missing her.
“Tssssk Tsssssk well ssssince you want to fight letssssss go!” yelled the snake yukai as it threw Kagome's limp body to the ground
With a loud growl Inuyasha shot forward bringing his claws down on the snake youkai's arm. The youkai stumbled back before it shot forward and tried to bite Inuyasha with its poisoned fangs but missed him by a couple of inches. Inuyasha growled as he landed near Kagome his blood red eyes glaring at the snake youkai. He glanced at Kagome and noticed that she was barely breathing and glared back up at the youkai only to find it retreating.
“Itsssss been fun playing with you puppy. Let thissss be a lessssssssson to you, if you don't ssssstay away from here I will kill your mate and coussssin. Ssssssee you around ssssson of the Inu no Taissssssho.” said the demoness before she left
Inuyasha growled and watched making sure the demoness was gone before he knealt down next to Kagome. He leaned over her and gently touched her cheek with his clawed hand. When he saw that she would be alright he gently scooped her up and headed toward the scent of their friends. When he got to the palace Sango, Miroku, and Kirara were waiting for them. Miroku immeadiately ran towards Inuyasha and Kagome but when Inuyasha saw he was getting too close he growled and held Kagome closer to him. He briskly walked past Miroku and went towards Sango. When he got to her he held Kagome out to her and whimpered lightly.
“Do…do you want me to help her?” asked Sango cautiously
Inuyasha nodded before he followed Sango into the palace and to Kagome's room. He gently set her down on the bed and let Sango tend to her until he saw that Sango wasn't needed anymore and immeadiatly growled signaling her time to leave. He looked down at the sleeping girl and whimpered slightly at the memory of what happened to her. He nudged her gently wanting to wake her and make sure she is ok. After a few nudges Kagome's eyes finally opened as she looked into red eyes. She gasped as she sat up and looked at him. She noticed tetsusiaga across the room and tried to suppress the groan that was coming. She was about to get up and get the sword when Inuyasha all of a sudden kissed her, knocking her back onto the bed with him on top of her. He continued to kiss her for several minutes before pulling back to look at her. His eyes now a mix of red and amber.
“Inuyasha.” Whispered Kagome
“Ka..Kagome.” Inuyasha said as he went back to being a hanyou
“Why did you save me after I did that to you?” asked Kagome as she looked away
AN: well I hope you like it and as always R&R!!!! Ja ne!!!