InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Change of Power Version 2 ❯ Demon of the Night part 2 ( Chapter 5 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Change of Power Version 2
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha
Chapter 5: Demon in the night part 2
(AN: This chapter takes place at the same time as the last chapter starting when Inu left Kagome in the palace)
Inuyasha ran as fast as he could following the scent of the one who dared to hurt his mate. His eyes were now fully red and he licked his lips in anticipation of tasting the blood of the one that hurt his mate. He ran to a cave and stopped outside of it flexing his claws and growling. Soon two snake demons came out, one being the demon that attacked his mate. 'must be her mate' thought Inuyasha as he ran towards them with his claws outstreched. The male snake demon easily dodged the attack and managed to kick Inuyasha in the gut. Inuyasha was sent flying into a tree before he fell to the ground coughing but was up a few seconds later as he took another swing at the male succeding in getting him in the chest. The male hissed as blood began to pour from the wounds on his chest. When the female saw her mate get hit she screamed and ran at Inuyasha her claws making contact with the side of Inuyasha's face. He howled as he stumbled back before he ran at both demons digging his claws into their throats.
"You've wasssssted your time with usss while you left your mate with the one who sssent usss, better hurry before they kill her." said the female while she laughed causing a nauseating gurgling sound as blood poured from her mouth
Inuyasha's eyes went wide when he heard what the demoness said and
started running as fast as he could to the palace where he had left Kagome. When he got the the palace it was light out and he noticed Sango, Miroku, and Kirara heading out of the palace. They immeadiatly ran over to him and asked him where Kagome was. He just pointed towards the palace before he ran into the palace towards the throne room. When he got there he pinned his grandfather to a wall growling in his face and putting his claws at his neck threateningly. His grandfather only smiled as he watched his grandson carefully. Kira came into the room and gasped at what she saw. She went to Inuyasha and tried to pull him away from her father.
"Inuyasha please, would your mother or Kagome want you to kill him?" begged Kira as she tried to free her father
"Where the hell is Kagome?" growled out the now hanyou Inuyasha as he dropped his grandfather
"I have no idea where your wench is." said his grandfather
"Sure you don't." said Inuyasha as he sniffed the air and caught Kagome's scent going towards the bed chambers
He walked till he got to his mother's bedroom.His eyes flared with red but was quickly back to normal as his eyes got sad.He went into the room and noticed the blood stains still on the wall. He noticed a book on the ground and when he picked it up he cought three scents on it; his mothers, Kagome's, and his grandfathers.
"Kagome was in this room then you came in here why?” asked Inuyasha
"She wasn't allowed in this cursed room so I made her leave." said his grandfather
"Curse why? Because my mother mated with a demon?" asked Inuyasha as he caught Kagome's scent again and followed it to a dead end.
When Inuyasha got to the wall he got angry and hit it causing it to open up and reveal a passage way. He spared his granfather a two second glare of annoyance before he went down the steps into the dark followed by his friends and family.
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha
Chapter 5: Demon in the night part 2
(AN: This chapter takes place at the same time as the last chapter starting when Inu left Kagome in the palace)
Inuyasha ran as fast as he could following the scent of the one who dared to hurt his mate. His eyes were now fully red and he licked his lips in anticipation of tasting the blood of the one that hurt his mate. He ran to a cave and stopped outside of it flexing his claws and growling. Soon two snake demons came out, one being the demon that attacked his mate. 'must be her mate' thought Inuyasha as he ran towards them with his claws outstreched. The male snake demon easily dodged the attack and managed to kick Inuyasha in the gut. Inuyasha was sent flying into a tree before he fell to the ground coughing but was up a few seconds later as he took another swing at the male succeding in getting him in the chest. The male hissed as blood began to pour from the wounds on his chest. When the female saw her mate get hit she screamed and ran at Inuyasha her claws making contact with the side of Inuyasha's face. He howled as he stumbled back before he ran at both demons digging his claws into their throats.
"You've wasssssted your time with usss while you left your mate with the one who sssent usss, better hurry before they kill her." said the female while she laughed causing a nauseating gurgling sound as blood poured from her mouth
Inuyasha's eyes went wide when he heard what the demoness said and
started running as fast as he could to the palace where he had left Kagome. When he got the the palace it was light out and he noticed Sango, Miroku, and Kirara heading out of the palace. They immeadiatly ran over to him and asked him where Kagome was. He just pointed towards the palace before he ran into the palace towards the throne room. When he got there he pinned his grandfather to a wall growling in his face and putting his claws at his neck threateningly. His grandfather only smiled as he watched his grandson carefully. Kira came into the room and gasped at what she saw. She went to Inuyasha and tried to pull him away from her father.
"Inuyasha please, would your mother or Kagome want you to kill him?" begged Kira as she tried to free her father
"Where the hell is Kagome?" growled out the now hanyou Inuyasha as he dropped his grandfather
"I have no idea where your wench is." said his grandfather
"Sure you don't." said Inuyasha as he sniffed the air and caught Kagome's scent going towards the bed chambers
He walked till he got to his mother's bedroom.His eyes flared with red but was quickly back to normal as his eyes got sad.He went into the room and noticed the blood stains still on the wall. He noticed a book on the ground and when he picked it up he cought three scents on it; his mothers, Kagome's, and his grandfathers.
"Kagome was in this room then you came in here why?” asked Inuyasha
"She wasn't allowed in this cursed room so I made her leave." said his grandfather
"Curse why? Because my mother mated with a demon?" asked Inuyasha as he caught Kagome's scent again and followed it to a dead end.
When Inuyasha got to the wall he got angry and hit it causing it to open up and reveal a passage way. He spared his granfather a two second glare of annoyance before he went down the steps into the dark followed by his friends and family.