InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Change of Power Version 2 ❯ My mate ( Chapter 6 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Change of Power Version 2
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha
Chapter 6: My Mate
"You're a hanyou." said Kagome in shock
"Yes." said Aikizu
"My mother mated with a demon, that's not that hard to figure out."
"No, how are we going to get out?"
"I can break the chains"
"Why didn't you do that before?"
"I'm not that strong on the fighting part."
"And how do you expect us to get out if you can't fight?"
"I can smell my cousin he's near."
"How do you know his scent if you've never seen him?"
"I can smell him on you, you two are mates or at least future mates are you not?"
"Uh sorta."
Aikizu broke her chains and went over to Kagome just as Inuyasha came into the dungeon. He looked at his cousin and Kagome and growled lightly as Aikizu let Kagome free.
"Aikizu!!!" yelled Kira as she ran past Inuyasha and hugged her daughter
"Mother!" yelled Aikizu as she hugged her mother
"Who did this to the two of you?" asked Kira
"Grampa" said Kagome and Aikizu in unison
"Since when was he your grandfather?" asked Aikizu as inu's gramps high tailed it out of there
"uh um." said Kagome as she blushed heavily
"Since I decided to make her my mate, now lets go before he gets to far away." growled out Inuyasha as he threw Kagome onto his back and re-adjusted tetsusaiga (AN: Sango and Miroku gave it to him)
"Yeah, lets go cousin." said Aikizu as she ran up the stairs and into the hallway sniffing around for her grandgather
"Inuyasha" asked Kagome
"Where did you go?"
"Do you like snake skin?"
"You didn't!"
"She tried to kill you!"
"Did you mean what you said?"
"'Bout what?"
"About me being your mate."
"Feh you talk to much wench. Oi! onna* where are you taking us?"
"Keep your shirt on Yasha, I'm taking us to grampa's favorite place to go, at least I noticed him going there every night until he finally captured me." said Aikizu
"Feh just hurry up already this wench over here is driving me crazy!"
"Hey!" Kagome said angrilly as she slapped his shoulder
"Your yelling in my ears." growled Inuyasha as he twitched his ears
"Aww, poor baby." said Kagome as she grabbed one of his ears
"Stop." Inuyasha growled out
"Why? Does it hurt?" asked Kagome
"Get down!" screamed Aikizu as she pushed Inuyasha and Kagome to the ground
"What was that?" asked Kagome as she tried to get out from under the two hanyous
They stood up and noticed a huge spider demon coming at them. Inuyasha pushed Kagome behind a boulder telling Aikizu to prtect her if the spider demon (aka: inu's gramps) got past him. He took off towards the demon while pulling tetsusaiga from its sheath.
"Wind Scar!!!" yelled Inuyasha as he brought the sword down onto the ground
The spider youkai easily dodged the attack before it spit some of its web at Inuyasha tying him up. Inuyasha lost his grip on tetsusaiga causing it to fall to the ground and turn back into an old, rusty, katana. Inuyasha struggled to get free as the spider demon came at him baring his poisonous fangs.
"Hiiraikotsu!!!!" yelled Sango as her boomerang cut Inuyasha free just in time to dodge the spider youkai
"Are you alright?" asked Sango as she jumped off of Kirara and caught her boomerang
"Keh, never better." said Inuyasha as he charged the spider youkai "Iron Reaver Soul Stealer!!!!"
The attack got the spider youkai and the youkai staggered back before it clawed at Inuyasha ripping up his shoulder. Inuyasha staggered back and put his hand on the wound grimacing as the blood covered his hand and the slight hint of red coming into his eyes.
"Blades of Blood!!!!" yelled Inuyasha as the attack ripped off one of the spider youkai's legs
The youkai spit more of its webs out getting Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku, and Kirara stuck in it. The youkai went at Inuyasha again and Inuyasha closed his eyes waiting for the spider to bite him but it never came. When Inuyasha opened his eyes what he saw horrified him, Kagome was in front of him with the youkai's fangs in her neck.
"Kagome!! You baka what did you do that for!?!" yelled Inuyasha as his youkai started to come out at the sight of his hurt mate
"You always do the same for me." Kagome said as she fell to the ground (AN: yes that is a quote from the second movie)
"Kagome!!!!" yelled Inuyasha as his human blood finally became repressed