InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Change of Power Version 2 ❯ like cousin like cousin ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Change of Power Version 2
Disclaimer: *Screams at top of lungs* I do not own Inuyasha!!!!
Chapter 7: Like cousin like cousin
Hana watched the fight below with great enterest. 'The hanyou loves the tainted miko very much. This could make our plan very difficult to complete. The miko loves the hanyou as well or else she wouldn't have sacrificed herself for him. This is all very well the prophecy is coming true without them even noticing!' laughs Hana as she walked back into the nearby forest.
(AN: ok i'm sorry but after six chapters of saying said such and such and asked such and such I'm getting sick of it. I gave it a try for about 5 fics now and i'm sick of it, I usually do my fanfics in script format anyway......if you don't like it let me know and i will revert back to story format. Thankies Neko-chan 22/Inuyashagurl44)
Inuyasha(with red eyes and screaming): Kagome!!!!!!!! (AN: He can talk in demon form....0.0;; oh well he can in my story now......but very one word at a time)
Aikizu: Kami Kaze Sutoraiki!!!!!! (Neko: means God Wind Strike!!!!)
Miroku, Inuyasha, Sango, and Kirara were released by Aikizu's attack. Aikizu ran and picked Kagome up before going back behind a huge boulder, protecting her cousin's mate. Miroku and Sango charged the Spider youkai throwing ofudas and the hiiraikotsu while Inuyasha ran up with his claws ready to strike. When they were done the spider youkai fell in a pile of bones, flesh, and blood. Inuyasha quickly ran over to Kagome as his youkai blood died down as worry came to surface. He gently scooped her up and cradled her gently in his arms bridal style as she started walking towards the woods to head towards Sesshoumaru's castle if need be.
Inuyasha*frustrated and worried*: Where is that stupid flea when I need him!?!
Miroku: Clam down Inuyasha, throwing a tantrum isn't going to help Kagome-sama
Inuyasha: Calm Down!!!!! Calm Down!!!!!! I swear I'm gonna make it where you will never have to worry about having a child to bear if you tell me to calm down one more time!!!!!
Sango: She's cold....very cold!!!
Aikizu(shoving Sango away): Move it!!!!! Her pulse seems fine for the moment..........(glares at Miroku) Either get your hand off my ass or I will makes sure that your bride finds something missing on your wedding night!!!!!!!!!!
Sango: I see now that you are definatelly related to Inuyasha. Will she be ok?
Aikizu: she will if I can get two things to happen
Sango: and that would be?
Aikizu: 1. get something to knock my cousin out because he's not gonna like what I'm gonna have to do and 2. I have to get the poison out of her.
Inuyasha: What the f.......(Miroku knocks him out with his staff)
Miroku: How was that about my thank you...
Aikizu(thoroughly frustrated): you wanna have the ability to have kids
Miroku(pales): your....welcome
Aikizu rolled her eyes as she started to move the collar of Kagome's shirt to the side but noticed Miroku leaning in and hit him where it hurts causing him to black out.
Sango: That's gotta hurt
Aikizu: Your friend is on her death bed and all he cares about is his hentai thoughts and now you feel sorry for me punching him in the groin. This is one messed up friendship you guys have. Now will you please hold this(hands Sango Kagome's shirt) *AN: Kag has her bra on hentai's can leave the premises now!!!*
Aikizu then proceded to rip open both of the fang marks on Kagome's neck with her claws. Blood came gushing out of the wounds but not fast enough for the poison to leave the miko's system. Aikizu leaned down and began to suck the blood out of the wounds and spit it on the ground. Inuyasha and Miroku both woke up and watched as Aikizu continued in her task until the blood finally stopped flowing out. Aikizu bandaged the wounds and Sango put Kagome's shirt back on. Aikizu sat back on her haunches and looked at the miko worriedlly as blood dripped from her mouth.
Inuyasha: Will she be ok?
Aikizu: If I got all of the poison out yes.....then again if there is any left it won't kill her....its not the kind that kills.
Sango: Then what kind of poison is it?
Aikizu: I don't know but we better get her out of here.
Inuyasha:*picks Kagome up*: Where should we take her?
Aikizu: There is an abandoned hut in the forest we should take her that we killed that youkai the villagers will think we killed the real lord of this land so it would not be wise to stay in the castle especially with Kagome like that.
The group then procedes to walk into the forest unkown to them that they were being watched by a group of demons.