InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Change of Power Version 2 ❯ the demon clan ( Chapter 8 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Change of Power Version 2
Disclaimer: I don't own inuyasha *walks off wailing*
Chapter 8: The Demon Clan
By the time they got to the hut it was raining and Kagome was looking very pale. Inuyasha gently layed her down on a leftover futon in the back of the hut. Inuyasha brushed some of her bangs out of her face and noticed two purple streaks running across her cheeks. He immeadiatly called the others over to him and asked Aikizu what was happening to Kagome.
Aikizu: I think the poison is turning her into a youkai Inuyasha.
Inuyasha:*yelling* How!?! She is a human that isn't possible.
Aikizu: I don't know!!! If I knew how don't you think I would have told you! This should only work from what I know about transformation poisons is if the one that was poisoned already had demon blood in them. Other than that I have no idea how this is happening I'm sorry Inuyasha.
Inuyasha: *sighing in defeat* I'm going to hunt for dinner if she wakes before I come back you come get me Kirara but the rest stay with her. Understand?
All: HAI!!!!! (AN: means yes)
Kirara: Mewl (AN: I had to write that it's too cute)
Aikizu opened Kagome's backpack and found a dry cloth and a bottle of water. She poured the water on the cloth and wiped Kagome's forehead. Aikizu winced when Kagome growled at her and grabbed her hand her new found claws digging into Aikizu's flesh.
Aikizu: *gasping in pain* this is not good
Sango: How come?
Aikizu: Kirara get my cousin.
Sango: Shouldn't we have a reason to get Inuyasha first.
Aikizu: Trust me we will have a reason by the time Inuyasha gets back now Kirara go!!!
Kirara raced through the forest in search of Inuyasha. She noticed him crouched a little ways ahead looking at a deer. Inuyasha turned his head when he caught the scent of the cat youkai and immeadiatly started running back towards the hut. Kirara followed after Inuyasha as he ran back to the hut. When Inuyasha went inside he noticed Kagome screaming and growling at Aikizu and the others who were trying to hold her down as she twisted about. Inuyasha noticed that while he was gone she had grown claws and her hair was starting to turn light blue. He looked down at her sadly before moving the others away and whispering something in her ear. When she heard his whisper she quieted and stilled much to the relief of everyone there. Soon Kagome moaned and opened her eyes to stare at Inuyasha. Gold met gold as the two stared into each others eyes.
Kagome: *faintly* I'm alive?
Inuyasha: yeah your alive. How are you feeling?
Kagome: Fine.....tired but fine why?
Inuyasha: Kagome you were poisoned....
Kagome: *growling lightly* I'm not an idoit Inuyasha I know I got poisoned.
Inuyasha: *growling* Will you let me finish wench I never said you were an idoit! The poison is turning you into a youkai.
Kagome: *angrily* you have one bad sense of humor Inuyasha! *shoving Inuyasha away* I'm going for a walk.
Inuyasha:*grabbing Kagome's arm* You're not leaving.
Kagome: *snatching her arm away from him* I can go on a walk on my own Inuyasha I'm not a baby I can take care of myself!
Aikizu: I'll go with her cousin, if that's alright with you Kagome.
Kagome: *growling* Fine as long as it isn't my pain in the neck mate over there. *points and Inuyasha and growls more*
Aikizu: What he said is true, you are turning into a demon?
Kagome: *looking down at her claws*
Aikizu: We don't know, all we know is that it was caused by the poison.
Kagome: *sighs and nods while looking ahead* Do you mind if I walk on alone........I need to think this over.
Aikizu: Sure but don't stay out too long or Inuyasha will worry.
Kagome nodded before running towards the sound of water. As she was running she caught the scent of another demon near. When she saw a demoness dressing a wound in a river something inside of Kagome snapped. Her transformation completed but her eyes turned blood red as she watched the blood drip from the demonesses wound. Kagome smiled as she slowly crept up on the demoness he fangs and claws bared. In one quick motion she pounced on the demoness tackling her to the ground. The demoness rocked her hips until Kagome and her were rolling along the river's edge trying to gain the upper hand all the while clawing and biting each other. Soon both lay on the ground unconcious in a pool of blood. A group of demons came out of the forest edge while Inuyasha and the others came running to Kagome having caught the scent of her blood.
Sango: *crying lightly* Is she dead?
AN: Yes Tim I know I'm evil pure evil!!!!!