InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Change ❯ change ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

It had begun to rain and Kagome just got through the school doors. She walked to her locker and put away her books, she turned around to find her ex boyfriend with her best friend.
“Oh hey Kagome!” the brunette ran up to Kagome
“Hey Kayla”
“How was your weekend?”
“It was ok, yours?”
“Oh it was great me and Jack went to the movies then stayed up all night talking on the phone. Ok well see ya in class”
“Bye” Kagome closed her locker and smiled.
`I'm happy for them' she thought as she walked to class, a boy bumped into her and all her papers fell to the ground.
“Excuse me” she said politely and bent down picking her papers.
“Watch where you're going!” the boy stepped on her papers while walking away.
She sat at her desk still smiling and pulled out her homework which she still hadn't finished. She got to work as everyone came to class. Kagome dropped her pencil and as she got up to get it someone stepped on it and it snapped in half. She smiled and got up to sharpen it.
“Ok everyone get in your seats” the teacher came in and sat at his desk, Kagome finished sharpening her pencil and sat back down. After the announcements and math class she went to lunch.
In the cafeteria she waited in line, as she walked back to her seat with lunch a few people bumped into her and caused her to drop her food.
“Watch it moron!” a girl yelled irritated, Kagome smiled and cleaned up the mess.
Kagome walked through the door and was immediately met by her little brother Souta.
“You're late. Dad's gonna be mad”
“He's not our dad so stop saying it that way” she walked past him and was about to go upstairs when she heard his voice.
“Kagome you're late”
“So what” she walked upstairs
“What did you say to me!”
“Honey settle down she's a teen” Kagome heard her mom's voice and frowned as the sound of skin meeting skin. Kagome locked her door and put her backpack to the side. She brushed out her hair and decided she was going to change big time. She grabbed her money and snuck downstairs past her step-dad and went outside to her car. (She's 16)
She turned the key and quickly drove off as she heard her step-dad yelling. She stopped at a convenience store. She grabbed a box of hair bleach, a variety of colors of make up and a few of other things. She went over to a pay phone and called Sango.
“Hey Sango can I come over for a little bit?”
“Ya sure” Kagome got back into her car after paying for her things and drove to Sango's.
“Hey are you ok?” Sango opened the door to let Kagome in
“Ya I'm fine” Kagome followed Sango to her room and sat on the bed.
“What did you get?” Sango motioned to the bag and Kagome dropped it all on the bed for Sango to see.
“You're bleaching your hair and you want my help?”
“Ya” Kagome laid and rested her head on the pillows.
“Kagome, I'm sorry. You know about your dad and all”
“He's not my dad!”
“Ok, ok I'm sorry. Come on let's dye your hair”
“I also want to cut it” Sango looked shocked. Kagome never wanted her hair cut she wanted to grow it long but things change.
“Ok let's cut it then dye it. What kind of style do you want?”
“I don't know you pick”
“Um… are you sure” Kagome nodded “Well ok here sit on this” Sango pulled out a chair and went to get the scissors.
Kagome looked in the mirror and gave an undecided smile.
“You don't like it do you?” Sango said setting the scissors on the table.
“No I do I just… can't wait till I'm all done” Kagome turned with a big smile. Kagome grabbed the bleach and mixed everything, Sango began putting it through her hair and they both waited. After 56 minutes they washed Kagome's hair and dried it. They both stood and looked in the mirror. Kagome's hair was now just below her ears and her bangs were cut in a slanted way so they were short on one side but got longer as they went to the other. Her hair hadn't come out fully blonde but was a light orange. She smiled and Sango smiled with her.
“So why the change?”
“Because I hate the way I am. When someone knocks me over I get back up still smiling and let them go on without saying anything”
“Oh now I get it, you feel like a push over and you don't want to be so weak?”
“Well then I can help you more than you think” Sango went to her closet and pulled out some fabrics.
“What are you doing?”
“Just wait”
Kagome had spent the night at Sango's and Sango drove her to school. She stepped through the school doors and it was as if time had gone into slow motion as she walked to her locker. Sango had bleached her hair more and put black streaks in it. She wore a black choker and her eyebrows were plucked to the point where they were just a tiny line. She wore purple lipstick on her bottom lip and black on the top, her eyes were lined with black pencil and blue eyes shadow. Kagome wore dark jeans with a black sash around her waist and a leather cami.
The next day Kagome had 5 ear piercings in one ear and 3 in the other, her nose was pierced. She wore fingerless red and black gloves and tall black boots. Over her purple halter top and leather jeans she wore a long trench coat. As she passed other students they had to take double looks to recognize it was even her. The teachers kept calling role and saying she was absent and she would call out
“I'm here you moron!”
Kagome went home and her step-dad would yell at her for dying her hair and getting her body pierced but she just turned away and went up to her room. She had become an entirely new person. Her attitude and life changed completely and for once she felt as if she was free.
“Kagome can you come in here please?” her mother asked her as she was about to leave
“What is it?” she walked into the kitchen to find her mom and step-dad.
“Well...” her mother tried to talk but he interrupted
“You have disobeyed my orders and…”
“You talk as if you're king you talk to me as if you're my real dad. You hit my mom and sent my brother to a private school where I can only see him every other weekend” she began calmly. “You come into this house and TREAT US ALL AS YOUR SLAVES! WELL I'M FUCKING SICK OF IT I'M SICK OF YOU AND I'M SICK OF WATCHING, HEARING YOU TORTURE MY MOTEHR!” Kagome opened a drawer and pulled out a large cutting knife.
“Kagome!” her mother held a frightened look
“Put that down now!”
“I SAID NO YOU INSOLENT JACKASS!” she threw the knife at him and hit him right above his gut. She pulled out another knife as he ran toward her and stabbed him in the shoulder.
“FUCK YOU” she didn't have time to move as he slapped the knife from her hands and punched her right under her eye. Kagome fell to the ground and he began kicking her. She curled up into a ball as he kicked in her ribs.
“Stop!” her mother tried to pull him from her but only received a hard blow to knock her out. Kagome tried to scream for her mother and got all of the wind knocked out of her. Finally he seemed to have stopped but only rested to take time to pull out his belt. One slap, 2, 3, 4 the door swung open and Sango ran in. She rammed into Kagome's step-dad throwing him in the fridge. Sango helped Kagome up and went to her mother.
“You little BITCH!” he went to punch Sango and Kagome jumped on him wrapping her arms around his neck. He grabbed her arms but couldn't loosen her grip, he bashed her into the wall but she still didn't let go. Finally he passed out and fell to the ground. Kagome let go and hugged Sango.
“Thank you Sango”
“Damn this is crazy if I knew you were having this much trouble you know I would have helped out before”
“I know…” Kagome and Sango took her mother to the car and drove over to Sango's house. There as Kagome sat down she felt safe, safer then when she had changed safer then when her dad was alive. She felt brave, strong, and her body filled with the warmth of relief.
Kagome and her mother had been living with Sango for a week now and were looking for a house. Souta had come back and lived with them as well. Kagome still stayed with the blonde hair but began wearing just baggy jeans and shirts. Kagome went to her locker and took out her English books, she turned around and dropped her books as Jack her ex boyfriend bumped into her.
“Watch it you clumsy moron!” Kagome caught herself but it was too late
“Look I'm sorry…”
“Whatever” she picked up her things and walked away leaving him in the dust. Just before Kagome walked into class she heard someone call her name.
“Kagome!” she turned to see Rick the so called school stud.
“Huh? What do you what?” she asked confused as hell.
“I was wondering if you umm… wanted to go to the movies. You know this weekend maybe?”
“Why are you asking me now and not before? Before I dyed my hair and stuff?”
“Um because”
“Because you don't really like me. Sorry but no I have plans”
“Oh then what about…”
“I'm booked for the rest of my life without you” she walked away and everyone in the hall stared at Rick and where Kagome was.
Kagome, Souta, and her mom found a place with her real dad's dad. Even though they had to move to a different town it was ok for now. Sango and Kagome kept in contact.
It was Kagome's 17th birthday and Souta's kitten had run into the little temple behind the house. Kagome had to go in and get the cat because Souta was too afraid. As she went down the old steps she looked at the boarded up well not too far from her. She heard scratching from the inside and just as she was about to open it the kitten rubbed against her legs. She picked it up and walked out of the temple. As Kagome closed the doors the boards flew off of the well and a light spit out a small box…
This is only the first chapter I think I'll have 3 chapters in all so plz r&r for the next chapter.
Oh ya disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha for if I did I wouldn't have to buy the volumes. But I do own the styles and this story.
Oh and if you liked this story I also have some stories on on the name Tears of death16/ on the name- KuroeKaikaYabi/ on that name also heh, heh.