InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Change ❯ the box ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The box
Kagome walked home with her new friends from school Burianna and Arisa who were how do you say very close friends. They stopped at a gas station and got some sodas.
“So Kagome why'd you and your family move here?” Arisa asked looking at Kagome
“Well there were just um troubles where I used to live”
“Oh yes I get it and fait just had it you meet the 2 greatest people in the world!” Burianna made a dramatic pose and people on the sidewalk stared while walking by.
“Burianna your ice cream” Arisa pointed out that Burianna's ice cream was melting.
“Oh ya” Burianna put her whole mouth around the top.
“Umm… isn't that cold?” Kagome raised an eyebrow
“Os ry” (translate “Yes very”)
“WOW” Kagome ran over to a large poster with a picture of odd little creatures circling a band called Perverted Demon.
“Creepy” Burianna walked over to it and stood next to Kagome “You have weird taste Kaggy”
“I said not to call me that Burianna”
“Oh ya sorry” Burianna almost sang the apology
“I'd love to go to the concert but…”
“Your mom won't let you because you need to help out around the house and…” Arisa explained
“No! Damn I wish that was the reason then I could sneak out. Actually I'm underage, you have to be 18 to go and even for that you need a special ID”
“Well that's stupid. Lemme guess, they strip naked or something on stage?” Burianna asked leaning against the wall.
“That and…”
“KAGOME!” Souta ran over interrupting
“What is it…?” Kagome sighed
“Mom's waiting for you”
“Why, it's not even…” Kagome looked at her watch to see that it was already 6 and she was supposed to be home at 5
“Later Kaggy” Burianna and Arisa waved walking home
“Stop calling me that!” Kagome raised her fist in a not so angry but more friendly angry way. She turned to Souta and walked home.
“Kagome you're late I was worried” Kagome's mom was sweeping near the doorway
“Sorry mom”
“Thank you Souta”
“Your welcome mom” Souta hugged his mom while Kagome was already in the kitchen getting something to eat
“Kagome I left you some food on the table” Kagome's mom chimed when she was just about to get over frustrated with finding food.
“Thanks!” Kagome took the food and made her way to her room
“Kagome…?” Kagome's grandpa came out of his room to find no one there “I could have sworn…” he scratched his head as he walked back to his chair.
“Done” after eating Kagome did her homework and had just finished at now 8 o'clock. She jumped back on her bed and let out a long sigh.
“I'm so bored…” she droned falling asleep but was startled onto the floor as a loud crash was heard from outside. She jumped up and opened her window to find the temple where the old well was shaking! She ran down the stairs and slipped on her shoes
“Go back to bed Souta” she commanded not even looking at her brother
“It's alright the cat must of gotten outside” she ran out the door and closed it softly behind her
“But the cat's right here…” Souta whispered looking at the door worriedly.
Kagome jogged over to the temple and the shaking seemed to be less and less violent till it stopped as she was right at the doors. She put her hand to the door and cautiously opened it a crack. She looked in and saw nothing so she opened it all the way. Suddenly a strong wind blew her back and onto the ground then a light tapping came up the stairs. She held her breath in fear as it came closer and closer as if she was in a horror movie, slowly the top of something came into view till the wind stopped and a small light blinded her for a moment. She looked and a small box lay on the top step. She got up and looked around for anything else weird. She stepped through the doorway and picked up the box, she opened it and…
The temple doors shut, it was pitch black but Kagome could still see something moving towards her at a great speed, red eyes! She closed her eyes and screamed…
Kagome opened her eyes to the suns strong rays she put her hand on her forehead and recalled the other night. She jumped and looked around to find herself at the bottom of a well? She stood and saw the box.
“What the hell, how did I get in the old well? What the hell was I sleep walking? Ya it was all some freaky dream…” she picked up the box and climbed out of the well. She looked around to find herself in a valley
“What the fuck! Am I still dreaming?”
“No you are not” an odd whisper blew through her ears
“Who's there” she jumped out and looked around in a defensive pose
“Do not fear me Kagome. I am Kikyou” she turned to see a woman with long black haired tied back, she wore a red and white kimono and held a bow with arrows on her back.
“Kikyou? How do you know my name!?”
“Because… I am you, you are me.”
“Please come” she gave a kind smile and began walking in the direction of music, Kagome followed her still on guard of anything weird mostly the woman Kikyou.
They entered a village like in old Japan. People danced and played music on flutes or drums. They all stopped and smiled at Kikyou then looked oddly and whispered about Kagome. Kikyou entered a hut and Kagome followed.
“Kikyou!” a small girl with an eye patch and black hair tied back hugged the woman and smiled at Kagome.
“Hello” the girl bowed “My name is Kaede”
This is all too weird, but why do I have the feeling that this is all… normal? Kagome thought while smiling back unsure
“Kagome please sit. Your wounds should be taken care of”
“My wounds?” Kagome looked at herself and saw nothing but Kikyou put a cloth to her forehead. Kagome looked at the cloth to see a fresh blood stain form her own head!
“Where did that…” Kagome felt her forehead and winced as pain shot through her entire body. She turned as Kaede put a cloth on her back.
“How? Did you give me these wounds?!” Kagome looked sharply at Kikyou
“No… you see I was the one who should have endured those wounds. They are fatal but… you will not die.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Please sit” her voice was so kind, Kagome sat and listened as Kikyou explained.
“You see Kagome I should have received those injuries, they were meant to kill me but instead you received them in another time period. They are from a hanyou named Inuyasha”
“Half demon”
“Demon!? You have got to be kidding me. First of all how would I be form another time and get some weird cuts? And a demon, you knowing my name, and how would you know all of this anyway?”
“The box.” Kikyou took the box and looked at it with a cold stare
“I killed a demon and it left this box… I had opened it and found evil. I quickly closed it and where we throw the bones of dead demons I threw this box too. I put a seal on it but… you are me in a different time, me in many years after I die. This being you have the powers that I too have. It came to your time somehow and when you opened it the evil was set free. You came here with the evil that wanted to kill me.”
“I understand about half this and believe none. I'm out.” Kagome stood up and walked out of the hut, she marched out of the village and back to the well where she remembered seeing a large tree. The same tree that was next to her house.
She stood next to the tree but did not see her house anywhere. She circled the tree and saw something sticking out of it, or to it? She came to a stop and looked at…
(Ok this story really isn't making any sense to you probably so I'm going to stop. Sorry I said I was gonna make 3 chapters but I lost all the ideas I had thought of for it so… sorry. Read my other stories though if you want once again I am sorry hope you liked the first chapter though!) oh ya I do not own Inuyasha.