InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Changes ❯ Found But Not Lost ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“I have to find him,” Kagome thought. After running through the woods for about 2 minutes, she came to a cliff. She almost didn't see it because it was darker now, with just a speck of light on the horizon. “I must've made a wrong turn somewhere, Inuyasha couldn't be-“ her thoughts were interrupted by something that sounded like something shifting on dirt. It sounded like it came from below the cliff, and after a minute of investigation and squinting in the dark, she saw a platform below, reaching out about 3 feet longer than the cliff edge and about 5 feet below. It may have been instinct, but she knew Inuyasha was down there.
Kagome turned around and got a firm grip on the edge before dropping down the rock wall. She dangled for a bit before dropping down and landing on her hands, with her knees bent and feet planted firmly on the ground. There was a cave, but it was pitch black and seemed to drag on forever.
Standing up slowly, she called weakly into emptiness, “Inuyasha?” No answer. There was no other way but to start walking, but after taking a few steps she heard a voice that nearly scared her to death, although after realizing who it was, she was relieved. “Kagome, over here.” She walked towards the voice until she found the man, unable to see him in the dark. He was sitting against the wall in his usual form, his legs and arms crossed. Kagome sat down next to him, her knees bent and brought up a couple inches away from her chest. To support her position, her hands were on the ground, and her back was against the cold, dirt wall of the cave.
“Why'd you come after me?” Inuyasha questioned. Kagome froze. She couldn't tell him the real reason. “Someone has to protect you,” she said, which was one of the truths. “Feh,” Inuyasha replied. Her head turned in his direction, her eyes now semi-adjusted to the darkness, she could make out his form. He was looking at the ground, sitting still. Knowing Inuyasha, he would never fall asleep on a new moon. He never slept at all anyway. Kagome scooted a few feet away from him and tried to make herself comfortable on the ground, to fall asleep.
Now all she had to do was think. There was nothing to do, but think. She was forced to think; painful things, happy memories. She began fantasizing, what would happen if Inuyasha loved her back as much as she loved the hanyou. Then one thing smacked her in the face; Kikyo. Things started rushing in her head, swirling around and bothering her. And she knew they wouldn't plan on going away anytime soon. After hours, Kagome broke the silence. “Inuyasha,” she said, sitting up, “Do you still love Kikyo?” Inuyasha's head jerked in her direction. She was looking at the ground. He had been dreading this; ever since his last encounter with Kikyo. “What to do? I don't want to see Kagome hurt, but I can't lie to her…”
She was silent for a long time. Then she began to cry, tears she couldn't hold back. Her whole body shook with emotion. Inuyasha sat and watched her, not knowing what to do until Kagome wrapped her arms around his stomach and lower back and began sobbing into the chest of his red haori. He was a little surprised, but he tenderly put a hand on her head and one on her back, and pulled her in closer.
“Kagome,” he said softly, as he helped her stand up. By now she had stopped crying, and her grip on his haori had loosened. She looked up, her eyes still wet with tears. She was overcome with a small sense of shock when she realized that she could see him. “The sun's coming up,” she thought, but she couldn't look away from his gray eyes.
It all happened in a split-second. Inuyasha leaned and kissed her gently on the lips. At first she felt like pushing away, but then she thought, “This is the moment…that I've been waiting for 2 years….” Inuyasha put his arms around her and she kissed him back. At that moment, the bright warmth and light of the sun filled the cave. They ignored and continued the passionate lip-lock. Kagome felt a tingling sensation go throughout her body. “Probably just true love,” she thought, giggling in her head at the cheesy thought.
The tingling feeling left as fast as it had come and she pulled away to look into the eyes, now gold, of the half-demon she loved. He smiled back at her, but his expression changed, a mixed look of disbelief, horror, maybe a hint of stupidity. “What's wrong?” Kagome said, feeling she did something wrong. Inuyasha was now shaking in shock as he pointed to her head.
Cliffie! Teehee. Review please! Or else…*aims frozen yogurt*
Naraku: Or else what?
Me: *chucks spoonful at Naraku*
Naraku: *explodes*
Me: Oopsie. :P
Naraku: *crawls out covered in ashes and burnt clothing*