InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Choices ❯ Chapter 27

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
After an intense fight between the male sensei and Sayuri, the students continued to work on their skills. Now it was not just a wish to make their sensei proud. It was also to show her they would protect the weak.
Sango arrived carrying Kanna just as Sayuri announced the second break.
Sayuri took the infant into her arms and held her close.
The students and the other teachers watched this strange sight. The thirty realized that Sayuri loved children and would fight fiercely for any child that needed care. The males were divided between feeling scorn and convinced this proved their point.
Sayuri said, "You men are free to leave. The rest of the lesson is not for you to see. Kagura. Souta." She looked up as a few of the younger students gathered around her. She saw they were curious about the baby she held. She let them see Kanna. A few of the older ones wished to hold her and Sayuri allowed them to. She saw in their faces what this caused in them as they turned toward her and swore they would protect the weak.

Back in the past, Miroku remembering everything that had happened. The anguish it stirred within him was extreme. He felt so low that he considered taking his life. It was here that Kikyou's control attempted to re-establish itself over him. It was here that all the demons within tried to break his will. Finally, it was here that incredible grace was shown. Just as he asked of himself, "How can I be forgiven?", the demons were silenced.
"Miroku, Kagome and I do not hate you. She loves you as a brother and for her sake,
so do I. Forgiveness is a gift. Though it can be earned, with you and Sango it is a gift. You just need to prove that this will never happen again. Now rest, friend, and make ready to journey toward us. Sango will have things to keep there, things from Kagome's era that I will show you how to use. Things I have decided to give you two. For now, go to sleep."
Miroku obeyed and slept deeply.

The next weeks flew by.
Nisayuri went to school and baby sat. Sayuri taught and worked in a clothing factory. She bought and packed. Some things she gave Sango and/or Miroku. She bought for Kagura and Kanna.
Then the day came and they prepared to return home. It was just as Sayuri had said.
Miroku met Sayuri, Sango and Kagura at the border. He bowed and asked, "How can I help?"
"What Sango carries is for you two. Lighten her load for now," said Sayuri.
Miroku did just that. He carried part of it and they stopped at the new slayer's village to place it there.
Then he took some from Sayuri and so did Sango. They traveled onto the palace. They were greeted by two guards who immediately alerted those of the castle that "Lady Sayuri has returned! Lady Sayuri is home.
Sayuri stepped just inside the gate and let her party do so also. However, she told Miroku and Sango, "Wait here. I will motion for you when all is well." Then she and Kagura moved forward.
Kagome met them with her mate at the reception hall door. She looked just radiant.
Sayuri asked, "Why do I sense you have news I want to hear?"
Sesshomaru looked past Sayuri then and saw the two waiting for her motion. His eyes narrowed as he asked, "How did the trip go?"
"Both Sango and Miroku know they have done wrong. It is not time for them to be left alone with Kagome, but they can see Kohaku from time to time and when accompanied, be near Kagome," Sayuri answered. She watched Sesshomaru nod and then motioned for Sango and Miroku to come closer. She let them come to stand dead even with her and then stopped them.
Kagome moved to stand slightly in front of her mate. From there, she looked at her once faithful companions. "Hello, Sango. Hi, Miroku. You two look well. How is the rebuilding going?" Her sapphire eyes were full of a bittersweet joy at seeing them.
Sango and Miroku knelt where they were. They knew Sayuri moved sideward so Kagome could see both of them. They apologized from the bottoms of their hearts.
Kagome forgave them and then took Kanna into her arms. The motherly instinct in her rose and she gently rocked the month old infant.
Sayuri studied her soul twin another minute before asking, "How long will the carry time be and do you know any specifics?"
The question just surprised everyone.
Sesshomaru answered, "We are unsure how long. Why do you ask?"
Sayuri just shrugged. She looked up then and saw Taisho with Rin at his side and a female she pegged as the healing demoness following behind him. She knew that soon she would have a report to give True Form. She was ready to know just for herself.
Rin was the first to greet her of the trio. She ran from her grandfather's side and threw her arms around Sayuri. "Pretty Lady, you are home. You are well."
Sayuri gently removed the child's grip from her legs, only to lift her with ease and hug her that way. "Hello, Rin. Yes, I am well. Yes, I am back."
Taisho greeted her next. He was, she could tell, just as happy to see her as Rin was. However, he did not act as did the child. He walked up to her and gently embraced her. He then saw the two beside her. He wanted to growl at them but just then Sayuri said, "They are sorry. They are being punished." He glared at them and then pulled back to stand protectively before Kagome.
"Healer. We must speak."
The demoness turned slightly and made motion for Sayuri to follow.
Sayuri looked back at Sango. "Miroku, step away." She put a foot in front of her, poised with her left only on her toes. Bringing up her hands, she held her left at Sango's waist and her right where the babe's head was. The space in between glowed with her reiki and a darkness was seen, seeking in the babe. Sayuri whispered a short phrase and then said aloud, "Hiak." The despair-fed darkness was purified and the babe's aura pulsed. Sayuri smiled and returned it. "Miroku, take your wife home. Sango is tired and needs rest. Return to the gate in the morning and you may see Kohaku then."
Miroku nodded and the pair left.
Sayuri turned and walked toward the waiting demoness.