InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Choosing love or choosing life ❯ choices ( Chapter 1 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
~Club Whisper~
Kagome's brow furrowed as she counted her money in haste.She had been saving up for a Unversity somewhere farther down in England.She had read that this place had a very good recommendation for poetry at the school.Sango opened the door to their apartment.She sighed as she dropped onto the couch with a thud.
"Oh my god,what a tiring day.I've made more money for us to get into that school"she replied reaching into her pocket taking out her wallet and throwing it towards kagome.Kagome picked it up,opened it and her eyes widend.
"How on Earth did you make $500 in one day?".
"I've been working since 2 this morning Kag-chan".Kagome looked at the time,it was nearly midnight.
"You want me to make you some dinner?Or did you already eat?"Kagome asked.Sango looked at her with hazy eyes,her 'Keep staring,I might do a trick'shirt wrinkling a bit.Sango then nodded,she remembered she was starving.
"Hey if we make another $200 tomorrow,we'll have enough money for the both of us to get in that school"Sango said brightfully.Kagome felt herself smile,if all went well,they could be in England by Saturday,on the count of it's Thursday.They already had everything basically packed.Just two couches and a tv remained.They'd sleep on the couches,pick up pizza or whatever they were in the mood for,then go to work the next day.Their success was so close they could nearly taste it.Once eating to her fill,Sango curled up on the couch and drifted into sleep,Kagome soon also fell asleep.They awoke early the nextday,grabbing clothes from a bag,quickly getting dress and rushing out the door.They had enough for the school,they just needed the plane tickets now.The day dragged on ever so slowly.
"Come on,come on,........damn it!"Kagome chanted to the clock as the minute hand moved every hour or so.She had ten more minutes at this job,then she could take her pay and leave.But you know the last ten minutes of the day become the worst and the busyest.
"Excuse me!I would like some service here!".Kagome turned around to face a farily large woman stomping her foot on the ground.Kagome looked at her.
"How may I help you?"she asked sweetly,yet smugly.She couldn't take much more of this.This woman came in everyday to do the smae thing.To complain about her day,this is why Kagome needed another she perferbly enjoyed.After the tortureous 10 minutes were over Kagome held up her hand,signaling the lady to shut up.She went to her boss's office to collect her pay.Once counted she walked back out to the lady.The woman was still very rude saying
"How dare you signal me to shut up!I shoudl complain to your boss!"
"I hope you do,then you'll stop complaining to me,I don't give a damn about your problems!"she shouted back.She had her money,and no longer needed to work at this information booth.She then shouted to her boss that she quit and walked out the door.She arrived back at the apartment and started packing up the rest of their things.Sango walked through the door,jumping up and down.
"I did it,I got the tickets,I made enough to buy our tickets so we'll use your money to buy food once we get there.Sound fair?".Kagome nodded very fast.
"What time do we leave?"
"Tomorrow Morning".Kagome was shocked at how fast she had booked their flight.Tomorrow was going to be an exciting day,and she couldn't wait.
*Plane Ride*
Kagome leaned against her palm and stared out the window.The city below was so small.Soon the captain's voice came upon the speaker.
"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen,we shall be landing in England in approximately 15 minutes.I want to thank you for flying on Stanely USA,I hope you have enjoyed your flight,please watch your step".Kagome turned towards Sango who was anxiously waiting for the landing.She then took Kagome's hand and closed her eyes,Kagome followed.
"Praise budda,we shall make you proud and succeed.Bless us and protect us.Also if it's possible,let us be blessed with love from those we care about.Amen"Sango and Kagome hugged and fasten their seatbelt's as the light dinged.Once off the plane they stretched their mucsels,a 6 hour flight was boring.Kagome's jaw dropped as she spotted someone with silver hair waving for someone.Another boy with black hair pulled in a small ponytail waved to him and walked up.The boy with silver hair was absolutely gorgeous!Or so she thought.She elbowed Sango and pointed with her eyes to the boys.Sango looked up and her jaw also dropped at the boy with the small ponytail.She snapped out of it and nudged Kagome.
"Don't stare,we want them to come over to us.Maybe since the one boy has been waiting here,maybe he's lived here and will tell us all about this place"she whispered.Kagome nodded and decided the only way to get these guys to notice them was to be top of the line and sexy.
One of the boys looked their way.
"Whoa Inuyasha,look at those beauties"Miroku hinted.Inuyasha rolled his eyes,his friend was always checking out women,and when he went out with them they turned out to be a total idiot of a hooker.He cast a glance towards them and spotted Kagome.His heart sank,she looked like his ex,but yet her eyes and features much more lively then Kikyo's.He also noticed the girl Miroku was staring at or more likely drooling at.Somehow,both girls seemed very familiar,like he had met them both before.It was the same suspicion he had when he met his best bud Miroku.He shook his head to clear his mind.He turned to speak to Miroku,but he was already walking up to the girls.He once again rolled his eyes and followed after his friend.
"I don't believe we've ever met before"Miroku bowed approaching Kagome and Sango.
"So what are you girls doing in England?"Inuyasha asked.They were all from the same home and probably came here for the same reason.
"We heard about the University down here and that it's major is English (go figure).Plus we heard there is a very good poetry club around the city"Kagome answered in a light tone.Inuyasha tilted his head,she sounded so innocent.She smiled at him and picked up her bags.
"Really?Well we're from the University,perhaps we could show you around England"Miroku piped up.
"Sorry,but we don't accept rides from stranger's"Sango said.
"Oh but we are no stranger's.Actually now that I look,I think all four of us have met before.I'm Miroku and this is my pal Inuyasha".
"You sound familiar,I'm Sango and this is my best friend Kagome".
"Sango......Kagome....Hey weren't you the two girls that lived near a shrine in tokiyo village.Your mom's Mrs.Hirigashie no?"Inuyasha asked Kagome.
"Yes,how did you know?"
"We're the little boys that lived down the street,remember?Nera the lake........we're the little boys that......pushed you girls into the lake"Inuyasha murmered.If it was a bad memory then they would ignor their old friends forever.
"Oh yes I remember that clearly!Then to get back at you we took your clothes when you guys went to take a bath in the hot spring"Sango laughed.
"That was you?!I blamed my cousin who was over for that"Miroku laughed as well.Well at least they weren't mad.The girls accepted the ride and were given a tour around the beautiful country.The girls oo'd and awe'd.The country was surely a beautiful place.
Inuyasha then stopped at a club.Both girls looked out the window out of curiousity.
"Club Whisper?What's that?"
"Why,it's one of the greatest poetry clubs there is".
"Why is it called club whisper?"
"Because secrets and feelings are revealed in her,but kept secret and is barely heard above all else.Like a whisper".
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