InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Close Quarters ❯ The Date ( Chapter 4 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kagome and Sango were just a little irritated. Their plans had been messed up for the day and now they were being set back and knocked off their schedule. The modeling agency was, as always, quick with their job and sent a number of child model over for the ad shootings. However, they had yet to receive the prototypes of the new merchandise they were supposed to be advertising. They had to apologize to the models and tell them that the shoot would not be happening today. It was very embarrassing for them and very upsetting for their boss.
“Tohomiko is a very important client but this unacceptable!” He raged.
“It's strange; Inuyasha didn't say anything to me about the delivering being late,” Kagome said.
“Who is this Inuyasha?” Her boss asked.
“Oh, he's my roommate. He works for the Tohomiko Company.”
“Do you think you can call him and ask him what's going on?” Sango asked
“I can talk to him and see.”
“Then get right on it. With a little luck we can get back on schedule and have the shoot tomorrow,” he said, dismissing them.
Sango and Kagome went back to their office and Kagome immediately picked up the phone and started dialing. It was a good thing that she had forced Inuyasha to give her his work number in case and emergency occurred. The phone rang three times before it was answered.
“What?” It was Inuyasha's angry voice coming through the receiver at an alarming volume.
“Stop yelling like that!” Kagome shouted back.
“Of course it's me, who did you think it was?” She said, fuming.
“What do you want bitch?” He asked sourly. The phone was instantly snatched out of Kagome's hand.
“Inuyasha, stop calling her that!” Sango screamed.
“Sango give the phone back to Kagome!” She heard him yell. Sango gave it back to her glaring at the object as if it were Inuyasha himself.
“Inuyasha I was just calling to ask why we didn't get the prototypes today. Our boss is angry that we had to turn the models away and delay the shoot,” she said, trying to calm him.
“We had a slip up is what happened! The company's delivery boy accidentally took them to the toy store and they started selling them! We had to go there and pay the brats who got them to give them back!”
“Oh okay. When will we get them?” She asked
“Soon!” He said, and hung up in her ear.
“At least they had a good reason for the delay,” she said, looking at Sango.
“Stupid jerk,” was all her friend and went back to typing on her computer.
Inuyasha nearly took Shippou's head off for his mistake. Then he felt bad for it because Shippou was just a kid and only started delivering for the company last month. But Inuyasha's boss was not so forgiving, and as a result, his bad mood put Inuyasha in a bad mood. Moreover, Inuyasha's temper was a lot for everyone else in the building. The new game player was Inuyasha's design, it was his project to run and his boss was holding him personally responsible.
All he wanted to do was take some very strong headache medicine and fall on his bed. He knew Kagome was at home because every light in the house was on. He just headed for the kitchen and the medicine tray they kept on the counter. After grabbing a soda to take the pills with, he headed down the hall to his room. He passed the bathroom door that was open and saw Kagome standing in front of the mirror checking her teeth.
She was wearing a black mini-skirt, a red spaghetti shirt, and red button up shirt, which she had tied up under her breasts. She had her hair in a ponytail and black tennis shoes on her feet; she looked sexy but cute at the same time. Inuyasha couldn't help but glide his eyes up and back down her long legs.
“How do I look?” She asked smiling and waking him up.
“What are you dressed up for?” He asked
“I'm going on a date,” she said turning back to the mirror.
“With who?” He asked.
“What?” He yelled.
“Inuyasha please don't shout,” she said, cringing at the volume of his voice.
“Kagome, are you crazy? After what happened last time you're going back out with that rapist?” He continued to yell as if he hadn't heard her previous request.
“Kouga is not a rapist! He apologized for that and said he wouldn't drink anymore on our dates.”
“I don't trust him Kagome.”
“You and Sango need to stop worrying. I told her I would call her if anything went wrong,” Kagome said, pushing passed him and walking to the living room. Inuyasha followed her.
“If he tries anything I'll kill him…” Inuyasha threatened darkly.
“Inuyasha are you that worried about me?” She asked. Kagome was feeling the butterflies flap around in her stomach at the protectiveness she saw in his eyes.
“I'm more worried about the rent!” He said turning around and sitting on the couch. But Kagome wasn't sure she believed that. She didn't have time to think on it further because there was a knock on the door.
“That's him,” She said
When she opened the door, Kouga was standing there wearing loose denim jeans and a brown wife beater. He looked her up and down with a smirk and Inuyasha could feel the growl rumbling in the back of his throat. The sound drew Kouga's attention and he waved at Inuyasha.
“Hey dog boy.”
“Watch where you keep your eyes, pervert,” Inuyasha sneered.
“Stop it right now,” Kagome said
“I'll be back later Inuyasha,” she said pulling the door closed.
“Don't wait up.” Kouga threw over his shoulder as he grabbed Kagome's hand.
Inuyasha could feel he was getting angry. But he didn't know why it mattered so much. Sure he would be angry if Kouga tried something on Kagome, but right now he wanted to rip Kouga's head off completely. He couldn't remember a time when he was so mad, and there was no way he could go to sleep like this. He grabbed the remote and started channel surfing, it looked like he would be waiting up.
Kagome was on her way to a new club with Kouga. He was busy telling her about how he managed to get them on the list with his connections. She couldn't stop thinking about how worried Inuyasha seemed about her because it made her feel good to know that he cared.
“We're going to have a great time Kagome,” Kouga said, interrupting her thoughts.
“I'm sure we will Kouga.”
“I heard the way the boss was yelling this morning. You must be stressed out. I promise to make you relax this evening,” he said, smiling.
“Umm thanks Kouga. That's really sweet of you,” she said, a little unsure of what he meant.
They parked in front of a club titled “Knight's”, there was a line stretching all the way around the corner of people trying to get in. Kouga got out and jogged around the car to open her door for her. Then he took her hand and they walked right up to the bouncer. He was a huge, muscles bound man and Kagome hated to think of someone stupid enough to challenge him.
“Are you on this list?” He asked looking down at them.
“Hidaka Kouga,” Kouga said, not the least bit intimidated by the large man. The bouncer checked the list and unhooked the rope blocking the door.
“Go in,” He said.
Kouga pulled her into the club and they were greeted by dim neon lights and lasers. It kind of reminded her of a roller rink. The tables and bars were lined around a giant, circular dance floor that was lower than the floor the tables were sitting on. A railing stood between the tables and the drop. So you could sit at a table and look down on the dance floor but be perfectly safe from falling.
“Do you want something to drink?” Kouga yelled to her over the loud music, and she nodded her head.
They made their way through the crowd to the closest bar and sat there. Kagome only got a glass of water and sipped it through a straw as she watched the buzz of movement happening around her. Kouga got a club soda, keeping true to his word of not drinking.
“What do you think?” Kouga asked over the noise.
“It's great!” Kagome shouted back
“Kagome I want you to be my woman!” He yelled looking her in the eyes.
“Kouga, I don't know about that! I don't think I'm ready for a relationship right now!” She said, shaking her head. He seemed to expect her answer and only held out his hand.
“Lets dance!” He said. Kagome took his hand, just happy for the subject change. And they walked to the opening that led to the dance floor and down the steps.
They worked their in, dancing until they were blended in with the crowd. Kagome had to admit that she was having fun. They both moved to the music and she didn't have to tell him remove his hands from certain spots. She was laughing at some silly move Kouga had done when his shoulder was jerked back. Behind him stood a girl about Kagome's height with reddish-brown hair that was up in two ponytails.
“Kouga what are you doing here with her?” The girl shouted, pointing at Kagome.
“Ayame, get lost!” He yelled back.
“You're my boyfriend so why are you here with some other girl?” The girl yelled, pushing him.
“I told you a hundred times, I am not your boyfriend!” He said, taking a nervous glance back at Kagome.
“You said we were getting married!” The girl bellowed.
Kagome couldn't watch the scene play out anymore and worked her back from it through the throng of dancing people. Kouga still had his back turned so he hadn't noticed that she had slipped away. Kagome made her way to the other side of the dance floor and remembered that the exit was back in the direction Kouga and the girl were arguing in. She leaned against the wall of table level feeling trapped and angry. Then a hand appeared in front of her face. When she looked up a guy was standing there leaning over the railing.
“You wanna get out?” He shouted. Kagome nodded and took his hand and he lifted her up enough to grab the railing pull herself over. She shouted a quick “thanks” to the guy who helped her, and ran toward the exit.
“Miroku, right there. Harder, harder, harder!”
“Shit…” Miroku cursed as he pounded into his girlfriend. At her request he rammed himself into her tight channel harder until they both crashed under the weight of their orgasm.
They both feel back onto the bed and Sango removed his softened member from her and rolled out of his lap. Miroku wrapped his arms around her waste, spooning her and sighing into her back. Sango had just closed her eyes when her cell phone started buzzing and vibrating on the nightstand next to the bed. Much to Miroku's displeasure, she picked it up and answered it.
“Hello?” She answered, a little breathy.
“Kagome are you alright?” She asked, sitting up immediately.
“Of course I'll be right there.” She hung up the phone jumped out of the bed to put her clothes on.
Miroku could do nothing but stare at the spot where his warm girlfriend had been. She had promised that after they finished making love that she would cuddle with him!
A/N: Poor Miroku! I bet you guys thought Kouga was going to do something perverted to ruin the date!