InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Cloud Watching ❯ The Jade Hairpin ( Chapter 17 )

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The Jade Hairpin

Part one

Sango sat against the wall of her room. The sunlight filtered through the window and fell on the garment hanging on the wall. The white silk shimmered and the gold inlay glowed. It was perfect.

What was going on in her home was far from perfect. Outside she could hear the sounds of the house as the others woke. Small bits of conversation and the noises that accompanied them floated through her door.

Someone running across the hall. A door slid opened.

"Miroku why aren't you up yet? Get up and get dressed!"

"Kagome it's early I have plenty of time."

"No you don't, you and Inuyasha are going to leave early so I can help Sango get ready."

"So? Why do we have to leave?"

"Because it is bad luck to see the bride before the wedding,"

"Dear gods not this again."

The door slid closed and there was running down the hall.

A door slid opened

"Inuyasha you are not wearing that?"

"There's nothing wrong with what I'm wearing wench!"

"Put on the new outfit I bought for you."

"No way! What I'm wearing is just fine and…."

"Inuyasha sit!"

A door slammed and the sound of footsteps moved down the hall.

"Rin are you dressed yet."

A door slid opened.

"Rin would like to wear this sister Kagome."

"I thought you were wearing blue Rin. That way you will match everyone else."

"But Rin likes pink."

"But you won't match."

"Rin likes pink."

"But Rin?"

"Rin wants to wear pink! Pink is Rin's favorite color!"

"Fine you can wear pink, just hurry and put it on, once the boys leave we need to get Sango ready."

A door slid closed as another slid opened.

"How do I look Kagome?"

"Oh Miroku you look so handsome!"

"I'm going to go wake Sango now."

"No! You can't do that, that's bad luck."

A door slid open.

"Kagome I told you to give that bad luck thing a rest!"

"Why aren't you changed yet?"

"Because this is what I'm wearing. What's so bad about my cloths?"

"You are wearing red and the rest of us are wearing blue, you won't match!"

A door slid opened

"Rin is not wearing blue. Rin is wearing pink."

"Yeah Kagome she's not wearing blue why should I?"

"Because I said so, Rin you are not helping."

A door slid open.

"Kagome help! I'm stuck in my shirt!"

"Oh Shippo, I'll be right there. Inuyasha, change and don't let Miroku near Sango."

By this time Sango was holding her head in her hands. She was feeling very nervous all of the sudden and the arguing going on was not helping. Just when she thought she was going to jump out the window and forget the whole thing, silence blanketed the house. Sango got up and slowly walked towards the door. She lightly pressed her ear against it trying to figure out what had happed to everyone. Did they leave?

A door slid opened

"Inuyasha how many times do I have to ask you to change?"

"How many times do I have to tell you no?"

"Kagome why can't I just wake Sango up?"

"Because I said no."

"Sister Kagome, Rin is ready."

"If she's wearing pink I get to wear red."

"FINE!! Just go! Take Miroku and Shippo and leave so I can help Sango get ready!"

"Gladly! Come on Miroku let's get going."

"I just wanted to say good morning to her."

"You can say good morning to her after you're married now get going."

Sango once again hid her face in her hands. Sneaking out the window was beginning to look better and better. As if she could read her master's thoughts, Kirara jumped up on the windowsill and tilted her head looking curiously at Sango.

A knock at the door pulled Sango from her thoughts. "Sango are you awake?" Sango looked at Kirara. "Well its to late to turn back now." Sango turned her head towards the door. "I'll be out in a few minutes Kagome." when she heard the girl move away from her door she breathed a sigh of relief.

This was ridiculous, she had faced the strongest youkai and humans the world had to offer and beat every one of them. She had no reason to be afraid of marrying the man she loved. Maybe it was more the fear of everyone expecting her to be perfect. Everyone would be watching her, what if she tripped or sneezed?

Kirara jumped off the windowsill and ran towards the door. She began pawing and meowing at the door to be let out. Sango watched her for a moment before giving in and leaving the room. She could do this, the faster they got ready the faster this would be over with.

When she entered Kagome's room she found the girl digging through her closet.

Kagome turned around and smiled. "Oh, I was just about to come and wake you up. Look what I found." She proudly held up her old yellow backpack. Sango let out a small laugh. "I thought Inuyasha said he'd thrown that away?" Kagome opened the pack and inspected it for any reaming contains. "Guess not, this will work perfect for carrying everything we need to the shrine." Kagome placed the bag down next to a large pile of makeup, brushes, and other things Sango was afraid to even think about.

Rin walked into the room tugging at the hem of her new kimono. "Are we ready to go yet?" Her kimono was light pink with a white sash covered in small pink followers. Kagome looked up and smiled at the girl. "Rin I really wish you would wear blue."

Rin shook her head no and Kagome just sighed. "Sango where's your kimono?"

Sango was sorting through the huge pile of items Kagome had deemed necessary, casting out what she knew would be useless. She saw no reason why she would need any of this. She was marrying Miroku not meeting the emperor. "Hanging up in my room."

Rin, happy to help, was already running out the door. "Rin will get it!" Sango was busy keeping her attention on Kagome making sure she didn't stuff the world into that yellow backpack.

Much to Sango's relief Kagome did not put up much of a fight and just agreed to Sango's reduced inventory of wedding supplies. The girls walked down the path to the village. Rin had been put in charge of carrying the wedding kimono and making sure it didn't get dirty. While they walked Rin began to sing and Kagome and Sango soon found they had joined in as well.

Half way to the village Sango stopped dead in her tracks. "Oh shoot, I forgot to grab my hairpin." Kagome looked behind her towards the house. "We can go back and get it." Sango shook her head. "No I've made Miroku wait long enough and I really don't want to be late. You two go on ahead and start getting things set up and I'll be right behind you." with that she turned and ran towards the house.

`Stupid!' She yelled at her self, how could she forget the only thing that tied her to her family. Even if it wasn't the real pin it was still important to her. Now if she didn't hurry she was going to be late for her own wedding.

As Sango got closer to the house she began to get the feeling something was wrong. At first she thought it was simply her nerves again. As the feeling wore on she knew it was more than that. She slowed her pace as she neared the house. Reaching the porch she could see that the front door was slightly ajar. She had shut that door herself, someone was in her home. Sango looked around the porch for anything she could use as a weapon. The only thing nearby was a shovel but it would have to do.

As quietly as she could she slid open the front door and entered the house. It was when she turned down the hall that she saw a figure ahead of her. The stranger had his back turned to her and was sliding the door to her room open. Judging from his height and build she could tell that this was no adult who was breaking into her home but a young boy. Sango's features hardened as she stared at the young thief. "Who are you? What are you doing here?" she yelled as she ran after the boy. The person didn't even turn around, he just took off towards the back door.

Running through the back door, the stranger headed for the cover of the forest. Sango followed without hesitation. She wasn't about to let some thief get away with robbing her home. The stranger dodged through the forest, weaving around trees hoping to loose his pursuer. Sango followed pushing branches and brush out of her way as she ran.

She finely caught up to him and grabbed him by the shoulder. As he tried to get away they were both pulled to the ground. The thief landing face down with Sango on his back. Sango grabbed his hand to make sure he had no weapon. "What do you think you were doing? You may get away with breaking into someone else's house but not mine." Sango flipped the thief over. "You're going…." Whatever she had been about to say died on her lips when she saw who lay before her.


Authors notes

Sorry I didn't update in so long! I've been working on another story and this one kind of got put on the back burner. I will try to update this within the week. If you would like to read my new story then you can find it under the title 500 years of wrongs on

Thank you for reading

Love missy