InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Club Shikon ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: listen, if I were Rumiko Takahashi (as we've previously established that I'm not), would I be writing fanfiction? Would I be in high school, and thus unable to regularly update? …I think not.

I just want to mention something before I start this chapter. Unlike my other stories, this is going to have exactly three timeframes and fragments of plotline. Mostly, you'll be following Kag's POV in timeframe two. Whenever it seems to be Inu's POV, you'll be in timeframe three, which is set between chapter one and chapter two. You'll understand. And if you don't, just email me and I'll explain it as best as I can.

And now…well, I can't say on with the show because I'm not writing about that. So…back to the story!



He hadn't been expecting that.

From all his years of experience, he knew that it only took one surprise to end his career. And in his business, a sudden stop in employment could also mean a sudden stop in living.

Inuyasha hated surprises. Even birthday surprises.

So it wasn't unexpected that now he was on edge. He had come expecting the place to be open after all. He had even hoped that Kagome would be there. However, the empty room and the silence made it all-too-obvious that he was alone for the moment.

Inuyasha resisted reaching for his gun. He didn't want to harm Kagome or her friends. This was their club, after all, and he wasn't even supposed to be in it now that they had repaid their debts.


He spun around, the sound of Kagome's voice comforting. His nerves were on the edge, this would give him time to explain. She would know why he was doing this.

The darkness was unrelenting, and even with his superb eyes he couldn't make out her form. He couldn't even see past his own nose. The only indication to her location that he had was the direction of her voice.

Another surprise.

The lights flashed on with shocking brilliance, blinding him. He was a fool for straining to see in the dark. It was the second in a series of mistakes that could cost him everything, and he knew it.

Blinking and attempting to refocus his eyes, he was at a momentary disadvantage. When male boots connected with his stomach and knees, he fell to the ground. The wind left him in one large gasp, leaving him stunned and unable to deflect the blows.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome screamed. She was somewhere near the bar. "Stop it! INUYASHA!"

The sound of her voice buoyed him, helped him to focus. Inuyasha twisted away from his attackers, using his momentum to flip onto his feet. His eyes adjusted, he observed the situation in the moment that he had.

Kagome was sitting on the bar, her hands above her head. Behind her was a man with a gun, which had probably at one point been put to her head. Closer to Inuyasha were two more men, one that he recognized and one that he couldn't place.

Last, standing near the door to the club was the last face he would ever forget.


As soon as his eyes flicked towards the door a series of events was set into motion. The two standing near to him split, the unrecognizable face making a dash for Kagome and the bar. The one behind the bar grabbed Kagome around the waist and put the gun to the side of her head, eyes trained on Inuyasha. And last, the second man near Inuyasha began to crack his knuckles, preparing for a fight.

Inuyasha's attention snapped away from Kagome and locked onto Kouga, watching calmly as he cracked his knuckles one by one.

The second man reached the bar while Kouga reached for his gun.

"Not in the club," Naraku said softly from the door. Kouga glanced at him before simply cracking his knuckles again. He tossed his gun across the floor, allowing it to get caught under a chair.

The two men handling Kagome pulled her away from the bar and towards the stage. Inuyasha knew that there was a backdoor there.

He would not allow them to take Kagome.

Inuyasha snapped, leaping towards Kouga. When he was within range, he began to pummel him with punches and kicks, targeting his weak spots. He and Kouga had fought often; Inuyasha didn't have any guesses about his strength.

Inuyasha made the fatal mistake. He fell for Kouga's feign, punching through air while his opponent ducked down and jabbed him behind one knee. While Inuyasha stumbled, trying to regain his balance, Kouga nailed him in the stomach again.

"INUYASHA!" Kagome shrieked. She hadn't been abducted yet, then. Inuyasha could hear the fear in her voice-he would have to do something about that later. Kagome was a happy creature; she didn't deserve anything that put that tremor in her voice.

Thoughts trained instantly back to the fight, Inuyasha twisted away from Kouga and kicked him in the groin from the ground. While his opponent fell to his knees, Inuyasha raced towards the stage.

"KAGOME!" he yelled, hoping that she was still there.

The curtains rustled, pulling aside. There were sounds of a brief struggle, and then out onto the stage walked…

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Back to Kagome's POV in chap 2! @@@@@@@@@

…Rin Minashijo. She looked stunning, dressed in an outfit of the same cost as Sango's. Kagome marveled momentarily at how everyone else seemed to be able to afford better clothes than her, and then settled back to watch the show.

It was moments later that Inuyasha slid into the seat next to her, collected and watching the stage.

"Congratulations on a wonderful start for your club, Miss Kagome. Unfortunately, as soon as Miss Rin is done onstage, my associates and I must leave. We have…pressing business."

Kagome tried to look impassive. But she knew what was coming. The claim of ownership, the instance that a favor was needed to repay the loan that they had made.

Inuyasha was silent.

Kagome turned to see why, but before she could say anything, Rin began to sing. She was accompanied by piano, her haunting voice weaving the melody in and out of the gentle rolling chords.

The world is vast,

Yet we stand here alone.

Nothing is calling,

No one come to take you home,

You're just here…in my arms,

Soul's light is shining.

It flows in a river,

Circling and winding.

You'll never leave,

I'll never let go.

My life would be shattered,

You are all that I know.

Love…is just a word…

A game, a game to you,

But everything to me.

I call out your name…

You have left…me…

Night falls,

And I'll stand here alone.

No useless calling,

I can never bring you home,

You're gone…gone ahead,

Soul's light is shining.

It flows in a river,

Circling and winding.

You'll wait for me,

I'll never let go.

My life has been shattered,

You are all that I know…

Love…is just a word…

A game…

The song left tears standing in Kagome's eyes. She had been entranced by the performance. She had known that Rin was good, but Kagome knew now that she had hired the best.

"Thank you," Rin said to her standing ovation. She suddenly seemed very small on the stage, grinning at her success. "Thank you. I thought that I would sing my first song to the love of my life, my Sess."

Kagome's attention was drawn to the piano player.

"Sesshoumaru…" Inuyasha muttered next to her. Kagome knew why-they could have been twins. In fact…

"Are you related?"

"My half brother," Inuyasha said simply. "I thought he was dead. Oh, well."

She turned tear-filled eyes back to Rin, who was still grinning but talking about the club. Kagome couldn't have ever hoped for a better opening night.


whew. It's almost one…like normal. Gotta stop this, I'm starting to get sickly-ill. Before I forget, yes I wrote that song myself. It's going to be used a lot later, so don't worry about its sentimentalness. Sorry for the abruptness of that chapter, but…just think of Inu's timeframes as flashbacks of sorts. Flashbacks that haven't happened yet. Actually, this entire story will probably seem that way. Never mind, then. I'll update soon, I'm loving the way this is turning out. Should be done in a handful of chapters.

R&R! ~Tsuki