InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Club Shikon ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi, I'm back. I've got this whole thing mapped out, it shouldn't be any more than fifteen chapters. There's a series of sequences…you'll see. Most of the flash forwards-scratch that, all-are cliffies. Just assume that things turn out, unless indicated otherwise.

Thank you for the reviews and for being supportive! I'm going to attempt to wrap this up as quickly as I can, no waiting for you and no incredibly long stories for me!


Kagome was happy. She was relaxed, lounging in a comfortable chair in her home above Kaede's bakery. Still in her pajamas, she had opted to sleep in until noon, deciding to stay awake and work at her club tonight.

Club Shikon was a great success. It attracted all of the people that she wanted it to attract, the only unwelcome guests being Inuyasha and his gang. Kagome was still undecided as to what to do about them. Inuyasha himself was incredibly polite over the whole matter, however. Every night he paid to enter the club just like everyone else. He always spoke with Kagome, even if it was only to say hello. At first she had been afraid that he would ask for favors or remind her of her debt, but a few weeks of his polite and considerate behavior had placed doubts in her mind.

Now, she was hesitant to take the night off for fear of missing him. Inuyasha intrigued her. They usually spoke about her life, the club, or sometimes even the weather. He had not given her an ounce of personal information since he had admitted that Sesshoumaru, her full-time pianist, was his half-brother. Kagome didn't know what his favorite color was, what his favorite food was, or even what sort of drink he liked.

She wanted to know those things. She wanted to know how he made his hair silver-she was sure that it wasn't a natural color. She wanted to know, most of all, why his aura was different from other people. Why did her senses tingle when he was near?

Kagome was lost in thought about this when Old Kaede hobbled up the stairs. She noticed and immediately jumped up, rushing over to her.

"Kaede, you shouldn't be climbing these stairs! You'll fall and hurt yourself,"

"I've lived here for more than seventy years, Kagome. I can climb any damn stairs I please," she growled, sitting down to catch her breath.

Kagome watched her for a moment. "Kaede, what brings you up here? Why didn't you just shout?"

"I didn't want to frighten away our guest, young Kagome." Kaede said cryptically.

"Is it Sango or Rin?" Kagome asked curiously.

"Nay, he does not answer to either of those names,"

"He?" Kagome repeated, her eyes wide. Grabbing a dress and changing quickly, she brushed her fingers through her hair and rushed down the stairs.

Standing in the bakery munching on a powdered doughnut, looking like a small child wearing his father's clothes, was Inuyasha.

"Good morning," Inuyasha said when she rocked back on her heels, recognizing him. "Or, should I say good afternoon. It's nearly noon after all,"

"How did you find me here?"

"You always smell like doughnuts, and this woman makes the best. I decided that only the best would be good enough for you, and stopped here first…in other words, I got lucky."

"You must have great luck, then. What did you want to talk to me about? I was going to be at the club tonight,"

His amber eyes caught hers. "I wanted to talk about the club," he said seriously.

Kagome's heart dropped into her stomach. "Really? Well, then, let's take a walk." She grabbed his elbow before he could protest and steered him out the door, heading towards Club Shikon at a slow pace on the sidewalk.

"I have a feeling that you're expecting me to say something," Inuyasha remarked.

"Only slightly vague," Kagome retorted.

"I'm not going to claim ownership over your club, Miss Kagome. I'm not even going to ask you for anything other than the money we lent Sango. You've had enough time to pay back your other debts. The gang is getting impatient,"

"The gang," she mused. "I've never really met any others besides you. How can I be sure that I'm giving money to the people I'm truly indebted to? When the club opened, I didn't even know that a third party was involved."

Inuyasha stopped walking and turned to face her. "Kagome…" he frowned. "You do not want to meet any of my associates,"

"I will not give you money, Inuyasha, until you prove that you're part of the mafia." There. She had finally gotten up the nerve to say it. Frankly, she was scared out of her mind. If he wasn't who he said he was, he could do absolutely anything to her.

Inuyasha didn't do anything that she expected, however. He didn't laugh at her, didn't assault her, and didn't even make so much as a move towards her. Instead, he twisted his wrist. A gun fell out of its arm holster and into his waiting hand.

"This is the Tetsusaiga," he said simply. "I've had her since I was twelve. This is the reason that I'm alive,"

Kagome stared at the gun. It had `Tetsusaiga' monogrammed onto its barrel and showed many signs of old age and use. "In a twisted way, that works as proof. I'll look over the fact that everyone has a gun. More importantly, I trust Sango's word. I don't need you pulling me into an alley and displaying your initiation tattoos or anything like that."

Inuyasha simply nodded.

"We expect you to pay back your debt Miss Kagome. I'll see you later tonight,"

Inuyasha turned and walked away.


He grinned, knowing that she would be at the club. It was never hard to find his girl; he never had to look at her friend's places or even other joints. Kagome was a hard worker that stayed close to Club Shikon at all times. He had never even seen her more than ten blocks away from it during the day, excepting the few trips that she made to the country to visit her family.

When he entered the club, he paid like usual. Kagome had offered to let him in free since he was there every night, but Inuyasha refused. He didn't want her to go hungry, and Kagome would do that first if there were debts to pay. It had happened in the past, after all.

She was wearing the green dress that Sango had bought her for her birthday, smiling and leaning over the bar to speak with one of her employees. The bartending-woman was also smiling and nodding as Kagome spoke.

Inuyasha snuck up behind her, catching the eye of the woman she was talking to and indicating for her to be quiet. He wrapped his arms around Kagome's waist and planted a kiss on the back of her exposed neck before she could turn to see who it was-as if there were any doubt.

"Hey babe," she said instead, turning to see him and smiling. "How was work?"

"Boring," Inuyasha admitted.

"Well let's get you dinner and then we can do whatever you want. Rin's got this place covered for the rest of the night, and I have to be back for closing at two to help throw out all the drunken bums,"

"I can help," Inuyasha volunteered. He knew that Kouga had been hanging around late, trying to speak with Kagome. The man put him on edge. Not only was he part of Inuyasha's rival gang, but he was a creep all around. Kagome refused to ban people from her club, however, and insisted that her `no weapons' policy would make it safe, neutral ground. Inuyasha knew that she couldn't be any more wrong, but didn't want to get into that argument again.

"No way, the last time you tried to help out around here you broke two tables over Mr. Kouga's head and shattered fifteen of my glasses. I can handle this place myself," Kagome grabbed his hand and pulled him behind the bar into the employee's lounge. They usually ate back here, away from the dancing music and people that could overhear their conversations. Inuyasha wasn't a popular man, after all. Anything he said could be used against him.

"I had to run errands for Kaede all this morning or I would have called you. She had deliveries to make all over the town. Sometimes I wish we could hire extra help,"

"Just say the word, I can send someone over." Inuyasha reminded her.

"I don't need Miroku delivering bread to independently living young ladies, Inuyasha," Kagome said with narrowed eyes. "Not to mention the pregnant ones home alone. God only knows what he's capable of."

"I wouldn't send Miroku. I would send Shippou,"

"The kid? Inuyasha, this is serious work for Kaede. I can handle it myself," she said flatly.

His ears drooped. "But you never have any free time, Kagome," he said, in a voice that sounded alarmingly similar to a whine.

Her face softened and she moved closer to him, patting his head like he was a puppy. "Aw, I'm sorry. You know I have to work. The club needs me, and Kaede relies on me now that her hip is out again. But I still love you, baby,"

Inuyasha grinned and closed the distance between them, capturing her lips and playfully fighting her tongue for dominance.

"I love you too," he told her when they parted.

Kagome grinned, getting up. "Then walk me home. You never know what's out on these streets, after all, and I want to take a nap before closing. I was up all night yesterday, as you are aware,"

Inuyasha smirked and took her arm. "Of course I'll walk you home, Kagome. Even though my car is here,"

"I don't need Kaede telling me the facts of life again, Inuyasha. She'll be less suspicious if we walk,"

Chuckling at the look on her face and the mental image he had of the old hag giving said lecture to Kagome, he guided her through the crowd in the club to the fresh night air outside.

"Are you busy all of tomorrow too?" Inuyasha asked as they approached the bakery.

"Only for about three hours. Why, do you have the morning off?"

"I can have it if you do," Inuyasha replied. "I'm the boss, after all. I can decide when my own free time is,"

"I doubt that," Kagome muttered. "I'm the boss, and it feels sometimes like the club runs me instead."

"Well then take the morning off, and we'll go with Miroku and Sango out to Divinchi's."

"Divinchi's? The restaurant that's impossible to get reservations at?"

"Hey, I know the manager. He owes me a few favors." Inuyasha smirked. "It's a perk to dating the leader of the mafia,"

Kagome grinned back. "I'd love to. I'll call Rin and ask if she'll cover for me. I'll have to pay her double," she decided.

Inuyasha leaned down and kissed her goodnight, stopping in front of the bakery door. "Bright and early tomorrow morning, Kagome,"

"Sweet dreams, Inuyasha," she replied with a smile, unlocking the door and stepping inside.

Inuyasha turned and walked away.


well, that was fun. AND LONG! *pants* anyway, I'm going to sleep about an hour and a half early, don't feel so good. Be ready for chapter four really really really soon. R&R!