InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Club Shikon ❯ Chapter 6

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: Of course I own Inu. He's my boy toy. ::rubs cheek on plushie::

Aren't you just…lucky? ::glows:: TWO whole chapters! Maybe more that I'll write today! You never know…! And guess what? The homework of satan is now completed, so I'm just going to write until I pass out from exhaustion! Woot!


Inuyasha knew that he was late. It was the first night in a long while he hadn't been at the Club before it closed. The only thing keeping Kagome from killing him was…

…her tears?! What the hell?

Upon entering his girlfriend's little apartment, he was immediately assaulted by the salty fragrance of her tears.

"Kagome?!" he exclaimed, hurrying to find her. Was it possible that Naraku and his gang had done something to her again? They were still after the club, but…

"Inuyasha!" she sobbed, flying out of her bedroom and into his arms. Sobbing on his chest, he only saw a dirty beaded dress and smeared makeup. Obviously, something had happened at the Club. If she hadn't bothered changing into comfortable clothes yet, then it had been something traumatizing.

"Ssh," he soothed, speaking into her jasmine-scented hair. "It's okay, it's okay. Ssh…I'm here now, nothing's going to hurt you,"

She sniffled and looked up at him, azure eyes tearstained and face pudgy from spilled tears. "How can you say that, when you don't even know what happened?" she demanded.

Inuyasha was slightly shocked. Then again, she was more upset than he had ever seen her. What could have happened at the club that made her this distraught. "You're right," he told her. "I don't know what happened,"

She caught herself, taking deep breaths to calm her sobs. Wiping at her eyes, she released him and collapsed on her bed, grabbing a box of tissues and dabbing at her face. "I look awful, don't I?" she asked, slightly amused and distressed at the same time.

"Not really," Inuyasha replied, flopping down next to her. "What happened, Kag-chan?"

She took one more deep breath before fixing her stare on the wall behind his head, gaze unfocused and face set in an ironic little smile.

"We opened up like usual," she said in a sing-song sort of voice. "And everything was going okay. Kouga was there almost before we opened, up against the back wall like usual and watching me. Well…I decided around two-ish that I was going home and I told Rin to close up for me.

"Just outside, I was attacked. Kouga and one of his lackeys…Ginta? Anyway, the two of them cornered me outside the club. …If Miroku and Sango hadn't have been leaving…the look in his eyes…"

She began sobbing again, dropping onto her back and putting her hands over her face again.

"He grabbed my wrist. No one's ever threatened me like…like that before,"

Inuyasha was silently fuming. He would break every one of the wolf's fingers, snap them off one by one. And then he would break the wolf's entire hand. And then his arm, and then his elb…


He pulled himself out of his thoughts, gaze immediately snapping back to Kagome's. "I'm sorry, Kagome."

"Don't be," she said flippantly. "Where were you all night, anyway?"

Inuyasha's stomach turned into a little ball of lead.






"I was…at a meeting," he said not-quite-so-convincingly.

"A meeting," Kagome repeated, eyes narrowed. "Without Miroku? Your shadow?"

Inuyasha winced. Bad excuse, stupid brain. "Um, yeah."

She stared at him for a minute before jumping up. "Fine then, don't tell me!" Kagome yelled, slamming her bedroom door in his face when he tried to follow her. Inuyasha listened to her storm down the hall and counted to ten before opening the door and following her.

"Kagome," he called, trying to find her in the dark apartment.

"Go away, Inuyasha. If you're going to keep secrets from me, then you don't need to be here any more,"

Her words stung. There was a lot that she didn't know. Then again, her choosing this particular instance to pitch a fit about was wonderful. Inuyasha had been talking with Kikyo, his ex-girlfriend, and one of Kagome's worst competitors. If he told her the truth…either way, he would end up in trouble. There was no winning solution here.

"Fine! I'll tell you where I was! I really was in a meeting, Kagome! With a female associate of mine!"

She was silent for a moment. "I didn't know you had any,"

"Well, I do."

More silence.


It was like a smack in the face.

"I'm not lying, Kagome!"

His irate girlfriend appeared, storming out of her living room area. He was standing on the stairs, thinking she had retreated into the bakery.


"I hate it when you lie to me, asshole! If you're going to be insensitive and uncaring, then you can do that someplace else! Maybe I should have listened to Kouga a long time ago!"

She was playing all the right cards. Inuyasha immediately felt angry at the mention of the wolf's name.

"Then maybe you should, bitch! At least if you were with him, you wouldn't be getting attacked while I was talking with Kikyo!"

"Kikyo?!" Kagome hissed. "Your female associate is KIKYO?!"

"Why the hell not?! Why the hell do you care?! You're with Kouga anyway!"









Kagome didn't immediately reply. Instead, she stood there fuming at him, shaking with fury. Moments later, her foot had connected with a more sensitive place on the male anatomy and Inuyasha was at the bottom of the steps. Kagome slammed the door at the top and locked it.



She could handle eating alone. Sure, she hadn't done it in months, but it didn't mean she had forgotten how to cook. She could talk to Sango and Rin and arrange a girl's night out the day after if she didn't like it.

One dinner couldn't hurt her very much.


Kagome smiled up at Inuyasha, her new sequined and beaded dress sparkling in the streetlights.

"Thanks for a wonderful time," she said warmly. "I haven't had that much fun in a long time,"

"Me neither," he said, cheeks still pink from their giggling and embarrassment at her tweaking his ears in public. "Tomorrow night, same time?"

"That sounds lovely,"

Inuyasha stood there for a moment, looking unsure about something. Kagome pulled a key to the bakery out of her shoe and unlocked the door.

"See you tomorrow," Inuyasha said eventually.

"Good night," Kagome replied brightly. "Sweet dreams, Tough Boy."

She turned and walked into her apartment. He was so adorable and polite. One more dinner can't hurt me…


woot! I would like to congratulate myself for that there chapter… ::bows::

now, before I start getting all sorts of confused reviews and flames and such, it needs to be obvious to you that they're not going to fight forever. Also, I don't think that Kikyo herself will play much of a part in this, but she's a lovely plot device anyway. ::glows with self-pride:: I love this storyline, can't wait to write the next chapters… XD

