InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Club Shikon ❯ Chapter 7

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: nope, not even gonna say it.

Inu: but you have to! ::cries:: (I don't want the scary girl to own me!)

Tsuki: aww…poor baby… ::huggles Inu::

Inu: ::face turns blue:: okay, okay, she owns me! Let me go-air…!

Tsuki: U.U I don't own him…

Inu: X.X ::gasps for air::

Woot! You get soooooooo many chapters tonight! Look at your author go! You're so incredibly lucky!


Lust: the force of attraction between two people, stemming from infatuation and slowly growing as time wears on.


It was about three weeks after their first dinner date. Inuyasha and Kagome had continued going out for dinner every single night, as they agreed. Other than Inuyasha's shifting from foot to foot at the end of every night, nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

Kouga had begun to sit in the corner of the club every night, coldly watching Kagome as she flirted with the half-demon leader of the mafia. She decided to ignore him, however, and so life continued.

Until Saturday night, exactly three weeks after Inuyasha's timid courtship of the attractive owner of the most popular club downtown, he asked her to…close it.

"Club Shikon is neutral grounds," Inuyasha explained while he was begging his girlfriend. "Please, Kagome. We have a very important meeting to hold within my own gang…about you. You have to close it, just for tonight. I'll make it up to you, I promise,"

She sighed, smirking at him. "You can stop begging now, my little tough puppy. I'll close it for you,"

He brightened, his `puppy look' evaporating immediately. "We're going to be late!"

"You already scheduled the meeting?"

"Of course," he grabbed her wrist and pulled her after him, into the club. "If we hadn't already scheduled it, everyone would have gone their separate ways,"

"How did you know I would agree?" Kagome asked curiously.

He shrugged. "Call it luck."

Inside Club Shikon was Sango, Miroku, Hojo, and about a dozen other people that Kagome didn't recognize. She followed on Inuyasha's heels, sitting down next to him at the only remaining table.

"Inuyasha, you're almost late. What happened?" Miroku asked from his other side. "You must be slipping in your old age,"

"Maybe," Inuyasha replied. "Then again, I didn't get lost on my way here, did I?"

"That's because you've been living here ever since Kagome started showing interest," Sango teased. "You're like a little loyal puppy,"

Kagome giggled, glancing over at Inuyasha as he made the connection with his pet name. Shooting her a reproachful look that promised an interesting conversation later, he glanced at all of the faces there. The playful puppy expression then became one of business conformity.

"Shippou," he said gravely. "You brought it, correct?"

A small boy, maybe only thirteen at the most, approached Inuyasha with a small box. It looked like a ring box to Kagome, though what he could possibly want with a ring box was beyond her.

Inuyasha stared at the box for a moment before opening it.

Inside was a pulsing, glowing jewel. It was about the size of an egg yolk, peach and pink in color and setting off a dazzling array of purple and white lights. Kagome knew it for what it was instantly.

"The Shikon Jewel," she breathed. She could sense it as well as see it, confirming its authenticity.

"Namesake of this building," Inuyasha remarked. "Kagome, did you have a reason for naming the club?"

She shook her head. "Not really. It was always my favorite shrine legend."

"I had Rin do a little digging," Inuyasha explained. "We found out that your family is actually the legal guardian of the Shikon Jewel,"

Kagome nodded. "Yeah, we are."

"So here it is,"

She would have face-faulted if he hadn't been so serious. "W-what?"

"Where could it be safer, Kagome? I can't keep it. None of us can, we get in too much trouble as it is. And it rightfully belongs to you."

She could barely breathe. The actual Shikon Jewel? The object of such warfare and strife in the past? In her care? The care of a miko that had left her shrine to become a bartender? Inuyasha must have knocked a screw loose or something.

"You're not serious," she managed.

"Of course I'm serious. This is what all of our fighting is over, Kagome. With this jewel, Naraku and his gang would dominate the city. They would take over the country, the world. We can't let that happen, we have to contain them. That's what we're fighting for, Kag-chan. You have to protect the Jewel for us."

The Jewel.

The Shikon Jewel.

Kagome was the protector of the Shikon Jewel.

Inuyasha leaned over and slipped it around her neck, the chain delicate and barely noticeable.

Kagome was the protector of the Shikon Jewel.

The Shikon Jewel.

The Jewel.




Kagome passed out.

When she woke, she found herself in Inuyasha's arms, being carried back to her apartment. The Jewel pulsed with a life of its own around her neck, reminding her of her fate-shattering task.

He saw her eyes flutter and his brow creased in concern. "You okay, Kagome?"

"Yeah," she replied, a hand rising to the Jewel. "But how can you…can you trust me like this?"

He would have shrugged if he could have. "What is there not to trust, Kagome? You're a miko, and the most honest person that I've ever known. And I love you,"

Her heart stopped for the second time that night. "W-what?"

"You heard me, idiot."

"You…you love me?"

"Well…yeah. Of course. What is there to hate about you?"

She could have melted right there. Oh, to stay in that moment forever with that lovely warm feeling of belonging, of being wanted.

"That's funny, Inu-chan," she replied with a grin. "I love you too."

He set her on the ground just inside her living room, holding her to let her catch her balance. Crushing her frame to his, he caught her mouth with his.

Her mind stopped frantically trying to figure out what was happening when his tongue met her lips. She parted them, allowing him to tangle his tongue with hers.

Breathlessly, mouth filled with the slightly metallic yet sweet taste of him, she untangled her hands from his hair and blushed up to her roots.


Before she could say another word, he caught her mouth again. With a sort of animalistic abandon, she worked her hands back into his hair and allowed him to push her back against a wall, one of his knees pushed between hers and his hands pulling her closer, crushing her small form to his.

When he released her, she felt like Jell-o. She was practically panting, unable to catch her breath. Her heart was fluttering wildly and her face was flushed, hair in totally disarray. Inuyasha was smirking.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that, Kagome,"

She grinned. "I have a small idea,"


"That sounds wonderful. I'll have Inu-chan with a side of Tough Puppy,"

He shot her a reproachful look. "Who would have known that you were so dirty?"

"Just shut up and get over here again. I love you too much to argue right now."


::melts:: now there was something fun to write! ::looks triumphant::

Three fucking chapters. In one day. And there's still more. I have a wonderful idea for the rest of this fic. I'm so rushing home tomorrow to write more (if I can, if I don't have too much homework)…

Please review. You have no idea how much sleep I sacrificed for this. The least you can do is review…please?