InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Club Shikon ❯ Chapter 8

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

To clear up any confusion…that was past-tense, Kag's POV. I dunno if there was any, but hey.

We're reaching the end of a sequence…but not the whole flashforward thing. I'm thinking that this has a good five chapters more or so, not too much longer. The ending is going to make me cry… T.T but I'm not telling. ::sticks out tongue::

If you didn't notice, all of the flashforwards tie in with the…well, present. Kag's POV ties in with Inu's POV by the last sentence of each section. …if that makes any sort of sense. Think of it as history repeating itself. O.o (MAJOR hint when you get to the ending….)

And so, back to the story.


Inuyasha tightened his grip on the flowers, intending to apologize to Kagome. He scuffed one shoe on the back of his pant leg, trying to think of something to say to her.

`Hi Kagome. Sorry I called you a whore. Have some flowers, feel like dinner?'

He resisted the urge to snort at his own brain.

Before he could raise his hand to knock on her apartment door-the same door that had slammed in his face days before-it opened of its own accord.

Azure eyes met amber, and suddenly the door was back in place.

"Kagome!" he exclaimed, shocked at being locked out again.

"Go away, asshole. I told you that you weren't welcome here any more,"

He rolled his eyes. "Kagome, look. I'm sorry. Please, just let m-"

The door flew open. She was dressed to go to the club, he was lucky he had caught her. Allowing himself to look over the dress while she fumed at him, he figured out which one it was.

It was the dress she had worn on their first date, the one that he had helped her choose. Still just as stunning as it had been when it was new, a little more ragged from wear, it was the same dress for sure.

"Come inside," Kagome said softly, stepping aside and allowing him in.

"Flowers," Inuyasha told her, handing them to her when she turned around. "Sorry. I didn't mean to say it,"

"I didn't mean a lot of that either. But…were you really meeting with Kikyo? When you know…that she's after the Jewel, and the club?"

Inuyasha winced. "I still don't think she's capable, Kagome. I grew up with her, went to school with her."

Kagome's eyes narrowed. "Fine, then. Why are you here, Inuyasha? Anyone that cared about me would stay away from someone who wanted to kill me. So go on, talk. And don't let the door hit you on the way out,"

She turned towards the back room, fully intending to leave him standing there like an idiot once again. Before she could, Inuyasha darted in front of the doorway. Kagome didn't say anything, but her lips pressed together in one thin, angry line.

"I had to talk to her, Kagome. I told her to stay away from you and the Jewel. I told her that the next time she attacked you we weren't going to hesitate."

Kagome maintained her angry countenance for about two minutes, just staring up at him. And then she crumbled, expression melting to one of apology and regret. "You…you did?" she said, eyes filling with tears.

"Well…yeah." Inuyasha double-took as he caught the scent of her tears. "Kagome! Kagome, don't cry! I was being stupid, I should have told you straight out. You were right, no more secrets."

She sniffled for a moment before gasping. "Oh my god! I was supposed to be at the club fifteen minutes ago! I-er, um…"

"You what?" Inuyasha asked, slightly amused.

"I told Kouga that I would meet him there."


Inuyasha, about a half hour later, was still sitting in a corner in Club Shikon. His eyes were trained to the back of Miroku's head while the monk chatted with Sango, trying to bore a hole through his skull.

Immediately behind him, Kagome-HIS Kagome-was laughing and talking politely with Kouga, the wolf.

Kouga that had assisted in her abduction months before.

Kouga that had nearly torn them apart once already.

Kouga that was stalking her home after closing.

That had made them fight three nights before.

That had made her cry.

Inuyasha ground his teeth together, trying to ignore her as she giggled. What the hell was funny? Just find out what he wanted and move on in life. Kagome was having a great old time entertaining the wolf, laughing at his jokes and flattering his typical black suit.

Inuyasha began to pick at his claws in frustration.

"Really, now, Kouga…this is lovely, but is there a reason you wanted to take me…here? To my own club?"

"I had a feeling that you had never experienced everything first-hand before, Lady Kagome."

She giggled, and this time Inuyasha caught the hint of nervousness in her voice. So she was doing it because she was afraid what Kouga would do if she didn't show or refused. Well…that was almost forgivable.

"Thoughtful, Kouga, but Sango and I ran everything for a test on opening night. Anyway, why did you want to meet with me? Only me?"

Kouga hesitated. In fact, he was silent for so long that Inuyasha wasn't sure why Kagome hadn't spoken yet.

And then he got a nice whiff of chloroform from their direction.

Spinning around, hardly able to believe it, Inu visually confirmed that both Kagome and Kouga were gone. Even Kagome's little purse was missing. He had cleaned up after himself.

Inuyasha grabbed Miroku's shoulder and hauled him in the direction of the door, not bothering with an explanation. He would know what was going on after they got in the car.

They were quick enough to see Kouga's car pulling away from the parking lot. Without any form of hesitation or exchange of words, the two sped after them.

One near-death, high-speed chase later, they were walking up to a large mansion. The city was a long while behind them, probably about ten minutes. Miroku and Inuyasha exchanged glances before following one cumbersome figure towards the house.

Demon vision allowed him to see Kouga and Kagome long before Miroku could. A low growl rumbled in his throat, seeing him lower his head as if he were going to kiss her. She was asleep thanks to the chloroform, but it was still irritating Inuyasha. Kagome was HIS, after all.

It didn't take Kouga very long to catch sight of them. Who could have missed Miroku and Inuyasha anyway, barging into a mansion in tailored suits, silver hair flying and wind tunnel ready?

"Mutt," Kouga growled.

"Runt," Inu shot back. "Let go of Kagome,"

"She has something that belongs to my boss, mutt. Get out of here,"

"Like hell," Inuyasha growled, exposing fangs. "I came for Kagome and the Jewel, and I'm not leaving without both of them."

Kouga was silent for a moment.

He pulled his gun out and Inuyasha had the Tetsusaiga ready in an instant. Kouga wasted no time in pointing his own weapon at Kagome's head.

"Leave, mutt. I won't hesitate. This little bitch has given us enough trouble as it is."

"Don't you dare hurt Kagome," Miroku said, tone low. "Inuyasha will kill you before you take a step away, Kouga."

"Do you think I don't know that?!" Kouga snapped, irritated. "Go away, Inuyasha. Leave. You have a minute before I shoot her. I had better hear you making tire tracks on my driveway,"

Inuyasha was caught.

He knew it, too.

Kagome…she couldn't get hurt. Not because of him. He would kill himself before he allowed harm to find her.

Kouga was unwittingly in an unattackable position. If Inuyasha shot the gun out of his hands, it would automatically trigger. He was up against a corner, preventing them from attacking from a different angle. If Miroku used the wind tunnel, Kagome would be sucked up as well.

The only thing to do was…bluff.

Inuyasha put the Tetsusaiga in his belt and walked away, watching Kouga the entire time. What sort of a fool had he been, to go charging into enemy territory like this? He would be lucky if all three of them got out alive.

Before he got to the door, Kagome's eyes snapped open. She looked up at Kouga, the gun, and then Inuyasha.

Kouga thought that she was unconscious. So when she pulled herself out of his grasp, turning around to head for Inuyasha, he did what anyone would have done in his position.

The sound was so…small. Inuyasha had always heard gunshots clearer than the rest of his gang. But this one…this one seemed dull. Like he was hearing with human senses.

Time slowed.

Kagome fell forward, landing on her knees. By the time Inuyasha got to her, her back was drenched in blood. Kouga was reloading his gun, giving Inuyasha no choice but to pick her up and carry her out to his car.

Kagome was shaking by the time they got there, her fingers icy cold and her eyes clenched shut.

The bullet had missed her heart, but barely. The wound was just between her spine and her shoulder blade, having missed both by enough to cause nothing but slight muscle damage and a scar. Inuyasha couldn't stop thinking that she was going to die, couldn't get over that she wasn't fatally wounded.

Three hours later had them in the city hospital, Kagome much recovered and clad in a hospital gown.

Inuyasha was pacing while Sango and Rin talked happily with her, asking her what had happened and if she remembered anything that Kouga had done. Kagome eventually told them that she didn't remember anything and she had a headache, making them leave.

"Inuyasha," she said. He glanced over at her, feeling more guilt than he would ever be able to handle. Kagome had taken a bullet for him-because of him. Inuyasha would never be able to get over that.

"Kagome, I'm so sorry."

She giggled. "You're still my Little Tough Puppy, aren't you? Get over here,"

He complied, feeling like a child being told to sit. Inuyasha couldn't possibly argue with Kagome, couldn't ever contradict her.

"It was my fault anyway," she said softly.

Scratch that, negative answer.

"Not at all! If I-my gang-Kouga was after-WE gave you the Jewel-"

"Ssh," she said, catching his hand in hers. "Inuyasha. It's not like either of us knew that Kouga was going to actually shoot. I'm just thankful that he missed my head. Somehow I don't think a bullet in there would agree with me very well,"

He gave her a worried look, wiping the wry smile off her face.

"But it really was my fault," Inuyasha replied.

"Oh, just shut up." Kagome rolled her eyes. Inuyasha jumped to his feet, pacing again while he rambled.

"All of my life the people that get close to me have been killed, Kagome. I don't want that to happen to you! You have to go…go somewhere! Anywhere! But I won't be able to stand it if you're hurt,"

"Inuyasha," she warned.

"I would kill myself if you asked me to, I love you so much! But taking my own life would be better than watching yours be destroyed and slowly taking mine along with it,"

Kagome rolled her eyes. "Inuyasha, you're wonderfully melodramatic. Come here so I can beat you over the head with something heavy,"

"I need to get beaten over the head, Kagome. I should have been thinking."

"Inuyasha! It. Wasn't. Your. Fault."

"But if we hadn't argued-that was my fault! If we hadn't argued, then you wouldn't have gone with him in the first place…"

"I was being stupid, Inuyasha. I shouldn't have agreed,"

His eyes met hers and he stopped pacing. "But Kagome," he said gravely, "You never would have agreed if I hadn't been speaking with Kikyo,"

She hesitated before she answered. Inuyasha wondered if he had stuck a nerve or won the fight. But instead she just patted the space on the bed next to her.

She said with a sigh, "Just shut up and get over here again. I love you too much to argue right now."


::dies:: so…horribly…long! But needed. Very needed.

Next few chapters will find you at the ending, my sweets. Sorry.

And if you think things are unresolved now…I'm not gonna spoil it, no way! XD

Anyway, review review review! Once again, there is so much homework to be done…! So…much…review…before…it…kills…me… ;
