InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Confetti ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~*~*~*~okay I absolutely love the last chapter!!! And I'm so happy, I already have over 5 reviews! That's just totally awesome! Okay now on with the chapter!!~*~*~*~


Chapter 3

~*~*~*~Still Sesshoumaru's POV~*~*~*~

We landed in the clearing a few feet away from the well. I looked at it with doubt, while Kagome, along with Shippo on her shoulder, ran from me towards it. She put her hands on the lip of the well and leaned over and peered into the inky depths. She then looked back over her shoulder and said to me, "C'mon Sesshoumaru! All you have to do is have a shard of the jewel or you can hold onto me, then you can pass through times."

`Hold on to you? Why that would be just *lovely*.' I thought as I nodded to her, grabbed her around the waist, and jumped into the well.

~*~*~*~Regular POV~*~*~*~

As the trio went into the well, a growl could be heard from the trees surrounding the clearing. Inuyasha sat on a tree branch and stared at the place where the group had just stood with pink-tinged eyes. `How dare Sesshoumaru go with Kagome! And how dare he want her! She's MINE!' he thought, forgetting for the moment that he had pledged his love to the corpse. Inuyasha had noticed how Sesshoumaru looked at Kagome; even though he tried to hide the emotions, Inuyasha still saw them. It made his blood boil even thinking about Sesshoumaru being with Kagome. `I will go and get her back and make her mine! There is no freaking way I'll let Sesshoumaru have her!' and with that he jumped out of the tree and into the well………

~*~*~*~The Future~*~*~*~

As they landed on the dirt floor of the well, Sesshoumaru immediately noticed the difference in smells of humans and the air. The air was intoxicated and the smell of humans was overpowering. He looked up and noticed that all he could see was wood overhead. And a ladder was leaned up against the wall of the well. He looked beneath him and noticed something odd. There was a person underneath him; Kagome to be exact. He smiled a predator-catches-prey smile. (AN: o.O)

~*~*~*~Kagome's POV~*~*~*~

I regained consciousness and opened my eyes slowly. My vision was blurry and unfocused and for some reason it was hard for me to breath. It felt like someone was on top of me. I could make out the color of whitish-silver above me. I shot up, or at least tried to, when I realized what, or actually who, the source of the color was. `Oh shit' I thought. When my eyesight was good enough to make out objects and such, I looked hesitantly up at the thing on top of me. Yup, it was Sesshoumaru. I focused my gaze on his face. `Why is he smiling at me so much? Its giving me the creeps………'

"Ano, Sesshoumaru? Would ya mind gettin' off of me? It's kinda hard to breath."

He looked almost………disappointed?! Okay that is weird………Nonetheless, he got off of me and jumped out of the well with ease and grace that I could only envy. `Baka youkai………' I muttered mentally. I slowly climbed up the ladder. `Wait a minute! Where is Shippo?!' I looked over in my pack and was relieved to see him asleep inside. When I finally reached the top, Sesshoumaru stood there and looked at me with a peeved look on his face.

"Onna, what took you so long?"

"Well excuse me mister `high and mighty', but some of us do not have demon speed and strength thank you very much. Some of us actually have to work and take our time." I said, while my anger rose and crossing my arms over my chest. I saw an emotion that I thought was amusement flicker in his eyes, but then it was gone as quickly as it came.

"Oh yeah, before I forget, Sesshoumaru don't kill my family when they approach you ok?"

"I already promised that I would not kill anyone, onna." He said with a hint of impatience in his voice.

"I know, but it's just that my ji-chan will probably put sutras on you or something. And my `kaa-san and little brother will try to pet your tail. Oh and Souta, my brother, will probably ask you a billion annoying questions too. So I'm just warning you about that and not to kill them if they annoy you ok?"

"Fine" he said.

We walked up to the house but stopped in front of the door because Sesshoumaru sniffed the air and growled.

"Youkai" was all he said.

I stiffened. Now that he mentioned it, I did feel some weird aura's in the house. Fear seized my heart. `What if………?' I flung the front door open and raced in, closely followed by Sesshoumaru. What I saw shocked me. There *were* youkai, kitsune youkai to be exact, but it was my family!

"What the hell?!" I shouted. "You guys are youkai?"

"You are too, dear" my okaa-san said calmly.


"Yes we were going to take the magic off you that seals your appearance and powers the minute you got back, after an explanation of course." My ji-chan said.

"Who's that, sis?" Souta asked my while pointing to the stoic demon lord behind me.

"Oh, this is Sesshoumaru, Lord of the Western Lands."

A few minutes of poking and prodding and `oo-ing' and `ah-ing' (much to Sesshoumaru's annoyance) my brother asked,

"Hey, why do you look like Inuyasha?"

Sesshoumaru's eyes flashed hatred and I growled, as much as a ningen could anyway.

"Apparently there is an issue concerning him. We'll talk about it later………" my mother said.

"Yes, right now we need to remove the seals from you Kagome." Ji-chan stated.

I nodded, and so did they (okaa-san and ji-chan), then they muttered some incantations under their breath and immeadiatly I felt myself changing.

I grew a few inches taller I could tell and my hair must have grown longer because I could feel it tickling the back of my legs; and it also lost the bangs and instead they (the bangs) grew out and framed my face. I could tell that my hair was now a bluish-silver color because of my bangs. I reached up felt my ears, they were pointed! Cool! And I could feel fangs in my mouth and on my hands were claws. And then I felt the weirdest thing, something grew out of my backside! `What could that be? Then I realized………a tail! Hell yeah! I have a tail!'

I saw my little brother's eyes widen considerably. I looked at Sesshoumaru out of the corner of my eye and he looked close to drooling on himself. (omg, lol! Come on people you know you like that!!) My okaa-san and ji-chan were just smiling warmly at me. Just then my son chose to wake up. He took one look at me and burst into a huge smile, and then he ran into my arms and gave me a huge hug.

"YAY!!! You're a youkai now mommy! And a kitsune too! Yay now you're my mommy for real!" he was just glowing with happiness. He climbed onto my shoulder and nuzzled my neck and then buried himself in my hair.

"Kagome," my mother called. I looked up from my kit and to her. "Why don't we go discuss some issues in your room?" I nodded and started up the stairs with my mother. My mom turned towards Sesshoumaru and said, "You're welcome to the food in the kitchen and to explore or just do whatever, as long as you don't leave the shrine okay?"

At the mention of food, Shippo perked up on my shoulder. "Okaa-san, can I have chocolate?!?!"

I nodded and he bounded off to the kitchen. I looked at Sesshoumaru and asked a silent `could you watch him?' He nodded and went off in the direction Shippo had taken. Then I went to my room to discuss all that had happened with my mother.

~*~*~*~Sesshoumaru's POV~*~*~*~

I watched as Kagome changed into a beautiful kitsune youkai. I could barely stop myself from drooling. She had bluish-silver hair that grew to her knees and she got a tail, it was the same color as her hair of course. And she grew taller too; she was now looked to be about up to my chin. I saw her ears grow pointed and claws grow on her hands. I couldn't see her face though, for she had her back to me. `Darn. I want to see her beautiful face.'

Then I saw her kit emerge from her pack and look at her. He was shocked for a few seconds, but then happiness took over and he ran into her arms, all the while screaming joy. Then he did something I hated. He nuzzled her neck and buried his face in her hair!

I wanted to take that kit and fling him across the room and nuzzle Kagome instead. But of course I couldn't or she'd kill me, maybe even literally. I mean she was powerful as a human, but now she's youkai! She could probably beat the shit out of me if she wanted to.

I heard her mother say that they were going to discuss issues in Kagome's room and then her kit ask if he could have something called `chocolate', whatever the hell it was, it sure made him happy. He ran right past me and into another room. Then I heard Kagome's mother tell me help myself to the food in the `kitchen'. What the hell is a `kitchen?' I wondered.

Then Kagome turned to me. My breath caught in my throat. Her face was beautiful! Her eyes were sapphire with silver flecks in them; and they were lined with blue, her face had lost the child characteristics and had matured and her lips were a VERY kissable shade of red. It took all my will power not to go over and take her in my arms and kiss her breathless.

She looked at me and asked a silent question, to watch the kit, heh maybe I could scare the kit to not nuzzle my woman so much. `Wait, my woman? I just started being on friendly terms less than a day ago. How can I like her that much?'

I followed the way the kit had taken and ended up in a room filled with blinking bright lights. I looked around for the kit and almost chuckled at the sight. He was sitting on a ledge with a fat little stomach and this brown stuff was all over his mouth. He kept stuffing more and more of the brown stuff in his mouth. When he saw me he grinned and I almost burst out laughing because his fangs and teeth were covered in the stuff and was having trouble staying in his mouth. (Okay that's gross and funny if you imagine about it.)

"Want some Sesshoumaru-sama?" he asked while holding out a bar of the gooey brown stuff.

"What is it?"

"It's chocolate! It's my favorite food that mom has ever given me! Here try it!" he said while waving it in front of my face back and forth.

I took it and sniffed it warily and, deciding it was okay since he was stuffing 5 pounds of it in his mouth every five seconds, I plopped it in my mouth. `This is good!' I thought. When I had finished I looked at the kit, held out my hand and said,

"Gimme more."

He grinned again, this time with no chocolate in his mouth. "See I told you it was good! I knew you'd like it!"

We ate the stuff for five more minutes until Kagome's ji-chan and little brother came in. Souta took one look at us and burst out laughing. And ji-chan was chuckling.

"What are you laughing at kitsunes'?" I asked, annoyed.

"You…two…look…so…funny!" Souta gasped out in between laughs.

"How so?" I asked curiously.

"Go look in the mirror…!" He pointed to a mirror hanging on the wall.

I walked over to the `mirror' and was stunned at my appearance. I left my mouth hanging open as I looked at myself, inside my head I was screaming like a little girl. `HOLY SHIT' (I'll just let y'all make up your own way of how he looks like ok? That way, its more funny for you!)

Just then, of all time and people, Kagome and her okaa-san walked into the kitchen. She stood staring at me, speechless, until about two minutes later, she too burst out laughing at my appearance.

"Looks like you like chocolate too, Sesshou." She said after gaining control of her laughter. "Why don't we get you cleaned up? Oh and you too, Shippo."

After I and the kit had `washed up' Kagome's okaa-san told us about how they had always been demons, it's just that they had decided to conceal them self, of course, so they could blend in better with this time.

After we had dinner, Kagome told me that we would start sight seeing and shopping tomorrow. I nodded even though I didn't know what the hell she meant by `shopping'. *sigh* tomorrow was going to be a long day.


Yay! Another chappy finished! I love this chapter too! Don't you? Well g2g!

Oh yeah: Japanese Dictionary:




`Kaa-san-mom; less formal way of saying mother.








Sama-suffix used to address someone that you have great respect for; or that is a higher rank that you

Kitsune-fox demon


Damn I used a lot of Japanese in this chapter!