InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Confrontation II: Trials and Tribulations ❯ Mind Games ( Chapter 10 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: Well I'm back. Visiting with my family in SC, proved to be very entertaining. I was actually able to observe two very rambunctious and headstrong two year olds, so that will help me develop Joudama's character a little more. I hope you all had very uneventful New Years. Anyway that being said, thanks for all your wonderful reviews. Now I must start typing another chapter, since I'm hell bent on trying to end this in the summer of this year or before, so more than likely you'll be seeing quicker updates from this point out.
Disclaimer: I don't claim ownership of anyone with the exception of Joudama, Kanomaru, Reinto, Teela and last but certainly not least Susamajii.
Chapter 10:
Mind Games
Reinto stood at the door of the human inn, his arms folded across his broad chest, one leg bent backwards as he casually leaned against the wall, his head lulled forward and his eyes closed. It had been only a few hours since he and his party had crossed the border into the Western lands and already his Lord had broken several laws.
`Why doesn't this surprise me?'
Of course he would not voice his opinion, he never did, but the blood of the villagers that once called this place home was beginning to make the Inu youkai sick to his stomach.
He'd never liked killing humans, but what could he do to stop it?
For as long as he could remember, Lord Susamajii had always told him that it was the way of the world. It was kill or be killed. But this…what he was forced to do… What he had watched Teela and Susamajii do to these helpless weak ninjens was nothing less than…than genocide.
Reinto could understand if they had killed these people in self-defense, but they hadn't. `What honor is there in killing unarmed ninjens,' he thought as he opened his eyes and stared at his hands still covered in the blood of a few of the men that he had beheaded, simply because Susamajii was expecting it. `There is no honor in it.'
He had stood to the side after the last of the men had fallen by either his claws or that of his Lord and watched with disgust as Teela toyed with, and then without an ounce of remorse or civility, gutted the women and children as if they were nothing more than cattle.
After they were all dead she stood there with a sinister smirk on her blood-smeared face. Her golden mane that was elegantly pinned at the crown of her head, had not a strand out of place, and her yellow satin Kimono remained as pristine, as it was when she first donned it.
Had Reinto not seen it for himself, he would have never believed that she was capable of such things. She looked like nothing less than an angel, a queen…a lady. But her actions portrayed that of a lowbred bloodthirsty beast, and nothing more.
`How deceiving ones looks can be.'
In the end it had taken everything in him to resist the urge to run her through with his blade in order to stop what he called, senseless killing. But hadn't he just done the same thing to the men? He felt like a hypocrite…a charlatan…a…a fraud. How could he at that moment want to kill her for what she had done, when those same human women had just watched him kill their husbands, sons, brothers, fathers and uncles?
`There's a difference. I killed them fast, I didn't make them suffer and I didn't…I didn't kill any children nor women! There's a difference, damn it! I'm not like her! I'm…I'm not like Susamajii! I didn't…I didn't enjoy it!'
He wanted to believe this, but the truth was, from the day that he had come to live with Susamajii as just a young pup, with neither father nor mother to guide him, he was taught to be an assassin…a beast…a blood thirsty hunter. He was the one that was sent out to find and dispatch the Lords wrath on rogue youkai's. He killed traitors and youkai's that threatened the life of his Lord. Or youkai's that had simply lost his Lords favor and he did it without complaint or remorse.
`I am not a mindless cold-blooded killer! I don't kill without cause or provocation.' Looking around the courtyard at the mangled bodies he finished, `But I have.' Looking away from the slaughter he swallowed hard as his thoughts continued, `Is this all that I am? Is this what I've allowed him to make of me?'
Reinto sighed and pushed off the wall as he glanced at the bodies once more. Entrails lay spilling from stomachs. Heads laid far from bodies with eyes hanging from their sockets. His stomach lurched as bile rose up in his throat threatening to pour from his mouth.
`I am not like them! This…this is disgusting! There was no reason for this!'
Steadying himself against one of the wooden posts the Inu youkai shook his head causing the length of his high snow-white ponytail that fell to the base of his back to whip around him. He heard his lord calling his name again, but he would not face him like this. His ocean blue orbs stared skyward, as he inhaled and forced his stomach to obey his command. Turning on his heels, he walked into the door of the inn.
He could immediately smell the mixture of sake and arousal, which caused his stomach to twist even more. Bowing he spoke softly, “Milord?”
Lord Susamajii glanced up at the young man then gazed off to his right at Teela, “Why do you distance yourself from us? Come sit and drink with me.”
“I am doing no such thing Milord, and sake is not my drink of choice,” he replied nonchalantly.
“I think Reinto, has a soft spot for humans, Milord,” Teela added while refilling her Lord's cup.
The young Inu youkai glared at her. “Perhaps one such as you should watch your tongue,” he snapped cantankerously.
Teela chuckled, “I'm simply stating the obvious.”
Reinto growled, his patience waning with every second that ticked by. Who did this bitch think she was? Did she not know that he would slice her head from her body without a second thought? Did she not know that she was merely a toy for his Lord and should she fail in her assignment her life would be short lived? Quelling the urge to reach for his blade he glared at her again, “Bitch, you have a job to do when we reach Lord Sesshomaru's home! Perhaps it would be best if you didn't smell like a besmirched whore!”
Teela smiled sweetly at Reinto her hands coming to rest in her lap, “Are you that familiar with my scent, Rei?”
“Just the stench of it, and my name is Reinto, use it!”
“Pups,” Susamajii chastised, knowing that it would not be a good idea for his two most trusted vessels to bump heads in such away. He knew that Reinto would kill at will if he was pushed that far and Teela, well she was just the thing to push him. “I could care less how the two of you feel about one another, but until our business in these lands are through, you will act as if you get along. Is this understood?”
“Of course Lord Susamajii,” they stated in unison.
“Teela, perhaps you should find a hot spring and soak in it. Your scent is rather strong,” Susamajii stated. He had never actually laid with the bitch, but he did call upon her on quite a few occasions to please him in other ways and unfortunately at this moment the scent of his seed was strong upon her face. Noticing Reinto preparing to leave he stated, “Stay.”
The younger Inu youkai watched from the corner of his eye as the golden haired bitch left the room. He wanted to kill her! Bash her head in with the hilt of his sword or perhaps follow her to the hot springs and drown her. However, he knew that would not be a smart thing to do, especially now, when she played such an intricate role in his Lord's plans.
He didn't really understand why he was so angry with her. Perhaps it was for what she had done to the women and children of this village. Maybe it was because she attempted to sully his reputation by saying that he felt something for ninjens, when he wasn't actually sure what he felt. He didn't know which it was, but he knew that should the time ever come to take her life, he would gladly do so.
“Reinto, what is the reason for your ire,” Susamajii inquired as he pushed to his feet, “Tell me there is no truth to Teela's claim. These things we call humans, are no more than wild animals trying to be civilized. There lives are worth about as much as a common rodent. Surely you know this.”
Reinto looked up, one eyebrow arched higher than the other. He had never lied to the older youkai before, but how was he supposed to answer that? If he told him that he was absolutely revolted by what they had done to these people, where would it leave him?
He knew that his Lord hated humans with a voracious passion. He'd tried to instill those same feelings into him from an early age. To now tell him that he actually took no pleasure in killing innocent ninjens, this would surely do nothing, but turn Susamajii against him. Lowering his head Reinto stated, “My loyalties lie where they always have, Milord.” And for now that was the absolute truth.
Walking over to the door of the inn Susamajii stared out at his handy work and smiled with pride. He'd always taken great pleasure in killing off these things. The smell of their fear was almost too intoxicating and the sound of their screams for mercy made his soul chuckle. Yes, this was certainly his favorite extra curricular activity.
In an attempt to change the subject, Reinto stated, “Milord, Sesshomaru will find out that we did this if we do not burn this village as soon as possible.” Standing to his feet he stepped forward so that he was standing behind the man that had taught him everything he knew.
“I really don't care what `his ignorance' knows!” Turning away from the door he continued, “However, I suppose you're right. It would be best if we kept this hidden, at least for the time being.”
“Would you like me to burn it,” the young Inu youkai asked with a small bow. Honestly he didn't really care whether Sesshomaru found out or not; he was just tired of looking at the carnage and smelling the putrefying flesh. However, he was secretly glad that they were still far enough from the Lord's castle that he wouldn't smell the blood or the burning bodies, but if the wind changed…
“No, I have something else for you to do. I'll leave this for Teela to clean up.” Patting the younger youkai on the shoulder approvingly, Susamajii continued, “Please join me, there is much to discuss.”
Simonkal of Inuy
“That was a fabulous meal,” Kagome stated excitedly as she walked out the door behind Rin.
The Lady of the West had just cooked them a delightful meal of fresh sushi, miso soup, rice and dumplings for dinner and they were now going to sit outside and enjoy the rest of the afternoon. The spirits of all parties had greatly improved after finding out that Kano was back in excellent health and once more up to his old shenanigans.
Sitting down on the steps of her home the young mother replied happily, “It was nothing, I assure you. It's always a pleasure cooking for you guys.”
Taking a seat next to her Kagome stated while rubbing her belly, “I wish I could cook like that. Who taught you?”
“Well I actually didn't have a choice, but to learn. When I was younger and traveling with Lord Sesshomaru, he always left it up to me to feed myself. I got pretty tired of eating the same thing, so I experimented with what I had at my disposal and paid very close attention whenever I was able to eat in a village.”
Sitting on the opposite side of Rin, Sango stated, “I can honestly see why you don't have a cook in your employment.”
Kagome giggled and rubbed her belly again, “You can say that again.”
Coming to sit on the high cement molding that bordered the steps, Inuyasha stated, “Oi wench, if you keep eating like that your going to get as big as a house.”
“Who asked you, dog boy,” the Miko snapped jokingly.
“Alright you two,” the retired Houshi chastised, while descending the steps, his daughter in his arms, “Kagome is quite correct. Lady Rin certainly outdid herself today, that she did,” he finished, as he stepped down so that he was standing at the foot of the steps with one leg elevated on the bottom step. “The only woman I know that can cook anything close to that would be my lovely wife,” the Monk added with a wink at the woman in question.
Sango smiled but didn't reply. She still wasn't talking to him because of what had happened between them earlier that morning. And it really didn't make the situation better with him refusing to let her do anything concerning their daughter. It was like he was punishing her or something. Shaking that thought off she smiled at her friends and promised herself that she would deal with him in the confines of their room.
“Hey, I can cook too you know,” Kagome shouted as if she was insulted.
“Not like that.” Inuyasha mumbled quietly. Before he had time to think about what he had said he found himself face first in the dirt on the other side of the cement podium he had been stretched out on. “Oi, why'd you push me?”
Everyone present laughed except the Miko. “That's what you get, dog boy! See if I cook for you ever again!”
“I was just speaking the truth,” the hanyou spat back, pulling himself to his feet.
“You're not supposed say that your mate can't cook, you baka!”
“Well you can't,” Inuyasha screamed back at her, his face beet red from embarrassment.
Standing up the Miko stood in his face her hands clasped on her hips, “Well that's funny, because you sure don't look like you're malnourished!”
“Feh, whatever.” Climbing back on the cement podium she had just pushed him from, he stated as if it was just a thought, “You need a recipe to boil water.”
The group gasped in unison and shrunk back away from the now fuming miko.
“What…did…you…just…say,” she hissed as she reached out and grabbed one of his long forelocks yanking him towards her.
“Ouch! Shit that hurts! Let go, damn it,” Inuyasha hissed while covering her hand with his own as if that would make her loosen her hold on him.
“They're never going to change are they,” Rin asked.
Both Sango and Miroku mumbled at the same time, “Nope.”
“I would ask that you watch your language, Inuyasha. My pup seems to pick up things easily these days,” Sesshomaru stated appearing in the doorway but not stepping outside.
“Keh, that's all you have to say? Get her off of me, damn it,” the hanyou replied. He was still trying to pull Kagome, who now had both forelocks tightly in her grasp and was yanking angrily on both of them, away from him.
“This Sesshomaru does not get between a hanyou and his mate. Perhaps if you thought before you spoke, you would avoid situations such as this.”
“Feh, you've never been any help to me! I was just telling… Ow wench, what'd I say this time,” Inuyasha screamed as she yanked again on his forelocks.
“I swear if I didn't love you, I would purify you! You inconsiderate jerk,” the miko screamed yanking again on his hair then letting it go knowing he would pull back. As he tumbled backwards she leaned over the cement podium, “When we get home, you better pray Sango cooks enough for you, because my cooking days are over!”
“Heh, fine by me,” the hanyou stated in a clipped tone as he staggered back to his feet. Making sure that his forelocks was still connected to both sides of his head he looked at the doorway to give his brother a piece of his mind, but found him gone.
Kagome sat down in a huff, her arms crossed over her chest, and her brow marred with anger, `I really, really, really hate him sometimes!'
“Miko-sama, I can't believe you still let him get to you like that,” Miroku stated jokingly.
Kagome glared at the Houshi but quickly turned her attention away from him and towards the stable that sat across the yard. She quietly watched as Kano and Shippo took turns feeding Ah'un and chattered about only god knows what. She didn't want to think about Inuyasha and his insensitivity anymore. `Why do I still let him upset me like this,' she thought, as she growled low, “Baka!”
“Did you say something, Wench,” Inuyasha stated. Of course he knew she was talking to him without actually looking at him, but he was not going to let it slide. Not by a long shot. “If you have something to say, say it!”
“I sure have a lot more planning to do for Kanomaru's birthday celebration,” Rin stated hastily sensing another argument coming.
The Miko's anger drained almost instantaneously, “Like what? Do you need my help?”
“Well, I actually need you and Sango's help.”
“What exactly do you need us to do,” Kagome asked.
“I need…” Noticing her son run over with Shippo close on his heels, she whispered, “We'll talk more later.”
“Mommy,” the little boy screamed, launching himself into her arms.
Hugging him to her Rin asked, “Did you and Shippo finish feeding Ah'un?”
“Yes and I remembered to put his muzzles back on too.”
“You're such a big boy,” she whispered while tickling his bare chest.
Giggling, he fought off her hands and asked excitedly, “So can we play now? Huh, can we play?”
Looking around at the other adults who all nodded slightly in agreement, she frowned in thought, “I don't know, it's getting dark.”
“We'll just play one game,” Shippo added.
Grabbing his mother's hand, Kano shouted happily, “Yeah, one game, mommy!” Then added while pulling on his mother's hand, “Uncle Inuyasha, you can't be `it', because you'll be able to smell us.”
“Feh, I didn't want to be it anyway,” the Inu prince stated, crossing his arms across his chest as if he was really upset. “I think Kagome should be `it',” he added knowing she hated being `it', “Because she never catches anyone.”
“I don't want to be `it',” the Miko whined, “I always loose.”
“Me and my sweet daughter will volunteer to be `it', okay,” Miroku stated happily while standing his daughter up next to him and holding her hand.
“Yay,” Kano and Shippo cheered happily. Shippo grabbed Kagome's hand and tugged her off the step while Kanomaru held tight to his mother's hand and reached for Sango with his free hand. “Come on we have to get ready to hide.”
Inuyasha snorted indelicately and remained where he was.
“You guys better go hide, because I'm going to start counting now,” the Monk stated while kneeling down and pulling his daughter to him. “Close your eyes sweetie there's no peeking, okay?”
“Miroku, you have to count to nijuu and then come find us, okay,” Shippo yelled from a few feet away.
Waving them off he hollered, “Yeah, yeah, I know.” Closing his eyes the Monk began counting, “Ichi…Ni…San…” He heard the hanyou run off and he grinned, “Yottsu…Go…Muttsu…”
“Mommy behind tree, daddy. Why she runaway,” Joudama whispered innocently, while pointing at the tree in question.
Smiling without opening his eyes, he whispered, “Good sweetie, now tell me where everybody else went.” Then continued out loud, “Sebun…Hatsu…Kokonotsu…”
“Uncle Yasha in the tree with Aunt Gome,” the little girl stated while looking around the yard as the rest of her relatives found hiding places.
“Sh…Shippo and Kano are in the water, daddy. Why they go in the water?”
The Monk just grinned and congratulated himself for picking such a helpful partner. “Juusan…Juushi…Juugo…”
“Auntie Rin went behind the bush over there. See, look daddy,” the little girl stated while pointing her little finger.
“Juuroku…Juuana…Juuhachi…” Miroku thought about peeking but thought better of it. “Juukyuu…Nijuu! Ready or not here I come!” Sitting his daughter on the steps he told her, “You stay here while daddy goes and finds the others, okay?”
The little girl giggled and nodded, while happily clapping her hands.
Running off toward the nearest bush Miroku yelled, “Gotcha” at a very surprised Rin whom pouted and ran off the join Joudama on the steps.
Scanning the surrounding trees he stated as if he really didn't know, “Oh where, oh where is my dear wife hiding?” Spotting the tree he was sure she was hiding behind he ran towards it. As he neared the tree Sango poked her head out and screamed not having expected him to be so close. “Gotcha,” Miroku shouted as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close.
Sango relaxed in his arms for a moment while laughing then pushed him away abrasively. Almost in a manner befitting one that had just been touched by fire.
“Daddy! Daddy! Look,” Joudama shouted from the steps while pointing at Inuyasha with a cradled Kagome in his arms bouncing swiftly across the courtyard.
After giving his wife a solemn look Miroku released her and charged after the hanyou that he knew he would never catch. Seeing movement from the corner of his eye, the Monk veered from his current path and ran towards the bigger of the many Koi ponds just in time to see a very wet kitsune jump up out of the water and scamper away. Stopping he tried to block his path back to the steps but the fox kit ran right around him, as if he wasn't there.
“Damn Monk, you really suck at this game,” Inuyasha shouted from the steps. Everybody with the exception of Kanomaru had made it back to home base, thus far.
“Yeah, well if I had an ounce of your speed or that nose of yours you wouldn't have gotten pass me! Besides I caught Rin and Sango, didn't I?”
“Daddy, Kano over there! He in that one, Daddy,” Joudama shouted while pointing at one of the other Koi ponds.
“Miroku, you cheat! You've been using her to find out where we were!” Sango shouted.
Trying to fain innocence, the recovering lech stated while heading towards the Koi pond his sweet daughter pointed out, “I have no idea what you're talking about!” As he neared the pond he looked down in it and sure enough there was the little hanyou, hiding among the many tropical fish. Staring at the boy who was looking up at him with bright golden eyes and a cheesy smile the only thought that ran across his mind was, `How in the heck can he hold his breath that long?'
Kanomaru leaped up out of the water and ran in the opposite direction since Miroku was blocking his only way to the porch or rather home base.
Giving chase, the Monk shouted, “You're not going to make it, so you might as well give up!”
“Never,” Kanomaru yelled as he ran on just a few feet ahead of the monk who was gaining on him quickly. Nearing the gates the little boy veered quickly to the left around a cherry blossom tree and doubled back before the Monk even realized it. “I'm too fast for you, ninjen,” Kanomaru shouted sounding like a playful version of his father.
“Ninjen, huh? Well in case you haven't heard…” Leaping over a bush that was indirectly in front of the boy that was barreling towards him, he finished, “…I'm a pretty fast ninjen!”
Glancing towards home base Kano grinned and waved at his mother. It was his one downfall.
Noticing that the boy was distracted, Miroku sped up and dived at him grabbing him around the waist. As they tumbled to the ground he twisted his body so that he took the brunt of the hit. “Gotcha!”
Fighting against him, Kano screamed, “You cheated! This Kanomaru, doesn't loose to humans!”
Laughing at the child, Miroku stood him up and patted his head, “Well you lost to this human, eh?”
Pouting, Kano brushed himself off and started towards the steps. He'd never lost to anyone but Shippo before, and never had he ever lost at Hide-n-Seek. Glancing up at the window of his father's study, his eyes locked onto those of the one person he was hoping wasn't watching. `He saw me loose to a human. This sucks!'
“You let Miroku catch you! You really are a half-breed, aren't you,” Shippo stated in a joking manner while jumping down to meet his still pouting friend.
Kano's head snapped up. All he could hear in his head was his father's voice saying, `You will allow no one to call you that!' He was already irritated with the fact that he had gotten caught while playing his favorite game and to now be called a half-breed, well that just wasn't a good mix at the moment.
Glaring at his friend, the little hanyou charged at him ramming him with his shoulder and knocking him back. “Don't call me that,” he yelled as he stalked towards his friend, his head down and eyes hidden behind his shaggy bangs. Pouncing on a stunned Shippo who was preparing to stand the boy hissed, “This Kanomaru will not allow you to ever call him that!”
Watching the confrontation transpire Inuyasha could've sworn he was watching a little version or himself, but the words that fell from the pups lips was that of his older brother. `What in the hell did Sesshomaru say to you, pup?'
“Kanomaru, stop it, now,” Rin shouted as she stepped closer to the two youngsters that were actually rolling around on the ground pulling each other's hair and screaming total nonsense. At the moment they didn't look like best friends, they looked like nothing less than enemies. “Kanomaru!”
“Shippo, he's younger than you! Stop it, now,” Kagome added while coming to stand next to the younger woman.
The two boys paid neither woman any mind.
“For the love of Kami, Inuyasha, do something, before someone gets hurt,” the miko shouted. She couldn't believe they were actually growling and snapping at each other like dogs. “Stop it you two! The both of you know better than this!”
Inuyasha glanced up at the window of his brother's study and locked eyes with a smirking Sesshomaru. He was standing there with a smirk on his face and his hands behind his back watching his soon to be five-year-old son try to tear into Shippo. `What the hell is he doing?' Sure the fox kit was older and more experienced in fighting but the pup was definitely holding his own.
Jumping down the Inu Prince reached into the rising dust and grabbed each boy by the skin of his neck. Holding each of them out to either side of him he growled low in order to show them he was the dominant male.
Noticing that they were not going to pay attention he asked in a no nonsense tone, “What in the hell is the problem here?”
“He started it! He's always starting it,” Shippo yelled while wiping away an angry tear. “He thinks just because he's a `Hanyou Lord' he can do what he wants!”
“You called me a half-breed,” Kano screamed in his defense.
Snorting dryly the kit hissed, “So what! You are what you are!”
Understanding that the kit was still rubbing his heritage in his face, Kano growled as intimidating as he could and balled up his tiny fist then screamed, “You're not my friend anymore! I don't want you here! Get out!”
Running up to her son, Rin stated, “You will stop this now, young man! Shippo is your friend! Now apologize to him!”
Wiping away angry tears of his own that slide down his face he turned his back to everyone including his mother and crossed his arms over his tiny shirtless chest. “My father said I wasn't supposed to let anyone call me that!”
“Kano,” Inuyasha whispered understanding the boy's pain. Sure he himself had a hard time dealing with being called that when he was younger but he learned to deal with it, didn't he. `What in the hell did that prick say to you?'
Noticing the boy's determination and viable upset, the miko stepped closer to her nephew. Placing a hand on his shoulder she spoke softly, “It's alright Kano. I would be upset too if someone called me a name I didn't like.”
The child sniffled but didn't turn around to face her.
Glancing up at Rin, then back at the other's she mouthed, `He'll be fine.' She then turned her attention back to the little hanyou. “Hey, do you want to take a walk with me? I could sure use a big brave Lord like yourself to protect me. How about it? Will you protect this weak human woman, Lord Kanomaru?”
At this point she would have done anything to get the child to calm down.
Sniffling a few times he mumble innocently, “Uncle can protect you just fine.”
“Yeah, but I didn't ask him to. I asked you.” Her plan was to get him away from the other's so he could tell her exactly why he got so upset about the innocent comment that Shippo had made. Hopefully she could get him to apologize or at least talk to his little friend in the end.
“Wh…where did you want to go? I…I can't go outside the gates,” the little boy stuttered.
Kagome smiled and took his hand, “Let's just walk, okay?”
The other's watched her walk away headed towards the stables.
“She's going to make a wonderful mother someday, eh Inuyasha,” Miroku stated.
Staring at his mate as she walked hand in hand with Kano, the hanyou couldn't deny that he already knew that. Unfortunately it wouldn't be in this lifetime.
Until Next Time…(Your .02 cents are greatly appreciated.)
A/A/N: If you haven't guessed Ichi-Nijuu is Japanese for 1-20 and they're playing Hide-n-Seek.