InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Confrontation II: Trials and Tribulations ❯ Whispers ( Chapter 11 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: As always, all characters will be walking that fine line called OOCness!! Okay, I'm done with the cutesy fluffy shit! This is the last happy or semi happy chapter so enjoy, because I'm so ready to step back into that world of angst and drama. Thanks to everyone that took the time to tell me what they thought about the previous chapters, and to those of you who are reading this without reviewing, thanks for reading. On a happy note, the IyfanGuild has nominated this fic for Best Canon. Let's hope I don't get sucker punched!! ROFL
`Ain't' is used on purpose in this chapter.
Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership to anyone with the exception of Kanomaru, Joudama, Teela, Reinto, Susamajii, Mana, and Rinji.
Chapter 11:
“Ow, that really hurts!”
“Keep still and it won't!”
“Don't…don't do it like that, baka!”
“Damn, Kagome relax and it won't hurt as bad!” Grinning since he knew she couldn't see him, he added, “You might even enjoy it, just a little.”
Sniffling she replied, while trying to keep herself from tearing up, “I told you I didn't want you to do it… Ow, stop! Stop! Stop! It hurts!”
“Feh, it's too late now. I'm almost finished,” Inuyasha responded, his voice holding a little too much smugness for the Miko's liking.
“You're unbelievable, Inuyasha!” Gripping the side of the bed with her free hand she hissed as her body tensed even more, “Don't push it in further you idiot, take it out!”
“Hush before you wake up everybody.”
“I swear to Kami, if you make me bleed, I'll kill you myself,” the irate miko hissed through clenched teeth.
“Stop whining, wench, I've done this hundreds of times before. Just relax and it'll come out just as easily as it went in.”
“You said that a million times already and it still hurts, so forgive me for not believing you,” the Miko snapped, hating herself for allowing him to talk her into this. “Maybe we should call Rin or Sango to come help.”
Palming her buttocks, he pushed it a little higher in the air and asked, “Do you really want them to see you like this, because if you do I could call one or both of them? And maybe Sesshomaru or Miroku will tag along. The lech would just love to see this, don't you think?”
Thinking it over the Miko quickly decided that she didn't even want Inuyasha, her mate to see her like this. She was laying face down with her ass in the air and her yukata thrown up over her bottom baring her ass for all to see. `No, I don't want them to see me like this. When I get my hands on Kano… I swear… Owwww!'
Gritting her teeth, Kagome tried to relax. She didn't have a choice, did she? He was the only person that could get the splinters out of the backs of her thighs and the soft tender flesh of her rear end. Since she could only feel them she had to trust that he was doing what he was supposed to.
“I told you that See-Saw thingy was a fucking stupid idea. But you never listen to me,” the hanyou stated in a haughty tone.
Flinching as he pulled out what must have been the 100th splinter, she replied, “Great, just rub it in, why don't you? “
Chuckling lightly, the hanyou pulled out another splinter. “Next time I bet you'll sit like a Lady instead of like some unrefined harlot.” Knowing that he was getting on her very last nerve, he continued, “What in the hell were you thinking, sitting on that nasty piece of wood bare assed?”
“Just shut up and hurry! I want to take a bath before it gets too late.”
“Keh, your butt is full of pieces of wood and you're worried about taking a bath.” Shaking his head disapprovingly, Inuyasha whispered exasperatedly, “Women.”
Figuring that she didn't have anything better to do at the moment, Kagome answered his previous question, “I was showing Kano how to use it.”
“Why did you have to show him? Any idiot could use that thing. One person sits on both ends and you take turns pushing up and down with your feet. The pup ain't stupid, wench. Hell, or you could've let Shippo get on it with him.”
Kagome knew he was right and perhaps that irritated her even more. The truth was when she had found the long flat board behind the stable; lying haphazardly across a large boulder, she couldn't help herself.
It took her back to when she was younger and her mother would take her to the park that sat a few blocks from her childhood home, the shrine. At that time she was the only child, so her mom would get on one end while she got on the other and they would see-saw for what felt like hours, but were only minutes.
The feeling of elation that she felt… The way her tiny stomach would turn happy flips… The sound of her mother's laughter ringing in her ears only caused her heart to soar higher. Those were innocent happy years… Perhaps that's what she was trying to recreate, if only for a few minutes.
Sighing dreamily, Kagome stated in a dazed voice, “My mom used to ride the see-saw with me all the time when I was younger.”
Inuyasha glanced up at the back of her head, and then back down at her red rear end. He hated when she talked in that manner about her time. It always made him feel guilty for taking her away from her family and her friends. He knew without a doubt that she missed them more than she would admit, but that was to be expected, wasn't it? She was born there, but here is where she would more than likely die. How was that even possible? Was it right to take her from her family like that?
`I didn't have a choice, did I?'
So what if his heart would hurt and his soul would more than likely die. What gave him the right to steal her away from them? What gave him the right to make it so that she could never leave him? When had he become so selfish, so inconsiderate, and so calculating? What made it okay for him to be so possessive with her love…her attention…her heart?
`She completes me. W…Without her…without her I am nothing. Without her… I am less than half of the man I was before I met her.'
Sighing, he tried to fight away those thoughts. “Really, how old were you?” If he couldn't give her back what she lost, at least he could help her relive her memories.
“Probably 4 or 5, I think. It was so long ago I don't remember much of it anymore.” Flinching as her mate plucked out another splinter she continued, “We'd go when the cherry blossoms were in full bloom.” She was quiet for a moment, almost as if she was afraid to say something. `Souta must be big now and Mom… I wonder if she ever remarried or got over my disappearance? Did she understand the marking that we left on the well? Kami I hope so.' Pushing up on her hands so that she was on all fours she asked, “Do you think she found the carvings on the well?”
Inuyasha looked up but didn't respond right away. It was a few weeks after they first mated when he had gotten the idea to carve into the side of the well his and Kagome's names, then on the anniversary or close to the anniversary of their initial mating they would place one mark symbolizing each year that they survived `together'. Should something happen to one or the other, they both decided that all markings would cease.
There really was no point of giving recognition to any other year that passes if the one you wanted to be with was not by your side, was there?
Absently rubbing her bottom after pulling one of the three remaining splinters out, he replied softly, “I'm sure she did.”
“Do you think she understands what it means? I…I really don't want her to be sitting around worrying about me.” Flinching, she hissed sarcastically through clenched teeth, “Especially when I'm blissfully happy with you!”
“Feh, you know your mom better than I do. I'm sure she found it and knew immediately what it meant. So don't worry about it.”
Glancing over her shoulder at him, she smiled softly, `Maybe he's right. Mom was always quick to understand things that would take the average person awhile to figure out.' Noticing his hand was soothingly rubbing her buttocks, she smacked it away, “You're not doing this for your pleasure, baka! Hurry up and finish!”
Inuyasha laughed, “I could just leave these two in, if you're in that much of a hurry.”
“Get to plucking, Dog boy,” she stated playfully while leaning forward and folding her arms beneath her chin. `Mom, Souta and Ji-chan, I love you and I miss you all.' Resting her head so that it she was looking at the balcony doors, Kagome whispered, “Inuyasha?”
“Yep, it's me. I'm still here plucking tiny pieces of wood from my mate's ass. How can I help you,” the hanyou replied as if bored.
“I was thinking… Can…can we name our first son, Souta?”
`Oh god. Here we go with this again. No Kagome, we can't name our first son that, because you and I…you and I won't have any sons to name.' That's what he wanted to say, but he couldn't' bring himself to break her heart in such away. There had to be another way for him to tell her that he didn't want what she wanted. There just had to be another way!
If she asked him to brave the torrential terrain of Mt. Fuji in order to pluck a solitary black rose from its peak, he would. If she asked him to find and slay a twelve-legged dragon, with a body of steel and breath of fire, he would die trying. If she asked…hinted at…thought about asking him to die for her…to give her his last breath, he would do it without question or a second thought. But to give her a child…a hanyou, he would not. Not now, not ever.
“What do you think? Can we name him, Souta,” Kagome asked, her voice filled with hope and her heart overflowing with promises of a happy future filled with children…pups.
“I don't really care for that name,” the hanyou replied, hoping that if he disagreed with her it would deter any further talk on this particular subject.
“Well, do you have any names in mind?”
“Keh, what's all this talk lately about runts? Are you trying to tell me something, because if you're pregnant it ain't mine,” Inuyasha stated harshly in an attempt to piss her off.
Of course he knew that she wasn't pupped and if she was, it was definitely his. He never doubted her faithfulness to him, but he needed to get her away from this current line of questioning.
“What in the hell do you mean, `If I'm pregnant it ain't yours' who else's would it be, Inuyasha,” Kagome questioned making sure to stress the word `Ain't'. “You're the one that can't seem to keep his hands to himself. As a matter of fact I'm a little surprised we don't already have a pack of little white haired obnoxious, self centered, conceited, and inconsiderate half demons running around here already!”
Snorting the hanyou stated coldly while pulling the last splinter out, “Heh, whatever wench! What's with you and pups these days? You ain't pregnant and let's hope that you won't get pregnant anytime soon.”
He didn't mean to say that, but it was too late to take it back.
Kagome flipped over so that she was lying on her back but leaning up on her elbows. She could only stare at him as his words rolled around her head confusing her even more with every second that ticked by. `What does he mean by; `Let's hope I don't get pregnant anytime soon? Is he telling me he doesn't want any kids?' Crawling off the bed, she turned away and started to quickly gather her toiletries, `I've seen him with Kanomaru… He has to want them. He has to.'
Staring at his mate as she quietly prepared to leave the room, Inuyasha silently hissed, `Fuck.' He didn't mean to say it like that. Now she was pissed. Sure he didn't want kids, but not for whatever reason she was now thinking. He just…He just didn't want to talk about this right now.
“Kagome, I didn't mean anything by that,” he stated softly while stepping up behind her.
Stepping way from him and towards the door with her items clutched in her arms, she asked quietly, “Why did you say it then?”
“I…I was just playing,” he blurted before he could stop himself.
Turning to face him, she stared at him as if reading his mind. She watched his golden eyes twitch nervously and his ears tweak right then left. Shaking her head, she whispered as she turned and walked out the room, “You're a really bad liar, Inuyasha.”
Trotting towards the door, he called out, “Kagome.”
The Miko ignored him. How could he say that he hoped she didn't get pregnant anytime soon? What did he mean by that? Could he be trying to tell her that he didn't want any kids? Wasn't that the whole idea of becoming mates? You mate with the person you love, and then you have pups…babies. Could she have been mistaken or was she just once again thinking too much into this?
`No, I heard him! I heard what he said! I'm not mistaken,' she thought as she quickened her pace. `How could he say that?' Part of her wanted to believe that he didn't mean what he said, but her heart; it knew the truth, didn't it? It knew that as hurtful as it was to digest, he meant exactly what he said.
Watching as she turned the corner and disappeared from his sight, Inuyasha ran his hand over his face and cursed himself for being so dim-witted. `Of all the fucking things I could have said, I say something like that! Shit, she ain't ever going to let me touch her again! Damn, damn, and double damn!'
Standing there for a moment longer he debated on whether to follow her or not, but quickly thought better of it. He knew if he did, it would end in disaster. `I guess it's time to come up with a damn good apology,' he thought, as he turned and went back into his room, but not before he locked eyes with a pair of golden orbs that were too much like his own, standing at the opposite end of the hall.
Staring back at his brother, the hanyou narrowed his eyes hatefully as he watched the youkai lord mouthed, `simpleton', and then slowly close his bedroom door behind him.
Stepping into his room, Inuyasha closed the door behind him while mumbling incoherently about a nosey prick that only seemed to mind other peoples business when it benefited him.
Simonkal of Inuy
“Is she asleep?”
“Finally, yes,” Sango replied in an exhausted tone.
“Good, she was rather wound up after that little game of Hide-n-Seek.”
Pulling the small blanket up to cover her daughter, the Ex-Slayer stated while turning to face the Monk who was sitting beside the door. He seemed prepared to bolt at any moment, “You know you shouldn't be teaching her how to cheat.”
Smiling as a brief memory of their earlier game flashed through his mind, he responded innocently, “It's not cheating, when an angel such as she chooses to help her father out of quite a jam.”
Sango glared at him. He always had a way with words. He could insult you and you'd think it was a compliment. He would compliment you when he knew he had done wrong and you'd forget that you were supposed to be mad at him. “Just don't be teaching my daughter your disgusting habits, Monk!”
With a cheeky grin plastered on his face, Miroku replied, “If I was you, I wouldn't worry about her being taught how to cheat. I would focus more on her knowing that it's wrong and immoral.”
“If you already know that, then why did you cheat, you Lech?”
“I did no such thing. I simply heard someone telling me where to look and I paid attention. Besides, she's too young to know what she did was wrong.” He knew that this was just small talk, but he was grateful for it. It was rare as of late, that they spoke with each other like this. `Maybe she thought about what I said to her this morning in the kitchen.'
Rolling her eyes the Ex-Slayer turned away from her husband and began to prepare for bed. Hearing her husband chuckling quietly she turned and asked, “What's so funny?”
“I can't seem to get the vision of Kagome-sama sliding backwards off that board out of my head,” Miroku responded as the image of the woman in question flashed through his head once more.
Semi Flashback
It had happened a few minutes after the fight between Shippo and Kano. Kagome had taken the boy off on a little stroll around the yard ending behind the stable.
They'd been gone for a while, so upon his wife's insistence they went to find her. As they neared the stable they heard Kanomaru and the Miko giggling.
He wasn't quite sure what happened between hearing them laughing and he and his wife rounding the stable, but when they did, they heard Kagome scream, saw her arms flailing in the air wildly while she slide backwards down a narrow board she had been sitting on. Kanomaru was nowhere in sight.
Upon closer inspection, he noticed that she was actually sitting very un-lady like on the piece of plywood. This, he supposed, was the reason why she was screaming for her mate, who was standing not too far away, laughing his head off.
End Semi Flashback
Giggling lightly, Sango stated, “That was pretty funny wasn't it? I can't believe she actually hitched up her Kimono and sat on that dirty thing.”
“You have to try to remember, that Kagome is not from our time. She's from a time where inhibitions are much lower. Besides, I'm sure she wouldn't have done such a thing had it not been Kanomaru there. Let's not forget that the both of you, at one time or another took baths with Shippo.”
“Yes, I know that, but still…”
Crossing his arms over his broad chest the Houshi rested the back of his head against the wall and stated with a chuckle, “Before Inuyasha disappeared into their room, he told me that she had quite a few splinters in places she shouldn't have them.”
“Poor Kagome, maybe I should go check on her.”
Glancing up at his wife, a wicked glint in his eye, Miroku suggested quietly, “Maybe you should come over here and check on me.”
Sango turned on him quickly, a light blush tinting her cheeks as she stared dangerously at him, “You can be such a hentai sometimes!”
Chuckling dryly, he whispered loud enough for her to hear, “Yeah, an abstinent hentai, as of late.”
“Miroku, don't start this!”
“How am I starting anything by asking for my wife's attention?”
“Well you have my undivided attention now and you're still not satisfied.”
She couldn't understand why he acted as if something so drastically had changed between them. They had a daughter now; things couldn't remain the same.
Before Joudama, of course he was her first…her only priority, but she now had a two year old that demanded her attention. Why couldn't he understand that? Why did he have to act as if she totally ignored him? Which she didn't believe to be true, but every chance he got he seemed determined on making her believe that she was wronging him in some abhorrent way.
“You know that's not what I'm talking about. Don't get me wrong, anytime I can sit and have a casual conversation with my wife is time well spent, but…” Sighing, the Monk thought over the words he should use to get his point across, “Sango, when was the last time that you and I were together as husband and wife?”
“Whether we're together or not, we're always going to be husband and wife,” she replied. She knew what he was asking but was pretending that she didn't know.
Snorting dryly, he restated his question in a manner she would not be able to avoid. “When is the last time that you and I were intimate? When is the last time that you fulfilled your wifely duties to me?”
She didn't respond, just stared at him as her blush deepened profusely.
Standing to his feet he watched her silently close herself off from him once more, “You're a wonderful mother to my beautiful daughter, Sango, don't ever doubt that…” He watched her look away shyly, but he knew she wouldn't like what else he was about to say. “But I need my wife the same way that Damy needs her mother.” Stepping closer to her so that they were a breath away he snaked his arms around her, and asked while pulling her back flush against him, “Can we? Tonight Sango… Can you just be my wife?”
She didn't respond, and she didn't remain in his arms. She knew he needed her, but Joudama needed her more. If she said, `yes,' and they went off and became intimate, what if Joudama woke up? What if she had a bad dream? What if… What if… What if… No, they couldn't do it now. “Not now, Miroku.”
Stepping back away from her, he sighed heavily and turned towards the door, “I don't know how much more, `Not now's,' I can handle, Sango.”
Watching him step out the door, she pleaded weakly, “Miroku.”
Shaking his head in a negative manner, he glanced back at her and stated in a defeated manner, “I need my wife, Sango. When you find her please let me know.”
“Miroku, don't talk such nonsense,” she replied, reaching for the right thing to say, but failing miserably.
`Everything with her lately is nonsense, not nows, or I don't have time for this.' The frustrated Monk thought. `Even the patience I was taught as a man of the cloth is being tested. What else can I say? What else can I do?'
Sango stared into the darkness after him until he disappeared from sight. She knew she needed to do something or say something to appease him, but what? Why didn't he seem to understand that their daughter had to come first? Why didn't he at least try to understand?
Stepping back into the room, she slide the door closed behind her and began to prepare herself for bed. This was something that they would have to deal with in the morning or at a later time, but definitely not now.
Simonkal of Inuy
Sesshomaru stood staring out his floor to ceiling bedroom window that overlooked the ocean. He watched in silence as the stars that had guided him on too many excursions twinkled against the dark night sky. Silently beckoning to him to come play.
`Soon my old friends, soon.'
Turning his attention to the edge of the forest that was still visible he closed his golden eyes and sighed softly.
If he were honest with himself he would have admitted that he missed the nights in the forest. He would have admitted that he simply loved the long days of nothing but walking. He enjoyed the feeling of encountering some demon that had the gall to step up and challenge him. Yes, if he was anyone else, he would've have admitted this.
But he was Sesshomaru, Lord of the West. He was not one to live in denial or on hopes and dreams. His priority was now his mate and his pup, everything else would come second.
After checking on his son at his mate's request, the Inu Lord inadvertently heard the argument between his brother and the miko. Sure he was only able to catch the tail end, but he had to admit that perhaps the half-breed was on to something.
Sesshomaru couldn't help but to wonder if there was something deeper behind the comment Inuyasha had made to his mate about hoping she didn't get pregnant anytime soon.
`Maybe this is the smartest thing he's ever done in his entire wretched life.'
Inuyasha had lived the life of a hanyou, hadn't he? He'd survived the hatred and humiliation. He was made stronger from all the beatings he was forced to endure. He was made more self-reliant by all of the scavenging he was forced to do. The loneliness he was subjected too… The belittling at the hands of children, ninjens, and demons…
`Perhaps this is one time, when no one can rightfully challenge him in his decision. If his statement meant what I believe it to mean.'
Rin whispered, “My love, are you okay,” as she walked up behind him and snaked her arms around his waist.
“You finished your bath, so soon?”
Blushing lightly, Rin pulled back, “Well when I realized you weren't going to join me…”
Glancing over his shoulder at his smiling mate, he let his eyes travel over her flushed skin that still held beads of sweat from the indoor hot spring. Her hair lay in wet locks about her shoulders and down her back. Turning to face her, he watched in silence as she let her thin bathing yukata fall from her shoulders.
His only thought was, `Astounding,' as he watched her perfectly refined body shimmer under the dim light. His eyes roamed effortlessly over her, taking in the gentle curve of her neck, the roundness of her shoulders, the dips of her hips, the curve of her thighs, and her round perfectly defined…
Noticing his eyes practically devouring her, Rin inquired softly, “What are you looking at?” Sometimes it unnerved her how he would stare at her as if she was a piece of forbidden fruit.
Most people would have been flustered after being caught staring unabashedly at another, but Sesshomaru maintained every ounce of his composure. Turning his attention to her succulent full breasts that had grown more than a bit since he first took her as his mate, he stated as if it was the simplest thing in the world to understand, “This Sesshomaru is simply admiring what is his.”
Blushing more profusely, Rin turned away and walked over to her dressing table and sat down, “Is that so?”
Knowing what she wanted, Sesshomaru followed her only stopping when he was standing right behind her. Picking the brush up off of her table he proceeded to gently brush the tangles out of her long dark mane.
Rubbing on a handful of lightly scented honey suckle cream, Rin inquired, “Did you speak with Kanomaru about what he did this afternoon?”
“I did.”
“Did you tell him he should apologize?”
Leaning forward, he stated softly, “I did not.” Deciding that this would be faster if he used his claws as a comb, he sat the brush down in front of her.
“You do know he attacked Shippo, right?”
“Yes, I'm aware of that.”
“I don't understand… Why would you not make him apologize,” she whispered in disbelief as she stared into her mirror and eyed the blank expression of her mate.
He really didn't seem to care one-way or the other, but why did this shock her? He never chastised Kanomaru. It never mattered what he did or whom he did it to. He acted as if the boy was untouchable even by him.
“I didn't see a need to force him to do something that he felt so strongly against.”
Letting her hands fall into her lap, Rin just stared at his reflection. `You didn't want to force him? So what if he felt strongly against it, he was wrong!' She wanted to say this, and was about to, but he interrupted her.
Letting her wet mane fall down her bareback, Sesshomaru finished, “Besides, he and the fox kit seemed to be getting along just fine when I checked on them.”
“Were they?”
“Yes they were. They're pups and pups fight,” he stated as if it should have been common knowledge.
Standing to her feet she proceeded to slip on her sleeping yukata, “Do you think he will be joining us tonight?”
With an eyebrow arched, Sesshomaru followed her sultry movements. `She would have to be the best decision this Sesshomaru has ever made.' Reaching out a hand he stopped her as she attempted to pull the yukata close, “Leave it.”
Looking up at him with a soft smile, Rin let her hands fall to her sides as he pulled her close to him. Smiling up at him, she ran her hands up and over his naked shoulders, “What did you have in mind, my love?”
“Something,” he stated while running a clawed finger slowly along her jaw line.
“Is that so?” Tipping up on her toes, the nearly naked young mother and wife softly kissed him on the tip of his chin. “You know your son could be here at any moment, don't you?”
Chuckling, which was something that he rarely did, Sesshomaru leaned down and whispered huskily in her ear, “I'll be quick.”
Pulling away from him with a soft smirk on her beautiful face, she stepped back towards their bed after allowing her yukata to fall to the floor. “My love, I didn't know you to be such a liar.”
Stalking his prey, the Inu Lord devoured her with his eyes. “What is it that I've lied about?”
As she settled into the middle of the bed, her legs slanted slightly, she smiled at him seductively, “There is nothing that you do quick, besides kill.”
With a dry chuckle the Inu Lord covered the distance between them hurriedly. “Well perhaps we should begin; you know how I hate interruptions.”
Rin giggled girlishly as he covered her lips with his own. Placing her arms around his neck she pulled him down to meet her in a heated passionate kiss as his claws traveled delicately up and down her sides igniting parts of her that only he could.
Until Next Time…(I'm not ready to do a lemon yet, because quite frankly a meaningless lemon is `just sex' and any monkey with a laptop or computer can write `just sex'. However, trust me, there are plenty of them to come!! Be patient my friends!!)