InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Confusion ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: This story takes place after Inuyasha has defeated Naruku. It¡¯s Sesshoumaru/Rin, so if you don¡¯t like it, don¡¯t read it. I don¡¯t know yet, but I might have Sesshoumaru make up with Inuyasha¡¯s gang. MAYBE.

Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I don¡¯t own Inuyasha; although it would be neat if I did, I¡¯m only writing this one disclaimer for the whole story, so refer back to this chapter.

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A youkai lurked in the dark shades of the forest, disguised by the leaves and the lack of moonlight. Its dark, black hair blending in perfectly with the shadows, in fact, it would be hard to see him if not for the golden gleam in his eyes. He was tall and quite muscular, though not so much that it became a flaw in his appearance. It¡¯s a funny thing how that particular night was moonless, which suited the creature just fine.

Though the branches of the trees were thick, the night was dark, and the path in the forest unmarked, the youkai seemed to know exactly where it was going, a turn here, a leap there, if not for the dark aurora around it, it would almost seem as if the youkai was dancing under the starlit sky.

It suddenly stopped dead in its tracks, and turned about him as if searching for something, or someone.

¡°Come out, I know you are there.¡± The youkai suddenly said after it stopped turning, and seemed to stare intently at a young tree.

¡°I did not want to disturb you, my brother,¡± A voice came from the darks of the forest, and the tree suddenly transformed into another youkai. It was in the form of a young boy, black hair and red eyes, pale and scrawny, but a certain air of authority around him.

¡°You do not disturb me, so, what have you seen?¡± The bigger one said.

¡°They are coming, soon they will be here.¡±

¡°They? Is the girl still with them?¡± The bigger one asked again, sounding disgusted, ¡°Disgraceful, a human girl. What else Van?¡±

¡°He¡¯s growing quite powerful, though he has no possession of any power-boosting artifacts that I know of.¡± The one called Van said, ¡°They¡¯re traveling quite slowly for his speed, seeming to camp very early and rest a lot.¡±

¡°All the more time we have to prepare then,¡± The bigger youkai sneered, ¡°Soon brother, we will have what we want and we will be unstoppable, mark my words.¡±

¡°Yes, yes, all the waiting has finally paid off, and we can finally take it from them.¡±

¡°Go on then, Van, I need to get going and prepare the arrival of our¡­guests.¡±

¡°Yes, yes, guests, they are indeed out guests.¡± The red-eyed youkai smirked, ¡°They will mostly certainly be out most honorable guests, will they not, brother?¡±

¡°Yes, but for that to happen¡­¡±

¡°I need to play my part, I know, and I will. Not to worry, I will get them here, and then, we will have it!¡±

With that Van leaped into the shadows of the trees, as if disappearing, although if you watch closely, you are able to see two red lights, gleaming in the dark, constantly moving.

¡°Soon, my brother, soon.¡± The other said, and in term, also vanished into the dark, leaving no traces of anyone ever being in that spot.

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Okay, I know it¡¯s really short, but hey, it¡¯s a prologue, who¡¯s ever seen a long prologue? I know you have, but who else?

The name Van is pronounced ve-AN-on (I suck with writing out the pronunciation, just think Escaflown, I think that¡¯s it)

Next chapter coming really soon, I promise!!