InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Conversations Concerning...'That' ❯ ...what? Swords and humans? ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

DISCLAIMER: T_T I don' wanna say it. *pouts*

Inu: you have to! *whines* you're scary-there's no way that you own me!

*sad face* why…? *chokes* I…dontowninuyasha!

Inu: *grins* I don't understand why you always have such a hard time of typing it…

*bonks him over the head* did I ask for the assistance of a muse? I think not…

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(A/N: Sess never looses his cool through any of this, unless he's glaring or blinking. Remember that as you read, kk?)

Inuyasha walked into his older brother's room. Only about half the height of the full demon, the child hanyou had never won a wrestling match against his brother let alone ever held an entire conversation with him. Usually, when there was a problem he went to his mother. But now…

Taking a large breath and swallowing any of the fluid left in his mouth, he walked through the door without knocking. Like most teenagers, Sesshoumaru was already preoccupied. He was actually curled up in a ball near his window and reading a book. The older youkai looked like he was pretty involved in the book, but it didn't squelch Inuyasha's determination.

"Sessy!" he cried, running over to his brother and giving him a huge hug. "Please! I have to talk to you!"

The teen blinked in surprise before developing a large tick on the back of his head and raising a fist. "Inuyasha…"

He squeaked and let go of his brother, jumping back. "Sorry, I forgot about the no-touching rule,"

"Don't ever do it again," Sesshoumaru replied, turning back to his book. Inuyasha stared for a moment.

"Sess…" he whined. "I need to talk to you,"

"Me?" he didn't sound interested. "About what?"

"You know…that," Inuyasha said innocently, staring wide-eyed at his brother.

Sesshoumaru blinked in curiosity and stared at his younger brother over the rim of his book. The child grinned widely, as if he were encouraging the older boy to answer his internal questions without being asked in the first place.

Sess sighed and looked back down at his book. "If the `that' is what I believe it to be, go and ask dad."

Inuyasha shifted uncomfortably, his cheeks turning slightly pink. "I can't, I'm too scared."

"Of dad?" Sesshoumaru replied. When he saw the hanyou's cherry-red face, he sighed. "Then go and ask your mother."

Inuyasha made a face as if he had eaten something bitter. "No! Ew, gross, she's a girl! I can't ask girls!"

Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes. Obviously, he himself was the next logical choice. With great pain he put down his book and bent the corner of the page to keep his place. Leaning back against the wall, he stared at his brother. "Ask away then. What are you just waiting for?"

"I don't know what to ask," Inuyasha said, his voice squeaking. He wrung his hands together, perplexed.

Sesshoumaru stared up at the ceiling. `Why me?' he mouthed at the painted wood.

"Well…when dad explained everything to me, he related it all to…" at this point Sesshoumaru leaned forward, beckoning Inuyasha closer as if he were about to share a great secret. "…swords, and…" at this moment Sesshoumaru jumped up. He acted as if he had grabbed a microphone and held out his free arm dramatically. "…humans!"

Inuyasha gasped. He stared at the glowing Sesshoumaru for several minutes, and then he scratched the top of his head with his foot. "I don't see how that helps anything. Swords and humans?"

"Perhaps because of your tainted blood you miss the metaphor," Sess admitted, sitting back down and picking up his book.

Inuyasha gasped, realizing that the simple statement `swords and humans' was all he was going to get out of his brother. Panicking because that statement would hardly fill anyone's mind with knowledge, let alone a confused hanyou child, Inuyasha climbed onto his brother's lap and grabbed the book. He bent the page and tossed it over his shoulder, grabbing two fistfuls of Sesshoumaru's hair as soon as he had his hands free.

"Sess!" Inuyasha whined. "Tell me more!"

The elder youkai stared levelly at Inuyasha for a moment, glowering at the loss of his book. "You realize that I hate you," he said bluntly.

"Well, yeah, of course. You've always hated me. But right now…your life is in danger if you don't tell me!" Inuyasha exclaimed.

"What?" Sesshoumaru spat, narrowing his eyes into his death glare.

Yes people, this is the death glare you are thinking of. The glare that makes full-grown demons weep, makes wolves run away, and makes human girls with names that start with `R' shut up. Inuyasha, remarkably…wasn't…okay. He began to cry.

When Sesshoumaru grinned because he thought that he had won and this fact filled his tummy with a happy feeling, since he rather enjoyed making Inuyasha cry. The young demon was always so stupid after he burst out in tears. He would sniffle and try to conceal the weakness from everyone around him by pulling strands of his hair over his face. Sesshoumaru watched these proceedings with great joy, trying not to laugh out loud.

While Inuyasha was busy draping his own hair over his face, Sesshoumaru reached over to get his book. Maybe he could finish the well-written romance novel before dinner, and threaten Inuyasha's mother for another one. His father would be upset if he learned just how sappy Sess really was, so he tried to keep his reading adventures as quiet as possible.

His hand almost on the cover, Sesshoumaru was surprised almost immediately. For one, Inuyasha jumped up and stood on his arm. Secondly, the young boy grabbed the book by both sides of the cover and began to pull.

"I'll rip it apart if you don't explain what you mean!" Inuyasha cried.

Sesshoumaru gasped in a girly way, a hand rising to his face subconsciously. Why, he would never know what happened to get Ross and Tania together! And along those same lines, would little Jimmy ever pull out of his tragic disease?

Jumping up, he made Inuyasha hop backwards at the randomness of the movement. Sess growled, the corners of his eyes glowing slightly red.

"You're dead, kid!" he exclaimed, jumping on top of his brother and trying to get his book away without hurting it. They wrestled for a while, and eventually ended up on either side of the book, pulling at the cover.

In a burst of thread and papers, the miraculous story of Ross, Tania, and little Jimmy exploded all over the room. Both of the boys stood there for a moment. The elder was heartbroken that he would never see the ending, and the younger had begun to fear for his life.

Lowering his head, Sesshoumaru glared darkly at his brother. "Get out, get out, get out, GET OUT!" he exclaimed, chasing the frightened hanyou all the way into the hall.

Inuyasha stood in the place that he had started, trying to catch his breath. It was then that he realized in all of his efforts, even after winning a physical victory over the infazable Sesshoumaru, he still hadn't gotten any answers.


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Chrissy has partial credit for this one, though it was me that put it into words. ^_~ hope you liked it, maybe there will be a part two sometime! As of now, we're sticking with the idea of a one-shot.

~akina kumi-tami (partial idea)

~~Tsuki (words)

^_^ don't forget to R&R!!

Inu: at least then she'll know to stop writing these horrible fics…

Hey! *bonks him over the head, then reconsiders and tweaks his ears* ^_^

Inu: =_=;;

*after dealing with her unwanted muse* k then…sayonara for now!!