InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Conversations Concerning...'That' ❯ sess gets a shocker ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

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Peeping around the corner of Sesshoumaru's bedroom door, Inuyasha discovered that his brother was nicely occupied. Still dry-sobbing and collecting the remains of the Wonderful Tale of Ross, Tania, and little Jimmy, the older teen didn't even notice his brother entering the room.

Back against the wall, Inuyasha went commando-style. The young hanyou slid across the wall with his fingers raised in a makeshift gun, eyes trained on the back of his femmy brother's head. Finally, he reached his destination.

Target: located. Commencing operation steal-the-sword.

Closing his small hands around Tenseiga and pulling, Inuyasha ran like hell to get out of the room before his brother noticed. It wasn't until he ran into the wall at the end of the hallway and dropped the precious sword that he even stopped running/screaming and realized he wasn't dead yet.

Only a matter of time…

There was only one simple reason he had taken the sword. Sesshoumaru had told him that it was like swords and humans. If he didn't understand the analogy figuratively, he would have to see it literally to grasp. Inuyasha knew of only one human that irritated him enough to merit a few stabs in the chest, and that human lived not far away.

Panting from his dash away from Sesshoumaru, he made his way out of the youkai castle and out into the nearby human monestary. Luckily, Sess was too dignified to enter the place, and it was the residence of Inuyasha's best friend-Miroku.

The small human boy had a problem with his right hand. It was something life-threatening, but Inuyasha didn't really care or remember either. He carried around a miniature version of the purifying staff that the adult monks of the world carried. Miroku's favorite pasttime was bopping Inuyasha over the head with his mini-monk stick as many times in a row as he could without getting his head chewed off.

This irritating action was what announced Miroku's presence to the hanyou that afternoon. Inuyasha was surprised and nearly dropped the Tenseiga again, having issues carrying the sword to begin with since it was nearly taller than he was.

"Miroku, this isn't the time for that. I was asking Sesshoumaru about…you know, girls, and I only have a little bit left to live before he comes and eats me alive. You have to explain everything that you know!"

The perverse little boy grinned peversedly, his perverted little perverse thoughts perversing rapidly in his perverted perverse mind. "Ask me what you will, young Inuyasha," Miroku said sagely.

Disregarding the slight thought that Miroku was probably younger than him, Inuyasha shrugged and asked anyway. "What do you know about…swords and humans?"

Miroku's eyebrows shot up. "Trying to impress a girl with that sword, Inu? It's too tall for you, firstly, and secondly girls our age aren't really into the whole blood and guts and bugs thing. Unless it's an older woman…?"

"No! It's no one, I'm just…curious," Inuyasha replied. Damn my curiosity to the deepest place in hell right where it belongs…

"From me to you, the sword isn't the way to go Inuyasha. Girls tend to freak out over the whole chopping off of limbs and bloody warfare issue. Sure, we live in the warring states era, but it doesn't matter to them. Just this morning, I had to chase a rat out of the brothels in town. Everyone was screaming…"

"Miroku, what do you know?" Inuyasha asked bluntly. This was his last resource-if Sess hated him and Miroku wouldn't tell, then he would have to go to-he gulped-his father.

"Allow me to demonstrate my friend, allow me to demonstrate."


Sesshoumaru knew that his detestable little brother was missing. He knew that the boy had his precious Tenseiga, girly though the healing sword seemed. And also…he knew that Inuyasha's damnable human mother was never going to give him another book if he didn't find the boy by midnight.

"But…" he trailed off, lost for an argument. The human wench had him-there would be no more glamorous tales of love and valour unless there was some dragging of young hanyou butt back home.

"Find him, Sessoumaru. If you're lucky, I can find another copy of the last book you destroyed by the time you get back."

Sess nodded, resisting the almost unstoppable urge to point out that it had been the woman's own son to rip up her book. Biting his tongue, he walked off to find Inuyasha and make his life a living hell. The child would not get off easy for this humiliation, oh no, the child would not get off easy for this humiliation.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~

Miroku reached over and grabbed a rock. "This is a butt,"

"It's a rock," Inuyasha said blankly.

"Don't be dense, if I tell you it's a butt then a butt it is. Now, observe,"

Miroku pinched the rock.

Inuyasha stared at the rock for a moment, and then at Miroku, and then at the rock again.

"What was that?" he asked curiously.

Miroku demonstrated again, and Inuyasha nodded. Setting down Tenseiga on the ground next to him, he fumbled around for a rock.

"Make sure you don't stick your hand in a thorn bush. They're all over this time of year," Miroku warned. The sentence was irrelivent to the plot of the story, but he said it so stop wondering why and keep reading.

Inuyasha finally got up and walked around to the rock that Miroku was sitting on. "Get up, I'm going to borrow this."

"It's too big," Miroku warned. "But okay…I'm not getting up, though."


Sesshoumaru sighed in relief when his nose led him straight to the boy. Inuaysha's scent was all over the hill, and it was easily mistaken with several other young pups from the castle.

The boy was spending time with his human friend, as Sess knew he was going to be. Walking into the clearing, he prepared to chase Inuyasha across the mountain if need be.

Sesshoumaru was not prepared for what he saw.

His kid brother was groping the human boy. And the other child wasn't even flinching! Obviously, this had been going on for some time. Sess shook his head regretfully. He hadn't been aware of just how perverted his little brother was. In that light, perhaps steering him towards women would do good and put an end to his perverted actions.

That was when he remembered why he was there.

"You have death all over you, Inuyasha!" Sess exclaimed, cracking his knuckles.

"Really?" Inuyasha asked, straightening and looking down at himself. Suddenly, he turned and ran point-blank away from his brother.

Prepared for this, Sess gave chase. It wasn't until he heard splashing that he realized they had A) left Tenseiga with Miroku and B) made it to the local baths. Cheeks turning pink, he located his brother and chucked several large objects at him.

"What do you think you're doing?" Sesshoumaru called to the young hanyou once he had his attention.

"I'm washing off the death, Sessy!" Inuyasha replied cheerfully, scrubbing at his silver hair.

Sess leaned back against a wall and looked up at the sky. The words `why me' formed on his lips before he curled into a fetal position and sobbed at the way his day had been going.

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there you go! Sorry that it took so long, but Akina and I had to come up with everything we wanted to put in this chapter, and we were also appearing in a play…plus, I've been rather depressed and heartsick lately over a long-term crush, so…my writing ain't been all that swell. Thank you for all the reviews, everyone! ^_^ *skips off to cuddle and play footsie* ^_~


~~Akina Kumi-Tami