InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Conversations Concerning...'That' ❯ Kikyo and her Cooties ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hello, it's us again. Akina's sitting next to me right now, so this one will be rather direct.

Akina: kudos to us! ^_^

Tsuki: yes, kudos! ^.~ I love this story…BUUUURRRR-IIIITTT-OOOOO!

Akina: heh heh heh. Zim. Heh heh heh.

(pppssstt…review replies are on the bottom this time, k?)

Akina: (while we're writing) and the plot thickens…

Tsuki: dum dum duh!

<cell phone buzzes>

Tsuki: crap.

Akina: watch your language! This is a PG-13 story!

Tsuki: T_T why…?

Akina: =_=;;;;;;;;;;;;; why do I have to be the one that deals with you. NO MORE POCKY!

Tsuki: *dies*

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~

Inuyasha waited until he saw that Sesshoumaru was no longer paying attention to him. The older boy had looked up at the ceiling to apparently converse with the tiles. That was fine by the little hanyou, who took the opportunity to run point-blank away.

Stark. Naked.

Running into a crowd of elderly and scandalized humans, he grinned stupidly when people started screaming.

"Oi!" Miroku called. Inuyasha turned towards the sound of the voice.

"Hey," he said casually.

"We should…probably, um…leave…" Miroku whispered, several of his elders gathering about to glare at him. "Um…oh, hi dad!"

Unable to fully comprehend the trouble that his best friend was in for `knowing the streaker', Inuyasha wandered off in search of…well, clothes.

Wearing what had once been a drapery, Inuyasha strode purposefully towards the local shrine. If he wasn't mistaken, there were many girls in that area. He had decided to test out Miroku's theories for himself. After all, it would only be so long until Sess found him again.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

Sesshoumaru looked back down to find his annoying kid brother had run off again.

"Damnit," he swore, clenching a fist.

That was when he realized that he had not accomplished his personal goal in hunting down his brother.

The. Tensigah. Was. Missing.

Suffering a minor heart attack, Sess had to be revived by the local parimedics. They had been out and about because there had apparently been some sort of midget stripper epidemic which had caused several elderly folks to suffer the same problems the teen had, for totally different reasons.

Hmm…midget stripper epidemic…sounds like-but no, that's impossible.

Shaking his head to get any thoughts of his brother and his brother's little friend out of his mind, he scanned the area for a small head of silver hair.

Where the hell would he have run off to?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

Inuyasha was having the time of his life. He was surrounded by girls (even though he wasn't really old enough to be having mushy feelings), and knew in the back of his mind that this was a very good thing. Grinning toothily, he remembered suddenly his reason for coming.

He discovered that there was a young girl about his age sitting a short distance away from him. In fact, she was within arm distance. Wearing a strange red and white mini-miko outfit, and armed with a mini-miko set of bow and arrows, her brown hair was pulled into a freakishly impossible ponytail.

Yes, he decided, this girl would do nicely.

Reaching out a hand, he…


"AARRRGGGGHHH!" she screamed, jumping up and fitting a mini-arrow to her mini-bow.

Inuyasha also jumped up, taking the tic in her forehead to be a bad thing.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~

Sesshoumaru didn't need a lot of time to find his brother. He realized that the soon-to-be-dead child had taken his sword. Thus, finding him would once again accomplish two goals at once.

After the resounding `smack' noise echoed across the mountain valley (since there is now a mountian valley, because we have authoress powers-mwhahahahahahahaha!), and the aggrivated girlish scream that followed, Sess had little to no doubts of his brother's whereabouts.

Well, at least now I'll have help killing the idiot and a plausable story to cover his disapearence.

And his death will not only bring me pure happiness, but if I kill him now I'm only that much closer to Ross, Tania, and Little Jimmy.

Not even remotely disturbed by the thoughts in his own head, Sess noded and smacked a fist into the open palm of his other hand, nodding decisively as he did.

And then…I'll get myself some cheesecake to celebrate life as an only child once again. You can never go wrong with cheesecake.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

Darting about as if he were a trained acrobat, Inuyasha managed somehow to find his way out of the shrine.

"Do that flippy thing again," the girl said, shooting another pink arrow at him.

"What do you think this is? I'm fighting for my life here."

"Life? Naw, these will only purify you."

Inuyasha blinked. "Cut it with all the big words, you stupid shriney person! That arrow's pink and pink equals girls and girls equal COOTIES!"

She blinked. "Cooties?" the arrow lowered to the ground and she aimed a level glare at him instead. "What are those?"

Inuyasha was shocked. She had never heard of cooties before? Obviously, this girl carried them. It was the only plausable explaination.

"Well, um…shrine person…cooties are bad."

She blinked. "My name's Kikyo. And I had already deduced that they were bad, thank you."

"Again with the words! What are you, the head of your pack or something?"

"Pack?" she asked stupidly.

"Pack," he agreed, not knowing any better. "Who taught you about life, baka? Cooties are the only life-threatening thing that there is!"

"I can think of a lot of other life-threatening things." Kikyo tilted her head. "But I won't. You know, you have cute ears."

Inuyasha's eyes got as round as saucers. "Cute?" he squeaked.

"Yeah. Acutally, I'll forgive you for what you did before if I can touch them."

He clamped his hands over his head. "AAARRRGGGHHH! STAY AWAY, PSYCHO COOTIE BEAST!"

Running now for his life as well as his manly pride, Inuyasha ran straight into something solid. (Dum dum duh).

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

Sess was glad that he had found his brother in the company of a girl. At least he knew that the child wasn't engaged in nefarious acts with another little boy. However, judging from the cute-puppy look on the little creature's face, Inuyasha had a serious stalker on his hands.

He watched at they chased each other around again, mouth twitching slightly at his younger brother's exclaimation.

I swear that I was never that stupid.

Joyfully for him, Inuyasha turned and ran straight into his open arms. Picking up the little hanyou and slinging him over his shoulder like a large bag of books, Sesshoumaru walked in the direction of their home.

"Bye Inuyasha! See you tomorrow!" Kikyo said, waving energetically.

Inuyasha made a `hmmph' noise and glared icily at her.

Well…things could have been worse. He could have been completely gay.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

there you go! It's our best friend's birthday, we have to leave early. Sowwie. Akina has to leave me…T_T

Thank you all so much for your reviews! We love you, we're going to respond right now. Yay, maybe she doesn't have to leave! Thank you…^_^ ack, her cell phone voulme is really REALLY loud. Akina's mom is talking while I type…anyway, sorry that it's taking so long for us to update. We really do love this story, it's just rare that we come up with ideas. And don't worry, Sess will eventually see the end of Ross, Tania, and Little Jimmy's story. ^_~

<only four reviews after the few we got before? T_T>

fuf the confuzzled it means that you obviously have too many nicknames, since you didn't appear to remember that one. *rolls eyes* crazy girl with her taco epidemic…

UsagiKurari why yes, that was our next chapter! And there are several more planned, actually…(as of now) Don't worry about your sister, I have two to myself and Akina has a little brother (Tsuki: he's so adorable! ^_^ Akina: *twitch*) instead of wanting to rip her head off, lock her in a closet and feel fulfilled.

akina kumi-tami (this is my co-author) um…thanks for reviewing for US again. ^_^ and…um…thank you…and…I said all my stuff in my own review, as you very well know. So…um…heh…yeah. I like this chap better than the last one, personally.

Tsuki-no-oni (this IS the co-author) don't worry Tsuki, we all know you're not pathetic. (Tsuki: mostly) So, where are those chili-cheese fries? In Canada you say? (Tsuki: Why yes. In Canada. Next Friday in fact) Gr. Oh well. And if you don't recall, I almost DID chew your head off when you claimed the idea, but you word just so much better than I ever could have. And so, I will hand back over the keyboard, and patiently await my next plate of REAL chili-cheese fries.

Kumiko I got a review from mediaminer! Yay! *dances* we're both so incredibly happy! Thank you! *dances some more*