InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Conversations Concerning...'That' ❯ The End is Revealed ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Tsuki: *sleeps*

Akina: No! We're going to write more! Wake up wake up wake up wake--*beats Tsuki with giant waffle*--up! WAKE UP!


Akina: =_=;;;;;;;

Tsuki: @_@ g'morning!

Akina: it's four o'clock in the afternoon you baka, get up and type!

Tsuki: so…I'm just your typing slave?

Akina: …yes.

Tsuki: well, if you're my idea taco, then…I suppose that it works. *sings*

Akina: I have a hammer, that's not too wise.

Tsuki: *gives in* fine, we'll update. Sheesh, always wanting to update…

Akina: ^_^

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

"Where are we going, Sess-fluff?"

"What did you just call me? Don't repeat it. No pet names."

"Oooooh-kkaaaayyyy…." Inuyasha said with a small huff. "Grumpy."

"Mm," Sesshoumaru replied, not really paying attention to his idiot little brother. "Now, if you just hold still, I can find out what happened to Ross, Tania, and Little Jimmy and then you may escape me with your life."

"With…my…" Inuyasha trailed off, struggling to comprehend what it was that Sess was telling him.

"That's right," Sesshoumaru snapped, storming into their home. "WENCH!"

The frightening human woman appeared almost instantly, glowering up at him. "How many times, Sesshoumaru? Do I have to talk with your father again?"

"No," he muttered.

"Let's hear it," she demanded, tapping one foot.

"Stepmother," he said through gritted teeth.

Immediately, she brightened up. Grinning in a manner that would have been charming if she were any other person and not the scary human wench that she was, she clapped her hands. "Oh, goody! You found Inuyasha! I'll see about your book now, okay? Maybe after dinner, sweetie,"

"Sweetie?" he growled, putting down his little brother. "You mean that while I went through mental hell to bring your perverted little kid back here, you were lounging around doing nothing? How am I supposed to find out what happens? How?!"

"I know what book you were reading. Ross left Tania and Little Jimmy died."


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

Inuyasha tiptoed away from his brother and his mother. He knew somewhere that things were yet to be resolved, but he didn't know just how important these things were.

When he heard Sesshoumaru's anguished scream, he knew just how important the loose ends to the story were. Namely, either the teen had finally cracked over the ending of his book, or he had realized that the sword was missing.


"Eep!" he exclaimed, breaking into a full-out run.

It would be a race for his life, a race for understanding, and…cheesecake.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

Sesshoumaru was seeing red. Quite literally, since demons have the nifty eye trick. Looking all spiffy with his red eyes, Sesshoumaru was tearing up the mountian and his father's home with one thought on his mind.

I will KILL my brother.

Several flashes of red alerted him immediately to the hanyou's escape route. Why the boy had chosen the only color he couldn't use to his advantage, Sess would never know. He was as obvious as a flamingo amongst a pack of penguins.

When did I get so romantic with my words? Sess wondered. Ah, oh well. Right now, I have to stay focused. Must KILL the hanyou.

But…the ending…that stupid wench…aw, (Akina: Tsuki, don't you dare write that word! *lifts waffle of choice* Tsuki: ooooohhhkaaaayyyy….) screw it.

Filled with a renewed sense of purpose, the youkai continued on his death rage. Inuyasha began to scream wherever he was, quickly alerting his brother to his exact whereabouts.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

Run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run.

-followed by a chorus of-


And then there was…


"Awck!" Inuyasha cried.

"Awck? What the hell does that mean, baka? And what the hell did you do to my sword?!"


"Very good, now where is it?"

A retarded jumble of syllables was then issued from the frantic hanyou's young mouth, confusing the teen to the point of true irritation.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~

Grumbling and realizing that his retarded brother was never going to admit where he had left the precious sword, Sesshoumaru was left with only his logic to help him.

Tensigah hadn't been at the shrine with the stalker, which could only mean that it was in one other place.

Suddenly, Sess felt cold.

That perversing perverted boy has my Tensigah. The little perversing pervert had better not be doing perverted perverse things to my preciously non-perverted prevert-free sword (which is not preverted, perversing, perverse, or any other term of the word perv).

This was cause enough for the teen to shiver, despite the lack of cold air. Actually, it was summery and quite warm out, being Japan and not frickin' stupid cold Michigan in the US. (Akina: *growls* it was a close call, Tsuki. Let's not let those fingers slip. Tsuki: fingers…? Oh, yes, I'm typing aren't I? ah…well, I hate Michigan. Akina: this isn't the time nor place for this discussion. Foo-chee! (happy whip noise that Tsuki makes all the time))

Rolling his eyes, Sesshoumaru had no choice but to pick up his brother once again (like he had when this chapter started), and set off into the wild to find the perverted boy.

There was no point in asking why, because now he knew the answer. It was his God-given destiny to educate the hanyou child in the ways of the world and prevent such a terrible day from ever occouring again.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~

Tsuki: and there we go.

Akina: heh. All done!

Tsuki: too bad we don't video record us writing these odd chapters. I mean, this time we both stopped and sat here with our arms in the air going "foo chee foo chee". ^_^

Akina: ^_~

Tsuki: and I mean, we've been doing entertaining things this whole time, but you're missing it because you're not here and we have no means of explaining our antics.

Akina: *whispers behind Tsuki's back* don't mind her, she's insane. One coffee too many this morning. I tried to stop her.

Tsuki: *whispers* she did. Why are we whispering?

Akina: because I'm going to kill you if you don't review reply now, and I didn't want the sudden silence to be a shock.

Tsuki: …O_o

Akina: (this is really the real Akina typing) that's the last time I ever let you speak as me, I'm not the sadistic part of the duo.

Tsuki: heh. She says she's not sadistic. Heh. Silly little waffle, everyone has a special sadistic place in their hearts.


Tsuki: eep! Yes, right away Chrissy…(ppst, these were written this morning, about six hours before the chapter and while Tsuki was still on her coffee binge)

fuf (colleen--ya happy??) how is it scary? *bobs head to Lestat* shows how many times I've checked reviews lately if you wrote on Tara's b-day…*sweatdrops*

UsagiKurari heh. On one occasion, I just sat on my annoying little sister until my parents got home. It was great fun, especially when she decided not to breathe any more. (don't worry, she's not actually dead-unfortiunately). I don't think you'll ever understand our analogy, because we really don't get it either. ^_~ and when that happens, it's pretty much futile to hope any more…

Mai Wheeler You must be Chrissy's Butcher buddy. *shakes hand* nice to meet you, I'm Tsuki and I go to Lakeview because I was too stupid to pass the Butch test! ^_~ thank you for the very nice review. (heh-it's me that writes these chapters! Christine is just my idea taco! *cackles* thank you thank you I try I try…)

Mai Wheeler my name was changed? Sorry. I love my dumb Inu, and that stupid guy can keep his girlfriend for all I really care right now-so all is back to normal! (except that I'm still sad, I just won't admit it…=_=;;) I love that sentence, it's just like a giant waffle. ^_^

Akina: if you would stop with the Zim references in our review replies, no one would think we were insane.

Tsuki: but where's the fun in that? I mean, you got your happy Butch friends to review. *becomes suddenly well-mannered since Akina is breathing down her neck* um…right. I'll reply some more now, kk?

Akina: *deadpan* kk.

Maiwheeler yeah, we liked that idea a lot. *reaches for coffee*

Akina: you're…drinking…what?! *grabs cup* noooo! You'll be hyper and scary for the rest of the day!

Tsuki: *nods* uh-huh! *downs fifth cup* and once I've had seven, I shake uncontrollably!

Akina: *smacks head on table* it's too early for you to write replies, obviously.

rose19 we tend to delay updates for as long as possible, since we both have jobs right now and sleepovers are getting to be a small hassle. Sorry. Maybe this Friday, since we're both taking a lovely trip to-CANADA! Whooooooo! …thank you for the review, but I don't really want to leave… ^_~

Tsuki: *whispers* that one was okay…right?

Akina: nearly. Be nicer, they took the time to review. They should be hero-worshiped.

Tsuki: I know…and this is a lot nicer than Mediaminer…

Akina: *nods*

Tsuki: bye everyone! We'll update never!

Akina: tomorrow. We'll be in Canada on Friday, we will update most likely Saturday.

Tsuki: yep, never!

Akina: AAAAUUUGGGHHH! *runs and jumps Tsuki*