InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Conversations Concerning...'That' ❯ In which we talk more than normal ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Tsuki: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Akina: it's late on a Saturday night, and we have nothing better to do than…update!

Tsuki: acutally, I am a bad beta reader and have been stalling for time-er, unable to taskmaster…

Akina: =_=

Tsuki: ^_~ let there be light! *turns on nifty lamp she found* nifty, yes?

Akina: yeah. Hey look, it's not going bold automatically!

Tsuki: *dances, cheers, and hops about the room*

Akina: right. Well, on with CCT, okay? Tsuki? Tsuki…TSUKI!

Tsuki: ^_^ hey, did you know my name means `moon demon'? and or, `demon of the moon'.

Akina: …she thought it sounded cool.

Tsuki: *sticks out tongue* shows what you know. `Tsuki' I gleaned from a song in my gig book and `no Oni' I stole because I couldn't just be Tsuki. I mean, `moon'? It's just weird.

Akina: ah. STORY!

Sesshoumaru walked along, Inuyasha over his shoulder. He pondered the fact that the last chapter had begun this way as well, but decided that thinking about his own life as a book would drive him insane. That's what happened to Tsuki, but he doesn't know who she is, so we'll continue and stop explaining things, because we realize that you don't care.

`Nyway, Sesshoumaru was walking along with Inuyasha over his shoulder, having a gay old time boping the kid's head into low hanging branches whenever he could. The hanyou was not happy nor gay, and vocally complained about Sess' educational methods incessently.

"How is this teaching me anything, baka? You're bonking my head into trees and walking towards the human village!"

"Yes, but why is the village there? That's what you have to think about. What is the deeper meaning behind the tree itself?"

"It's that it frickin hurts!"

(Akina: heh. PG-13.

Tsuki: I gotcha.)

They had reached the village. Sesshoumaru realized suddenly that there was no way to catch the pervert-child and hold his brother on his shoulder at the same time.

Thus, he was faced with a choice. Kill the pervert-child, or kill his brother.

Brother = book. Pervert = sword. What is more important to me?

Sesshoumaru stood there contemplating this when the answer hit him in the head. Actually, it had been Inuyasha, but that's okay too.

He put the hanyou down and bopped him on the head. "Stay," he commanded.

With that, he walked off to find the pervert-child and whallop him until he spit up the Tensigah.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

Inuyasha watched Sesshoumaru walk off. For a few minutes, he stood in place and waited for his brother. In another couple of minutes, he realized that his brother was taking a long time and that he could easily run away. After a few more minutes, Inuyasha hesitantly took a step.

He flinched, as if expecting the sky to open up and rain firey Sesshoumaru doom down upon his little head. When one of the adult monks bopped him on the head with his monk-stick, he screamed like that Sesshoumaru doom had found him and was trying to turn his head inside out.

That was when he noticed the severe lack of Sesshoumaru in the village.

Grinning with triumph, he turned and ran out of the village. He didn't stop running, either. Oh no, he kept going until he ended up completely lost-just because he was bound to get lost sometime, as stupid as he's degenerated into.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

Sesshoumaru vs. Pervert-child, Part I

There, higher up on the hill just outside of the village. Sesshoumaru saw the midget pervert spinning about with the Tensigah, as if he could actually weild it.

Pervert-child was actually singing a song. It was a girly song, one that you probably know. He was so caught up in his spinning and his singing that he didn't even notice Sesshoumaru approach.

I love you,

You love me,

We're a happy family,

With a great big hug,

And a kiss from me to you,

Won't you say you love me too?

(Akina: *gags* I-knew-that-song!

Tsuki: yeah, well according to you I screwed up the lyrics. And I'm the preschool helper, not you, stupid taco. Why do you know that song?

Akina: *mumble mumble* …favorite show… *mumble mumble*

Tsuki: *hides* help, she's gonna kill me for typing! I'm sorry, typing is like breathing! I just can't stop!

Akina: but you told my secret! *takes away keyboard*

Tsuki: *chokes* ok, I'll go back to the story! Geez, go calm down and watch a few reruns, will ya?)

Sesshoumaru began to twitch. He didn't stop.

Pervert-child began to sing louder and more off-key as he saw Sesshoumaru advancing.

The teen fell to the ground in agony, hands over his powerful youkai ears and whimpering like a baby.

AnouncerPersonFromNowhere: aaaaaaaannnnnndddd, it's Miroku: 1, Sesshoumaru: 0! Who will win in this battle of fates? Stay here for more!

Sesshoumaru sat up and strangled the announcer man. "Make-It-Stop!" he snarled in the dying man's face.

The dying man died.

"Thanks a lot," Sess muttered, trying to find an opening in the pervert-child's attack. He soon discovered that there was none. "Apathy-fading-loosing-conciousness-uhhgg…."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

Tsuki: we're going to be evil and end this there. But we have more ideas-oh yes, many more. Also--*cries*--THE END IS NEAR! Really, like we only have planned for a couple more chapters, so far as we're aware.

Akina: why are you saying this, then?

Tsuki: so that the sudden silence of my melodious keyboard doesn't shock them too badly.

Akina: *thinks back* because I'm going to kill you if you don't review reply now, and I didn't want the sudden silence to be a shock. You're obviously low on creativity today.

Tsuki: hey, you were talking about my screen name, there was only one cup of coffee this morning. My dad made it and he's lazy and didn't put in enough milk or sugar. It sucked.

Akina: right. Coffee. Ick.

Tsuki: *kills the barney-watching fiend* and now, a spanish interlude.

Todos: yaaayyy! *bailamos*

Tsuki: es muy malo. Muy malo…mi taco es termina! Aaaawwwww…

Akina: …my taco is dead? Ai Ai Ai Ai!

Tsuki: Ah! I caramba!

Akina: *chases her down*

Tsuki: no! no termina la Tsuki! Yo es `writer' del ustedes!

Akina: I don't care about any steadies or terminators, I only care about review replies! Foo-chee! Foo-chee! Foo-chee!

Tsuki: heh. Heh heh heh. She said `foo chee' while I was typing. Heh.