InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Cry ❯ Chapter One - Kagome ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Okay. First Inuyasha fic. Don't be too harsh on me. Inuyasha is a little bit of a bastard to begin with but, he gets better. I promise! If characters are OOC, don't blame me. I've only seen the show like, a total of 5 times.

DISCLAIMER: Don't own it. Why do you ppl keep asking? Don't own Cry either. Faith Hill's gonna be after my ass…


"Inuyasha?" I asked turning over in my sleeping bag to look at him. The dog-half-demon was perched, perfectly still on the narrow step that led down into the inn's courtyard. The moon was a few days to being full that night and it's placid light caught his white hair just right as he slowly turned to face me. The moon beams gave him a beautiful angelic aura, even though I knew this wasn't the case in real life.

"What do you want, bitch?" he grunted. Even though I whispered, I knew he could hear me. His dog shaped ears that were nestled in his ivory hair could pick up even the smallest, quietest whispers.

"Where's the Tetsiga?"

"In its sheath, over there, by the wall, why?"

"Oh, I hadn't seen it, you know, since the battle and…"

"It's whereabouts are of no concern to you mortal. Go to sleep and leave me be. I wish you would do less talking and more finding sometimes," I sighed as he turned back around, his crimson haori rustling slightly with the movement.

Even though it was a harsh statement, it was predictable of Inuyasha. The `finding' he was referring to was my sixth sense of being able to pick up jewel shards. This jewel, if any demon would possess it, would give him great powers or in Inuyasha's case, make him a full demon. That's why he wanted it and that was the only reason, he claimed, that he kept me around.

I believed him. But that was only one reason why. I knew another.

I knew that I looked like Kikyou, a priestess that 50 years ago, stuck Inuyasha to a tree because she thought that he had betrayed her love in him. Or at least she thought so. Niroku, a shape-shifting demon, had gotten in a fight with Kikyou and she died later from battle wounds. The main point of this story that you need to know is that Inuyasha loved her. A lot! He was even going to give up being a demon so he could be with her!

Since I look like her, and might even be her reincarnation, that brings back some bad memories and so on and so on. This is why he's not really nice to me. I pretty much have to battle my way through every day to even get something to drink sometimes. Eating is completely optional. In fact, in the past three months, I think I've lost at least forty-five pounds. I didn't weigh that much to begin with, only about 125. Go `head, try and tell me that's healthy.

My stomach rumbled, reminding me that I hadn't fed it in a couple of days. I thought back to the lone apple I ate four days ago.

This interruption of his silent contemplations received a warning growl from Inuyasha.

"I'm sorry but…" I sighed, stopping myself. It wouldn't do any good to complain. I winced and grabbed my upper thigh in pain as I turned in my sleeping bag again, trying to find a comfortable spot.

I thought of a song, while I was laying there, cold and alone. I started to sing softly, not really caring if Inuyasha paid any attention to me or not, although I wished he would turn and, never mind….

If I had, Just one,

Tear rollin' down your cheek,

Maybe, I could,

Hope I'd get some sleep,

If I had, Just one,

Moment at your expense,

Maybe all my misery, would be well,

Spent, yeah

Could you cry a little?

Lie a just little?, pretend that you're feeling,

A little more pain,

I gave now I'm wantin',

Something in return,

So cry just a little,

For me.

If your love, Could be caged,

Honey I would hold the key,

And conceal it underneath,

The pile of lies you handed me

And you'd hunt,

Those lies, they'd be all you'd ever find,

That'd be all you'd have to know,

For me to be,

Fine, yeah

And you'd cry a little,

Die just a little, and baby I'd feel,

Just a little less pain,

I gave now I'm wanting,

Something in return,

So cry just a little

For me.

I finished my little song and turned over, making sure my back was to Inuyasha. I really didn't feel like looking at him tonight.

"You…wake up! Wake up baka!" a sharp kick was delivered into my side in response to my slow and sluggish movements. I winced again and sat up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I unzipped my sleeping bag, finally waking as the fresh, cold morning air rushed into it.

Inuyasha stopped walking away from me and turned, his sensitive dog nose sniffing. I stopped also, a cold feeling of dread settling in my stomach.

"I smell blood. It's coming from an old wound though," he looked straight at me with his amber-yellow eyes slitted. It was amazing how Inuyasha could pick out things like that, I had to be more careful! I quickly scratched open an old scar on my hand with my nail. I sighed slightly as I remember the night that Inuyasha had given that to me with his long, razor-sharp claws. I hadn't filled up the water jug enough and I had stupidly started to complain about not having enough to drink after he was through with it.

I held the slightly bleeding finger up to him.

"Oops, must've scratched myself in my sleep. It happens," I allowed myself to laugh a little, my face showing a apathetic, blank demeanor.

He knew I was lying, I knew he could tell. His nose, no matter how sensitive, couldn't have picked up a small scratch like that and he knew it. I just hoped he wouldn't force me to tell the truth. I knew lying to him would bring a severe punishment.

"Do you feel a jewel shard near by? It's been days since I've found one," he turned to open the window in our small, hot room. I noticed that the sun hadn't even risen yet. I also took notice of how Inuyasha said `I've found one'. Didn't he realize that I was the one doing the finding?

"Uh…it's about a day's walk off. Not too far," I said rolling up my sleeping bag, dreading the day's walk ahead of me. My thigh was killing me even more now, every time I moved was like a sharp knife poking my skin. I had tried to bandage it up, but it bled right through the cotton square, so I left it on, hoping the dried blood would act as a scab and keep me from losing too much blood over the next few hours. I would fool around with it later, out of Inuyasha's sight of course.

Inuyasha and I left the inn as soon as possible to avoid the innkeeper. We had never paid the night before, oh hell, we never paid, what was I saying? We didn't have any money to anyways. We were as good as thieves.

Around mid-morning, I noticed that I was limping considerably, but Inuyasha didn't seem notice. I breathed a sigh of relief. I didn't want him to find out. I knew he would be angry if he did. He'd call me weak and worthless and would probably leave me to die somewhere. I bit my tongue to suppress tears that threatened to come. Why was I crying? Did I actually wish I had the half-demon's sympathy? What was I, crazy?! He'd never feel for me like I did for him. I wasn't sure that he was even capable of having emotions. If he was, he certainly didn't show it.

It was around noon, the sun was full and hot that day and I was starting to get light-headed, the world spinning around me furiously.

I started to sing again to help keep my head from spinning too badly…

Give it up baby,

I hear you're doin' fine,

Nothing gonna save me,

`Til I see it in your eyes.

Some kind of heartache,

Honey, give it a try.

I don't want pity,

I just want what is,

Mine, yeah.

"Inuyasha, can we stop for lunch? Are you hungry?" I almost pleaded with the half-demon, stopping my singing. If it wasn't my wound that was making me light-headed, it was definitely hunger.

"No, as a matter of fact, I am not hungry, mortal. Keep walking," I suppressed another wave of tears as the pain in my leg kept increasing with every step I took.

Soon, the road was spinning under my feet and the trees seemed to sway, even though there was no wind. Just when I thought I could not take another step, I heard Inuyasha stop dead in his tracks. I stopped also, thanking God for the short rest he was giving me.

I didn't turn to face Inuyasha, as I was walking in front of him, but I could hear him sniffing again.

"Do you smell that Kigome? I smell blood again, the same smell I smelled this morning. It's so strong, it's sick blood. Poisoned blood," I froze and looked down at my leg. Sure enough, the band aid had finally given up and blood was flowing freely down my right leg. I gasped and knelt down to try and wipe it with my skirt, but I knelt too quickly. I became very dizzy and instead fell on all fours, my throat heaving. If had had anything in my stomach, it would have been on the dirt road by now. I couldn't breathe and the world was spinning.

"Inuyasha!" I cried out to him as my arms gave out below me and I fell, face first into the dry dirt road.


He he, evil cliffie. If I don't get at least 5 reviews, I'm not posting the rest. The next half is from Inuyasha's POV. Come on, let's see those reviews ppl!