InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Dance on ice ❯ escape plans ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Dance on ice

Chapter 5 Escape plans ...

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Hope you like it!

Slowly opening her eyes, Kagome looked before her startled.Since when did she have anything silver

around ? Letting her eyes readjust to the dim light of the room, Kagome turned her head towards it, watching soft red and golden flames casting shadows around the room. Turning around in the other way this time she saw the most perfect face.

She remembered hearing from her mother, that watching boys sleep was like watching babies.

She vaguely wondered what her mother would say watching him sleep. He was no boy, he was a man, a god.

Warm lights danced on his skin, played in his

silver hair, accentuated his red lips... What would it be like to...

Slowly taking the hand which was settled on his

back, she brushed the silver bags from his face,

marveling in the softness of his skin.

,,Feel something you like?" a sleepy voice suddenly asked, startling her.

,,Should I?" she whispered, continuing with her soft


Opening his eyes he looked at her, deciding to

let her continue with the gentle moves. She was beautiful, her ebony hair was like fan around her, shining in the light of the fire. Her milky skin now had a golden touch, her lips a warm light and her eyes a enchanting sparkle.

,,See something you like?" she asked like he did earlyer.

Bringing his face to her ear he kissed it and mumbled a maybe, before continuing to place kisses on her neck, making her shiver in delight.

Tangling her hands in his hair she brought his head up and locked eyes with him, getting lost in

those golden orbs.

Sesshoumaru was slowly leaning down, giving her the chance to turn away, but yet she didn't. Just as

she could feel his warm breath tickling her skin, just as his eyes were so close she was in danger of loosing herself, just as she was about to feel his lips upon hers ...


Sighing Sesshoumaru reached above Kagome's head

to get the phone and answer it.

,,Yes." he began.

,,Here I finaly find you my son." the so well known voice of his father started.

,,Talk." Sesshoumaru simply commanded.

,,So impatient, well anyway it is time to assume your role as ,well you know who you are."

,,Again, what do you want? And talk faster."

,,But it is simple my son, you have to assume

your title and marry a fine young lady, Rin, you will surely find her suiting." his father continued.

,,Well think about it, you have two days, oh and stop with that skating." and with that it was over.


Kagome didn't know what to think, first he was about to kiss her and then he just ignored her, completely. Glancing at him from her spot at his side in the car, she noticed he was still rather brutally ignoring her. That call, it was all about that stupid call.She desperetly wanted to know what it was about, but seeing his distant look made it practicly impossible to find out the subtle way so maybe a direct approach would be better?

,,Sessh, what was the call about?" Kagome asked sitting herself so she was leaning on the car door facing him.

,,Nothing ." he responded dismissively.

,,Nothing my ass .Tell me." Kagome tried again.

Glancing at her out of the corner of his eyes, he saw she was not going to let this go, but yet neither did he. Then something suddenly popped up in his mind, the salvation to all this.

,,Kagome, you want us to win, correct?" he asked.

,,Your point?" Kagome asked still surprised at the chills the simple action of saying her name brought.

,,That call was my father. You see I am the first heir to a very big fortune and my father always

hated my skating." he continued.

,,Oh, so what does he want?"she asked surprised.

Glancing at her again, he asked himself if it really was wise to propose such a plan to her,

but the other option ....hhhnnn, no.

,,He wants me to marry a girl he has chosen and take over the companies of my family."

Kagome just looked at him wide eyed.

,,When?" she whispered.Yet she desperetly wanted to ask something else.

,,Now." he answered.

,,There is no way to get past this?" she whispered


,,There is." he answered eyeing her strangely, almost predatoryly.

,,Well?" she snapped. ,,What is it?"

,,Someone would have to pretend to be my wife, the companies could be taken care of easily without interrupting my training, but if her companies get subscribed to me, well I would have no choice than to retreat." he answered.

,,So, then that's what you'll do. You don't exactly

have another choice."

,,Well said, so when do we get married?"