InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Dance on ice ❯ you are what ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Dance on ice

Chapter7 You are what?

Hi guys! As you have noticed I have a new story, it's called '1 out of 12' it's sort of a police novel, anyway the chapters are going to be real long once the action starts, so I'll only be able to update it once a week maybe,or even worse, once in two weeks.

Walking into one of those endless corridors, Sesshoumaru sighed. Why did his trainer only arrive tomorrow, and why did he leave them in this giant house, with no guide what so ever?

Even with his sense of orientation, it was frustrating.

Then he heard it. Her voice, coming from somewhere downstairs. She was singing, he realised, and it was beautiful, her voice soft and strong not squeeling.

But then again, her voice was one ,her temper

another. And he would really have preferred telling her this after training when she was tired. Maybe then , she would not yell, like he expected her to.

Sighing again, he went down some stairs he found and entered the kitchen, watching her moves, subconsciously complementing her grace.


After their talk, they had driven back to their

training place, or should you say palace?

Kagome was still unsure, it was really annoying

to move around in all these corridors, not even

knowing if you're on the right way or not.

Sesshoumary had the room beside hers, but

yet she had heard nothing from him for about

two hours, and thought she would go downstairs

and prepare some food.

Turning on the CD player she had brought, she

started to sing to the soft tunes, which filled the room with life. Soon she had a feeling

someone was was watching her, so she turned around, locking her eyes with amber mirrors of

the soul. He was leaning against the doorframe, observing her casually, as if it was something he did on regular bases.


,,Hi. I thought I should make some dinner." she told him nervously, smiling at him.

,,Good thinking. I unpacked. Kagome, I need to tell

you something." he announced quietly, his voice loosing his usual coldness, in fact it had lost that tone since this morning, she noticed.

,,Sure." she said, turning to the food again.

,,I'm youkai." Direct, calm, totally unimpressed.

Turning to him, she looked at him wide-eyed.

He wasn't kidding, she realised, he was too formal, to do that, and too direct to lie.

,,You're youkai. The youkai I heard about in stories."she whispered.

Walking towards her, he first thought she was going to turn away, but she stayed, and he turned the fire from her rice off.

,,Yes." he replied quietly.

,,What kind?" she asked, looking at him shocked, and still whispering.

,,You know about youkai." he told her simply.

,,My grandfather was a priest." she answered, pleading for an answer for her previous question.

,,Inu-youkai." he answered .

,,So you can become a dog?" she asked hesitantly and upon seeing him nod she continued. ,,You have another form, when you're not a dog."

,, My humanoid form." he agreed.

,,Show it to me?" she asked with puppy dog eyes.Without even answering, he dropped his spell, almost smiling at her gasp.


Wow, as a human he was handsome, extremely handsome, but as youkai, oh God , he was gorgeous.

Two magenta stripes had appeared on his cheeks, contrasting the pale skin, just as the crescent moon, on his forehead. And of top of that, he had a tail, a big white fluffy tail! Kawaii!

Kagome walked towards him and instantly started to pet his tail. Sesshoumaru sighed, women and fluffy things. But the thought soon vanished, as her soft fingers, trailed patterns in his tail.

To his own dismay, he couldn't hold back a purr, resulting in a giggle from her.

Snapping his eyes open, he let his tail go around her, encircling her waist, bringing her to him, smirking as another gasp made it's way to his ears.

Blushing , Kagome realised, just in what position they were in, he had his tail around her, holding her to his chest.

Slowly he let one of his hands, trail along her

arms, which now rested on his chest, making her shiver, and him to smirk even wider.

Looking up at him she saw his eyes trained on her, the same eyes, she had always lo-liked so much. Then she noticed his pointed, and slowly, ignoring the chills his claws running up her other arm gave her, she touched his ears, softly

tracing their outline, making him purr yet again.


,,You purr." she stated , giggling as he growled.

wanted to tell you something else as well." he answered, tangling his hand in her hair, combing

gently through it.

,,What?" she asked, reveling in the warm feeling which suddenly filled her.

Tilting her head to the side, he brought his head to her ear, letting his warm breath tickle her skin, while he answered.

,,My family is youkai. So we also have to be

husband and wife by their custom. The crescent

moon I have is the sign that I am the future Lord of the Western Lands, so we have to comply with the youkai bonding as well."

,,How?" she whispered, liking the feeling he granted her, wanting more of it.

But then she suddenly let out a small moan, as he lowered his head, kissing the skin under her ear, running his tongue over it.

have to mark you as mine, I have to bite you and the bite has to scar. It will disappear in three months, if I do not claim you until then."

,,Claim me?" she asked.

,,Make you mine." he answered continuing eith his sweet torture between words, now moving down steadily, until he reached the place where her neck met her shoulder, biting softly.

,,Mark me. I'll try not to...scream." she whispered, her

face flushed by the hot torrent which suddenly

welled up inside her.

Then she felt it, his fangs, sink into her neck, drinking her blood, but strangely it didn't pain her, it was incending, like lava in your body instead of blood.

Sweet so sweet, he thought to himself. The Gods have never tasted such sweetness, have never inhaled such heavenly scent, of jasmines, thunderflowers, lavender... Sweet, all of her, even her skin. Bringing his fangs out of her, he heard her whimper, not of pain, but because he was retreating.

Bringing his head back up he looked at her closed eyes, her flushed cheeks and her cherry parted lips, and then, when she opened her now glassy saphire eyes, he bent down , bringing his lips on hers.

First she had seen his eyes, theyr amber color darkend, and then she had felt, felt his firm yet gentle lips on hers, nibbling softly asking or demanding to be let in.

Parting her lips to him, she tangled her hands in his hair, meeting his tongue, as it explored, battling with it , making her knees go weak, and his hold on her even stronger.

Again she was sweet, sweet and passionate, responding to him, running her tongue against his fangs, like he did with her .

Feeling her position crumble , he smirked into the kiss and tightened his hold on her.

Pulling apart for air, they both panted, resting their foreheads together.

,,So you're inu-youkai." Kagome told him, her breath still ragged, as she placed her fingers on the scar at her neck.

Smirking, Sesshoumaru just bent down capturing her unprepared lips , but refusing to kiss her, when she parted them, he just nibbled at them, teasing her to no end.