InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Define Family ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Define Family

By Hiroko


"Inuyasha? Inuyasha? INUYAHSA!!!!" Kagome bellowed, as she fought to climb up the mouth of the well with her load of weight. "INUYASHA!! Where the Hell are you!? I NEED HELP HERE!!!"

"Kagome?" A face peeked into the mouth of the well. A small boy's face, with fluffy orange hair, and sky-blue eyes was peering in. "You're back!" he chirped.

"Ah, yeah, Shippou. I'm back. Do you mind getting Inuyasha for me? I have a bit of weight on me today." Kagome gasped, as she heaved up her yellow backpack.

"Sure thing!" Shippou the fox demon departed down to the village to get his best friend's order out.

Kagome waited impatiently for a few minutes, sitting in the well, on top of her loaded backpack.

Just when she thought of going back home, her half-demon companion jumped into the well, making her shriek in surprise.

Inuyasha jumped, crouching back as far as possible from Kagome, as if there was room, or less chance of getting the only thing that could control him.

"SIT!!" Kagome yelled, as she stood up.

The poor demon had no resistance over the fact that his head was now 10cm into the dirt floor of the well.

"Wufnitnhglwinr!!!" His shout was muffled by the dirt.

When he finally got his head out of the dirt, he go up, spitting dirt out of his mouth, and snarling.

"What the Hell was THAT for?!" He yelled.

"For scaring me, you dim-wit!" Kagome shrieked.

"How did I scare you?! You're the one that asked me here!!!" Inuyasha growled.

"Ah, just shut up, and carry this thing up, with me!!" Kagome pleaded, noticing that this was not the best to start a fight.

Inuyasha grudgingly picked up the backpack, and scooped up Kagome, and jumped out of the well.

They were greeted by several of their friend.

"Took you a while, eh?" Miroku asked.

"Amazing, how you two could pick a fight out of the smallest of the things." Sango added.

"Yes, yes. I agree." Miroku chirped, as his hand reached out, feeling Sango's bottom.

Sango gritted her teeth, and formed a fist. She punched the intruder, sending him few meters up in the air, and crashing onto the ground.

Miroku's hand that was still out of the dirt quivered comically, while he was half under the ground.

"Some people never learn." Kagome shook her head.

Sango was fuming, with steams coming out of her head.

Inuyasha peeked into the hole Miroku had made, snickering.

Just seeing this, you would think Women dominated this country.

This country that is known as Nippon.

"Come on!" Inuyasha yelled. "I've gotten an information that there's a Shikon-Shard not far away from here, in a place called Shin!!"

"Really? That isn't far from here at all." Sango agreed. Then she looked coldly down at Miroku, who's hands were still twitching, and was sprawling in the ground. "Come on, you pervert. We're going."

And just like that, they all headed out to Shin……………

To be continued…………………

(It better be.)

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AN: Ok, this is my second Inuyasha fic, and the first one in English, so if things don't fit, chill!!! Review please!!! Thanks!!!!!!!