InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Define Family ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Define Family

By Hiroko

Chapter One

"Halt! I said, HALT!!!!" A man's voice boomed over the whole village of Shin. "I order you to halt, you disgrace!!"

A party of about 5 men, all on horseback were running down the main street of Shin, pursuing a girl, which looked about the age of 15.

"No, no, no, and NO!!" the girl shouted, out running the horses.

Her brilliant silver hair lingered in the speed, flying behind her like wings.

"Stop trying to out run his majesty, and stop! You will never succeed!" One of the men yelled.

"You demon, you will not leave here unscratched!!" The Lord shouted over the noise of his horse.

The girl's clothing was rich in color, and was made of fine quality. It was carefully sewn, and looked to be a craftwork of a very talented kimono maker.

Her eyes were cold and though they were bright gold, they showed colors of deep sadness, and angst.

Her face showed no pain, but if any had looked closely enough, they would have seen scratches and bruises on every visible parts of her body.

She fled, through the panic-stricken towns people, and to the large wooden gate, which loomed before her, separating her from her freedom.

She stopped abruptly, and stared, long and up at the gate, which hovered over her like a thundercloud.

Normally, she would have just jumped over the gate.

Normally, she would have taken no pity in killing the annoying pursuers.

But not today.

She could not kill.

She could not even jump, for her ankles were loaded with leads, chained onto cuffs.

She would have just clawed the chains off, but she couldn't today, for she had been drained of her powers by the man, just a few days ago.

She would never forget the face of the woman, the terrible woman who had been called to the Lord of Shin to drain her powers in order for them to torment, and eventually kill her, to make examples of the Lord's powers.

She shouldn't have trusted the human to help her.

She shouldn't have followed him.

She shouldn't have let down her guard.

But she did, and she was doomed.

Unless she somehow gets her demon powers back, she was powerless against these humans, pursing her.

She was able to out run them, but who knows how much more pain she would be able to muster.

The guards and the Lord finally caught up with the girl.

"YOU!! YUKI-HIME!!!" the Lord roared.

The girl, by the name of Yuki, looked away, fighting the urge to punch the old oaf.

"What do you want?" she asked coldly.

"You will return to the castle immediately, with me." The Lord yelled.

"And why would I?" Yuki-Hime sneered, facing the Lord.

"Because, I will kill your mother if you don't." The Lord spat.

Yuki's facial expression suddenly stiffened, but immediately returned to her cold self.

"And how are you going to do that?" She asked, her voice wavering awkwardly.

"Simple. I will send men out to the mountain you were hiding in, and capture her." The Lord sneered.

"And what makes you so sure she is there?" Yuki-Hime questioned.

"I don't. That is why I am sending my men out right now." He smiled wickedly. "But, if you are going to return to the castle with me right now, then I will take the whole affair back. Quickly now, I already have my men out there."

"Lord Hojo!" One of the men yelled. "Pardon me, but we have found what you were looking for!"

"Ah," Hojo smiled, satisfied. "Now, the choices are to have your mother killed, or to come back with me, and your mother's life will be spared."

"And how will I know that you have my mother?" Yuki-Hime challenged, though she was sure it was her mother.

Her mother was a demon, but not all that strong anymore.

A dog is stronger than a human, but with the strange powers at their side, they might be able to kill her as if she were a human.

"Bring her here." Lord Hojo ordered.

"Yes, Sire." The man saluted.

"And don't forget to have her rinsed." He added.

"Yes, Sire!" The man ran back to the castle to carry out his master's orders.

Yuki-Hime began to tremble.

`Rinse' was another word for getting a demon separated from it's powers.

"You won't!!!" She screamed.

"Oh, yes I will. But, if you come back with me, I wouldn't." Lord Hojo smiled coldly.

Yuki-Hime was not sure what to do.

Either her freedom, or her mother's life.

Any sensible person would choose their own, for they knew their mother's life was coming to an end anyways.

But Yuki-Hime could not, and would now.

Where was her brother when she most needed him?

"It will be too late soon." Hojo sneered.

"F-Fine!! I'll go with you! Just, please don't hurt her! How ever you caught her, release her, and don't hurt her!!!" Yuki-Hime blurted out.

"Ganshi, go tell them to stop the ritual." Hojo ordered one of the men satisfied. "And you, hand cuff this young lady, and take her back to the palace."

Yuki-Hime stood stiff, as one of the guards handcuffed her with metal chains in front of her.

How could have she done this?

Why had she trusted the human to tell her where to make a secret potion that could cure her mother's sickness?

"Lord Hojo!!" A voice rang out. "We have her!"

Yuki-Hime stiffened again, horrified.

Her mother, the one who had raised her was laying on top of a horse, chained, and looking as though she was unconscious.

In a terrible state, indeed.

"MOTHER!!" Yuki-Hime wailed.

"Yu…….ki..??" Her mother barley whispered, opening her eyes ever so slightly.

Yuki-Hime shook away the guards, and with all her might, pried off the chains.

She ran over to her sick mother, who had lost all of her demon powers.

"It is I mother. I am sorry. I am sorry…….." Yuki-Hime sobbed into fits of tears.

Her proud, beautiful mother.

The first wife of the Dimaou of the West.

"I guess your decision was made a second too late." Lord Hojo yelled over the crowed, which were peering intensely at the controversy. "For your mother can not be saved. And neither could you."

"How dare you? How could you? My mother……… She had done nothing wrong! It was I! It was I who had done the wrong!! She had done no wrong!!" Yuki-Hime breathed.

"Yu……ki….. I am fine. I will be fine. I would be with your father. Be happy for me. Go free. Do not let these lowly humans destroy your future.." Yuki-Hime's mother gasped.

"Hold the girl!" Lord Hojo commanded, as two of the men lunged towards the wryly girl.

Yuki-Hime struggled, but was still staring, Horrified by the site in front of her.

"Is it just me, or is there something bad going on here?" Kagome wondered out loud, as they stepped into the busy village.

There were merchants, stores, and buggies everywhere, but there were barely anyone in the stores.

"This is funny." Miroku commented. "There is no one here. Usually in a busy village as in this one, there are so many people that it is hard to travel."

"I hear commotion in that direction." Inuyasha pointed out towards the main gate.

"I do too. I wonder what's up?" Sango inquired.

"I… I hear shouting……I…I'm scared!!" Shippou announced. "This doesn't sound good either."

"I smell demons." Inuyasha growled, getting ready to pull his tetsusaiga out of it's sheath.

"I sense a faint demon, I guess trying to conceal itself.." Sango agreed.

"I feel a Shikon-Shard near by!!" Kagome warned others.

"Eep!!!" Shippou screeched, hiding himself under the basket of Kagome's bicycle.

Kirara, the cat demon growled.

"I'm going to go see what's up!" Sango yelled, as she began running towards the center of the village.

"Wait for us!!" the rest of the group followed.

"Kill her." Hojo ordered.

"NO!!!" Yuki-Hime wailed. "Please don't!! Don't!!" she pleaded.

"Yes sire." One of the men unsheathed his katana, and stabbed the poor woman.

Yuki-Hime's mother gave a quick smile at her daughter, and with a painful cry, turned into a large silky dog demon. The unlucky horse on which the demon had ridden was painfully smashed, and killed.

Blood began pumping out of the wound. Her silky fur began to be plastered red. Blood dripped everywhere. She howled, and slowly began turning into cold gray soot.

"N….no.." Yuki-Hime gasped.

Her knees bucked, unable to support her weight any longer.

Yuki-Hime dropped to her knees beside where her mother had once been, and buried her face into her hands.

Just then, as if driving off these `human' actions, her demon instincts kicked in.

"You will pay." She growled. "No one kills my family, and live to see sun rise once again."

She launched at Lord Hojo, her fangs bared, and sharp nails flashed in sun light.

Lord Hojo attempted to scurry off his horse, and looked for assistance, but all his men had long inched away from the battle scene.

She had lost all her demon powers, but she still had her strong claws and fangs.

She lunged, and sliced off the Lord's head cleanly, not giving time for him to process the fact that he was hurt, and further more, dead.

From the dead man's body, a long figure stood up, or rather slid out, it's red eyes glaring at Yuki-Hime.

"You will pay.." It hissed.

Yuki-Hime somersaulted in the air, and landed on the ground, right next to his body.

"Get away from there!!!" a voice yelled, sending men, children, and women scurrying.

"You demon, I will slay you!!" Inuyasha bellowed, as he bared his Tetusaiga, ready to strike.

Yuki-Hime had broken the fall by landing on her knees, and was now staring the ground, solemnly as if praying.

"Inuyasha!!!" Miroku gasped, as he crouched, gasping for breath. "Think about us the next time….. We can't actually run, and jump over houses!!"

<Inuyasha……? Where have I heard of that name before………> Yuki-Hime thought, as KO was going on all around her.

"Shut up, Miroku, I have a score to set with this demon." Inuyasha growled.

"Yuki-Hime, you will pay…" it hissed again, as it snaked it's way out of the dead body.

Women and children shrieked.

It dropped on the ground, and the horse neiied, and ran away with the body still mounted, spilling red blood everywhere.

Yuki-Hime stood up quietly, and the large snake demon looked up, it's large crimson eyes raging with fury, and hoisted itself up.

It must have been over 10meters by the looks of it, and a wonder how it fit in the man's body.

"So you're the damn demon that took over that freak's body." Inuyasha snorted. "Can't do anything without a human huh?"

"Shhhhhaaaattttt uppppp, you haaaaalf deemoon." The snake demon hissed. "Yoouurrr huuumaaan smmmmeel, I cannnnt staaandd it!!"

He lunged at Inuyasha, and Inuyasha stuck his sword out, ready to make Kazeno-Kizu happen.

Just then, the snake stopped abruptly.

"IIIwwwwwiiiilllll ggeeeeeet Hiiimeeeee first!!" The demon hissed, as it shot at Yuki-Hime.

All of her 6 senses had been ruined, and she could not move in time to avoid the attack.

The snake opened its mouth wide, and its well built fangs shining white against the cold black mouth. Its scales glittered in the sun, as it slammed right into Yuki-Hime, and injected its poison from its long fangs, right into her neck.

"Agh…." Yuki-Hime gasped, as she fell slowly, her face twisted with agony.

"Damn it!!!" Inuyasha and Miroku cursed, as the girl fell limply onto the solid ground, long gone from consciousness.

The snake uncoiled, it's fangs gleaming with Yuki-Hime's blood, sneering.

Kagome saw a faint, pink light in it's body. A Shikon-Shard.

It's long body glistering in the sun in a dangerous color of orange, it's fierce eyes set on Inuyasha………………………R 30;…

To be continued…….

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AN: Yes, a very weird and scary beginning.

Pretty bloody too.

I didn't mean it! I mean, I've never written anything bloody, and brutal, so this is my first…. I wonder what I should rate it now… (^.^;

Please R*R!!!

Comments welcome!!!