InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Different but the Same ❯ What's going on now? ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


+^ 'Different but the Same'

(Chapter Four) +^ What's going on now?

'Stupid hanyou don't even notice me yet. This will be easy to take what I came for.' Said the being in the tree.

" Hey, Kirara do you want to see how you look?" Asked Sango.

' I will take what is rightfully mine.' The figure in the tree chanted.

"Yes." Kirara replied. They begin to walk to the spring.

" Miroku-san thought I was you at first sight my lady."

" He did? Did he ah..."

"Grope me? Yes, It didn't feel right, so I hit him."

"Well you do kind-of look like me," said Sango.

They made it to the spring and Kirara begin to take in her appearance.

" Yes, my lady I do look like you in away and myself."

She looked at her bangs.

They have golden-orange streaks while the rest of her hair is black.

She looked at her orange eyes and then notice her eyes lids were the same color.

She found-out her color part of her kimono the same color as her bang that has Golden-orange streaked hair.

Her bottom covers the same color as Sango's and her sandals as well.

" Wow! My lady is beautiful. I didn't know if think it, it would come true!"

Kirara said while smiling at Sango.

Sango only returned the smile with a little blush.

/Meanwhile at camp/

Inuyasha grabbed Shippou and hit him on the head.

" OOOWWWWW. KAGOMEEEEE!" Whined Shippou.

" Let go stupid doggy." Whined Shippou.

Inuyasha hit him again and then shook him.

Shippou dropped the candy bar his was holding.


"Yes? Oh Shippou~... SIT!"

BAM! " Stupid wench it's my candy bar."

" Well, you shouldn't have teased Shippou, and maybe he wouldn't have grabbed it!" Shouted Kagome.

" Knowing full well that you like kissing dirt. " She muttered to under her breath.

Even though she knew he would hear her.

' I agree with the girl.' Smirked the figure.

+^~ Later on at night ~^+

Everyone except Inuyasha went to sleep.

Well, he eyelids were heavier than normal and so once they shut he went on to dream land.

Now everyone is asleep because a certain handsome being put a sleeping spell on the camp.

'Now dear half-brother, I get what is rightfully MINE.'

He went into the camp took a certain girl in his arms used her hand to grab a certain sword and took to the air.

' Now, I take my leave.'

At that time of night you could hear nothing but peacefully sleeping companions.

+^` Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah